"Boss, this is Jing Xi, this is Shen Xiucheng. ◢Щщш.sUimEnG.lā" After Chu Tian sat down, he introduced Wang Hao.

"This is our boss, President Wang."

Jing Xi and Shen Xiucheng looked at the people who followed Wang Hao, and they no longer doubted. Before they came, they had done their homework. Naturally, they knew that Feng Wei and three of them were all managers of an enterprise.

"Hello, please sit down. I came to you this time. I hope to invite Mr. Jing to join our upcoming robot company as the manager of the enterprise." Wang Hao said with a smile.

"Mr. Chu has already told me, but can I look at your robot data?" Jing Xi slowly recovered his calm, it is because of Tianfeng Technology, Shuilan Environmental Protection, and Nantian Group. The boss's news is really shocking.

"Yes, you look at this." Wang Hao had already prepared for this, and asked him to explain, or prepare information, it was too much trouble, he could not do such a thing.

He naturally used a more concise method, using DragonBrain to use surveillance to view videos and issue commands.

Jing Xi and Shen Xiucheng looked at the slab passed over curiously, and they could see that it was a luxurious residence. When they were in doubt, they looked at the villa's lobby quietly, and Wang Hao spoke.

"Start." Wang Hao said after speaking.

Jing Xi and Shen Xiucheng were both confused. The two looked at several robots in the corner of the wall. At this moment, they actually moved. They started to pick up flexibly. There were two more robots, one tall and one short, actually In the hall, a dance started.

The two looked at the two steel bodies and danced. Although watching the activities of these robots, no one was flexible, but it was amazing enough.

"Isn't this synthetic?" An idea came out of Jing Xi's heart. The software technology of Tianfeng Technology was obvious to all.

"No, you can order by yourself and act according to your requirements, so you can see if it is synthesized at a glance." Wang Hao shook his head. These are the four robots in his house.

But now he is not very satisfied with these four robots. He is ready to wait for Yanjing. After going back, he will use the hardware developed by him to re-modify these robots to make them more flexible. And improve their own computing power.

"sit down."

"Crouch down."

Jing Xi tried it in surprise, and Shen Xiucheng looked at his wife with some envy. He knew that his boss thought it was a decision.

In such a promising industry, his wife can't see it. Even if he doesn't say it, he knows that his wife has jumped off, and he is not happy anymore.

"Have you finished reading?" Wang Hao looked at the two quietly, and slowly stopped, before speaking.

"Well, I don't know what requirements Mr. Wang has for the management of this robot company?" Jing Xi's face slowly returned to calm. She wanted to manage such a robot company.

But in the current situation, she has not yet become the manager of this robot enterprise, can only be said to be one of the candidates.

"Actually, before this, I have known you in many ways. In terms of management, you must be no problem, but this is not a traditional industry. After thinking for a while, it was still a question he had been worried about before.

That is the impact of the robot on the traditional industry after it went public, because this is a fundamental problem. If it is not handled well, it may cause social unrest.

"In this area, my idea is that there will be impact, but I will give the traditional industry enough time to transfer. In the beginning, I will start with the family, let the robot walk into each Every household ...

Later, it can be extended to online markets, such as online shopping, travel, tourism, air tickets, etc., we do not have to do it ourselves, but can use existing existing enterprises, such as digging treasure, coroutines and other existing The company has reached a strategic cooperation, of course, these ideas are built on technical support ... "

Jing Xi thought about it and began to introduce her understanding of robots. She thought it was clear that robots are for people, but people are composed of each family. Once this basic construction is completed, it will form Taking robot intelligence as the core, a brand new ecological chain is formed.

Wang Hao nodded involuntarily. Jing Xi said that although he was not the first to listen, he heard some other follow-up things.

Jing Xi watched Wang Hao listen to what he said very carefully, and was secretly excited in her heart. This robot, after only a moment of watching, she had a strong judgment. This can definitely form a new industry chain according to what she said. .

"General Jing, you are welcome to join, I hope you can arrange it as soon as possible, build the robot as soon as possible, and treat it with a level of other people. If you have any questions, please directly say." Wang Hao stood up, reached out and smiled Said.

"No, boss, I am honored to be able to join this big family." Jing Xi looked at the others and smiled kindly. Chu Tian told her about salary and treatment. Chu Tian's treatment made her really envious.



Feng Wei, Chu Tian, ​​Gu Shan, and Ma Qing also stood up and shook hands with Jing Xi.

"By the way, what does Mr. Shen do?" Wang Hao smiled, but he focused on Jing Xi's husband. He asked curiously, and he was also an executive in terms of demeanor.

"I am the CEO of Fantasy IB Server." Shen Xiucheng introduced himself.

However, Wang Hao's eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I don't know if Mr. Shen ~ www.readwn.com ~ has any idea to change the environment, I just have some hardware content in my hand." Wang Hao said with a smile, his hardware research was much smoother than he thought.

This time, Jing Xi ’s husband followed him, but he was actually in the hardware industry. He was naturally reluctant to let it go. If robots are an emerging industry and he still needs an interview, then in the hardware area, he does not need an interview at all. .

Because the position of executive president of Fantasy IB Server can be done, it has proved Shen Xiucheng's strength.

Shen Xiucheng was dumbfounded, glanced at Jingxi hesitantly, his expression a little hesitant.

"You can consider, consider, this is not anxious, I believe you will not be disappointed after you come in." Wang Hao saw Shen Xiucheng's hesitation, and did not persuade too much.

He didn't prepare for this idea, let alone the other party. He also took a temporary notice after he heard Shen Xiucheng's words. This had to give the other party time to consider. This kind of experienced manager just happened to come across.

Moreover, such managers may not have new ideas, new ideas, Wang Hao ’s idea is that it is a good thing to flicker one entry, it is better to flick the two people in.

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