"So what are you waiting for ... The Earth star is not big, let's find it quickly."

Ge Lun's face was stunned, but there was instant ecstasy.

In their minds, higher civilizations are already considered unattainable. In this large area of ​​stars, there are no higher civilizations. Some are just a medium-high technological civilization.

If they can get the legacy of a higher civilization, even if it is only a small part, it is also a great thing for them.

"Clean up, let's go."

Gote's face also made a decision in an instant. After all, this is a high-level energy block. In terms of the technology of the country m, it can be found that the method of recalling this high-level energy block is very good in 70 years.

As soon as the spaceship hovering over country m moved, he immediately fed back the news to Feipu. He immediately arranged for people to contact him. He thought that the spaceship was moving. the benefits of.

"This country ... dare to limit our actions."

Brother looked at the telegram coming from Feipu, and his face was instantly angry. From his point of view, he went where he wanted to go, and he got a puppet they chose to remind himself.

From his point of view, country M is like his own subordinate, but this subordinate is now questioning himself to do things, which makes him angry.

"It's a bit unclear, forget it ... Reply to them and say that we are going to find the source of an energy block."

Goth also sneered at the inquiries from Feipu.

This is actually the inequality between identity and mentality. If you are facing an object of the same level, it is estimated that the three of them will not think so.

Because in their hearts, Earth Star has long been regarded as their own colony, and this will become their chance to reach the peak.

As soon as the spacecraft moved, it attracted global attention in an instant. The news of the cooperation between M and aliens has made many countries begin to re-examine their positions. Many neutral countries can't help but choose.

And the object of choice is naturally the original hegemonic country of earth stars ... they have to rely on it. After all, they have seen the combination of aliens and each other, as if they have seen the stronger earth hegemony of the other party in the future.

"Arrange fighters and fly another wave of Yahai."

After receiving the reply from the Three-Finger family, Feipu thought for a moment, a strange smile appeared on his face, and he turned his head and said to his secretary instantly.

Among the earth stars, there are not many countries that can resist their hegemony. The natural reason is the country e, and the other is a powerful country in Asia.

This time, he wanted to move through the spaceship of the third-hand tribe, and give him a good warning, so that the other party can set the correct position, so that he knows that his country is the first.

Because of this action, the country once again opened a meeting, and the news released by the other party, despite the extreme restrictions in the country, can still be spread, making the domestic people panic, after all, the aliens have stood in the opposite position.

"Leader, the spacecraft of the three rt tribes moved, and the opposing fleet took off several planes. The target should be Yahai Island."

"Nnd ... Feipu is really brain-damaged, always thinking about suppressing us ..."

A person attending the meeting couldn't help but make a sloppy sentence. The previous trade war and the subsequent Yahai cruise were now too much, and they came directly.

But after thinking for a while, Ye Lao looked up at the others.

"Everyone, I'm going to go to Haohan Island immediately to seek Wang Hao's opinion."

Ye Lao's face also showed a firm look. The current situation can no longer be delayed. No matter whether it is a country or a nation, a strong aid is needed, and with this strong aid, their choices are no longer possible, and may even be possible. Is the only one.

He just pind his hopes on Wang Hao.

"Okay, don't attend the meeting, arrange a special plane and leave immediately."

For that, he pondered for a few seconds and immediately agreed with Ye Lao's proposal.

Ye Lao nodded gently, glanced at the meeting room, and left without looking back. His steps were very big, and he could see the anxiety in his heart.

In the vast island ...

After an hour or two of flying, Wang Hao returned to Haohan Island, hugged Su Yu, stayed in the command room, and carefully looked at the collected alien data.

"This alien spacecraft, is this technological level?"

Wang Hao's face was a little surprised, and some unbelievable openings said.

