"Dad, it seems to be the elder brother in front, and the elder brother." Zhang Nan sat on the co-pilot and saw the car parked outside the exit, chatting with the two standing together.

"This kid, really, said he didn't need to come and pick it up." Father Zhang shook his head.

Wang Hao did not wait long at this highway intersection, and soon saw the Volkswagen sedan driven by Zhang Fu.

"Aunt Uncle is here." Fang Bing saw the car that was paying.

"Well." There was a gentle flash in Wang Hao's eyes, and there was more smile on his face.

"Don't be nervous, people are nice."

Wang Hao glanced at Ling Yan next to him. The gentle smile on his face also infected Ling Yan a lot, and his nervous heart relaxed slightly.

"Your boy, just tell us the address, and you have to come over, Xiaobing, I haven't seen you in a long time, my body is stronger." Good sound.

"Dad, I haven't seen you for so long. I'll see you in advance. It's not too late. Will you solve it outside tonight?" Wang Hao smiled and said.

Family is very important in his heart. Perhaps it is precisely because of the experience that he has lost that he knows how to cherish it more.

"It's convenient to eat outside." Father Zhang looked at the time and nodded.

"Dad, this is what I told you, Ling Yan." Wang Hao introduced Ling Yan to Zhang Fu.

"Good uncle." Ling Yan asked nervously.

"Okay, don't be nervous." Father Zhang smiled gently, and Wang Hao had told him about Ling Yan's life.

Ling Yan's life reminds Zhang Father of Wang Hao, which is similar to Wang Hao. He has great sympathy for Ling Yan in his heart, but Father Zhang did not reveal much.

Because he considered Ling Yan's self-esteem, he was afraid to stimulate this little girl who had just experienced pain.

"Let's go, let's go to the place to eat and talk again." Zhang father said, chatting at the high-speed exit is really not very good.

"Good." Wang Hao nodded.

"Dad, you drive a little more carefully, I take my brother's car." Zhang Xin said with a smile, without waiting for consent, took Zhang Nan into Wang Hao's car.

"You really have an elder brother and don't want your parents. Come on, you must be more careful yourself." Zhang Zhang smiled and scolded Zhang Xin.

Wang Hao smiled, and he likes it very much. This is affection.


A relatively high-end restaurant in Gancheng, with soft lights overflowing.

"Tiange ... Tiange ..." Wu Xiong walked into a private room with a touch of joy.

"What's wrong." Han Tian glanced at Wu Xiong and said.

"Hao Brother, here." Wu Xiong, with a touch of excitement, listened to Han Tian's legend from Han Tian's mouth. He had longed for a long time, especially after seeing him this afternoon.

He felt that Brother Hao was more legendary than Han Tian said.

"No phone or text message to inform you?" Han Tian said with a look of joy, as if thinking of something, he said.

"No." Wu Xiong shook his head.

"Then don't disturb. Brother Hao's parents are coming, don't disturb him." Han Tian said after thinking about it. Now that he has experienced business, he has risen a lot in the world.

"Understood." Wu Xiong nodded.

What things are annoying, he still has a sense of balance, naturally did not deal with this matter.

"The dishes in this restaurant are good." Father Zhang looked at the dishes on the table, which were full of color and fragrance, and made people very appetite at first sight.

"It should be okay, give it a try." Wang Hao is also not sure about this place. He usually eats in the cafeteria of the Nantian Factory and rarely eats outside.

Wang Hao returned to Gancheng to eat outside no more than three times. He didn't know where the food was delicious, so he naturally followed Wu Xiongfa's address.

"I won't drink anymore, I will drive a little later, and eat quickly. I still want to see the villa you built." Father Zhang thought about it, and still didn't take the opportunity to see Wang Hao to drink, after all, he still had to drive .


Wang Hao nodded.


But Han Tian and Wu Xiong and others did not have the thought of eating, but looked at a private room curiously from time to time.

"Hao brother, they came out." Wu Xiong looked at Wang Hao seven or eight people and walked out of the private room.

"Brother, are we going to say hello." Han Ying said.

After Han Tian pondered for a while, "Say hello in the past."

"I knew it was you who settled the bill."

Wang Hao looked at the appearance of Han Tian and others. When he was ready to check out, the waiter said that someone had already helped him check out. He thought about it and knew it was Han Tian and others.

"Hao Brother, just when I lost one for my previous behavior." Wu Xiong smiled and touched his head.

"Okay, that's a good thing. Let's go first." Wang Hao waved carelessly and smiled to Han Tian and others.

Father Zhang and others have already waited outside, only Zhang Xin and Zhang Nan, and Ling Yan, three people in his car followed.

"Brother, what did you just say?" Zhang Xin asked curiously after he came out.

"It's okay, just that Wu Xiong, posted something online, so that the network has a misunderstanding of Nantian." Wang Hao drove the car, looked at the rear row through the rear view, Zhang Xin and Ling Yan holding hands together Nodded comfortably.

Zhang Xin did not see him at the time, showing a strong resistance, but was very good for Ling Yan. After a meal, Zhang Xin whispered with Ling Yan without chatting with anyone. Fast.

I grew up and matured! !

Wang Hao sighed Zhang Xin, feeling that Zhang Xin really grew up, grew up quickly, and was sensible.

"Brother, your name is a bit misunderstood? You are all scolded online, and Nantian is also yours?" Zhang Xin took out his phone and checked it online.

This investigation suddenly shocked her. Now Nantian Automobile, the public opinion on the Internet can be said to be one-sided, and there is a lot of scolding.

"Yeah, some public opinion, just have a response plan, don't be nervous, it's a trivial matter ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wang Hao smiled and drove the car seriously.

"... Brother .. Your heart is really big." Zhang Xin looked at his brother who didn't care at all, and he said a few words for a long time.

The scolding on the Internet can be said to be piece by piece. She took it in for a moment, and she felt a kind of pressure.

"Public opinion, maybe, when you enter the entertainment circle, the pressure of public opinion you face is not small." Wang Hao reminded Zhang Xin heartily, he did not object to Zhang Xin's desire to sing and want to enter the entertainment circle.

But on the pressure of public opinion, Wang Hao has also seen the impact this time. Although it does not matter to him, but after seeing the power of public opinion, he still has to give Zhang Xin a preventive injection.

"Brother, I was a little scared by what you said." Zhang Xin looked at the phone. She took a little bit of public opinion and knew that she couldn't be as calm as her brother.

"This time it's really exaggerated. This has a direct relationship with people's distrust of Huaguo Automobile."

Wang Hao smiled, this time the public opinion is indeed too large, it is very rare.

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