Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 247: Professional vulnerability tester

The next day, Wang Hao got up and looked at Fang Bing, who was still sitting in front of the computer, and shook his head involuntarily. Without thinking, he knew that Fang Bing was forced to stay overnight.

"Hero, you are such a fun game. I can survive for up to 30 minutes." Fang Bing looked at Wang Hao and said excitedly.

"You didn't sleep?" Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing and walked to the computer in front of the workbench to sit down.

"I said that your tester is really dedicated. One night there were so many vulnerabilities in the test. Fifty-eight of them were found. Counting the ones you found before, you discovered nearly a hundred vulnerabilities. If you really have one, you can go for one. The professional vulnerability tester of the game. "Wang Hao looked at the computer and the feedback data given by Dragon Brain.

"." Fang Bing stayed blank, looking at Wang Hao unable to refute.

He suddenly thought that this tm is a technology house, and a game house like him, it is completely two planes.

"You all night, it seems that today you can't explore the cave." Wang Hao shook his head. Fang Bing had been so energetic all night. Today, he certainly has no energy. The plan to explore the cave will naturally be delayed.

"I will sleep for a while, and in the afternoon will be guaranteed to be alive." Fang Bing said after thinking about it.

He was indeed addicted last night, forgetting Wang Hao ’s plan to explore the caves with equipment today.

"Okay, you take a quick rest, we will pick up Lan Wei at noon, and Guo Yu, go to the villa." Wang Hao thought about it, and there was no problem in the afternoon detection, as long as it was not at night.

If it is night, it is indeed a little inconvenient.

"Early, I will stop eating, I will take a break." Fang Bing nodded, walked directly towards the sofa, and fell asleep.

"Go to bed and go to bed." Before Wang Hao finished his words, he heard a voice from Fang Bing and shook his head. He found a quilt and put it on Fang Bing.

Then made a phone call to inform Lan Wei, let him freely move in the morning, and then pick them up.

"Mayor, why don't you go back first." Qin Zhun looked at Liu Xi. As the police chief of Gancheng, the three gangsters didn't catch him, and he was also anxious.

"Don't bring me back, your task is to catch the three gangsters as soon as possible, don't care about me." Liu Xi was not assured, but he came in person now, except for the police force for managing public security and emergency. Police are mobilized here.

Was to find the three fugitives as soon as possible. He didn't catch them if he didn't catch them, because if one is bad, he will die.

This time was not a simple thief, but a gangster with dozens of murders and strong anti-reconnaissance and fighting skills.

"No news yet?" Liu Xi looked dignified and looked at the time. It had been going on for a day and night, but thousands of police forces went into the mountains to search, but there was no news at all.

"No." Qin Zhun shook his head.

Liu Xi's face became more and more dignified. This day and night, he could not eat well and sleep well, but the three gangsters had no news.

"Eh when there is an extra road there." Liu Xi looked at the construction site outside, and he suddenly found that there was a road that started to extend from here and could not see the end.

"It seems that a rich man opened it, and at the end is a villa." Qin Zun saw this road before, and sent people to explore it. There is a villa in it, and no one lives yet.

Liu Xi did not speak, but looked at the distance a bit stunned. A car, a Mercedes-Benz appeared, and he was very impressed by the Mercedes-Benz.

"It's Mr. Wang's car."

Dong Hua, as Liu Xi's secretary, naturally followed Liu Xi's side and also found the Mercedes-Benz.

"Is this an accident?" Wang Hao watched many police cars parked on an open space, and in the distance was the construction site of the office buildings of several of his companies.

"It won't really happen!" Fang Bing's heart tightened, but this is his territory. If something really happened, he couldn't run away.

"Go and see." Wang Hao glanced, although he didn't hear any feedback from Feng Wei, but in a responsible manner, he drove over and stopped.

But as soon as he got out of the car, he saw a familiar person and walked towards himself.

"Mayor Liu, did the site have an accident?" Wang Hao looked around. The site is still under normal construction. I can't help but wonder. This is not like the accident.

"The construction site is okay, but something happened in this mountain. Three fugitives ran into the deep mountain and are now arresting." Liu Xi looked at Wang Hao and the construction site under construction. The villa should be Wang Hao's.

This is obviously the person in charge of several large companies, want to please the boss, so he will build an office building here, so he really thought that there is a large zf project, was leaked out.

Wang Hao let out a sigh of relief. He looked at the other policemen. His face was very dignified. There was a signal car parked there. From time to time, some drones flew up.

"The fugitive is very powerful?" Wang Hao looked at other people's solemn faces and said roughly speculatively.

Qin Zhun glanced at Liu Xi and Wang Hao again, not knowing how to speak, and he did n’t know who this king was.

"Very powerful, the country hasn't seized it for six years." Liu Xi nodded.

"Okay, I will help you find it." Wang Hao thought about it. Such a gangster would find it better sooner or later.

"Yeah, I almost forgot you." Liu Xi's eyes lit up. If Wang Hao didn't say, he almost forgot. Wang Hao was the leader of the Yanda Light team.

Liu Xi has always regarded Wang Hao as a few

The boss of a big company has forgotten Wang Hao's technical strength.

"Come with me, my tools are in the villa." Wang Hao smiled. He had just come up with the exploration drone, and he encountered such a thing.

"Director Qin Zhun, who is this person?" Ji Hua followed Wang Hao and drove into the villa in the depths, saying with some doubt.

"I don't know either, just follow it." Qin Jun did not lie. He really didn't know Wang Hao.

"Mr. Wang, your drone does not seem to be the same?" Liu Xi looked at the Mercedes-Benz car and took out the drone, his eyes lit up.

"Specially made." Wang Hao took the drone down ~ ~ Now Tianbing's unmanned aerial vehicles are used for multiple occasions, and were originally used only for rescue.

Gancheng naturally also purchased a part of it, and there are also smart people who know to use thermal drones to find people in the mountains, but his drone is different.

Not only has a more powerful battery, a longer distance signal, but also has biological detection, night vision and other functions, and has a certain degree of aggression.

"Fang Bing, you take Lan Wei, go to my garage, take out the previous eight drones, and let them go to the ground." Wang Hao has more than such a drone in his hand.

He had previously reconstructed several drones that monitored the villa, which was also useful at this time.

"Okay." Fang Bing responded quickly and went to the garage to get the drone.

"Everyone, please come in." Wang Hao opened the door of the villa with a clue.

Liu Xi nodded and walked in, and Qin Jun and Ji Hua, as well as several policemen who followed, looked at each other and walked in. Didn't they come to catch the fugitive?

And drones, they do n’t have it either. Why did Mayor Liu take this view of Wang Hao so seriously, Qin Zhun is not going to stay here anymore, originally thought that there is really a better way for this Wang, but he did n’t expect It is also a drone.

Drones they tried, although they can indeed do the search function, but because of the signal, these drones cannot go deep into the mountains, which greatly restricts the use of drones.

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