While they were excited, they didn't notice that behind the wall of the fighting robot, a steel body slowly appeared.

"I hit the wrong robot. I'm here." Wang Hao watched the two enter his trap, smiled involuntarily, walked over, and patted the shoulder of the robot controlled by them.

Both hands turned fast at the same time, twisted the neck of the robot controlled by two people, twisted smoothly, the two were black again, and died again.

"If you don't play, it's totally abused. It's really boring. Hao brother, you rest and rest. We play by ourselves." Lan Wei said a little speechlessly. This kind of abuse really made him completely powerless to resist, too abnormal, each This kind of assassination is not just positive, the point is that it can't be played.

"Yeah, Haoge, let's play for yourself, you always rest and rest." Yang Lu also pleaded.

"Yes, you two are too good, and it's not interesting to abuse." Wang Hao took off his helmet, and the other person he abused really didn't mean anything.

He just tested the concealment, and the sound between walking, and there are some flexibility, and there are some places where he is still very satisfied. The concealment makes him have a new idea.

That is mechanical radar monitoring, because fighting robots are all made of steel, if coupled with this mechanical radar, there is nowhere to go.

"It seems that we should also study new concealed materials and mechanical radar."

Wang Hao groaned in his heart, conceived some ideas in his heart, if there was a response, it was cracked, he sat down and thought quietly.

And Lan Wei and Yang Lu were in separate battles.

In the next few days, Wang Hao assigned Yang Lu the task of researching that jet engine first. Anyway, Yang Lu was interested in jet engines.

This jet engine, for Wang Hao, must be used in the future, which is part of his plan.

And Lan Wei started to research some products for Tianfeng Technology Group, Wang Hao himself was working on fighting robots. Sometimes, three people often attacked some problems together.

Time is passing slowly. For students, a big event is happening, that is, the arrival of the summer vacation, and Zhang Xin came to Gancheng on the eve of the college entrance examination.

Stayed for more than ten days, under the guidance of Wang Hao, under the blessing of teaching the seventh level, without any doubt, Zhang Xin, who greatly improved, returned to Changnan and launched an impact on the top entrance exam.

And the summer vacation took another scene, when I was preparing for the summer vacation, I went to Yanjing to shoot.

"Xiaonan is estimated to be coming soon."

Wang Hao stretched out a lazy waist. After two months, he has made great progress in his football skills. The football coach has reached level 5, and the football skills have reached level 5.

If Wang Hao now shows his skills, he says he is playing professional football. No one suspects that smooth fluency and elegant spirit will make people feel amazing at first glance.

Even if Lan Wei and Yang Lu were watching Wang Hao's growth step by step, they couldn't help but admire it.

Quietly left in spring, fresh sprouts grew out of the mountains, a large green color enveloped the mountains, and the temperature also crossed from rainy spring to hot summer.

At this time, in Wang Hao ’s opinion, nothing big happened. There were only two things related to himself, not the big things. One was that the game named Ruin was listed, and once it was listed, it showed extremely strong. Competitiveness, it can be said that after this game goes on the market, no other similar game can survive.

Even if it is desperate survival, there is no way to struggle under the rubble, let alone other games. With the popularity of this game, Wang Hao realized that this company still has 85% of its own shares.

Made him cry and laugh, but he never thought that he still has shares in this company.

And another big event is that Shen Xiucheng came to Gancheng, officially resigned from Yanjing's company, and came to Gancheng. At present, the hardware company has been registered and a Yunmeng computer equipment manufacturing company has been established.

This is Wang Hao's latest hardware company, also located in Gancheng and became a new company under his banner.

As Shen Xiucheng's wife, Jing Xi, who joined the company earlier than Shen Xiucheng, has completed all preparations for the listing of the robot, and it is estimated that it will be listed soon.

"Lan Wei, did the robot football program I want solved?" Wang Hao thought for a while and came down from the villa and came to the R & D center. Now with the completion of the residential courtyard of the R & D center, Lan Wei and Yang Lu usually Nothing lives here anymore.

The construction of these small residential buildings is naturally not a construction worker, but an engineering robot, which took about half a month, and the materials were pulled in from outside, and the transition was made in the middle.

Wang Hao may add more members for his future plans. He suddenly established ten small three-bedroom, one-living residential yards, which are small villas, forming a large circle. These will become the research members of the Haohan Center. The residence of the R & D center.

