"it's time...."

After Wang Hao hung up the conversation with Li, a smile appeared on his face, and Li might have forgotten Chen Tang because of things.

But he didn't, because Chen Tang is a researcher at the Haohan R & D Center. Wang Hao takes some time every day to observe Chen Tang's research process and there are still some research results.

In fact, whether it is the research process or the research results of Chen Tang, he is immature in Wang Hao ’s eyes, but he is optimistic about Chen Tang ’s potential. Chen Tang ’s mechanical talent moved Wang Hao. This time, he is ready Have a good talk with Chen Tang and prepare to pull into the vast research and development center.

"Next Monday, there are still a few days left." Wang Hao thought about it, put Chen Tang's things behind his head, and set about studying in front of him.

Now he can feel that his physics is about to reach the peak of level 6, and it is estimated that in another month or two, he can reach the level of skill level 7.

In addition to studying electromagnetics, Wang Hao is also using the sixth-level peak physics to improve the previous machinery, such as robots, such as production centers, such as some transmission devices.

Anyway, as long as he is studying physics-related or learning physics-related knowledge, he can increase the learning time of physics, so as to achieve the purpose of upgrading.

"Materials ... biology .. It's coming soon." Wang Hao's eyes revealed a strange awn, and he had long been looking forward to materials science and biology.

Materials science has really helped the vast research and development center. After replacing the new materials, Tianyin will once again greet a new peak. What Wang Hao is looking forward to is the biology and neuron virtual experiment plan. In his mind, he had been thinking for a long time.

He wants to use the neural helmet to create a virtual world and conduct simulation experiments, which will represent a new direction of research and an important part of Wang Hao's starry sky plan.

It can greatly reduce the research progress, which is what Wang Hao needs most.

After making certain plans for his future research, Wang Hao silently lowered his head and studied again. Everything needs to be done from the beginning. He needs to improve step by step. The most important thing now is to upgrade physics to level 7, according to the current progress. Judging from this, it is estimated that level 7 physics can be completed in March.

"The electromagnetic field has been optimized once again. Next ... the electromagnetic gun. This time we just got the sniper rifle out ... it's a little less powerful."

Wang Hao bowed his head and thought deeply. After he had improved his physics to the sixth level peak, he re-optimized all the things that could be optimized in the order of time development, and now it is the electromagnetic weapon.

It is not difficult for Wang Hao to make a powerful gun or cannon using electromagnetic weapon devices, but now he has some difficulties because the driving force of electromagnetic weapons is too strong.

Instead, they want to make sniper rifles. This kind of electromagnetic gun with a single point of sniping has become a difficulty for Wang Hao. He wants to set the sniper rifle and the damage range to a person or even a small head damage range. Instead of passing a sniper rifle, people directly turned into corpses.

But the electromagnetic sniper rifle wanted to control such a killing effect, which made Wang Hao worry.

"It can only reduce the pushing device, and the bullet can also be reduced. It mainly develops in accuracy and range." Wang Hao sighed after thinking for a long time. He thought for a long time. To achieve his effect, he still had to choose.

In the end, you can only abandon some pushing devices, and then improve the accuracy and range. The reduced bullet can make the range of the electromagnetic sniper gun farther than the ordinary electromagnetic gun.

Wang Hao did n’t think about it for too long after he got the direction. In his conception, only after realizing the idea into reality, then looking for the weakness of this gun and improving it in the test, this is the best. One way.

After Wang Hao thought about it, he walked towards the No. 1 building and pushed open the door. The house was about 5 * 5 in size, and on the wall, there were many shelves with some clothes, and there were some differences in clothes The thing is, there are some metal pieces on it.

Wang Hao walked to the hanger, took out a pair of gloves and put them on, and took them out again, similar to tights, and put them on his body.

Finally, he took out a helmet and put it on his head.

"Start the simulation control room."

After putting on his helmet, Wang Hao walked to the most central position on the ground. The ground suddenly moved slightly, and his feet began to move tentatively, but no matter how he moved, he was in the position where he stood. Central location.

After Wang Hao put on the helmet, although he knew that he was in the vast research and development center, his perspective had changed. The picture transmitted by the helmet was in a metal laboratory.

Wang Hao stretched out his hands and saw only a pair of metal-filled hands. Looking around, a smile appeared on his face. This is the laboratory of the island.

Wearing a helmet, tights, and gloves in both hands, Wang Hao controls an experimental robot tailored to his proportions on the island, which is remotely controlled.

At present, all R & D, production, and testing of electromagnetic weapons are carried out on this island, and it is Wang Hao who completes all R & D, production, and testing with the same robot that controls the avatar.

"At present, two underground floors have been built. This remote control device can be optimized." Wang Hao controlled the doppelgangers and moved a bit, and did not feel any discomfort.

Because he is in a simulated control room that he specially researched. Here, the ground will move with any movement, so that the controller is always kept at the center of the house.

Now the island has three floors ~ www.readwn.com ~ In addition to the two underground floors that are slowly being transformed, it is about three or four football fields in size. In the world, no one knows, the geology of this island is Changes are taking place.

The minerals acquired by Wang Hao from Wang Hao are transported to Haohan R & D Center Waiyingyue Commercial Center, and from the warehouse of Yingyue Commercial Center to Haohan R & D Center.

Then through Tianyin, three flights a day go directly to the island, providing the island's transformation materials. Three planes are transported every day, and the stealth performance is the world's best. The Leng is played by Wang Hao as a transport plane Now the island is in full swing.

In the island, there is also a production center that is more advanced than the vast research and development center. A large number of engineering robots come out of this production center and invest in the construction of the island.

The entire island has been covered with electromagnetic fields by Wang Hao, shielding the radar, and the appearance of the island has not changed much, but the underground of the island has been completely hollowed out ...

Unconsciously, the island area is as large as the underground area. There are two-story underground buildings under the island. The steel smelting factory, production center, and penetrating radar group are also there.

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