Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 251: Should Haoge open the game? Shall we play?

In the night, in a villa in a deep mountain, a burst of wailing suddenly came out.

"Hero, why can't the game work?" Fang Bing looked like he was in Factory No. 3, disconnected.

"I didn't say that, I set up an eleven o'clock on time service, hurry to sleep for me, don't delay me again tomorrow." Wang Hao's voice came from the building.

Fang Bing's face collapsed in an instant, listening to the sound from the headset, showing a bitter smile.

"Soldier, this game is disconnected, what's going on."

"Yeah, Bingye, how did you disconnect, and where else to find such awesome games, but the difficulty is really too high."

Fang Bing listened to the voice of the headset. He played relatively boring by himself. After asking Wang Hao's permission, he immediately started to form a gang and formed a survival team of up to fifty people.

"Don't mention, the game is closed, I will open it next time, I will tell you again." Fang Bing also looked at the time with a bitter face, exactly eleven o'clock.

"Don't, Bingye, go to bed and let Haoge open the game again. Let's play, we will not delay Haoge's things !!"

Fang Bing heard this sentence, as if he didn't hear it. He twitched his heart and thought it was beautiful. Since I can't play it anymore, you are still playing with me behind your back.

Chen Chi looked at the computer screen in front of him and listened to the words in the headset. He had just kept Mai closed and did not speak. He shook his head with regret in his face and edited a text message and sent it out.

Thinking of all the previous games, he looked at a similar survival game in the computer, but he had lost his motivation. Thinking of the game like Sanwu, but the quality, operation, or gameplay made him addicted. In it.

"This game doesn't seem to even have a name." As a star, Chen Chi was addicted to the game and didn't speak, but the game made him forget it for a long time.

The zombies in, as well as the fighting between the same kind, all reflect the cruelty of the end time. In this game, he even felt the beauty of peace and produced an anti-war sentiment towards reality.

"When will this game be available?" Chen Chi thought of this game and felt like he was going crazy. This game really made him addicted.

"No, I will find a way to contact him, the soldier."

He was not invited directly, but he was invited by an anchor, but he was still very easy to find the contact information of that soldier.

A moment later, he got the contact information of a soldier from a host. He didn't even think about it and called him directly.

"Ho, my phone is about to be exploded." Fang Bing was crying with a sad face, watching the phone ring again, he could not remember how many times he answered the phone.

"Shut down, go out, I'm going to sleep." Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing and sat at the computer desk in the bedroom. The mobile graphics workstation he carried all the year round was placed on the computer desk.

"Hey, hello, which one."

Fang Bing looked bitter. After shutting down the server just now, his phone was directly exploded, glanced down at the number without a contact, and picked it up.

After a moment, Fang Bing walked in again with a touch of excitement.

"Hero, your game, Chen Chi also played, superstar, this is superstar."

"Go out, if you do this again, I will delete the game."

Wang Hao looked back at Fang Bing, his eyes filled with a trace of aura.

"Uh, I didn't say anything. I went to Haoge to sleep, to see how good I was, and I helped you to bring the door before I left." Fang Bing said weakly, and said quickly, his voice was gentler than ever before.

Wang Hao shook his head and glanced at this game. He did n’t want to open it up, but he was afraid that Fang Bing would be up all night again. If he delayed him again, he would have the urge to kill Fang Bing.

Save some documents on the computer, close the graphics workstation, and Wang Hao is ready to sleep.

Early the next morning, Wang Hao got up early.

"No. 2, come to an early meal, noodle soup priority, I will eat after ten minutes."

After Wang Hao went downstairs, he opened the villa. At 6:30 in the morning, the mountains were filled with morning fog and surrounded the villa, like a fairyland. He looked at this beautiful scenery and felt unprecedentedly good.

He was jogging in the mountains and getting faster and faster. Even at Nantian Factory, he would get up early every day to go for a run and exercise his body.

"Hao Brother." Wang Hao just heard Fang Bing's voice not long after he started. I saw that Fang Bing was also in sportswear and ran towards him quickly.

"Yes, I still know exercise." Wang Hao glanced back, regardless of Fang Bing, and continued to run.

After some intense exercise, Fang Bing was sweating heavily, and some fine sweat also appeared on Wang Hao's forehead.

"Wow, come early." Fang Bing returned to the villa and looked at an extra bowl of noodles on the dining table.

"While going, arrange for No. 2 to do it yourself." Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing and wanted to sit down and ate, and kicked directly.

"Teacher, Fang Bing, early."

Lan Wei and Guo Yu only came down from the upstairs at this time, watching Wang Hao and Fang Bing, who had apparently finished their exercise, and then seeing that they had just prepared to go out to exercise.

"Early, what do you want to eat, let Fang Bing give you something." Wang Hao sat down and smiled at Lan Wei.

"Let's do it." Lan Wei and Guo Yu just spoke.

Looked at the kitchen in shock, only to see Fang Bing walked out of the kitchen, but their eyes fell on one of them.

Type steel body.

"Teacher, this is a new type of robot." Lan Wei also stared blankly at the kitchen, using various types of kitchenware flexibly.

"Yes, I will send you the technology in this respect, and you will have a good look at it ~ ~."

When Lan Wei still wanted to follow the previous technical route, Wang Hao already made a decision in his mind. Lan Wei will become a researcher in his research center, or one of his assistants in the field of computers and machinery .

But before that, Lan Wei will definitely help him with the technical matters of several major companies. Robot technology is also one of the most important.

Because of the robot launch plan next year, he needs a person who understands robot technology to sit in the company, and Lan Wei is the most suitable person he thinks.

"Okay." Lan Wei nodded seriously, not regretting his choice, because that's what he wanted.

"After eating, you take the tool to the natural cave." Wang Hao said to Fang Bing.

"Brother Hao, don't you pass?" Fang Bing froze and asked quickly.

"Don't pass, not just me, even Lan Wei and Guo Yu, neither will pass." Wang Hao shook his head, he didn't intend to pass, but only planned to operate remotely.

"Then I'm alone, isn't it dangerous?" Fang Bing looked bitter and looked at Wang Hao pitifully.

"Not dangerous, you are just a coolie, as long as you bring those tools to me, other things, nothing to do with you." Wang Hao said politely.

Fang Bing's mouth twitched, and he was again hit by a wave of technology from the house.

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