Wang Hao said that the soccer robot was prepared for Zhang Nan. Based on the fighting robot, it has been extended and developed. The fighting program has been replaced and football-related knowledge and technology have been placed.

"Haoge, it's already done. Tianfeng Technology's product update is also done. Is there anything else that needs to be done?" Lan Wei nodded. Now his computer technology has grown compared to when he first entered. Too much.

"Not for the time being. In addition to the school, you and Yang Lu may need to bring some classes. It is estimated that the school will start in half a month. You must be mentally prepared."

Wang Hao nodded gently, Hao

With the joining of Lan Wei and Yang Lu in the vast R & D center, he is no longer fighting alone, now he is a lot easier.

For more than a month in the last month, he can say that he carefully arranged the improvement of physical skills. According to his feelings, if this physical skill is improved every day according to the intensity of the previous month, it is estimated that his physics will reach seven in six months The degree of grade.

Now, the mechanical improvement of fighting robots has reached a limit. This limit has actually been reached a month ago, but within this month, Wang Hao still wants to see if he can break the limit. Optimized fighting robots.

In fact, Wang Hao's main thing is to see if he can break through the limits of the current six-level physics.

But after a month, he was disappointed. The state of exceeding the skill limit was really too difficult to appear. One month, he can say that dealing with fighting robots every day ca n’t make the current fighting robot break the barrier, Reached a new level.

"Hero, my jet engine has come out in a prototype. It is estimated that some tests can be carried out. Will I test them simultaneously?"

Yanglu also came over at this time, with some doubtful openings, stayed here for more than a month, his face seemed to have experienced a lot, and the person became a little scholastic and gentle.

"The test question is not urgent for the time being. I have been busy for more than a month. Let's take a break. I will take you out to play."

Wang Hao looked at Lan Wei and Yang Lu. For more than a month, all three of them were in a crazy research. Even after he stopped, they all felt a little tired. He was like this. He thought about Lan Wei And Yang Lu is estimated to be no better.

So this time he was stagnant, he wanted to take the two to go out and take a look, do n’t listen to the window and listen to the sage book. Although this state is good, Wang Hao is accustomed to it and hopes to achieve a combination of work and rest .

He has never wanted to push himself too tight, just like he usually does when he is okay, he will choose Chinese painting as his hobby to paint a picture, and from time to time will find some casual things to do.

"Brother Hao, I don't have much problem. Let Wei brother go out to play. My fake is given to Wei brother. It just happens that his girlfriend seems to be coming." Yang Lu shook his head decisively. He seemed to find this month Knowing his own sense of presence, he can now test the jet engine he made, and he does n’t want to go out to play.

"Yes, you stay here for an extra day, and you will stop using it for a month." Wang Hao smiled and said with a hint of threat, he knew that this was Yang Lu's weakness, it should be said that Yang Lu and Blue Wei's weakness.

"Don't, Haoge, I can't go out to play yet."

After listening to Wang Hao's words, Yanglu's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately became a smirk and said with a smile, experienced that kind of computing power.

"This is a good boy ~ www.readwn.com ~" Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction and patted Yang Lu on the shoulder.

But Yang Lu has a bitter face.

"Oh, this card, you hold it first, use your ID card, the password is the birthday on your ID card, and the salary will hit your card when it arrives."

Wang Hao thought of something. He took out two bank cards and handed them to the two. With a slight tone, he spoke again.

"You have been in the vast research and development center for more than a month, and you have never talked about the treatment with you. This time, I will recruit a financial officer and pay your salary to your account. The salary will be kept secret for the time being. You will be satisfied. "

Lan Wei nodded with Yang Lu, looking at Wang Hao walking towards the production center with a trace of anticipation.

Yang Lu poked Lan Wei, said with some curiosity,

"Brother Wei, do you say, how much is our salary? Will we earn one million a year?"

Yang Lu's eyes flashed with scorching heat. Seriously, how long he had graduated. When he was in the Nantian Group, he had earned 20,000 to 30,000 a month. Hao Ge also said that his salary would definitely rise.

"Don't know, should there be?"

Lanwei also has some expectations. For the salary, he has never been too concerned about it, and also knows that Wang Hao will certainly not treat himself badly.

More importantly, he is very happy here.

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