"Principal, you called me over for this matter?" Wang Hao sat in the principal's office and shook his head with a wry smile.

"Otherwise, there is something else, rest assured, this has a detailed use plan, any embezzlement, you can be held accountable for my legal responsibility." Liu Xiao took a few sheets of a4 paper with dense contents on it.

"OK." Wang Hao looked at the a4 paper, which had detailed use of funds. He also knew that the principal called himself over to make donations.

Wang Hao's face appeared a little weird. In fact, the money was not much, that is, 200,000. According to Fang Bing, I went up and down in millions of minutes. You actually talked to me about a business of more than 100,000.

"Principal, I see that there are many things that need to be improved in the teaching aids. So, the donated funds have been raised to two million, and there is no need to make any project budgets. I will make a contribution to my alma mater." Wang Hao confronted Liu School in Gancheng No. 1 Middle School is very respectful, and most of the plans are purchased for each branch.

Liu School can be said to be one of Wang Hao's few elders. Although he didn't have many contacts, Wang Hao agreed with what Liu Xiao did.

In order to support the aid program, even to a certain extent, it has affected the teaching of Gancheng No. 1 Middle School, and according to his last understanding, since Gancheng carried out the aid program, most of Liu Xiao ’s time and effort have been invested To various teaching points.

Liu School is an educator who really regards education as a lifeline. This is what Wang Hao admires most. For more than ten years, he is struggling on the front line of education.

"Two million?" Liu Xiaoxiao looked slightly dumbfounded, but he was immediately excited, and what made him even more excited was Fang Bing's words.

"Principal, although I don't have as much money as Haoge, but one million can still be used to buy some extra-curricular readings for children in the mountains."

Fang Bing read the content on the a4 paper, and could not help saying that these contents were not used to promote the teaching of Gancheng No. 1 Middle School, but to help children in the mountains.

Let each teaching point have musical instruments and have some amateur courses, instead of many courses like the present, many teaching points can only abandon courses like music.

Wang Hao nodded his head. In fact, he did not think about it. He donated more. According to his thinking, these two million, plus one million from the upper army.

A total of 3 million to solve some fundamental problems is enough.

"Thank you, I thank you on behalf of the children." Liu Xiao looked at the faces of Wang Hao and Fang Bing, and his heart was full of blood, as if he had seen Wang Hao back then.

The feeling revealed in the bones is that poor people are better off, while rich people are better off. This feeling is not only seen in Wang Hao, who is only about twenty years old, but he has to be emotional. Wang Hao is indeed worth a lot of people. respect.

"Principal, if you say that, you are too polite." Wang Hao looked at Liu Xiaoxiao's slightly old face. He knew that Liu Xiaoxiao would be back in September.

At this final juncture, Liu Xiao was thinking of seeking welfare for his children, which made him admire him.

After Wang Hao and Fang Bing met Teacher Zhou, they came out of Gancheng School. In a cafe, they watched carefully that Liu Xiaohua came up with a very skillful speed and once again came up with a fund use plan and a fund use. contract.

The contract for the use of funds is a three-party contract. The school, Liu School, and donors also have strict requirements for the use of funds. Once the power is discovered, Wang Hao and Fang Bing can be held accountable.

"Liu School, a person with a strong sense of responsibility." Fang Bing sighed and looked at his contract for the use of funds.

"September next year, Liu School will retire, I have some ideas." Wang Hao seriously looked at the contract and fund use plan in his hand.

"What's the idea." Fang Bing asked curiously.

"Fund Manager." Wang Hao's eyes flashed a thought, Liu Xiaoqi's people, caring, reminded him of the foundation to be established.

"But Liu Xiao should have no experience in this respect?" Fang Bing also heard about Wang Hao's fund, but he thought of a problem.

"Experience is not the most important. Professional people are there to assist. Management does not require Liu School to participate too much. Liu School ’s sense of responsibility is the most precious and sincere. I will ask Liu Xiao what it means. Wang Hao's eyes showed a ray of light, and the more he thought, the more suitable Liu Xiao was in this position.

"This is the case." Fang Bing thought for a while, and it is indeed so. Now professionals are not difficult to find, and it is only those reassuring managers.


Li Ying stepped into the agreed cafe and there were not many people sitting in it. After glancing at it, she didn't feel like it. This cafe is near the school.

Is completely different from the high-end cafe she imagined. This should only be for schools, with only a few bits and pieces.

"Will it be them?" Li Ying glanced around and saw only two young people, feeling more likely. One of them was wearing a light gray casual suit, while the other was wearing ordinary casual clothing. Laughing and chatting.

"Hello, is this Mr. Wang Hao?"

Fang Bing was chatting with Wang Hao, but suddenly a woman in professional attire came over and said to herself ~ www.readwn.com ~ A light makeup, and a smart dress, frightened Fang Bing.

"Li Ying of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China?" Wang Hao said with a smile. He was waiting for Li Ying of ICBC in this cafe.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Wang, I just recognized the wrong person." Li Ying had only seen Wang Hao's back before, and in terms of clothing, he was preconceived and regarded Fang Bing as Wang Hao.

r /> She has read the information. It has been a year or two since Wang Hao ’s card was processed. It ’s okay to change his face, but now that I ’m close, I can see Wang Hao ’s face similar to the information she saw. The place.

She knew she had confessed her mistakes, and she was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, let's get to the topic, I want to ask you what kind of conditions are required to apply for a child-mother card?" Wang Hao smiled indifferently. From the perspective of selling, Fang Bing wears more high-end than him.

"Just provide it and apply for it. If you need it, I can handle it and send it to you." Li Ying did not neglect because of Wang Hao's age. Human achievements are very unrealistic.

"Then you help me to do it, right, before you said you want to do a return visit?" Wang Hao actually just wanted to know about the processing of the child-mother card, because he was going to give Zhang Zhang and Zhang Xin, Zhang Nan and Zhang Nan, It ’s troublesome to get a card, or the money will be beaten.

So there was such a meeting, as for the return visit, in his view, only after solving his own affairs, by the way.

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