"This operation is so beautiful ... It is estimated that only Haoge, you can play such an operation." After listening to Wang Hao's introduction, Fang Bing could imagine that the villa was like a military base.

Any wind and grass can't escape Wang Hao's eyes, and Fang Bing also knows that if Wang Hao wants to consider concealment, then absolutely normal people can't find it.

Fang Bing had already seen Wang Hao's technology. According to his words, this is a level that mortals cannot understand.

"Safety, we still have to guarantee it." Wang Hao smiled, and continued the modification of the drone without thinking.

And under the assembly of Engineering One, the mechanical spiders formed one by one and went out, and Wang Hao also stopped the modification of the drone in his hand, and a new type of drone was formed in his hand.

He actually changed the accessories inside, and then added something.

This time, Father Zhang and four went to play. He just happened to use these three days to transform the villa. Safety is only the first step, and there are some experiences in the villa. Wang Hao also has a design plan.

"Hao Brother, this shouldn't be a robot, how can I look like a motorcycle frame?" Fang Bing stared blankly at Project One, and Wang Hao was busy, feeling like he was redundant, watching Wang Hao is very interested in every step.

"This is an off-road motorcycle, ready to collect balance data in the mountains." Wang Hao looked at the computer, looked up at Project No. 1, the content being assembled, and said with a smile.

"How many cars are you going to assemble?" Fang Bing heard the word off-road, his eyes straightened a bit, and he looked directly at Project No. 1 to assemble a perfect off-road motorcycle step by step.

"Two cars, we can go to the mountains and play with them in a while." Wang Hao hit the keyboard again, and slowly a topographic map appeared on the computer, with some red dots on it.

Fang Bing saw at a glance that this was the topographic map around the villa. Just when he was a little stunned, he heard the click again.

Looked down and saw that the mechanical spider actually came back one by one, but the round turtle shell on the mechanical spider had disappeared and was empty.

Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao, from time to time took out a metal ball, put it on these spiders, and a round turtle shell appeared again.

"Hero, this is not one?" Fang Bing originally thought that the metal ball and the mechanical spider are one, but now it seems that these mechanical spiders are just moving workers.

"No, these mechanical spiders can only be regarded as a maintainer, digging a deep hole in the biodetector." Wang Hao looked at the map formed on the computer and nodded.

The monitoring around the villa has been completed, this time, it is better to place it further and expand the scope.


"There are still some mountain roads." Lan Wei frowned and glanced. The original four people now became five.

In addition to Guo Tang and his girlfriend, there was one more person, a man named Ye Fan.

At this time he looked at Guo Tang, and finally guessed some Guo Tang's ideas. This man named Ye Fan encountered them after they got off the plane.

It seems that everything is a coincidence, but Lan Wei knows that the blend of Guo Tang or his girlfriend is indispensable, maybe it is the same for both people, because he can see that Ye Fan cares about Guo Yu.

He is not stupid anymore, and he can see that this man named Ye Fan came for Guo Yu specifically.

"I have been away for two hours. I already know how good it is to rent a helicopter directly." Ye Fan said, frowning.

Lan Wei frowned slightly. Before entering the mountain, he had told the three men to walk for two to three hours, but it did n’t take long before they left. This fan called Ye Fan was showing off with nothing and nothing. Your own financial resources.

Picked them up in a luxury car, and now he said he would rent a helicopter.

"Ye Fan, you can go out now, it's too late, it won't take long before you go out." Guo Yu looked at Ye Fan angrily, and then looked at his cousin Guo Tang.

She did n’t know where, the two had colluded for a long time, and the encounter was arranged directly at the airport. They sneered at Lan Weiming along the way, and had already made her angry, if Lan Wei let her along the way Controlling her emotions, she broke out long ago.

"Don't be noisy, you feel tired, go out and wait for us now." Lan Wei admitted that his temper inherited his teacher, but now he is also a little angry and his face is cold.

He can't see where this is. This is Guo Yu's cousin. He colluded with Ye Fan to grab his girlfriend. He didn't really want to have a conflict with Guo Yu's cousin.

Ye Fan and Guo Tang glanced at each other, and exchanged their eyes. They silently did not speak or argue again, but Ye Fan's eyes stared at Lan Wei maliciously, not knowing what to think about.

"Let's go." Lan Wei glanced at the two of them, patted Guo Yu, and shook his head gently, let Guo Yu glance at the two, and walked toward the front.

Ye Fan looked at Lan Wei's movements, and Guo Yu responded, a bit of jealousy appeared in his eyes. He looked at Lan Wei with his teeth, and followed.


"Hero, this motorcycle can really climb the mountain directly?" Fang Bing stared at the motorcycle with huge wheels. The wheels are estimated to be one meter in width, and the width is about the size of a fist.

"What I do is much better than your off-road." Wang Hao said angrily. He spent his hard work on this off-road motorcycle ~ www.readwn.com ~ Compared to balancing motorcycles, he has put more effort.

"Brother Hao, I don't believe in anyone, and I won't believe in you." Fang Bing said a smile and said.

Wang Hao considers the off-road performance. This motorcycle can be said to be developed for all-terrain models. Not only does it have a balancing device, but the engine is also rare. It uses electric and oil two-wheel drive to ensure the power of climbing.

The most important balance device has also been adjusted by Wang Hao for the mountain, which makes the climbing safety higher and can automatically adjust the center of gravity of the motorcycle.

"Let's go, Lan Wei said that he has come back. Today he will bring his girlfriend into the mountain. We will have a surprise and show up." Wang Hao's evil interest also came, and he happened to be testing a motorcycle.

He was about to cross a dozen kilometers of mountain roads to the Lanjia village where he had aided before to give Lan Wei a startle.

"This is possible. Let's go now. I think Lan Wei sees our appearance, and I feel very wonderful." Fang Bing said with a smile, as if thinking of Lan Wei's surprise.

Wang Hao nodded his head. After the monitoring range of the villa was fixed, he sent the villa's renovation design to the chip of Engineer No.1, and the villa's renovation would not require him to get it.

It ’s enough to get the project on the 1st. He can just collect the balance data of this off-road motorcycle to perfect the balance system he researched.

PS: Many storytellers said yesterday that the way walnuts ask for subscriptions is wrong.

This time Walnut hurts. This is a kind of education. He is half naked. His clothes are not covered. He silently put a big bowl in front and shouted loudly: "I want to buy a Mercedes. Let ’s subscribe. "

This way should be right ...

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