Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 216: Balanced electric motorcycle

"Brother Hao, please don't say anything, I don't want to lose my spirit, can I do it?" Fang Bing's face was bitter, and there was a strong twist in the words, which interrupted Wang Hao's words. Since the third time, Wang Hao never looked back.

It's just that while working on the computer with some designs that Fang Bing can't understand, he said endlessly without saying a word in the middle.

"Uh ..." Wang Hao listened to something different, and his tone slightly changed. He looked back at Fang Bing, who looked sullen, and suddenly felt that his conscience could not pass, as if he had been too educated.

Since the first two times, Wang Hao has dedicated himself to two purposes, while coping with Fang Bing, while filling the soul chicken soup casually.

It seems that the chicken soup is too fierce.

Wang Hao looked at Fang Bingsheng's irresistible expression and murmured in his heart.

"Young man, the consciousness is very high, I will give you a good thing later." Wang Hao thought about it, stood up, and patted Fang Bing's shoulder again, a picture of you is a good boy, the prodigal son turned back and did not change the gold, I The bitter mother-in-law does not have an in vain expression.

In fact, Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing's speechless expression, with a bitter look in his heart, and he thought about it for a while, and he really felt a little unhappy.

"Uncle, Hao, you are too good to say, I am convinced." Fang Bing secretly vowed that the lesson this time was too painful. Every time he launched an impact, Wang Hao was taken to the ditch with a few words of words. .

His retreats made him very speechless. Today, he was awakened. Do n’t argue with Wang Hao in the future. Otherwise, Wang Hao, who has become an educator, is really terrible.

"The parts I want are here, help me move in, don't look like a bully, or else people think I have done something to you here." Wang Hao laughed and laughed.

Fang Bing waved weakly and walked towards the outside. Looking at the plant, there were three trailers and dragged in honestly.

"Hao Brother, what are you going to do, how does it look like a motorcycle?" Fang Bing looked at him curiously after pulling in the parts, and Wang Hao didn't sit in front of the computer.

Instead, they began to assemble these parts, and slowly assembled the outline, so that Fang Bing looked like a motorcycle.

"Yes, I get some transportation tools in the villa." Wang Hao twisted the wrench and tightened the screw. At this moment, he missed it very much. Project one, at least no need to do it by himself.

However, in this plant, there are many people, and Project No. 1 is still too conspicuous.

"Hao brother, don't Nantian have a lot of electric cars, just take a few cars and you're fine." Fang Bing looked at the busy Wang Hao and couldn't help reminding.

"There are some ideas, I want to try it." Wang Hao carefully took out a square device from the corner.

"What's this?" Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao so seriously, but he didn't see what this thing was for.

"It's for balance, you will know it in a moment." Wang Hao is not a slapstick. It is a little troublesome to explain, but after assembly, it shows that it explains a lot.

Engine, battery ... Fang Bing looked at the items installed in the frame, and then put on large motorcycle tires, an electric motorcycle, formed in Wang Hao's hands.

"Hero, this is the balance you said?"

Fang Bing looked at the assembled motorcycle, which was like a racing motorcycle, with a large body and a shape similar to those of racing motorcycles.

After assembling the motorcycle, he actually saw the motorcycle and stood there without any fulcrum.

"Yes, this is the balancing device." Wang Hao looked at the standing motorcycle with satisfaction. In fact, as Fang Bing said, the villa can actually be used. The Nantian electric car can solve the mobility problem, but he has some ideas to try. Some data should also be collected.

"Hao brother, why are you pushing a motorcycle." Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao and gently pushed the motorcycle with both hands. He asked curiously. He felt that every time he brought out something new, he was like a pupil. , Full of curiosity.

"This device currently has no data, and needs to be completed through memory." Wang Hao explained, and then pushed it lightly, "You also come to help, don't try too much first."

After researching the robot's balancing device, Wang Hao found that it was not very stable and performed well on relatively flat roads.

But the environment that the robot faces is not all flat roads, because the mountain is behind the villa, so Wang Hao is going to look at the actual application effect of the balancing device in other places, collect some data of the memory balancing device, and perfect it. This balancing device.

"This is the tumbler, Hao, how about giving me this motorcycle." Fang Bing looked forward, standing on the other side of the motorcycle, and pushed up with Wang Hao.

With Wang Hao's command, the power is getting bigger and bigger, and even the motorcycle is pushed, almost to the ground, and this slowly stops.

"It was originally intended to give you one." Wang Hao hit Fang Bing before and looked at Fang Bing's sly expression. He was really a little sad.

"Hao brother, I knew that you were still very good to me, but can this motorcycle go on the road?" Fang Bing's eyes lit up, looking at the motorcycle, he thought of a problem.

"This is an electric car, and it's not fuel. It will be hung directly under the Nantian electric car at that time."

Wang Hao thought of a solution long ago. Although this car is very similar to a motorcycle, its predecessor has a thick design and a balance device, but at first glance, it feels like a fuel tank.


"Mr. Ma, do you have no arrangement for the No. 3 plant?" Teng Qi's Mr. Ma, after walking around Ma Qing at the Nantian factory, a look of regret appeared in his eyes.

Nantian's car, in his opinion, does not have any false ingredients. Even he even drove a car that was produced. The good handling makes him confident in Nantian's car.

Unfortunately, Nantian did not have the idea of ​​financing ~ ~ Tengqi Group President Ma, looking at Ma Qing with his own surname, the regret in his eyes grew stronger. After reading it, he knew that Nantian Auto was listed and would be absolutely shocked. Dumb people.

"There is no arrangement at the moment ..." Ma Qinghua just opened his mouth, and there was a wry smile on his face, because the door of Factory No. 3 opened as soon as he opened it.

Let Ma Qing think of the face that Gan Xi's mayor Liu Xi inspected at that time, and then just exported the face.

After the opening of the No. 3 plant, four motorcycles with very different shapes suddenly appeared, and the four rode out with helmets.

Ma Qing's eyes lit up immediately. Although the motorcycle had no color, the shape was very domineering. What made Ma Qing more happy was that these four motorcycles were fast, but they didn't pay much noise.

"Is this electric?" Ma Qing thought secretly. After all, he was the person in charge of the Nantian factory. He also knew the Nantian electric car very well, and naturally knew the possibilities.

These four motorcycles all exude a sharp, domineering body, as if letting him see the fiery sales.

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