"Boss, at first, we couldn't believe it. As a result, I now find that apart from using materials that are better than ours, none of them are much stronger than ours, but in general, we are just studying the cosmic power and hull Material structure, at this point, they are ahead of us, and in terms of weapon power, they are comparable to us, which makes me a little unbelievable, even if they have no protection against electromagnetic fields, they are instantly on our satellites. The electromagnetic field is scanned. "

Yang Lu shook his head, too. He couldn't believe this piece of information when he first collected it. He hadn't thought about an alien technology. It was only to such a degree.

It's more like there is no detection method for their electromagnetic field, which actually allows them to complete the scanning of the electromagnetic field in an instant.

"The other party should have just stepped into the ranks of the universe, and seriously think about it. In fact, we really are not much worse. After all, our current research direction is to study interstellar, and we are walking from the planet to the interstellar. In fact, the conditions are already Satisfied, it's just that we haven't experienced the experiment. It's not difficult for us to really want to build a spaceship that can fly in space. "

After thinking seriously, Wang Hao also recovered, knowing the other party's technological strength, and it is estimated that he was only a little ahead of them.

But although it is a little ahead, such a scientific and technological strength is ahead of the earth star for decades, or even hundreds of years.

Wang Hao judged in his heart, knowing that if they were desperate to build a spaceship, they could actually succeed, even before they had been put on the agenda, but he had been striving for excellence, and returned to the country in the middle, and accompanied the party Bing conducted a live broadcast.

I met another transit base of the Norsky race, and Wang Hao, who was originally ready to start the spacecraft manufacturing, made some adjustments to the plan. I want to give priority to the energy absorption device of the transit base.

The technology of the weapon was almost completely dismantled by Wang Hao, and it should be just a defensive weapon of some bases. For Wang Hao, the level of these weapons is not low, but also let him absorb a lot of design concepts.

The vast majority of these weapons are laser weapons. The principle is that he knows it. If he has time to do some research, he wants to make it, it is not difficult.

Bell Bell Bell Bell

Wang Hao had just finished speaking, and his phone rang suddenly ... He glanced at it and connected it.

"Wang Hao, it can be considered to be in contact with you. Before contacting your people, they said that after you finished the live broadcast, they suddenly found a research direction and researched an important thing. At the critical moment, now the research is done?"

After hearing the phone call, Ye Lao suddenly flashed a joy on his face and said quickly.

"It was indeed a study before, and a part of it has been researched." Wang Hao glanced at other people, and he immediately reacted. This was an excuse for others to help them, and did not say that it was on the bottom of the Baimian Triangle. An exploration of an interplanetary base is under way.

"Are you on the island now? I'm on the plane and I can arrive in an hour."

Ye Lao didn't forget his topic, and said quickly.

"Yes, is there something urgent?"

An unexpected color flashed on Wang Hao's face, as if thinking of the specific reason why the country asked him for something, and let him be a translator before.

The interstellar language he was studying at the time was originally prepared to help the country, but the plan was not as good as change.

After he finished his studies, the aliens had chosen to go to country M.

"In person, it's unclear on the phone."

"it is good."

Wang Hao nodded gently, hung up the phone, and continued to look at the alien's spaceship data. Perhaps these aliens didn't know.

After the aliens explored the earth star, they thought it was an indigenous planet. In order to save not much energy, some functions were turned off.

Actually let his spaceship, like no clothes, be revealed in front of Wang Hao.

"I really do n’t have a sense of precaution, but this is good, let ’s shorten the research time of the spaceship ... It ’s a good person ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wang Hao shook his head, and the more he looked, the more he felt for the alien ’s boldness Speechless.

In fact, if Goth knows what Wang Hao thinks, they must be wronged. Where do they know that such a planet as earth star has such a freak as Wang Hao.

Electromagnetic signal technology is also a key technology in the hands of medium civilization, but whoever thought of it encountered Wang Hao, a person who had been misrepresented in the technology tree.

Wang Hao studied electromagnetic signal technology in advance because of his interest and some needs at the time.

And has an electromagnetic signal force field, which can penetrate some substances and play a role in analyzing the entire object. This scan is equivalent to letting the drawing of the spacecraft be handed to Wang Hao.

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