Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 763: The visual sense of web games

"Haoge, this kind of control method is already very good, don't you need to be so high?"

There was a word of silence on Fang Bing's face. Wang Hao's requirements for science and technology have always been so refined.

However, he manipulated his clones, even avatars, to come to Wang Hao, but there was actually another thing.

"Use it for the time being, by the way, how are your three avatars practicing grades."

Wang Hao looked at Fang Bing. In the past few days, he has not been idle. He is not only studying clones, but also studying the cultivation system and methods of the planet of the last days. He wants to find a way to combine with national art. It is more passive cultivation resulting from mutation, rather than active cultivation like traditional Chinese art, so he wants to combine it.

"Hao brother, now all three of my avatars are at the peak of Ming Jin, you can continue to break through."

Fang Bing asked with questions on his face. The three avatars he said were actually three clones. One clone was exactly the same. Of course, this was just some adjustments to the face and height.

In fact, the clone of the core constitution still came from Xiao Tian. I have to say that Xiao Tian ’s talent is indeed very abnormal. For about a week, Fang Bing controlled three avatars and cultivated to the peak of Ming Jin. The skill was discovered late, he estimated that it was completed four days ago.

"Have you practiced all at once? Quite quickly, Shi Wei they seem to have trained one." Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing unexpectedly. He not only let Fang Bing come over, helped him get a few clones, he also let Shi Wei and Shi Qiang also made several clones to practice.

"Hao brother, they are silly and cute. They are just pure coolies, and I have embarked on the road of using a plug-in auxiliary studio. They just want to pull me into the low IQ camp and dream. I have a higher IQ than them. too much."

Speaking of Fang Bing, Shi Wei and Shi Qiang seemed to despise them as if to say that cultivation reached the peak of Ming Jin, only one of them was cultivated in a week, and the speed was too slow. At the same time, he practiced three This is a proof of fact.

"Mr. Fang, it's not good to say bad things behind your back."

Shi Wei and Shi Qiang, as soon as they stepped into Wang Hao's end-of-life planet research institute, heard the suppression from Fang Bing and immediately opened their mouths to justify themselves.

"The fact is that I have practiced three peaks of Mingjin, but you only practiced one."

Fang Bing glanced at Shi Wei angrily. The relationship with the other party was good. It was quite cool not to suppress the other party.

"How did you practice."

Shi Wei looked at Fang Bing silently, and then looked at each other's three clones, and suddenly felt a little discouraged. The two of them, one person each week, only cultivated two peaks of Mingjin, but Fang Bing had already cultivated Well, three of them, two of them, there is only one person in the other, which makes him unable to refute.

"For your good attitude, I tell you that after practicing a set of actions that can be managed, as long as the actions are standard, you can let the chip program record and then run automatically."

Fang Bing had a smug smile on his face. This was discovered by him inadvertently. Yesterday, after he accidentally discovered this feature, he was suddenly taken aback. Isn't this the trusteeship practice in the game?

Hosting practice, this kind of function that only appears in web games and the next three bad games, actually allowed Wang Hao to achieve such a high-end clone, which made him a little helpless.

At the same time, it also made him feel that on this planet of the last days, it is more and more like playing games, even hosting the practice of this kind of plug-in behavior, which was made by Wang Hao.

Let him feel that this end-time planet is completely created by Wang Hao in accordance with the progress of the game. In the future, will Wang Hao come up with artifacts and large-scale lethal weapons, Fang Bing thinks like this, so he can't help but look forward to This real game world comes.

It also gives him a visual sense of web games.

"Boss, why didn't you tell me that there is this function."

Shi Wei and Shi Qiang glanced at each other, only to feel inexplicably bitter in their mouths, they are all young people, and naturally understood what Fang Bing said about trusteeship cultivation.

It's just that they didn't think that TM still has such a function.

"Uh, I forgot, this was discovered by Fang Bing himself." Wang Hao hesitated. He did arrange such a simple procedure before, because he could not carry out so many experiments alone.

He wrote a program and put it in the biochip, even he forgot it, but he did n’t expect it to be discovered by Fang Bing. This made him feel that the hosting function is very good, and it seems to continue to carry forward. Just fine.

Fang Bing glanced at Shi Wei and Shi Qiang with pride, as if Wang Hao had praised him, so he could go to heaven.

This caused Shi Wei and Shi Qiang to turn their heads, and there was an idea of ​​completely ignoring each other, but Fang Bing always intentionally or unintentionally, shook his proud face in front of the two, so that the two had a kind of want to beat Fang Bing. impulse.

"You put the clones there and I'm going to compare them."

Wang Hao looked at the appearance of the three men, and a look of helplessness flashed across his face. The three men behaved like children, making him help Shi Wei and Shi Qiang helplessly and said.

He asked three people to practice some clones. Naturally, he wanted to find the fitness of the clones. He cultivated a dark clone himself, and let Fang Bing several people manually cultivate the clone.

The purpose is to see the difference between the clones cultivated and the clones with direct energy injection.

"Xiaolong, make clones of bright and dark."

After Wang Hao saw the clone of the experiment in place, there was a touch of light on his face, and there was a trace of expectation in his eyes.

"Energy is focused."

With Wang Hao ’s order, several energy scums were lit up at this moment, and several human figures appeared. Fang Bing and Shi Wei, and Shi Qiang, after seeing this situation, the tacit understanding did not change. Joke with each other, but look seriously.

"The problem of fitness does exist, just like a newborn. If you start from scratch, as long as it is not a burst of energy, let the body have a process of slowly adapting to energy. After adapting, the clone is considered to be After surpassing the initial stage, follow-up practice is a normal breakthrough, and there are no other fitness problems. "

Wang Hao's eyes revealed a gleam of light, and from time to time he glanced at the clone of energy, and then checked the clone that he had cultivated, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Okay, thank you for a while. I still have something to do, just arrange it yourself."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a glimmer of light. For him, it took about ten days. He finally found the clone. At that time, due to the energy injection, the blue muscles bulged and the blood vessels increased.

It is the problem of adaptability, and now, he can also give Xiao Tian a recovery. As long as Xiao Tian starts practicing from scratch, there will be no problem with the newly emerged body.

Even energy injection, in a state, stabilize for a period of time, let the body adapt to it, and then perform energy injection, there is no problem.

"Okay, boss, we won't disturb you."

"Okay, Brother Hao, we'll go outside and play for a while."

The three were also very interesting and did not bother Wang Hao again.

Wang Hao used the communication equipment in the base to directly send a notice to Xiao Tian.

"Brother, call me, I'll pass first."

Xiao Tian looked at Liao Zhicai and Zhang Huaxin, and there was a strong sense of happiness on both faces. The two of them also broke through the dream realm they had dreamed of, and became a war division level, even reaching the middle of the war division.

The battle will be expected. All this is done under the massive resources. Xiao Tian greeted the two of them, leaned on crutches, and moved towards Wang Hao.

"Xiao Tian, ​​I have done the experiment now. You lie down in that culture, I will help you recover your complete body."

After Wang Hao saw Xiao Tian's arrival ~ ~ a smile appeared on his face and said.


There was a hint of excitement in Xiao Tian's face. He had longed for this day to come, and now he is finally here.

He lay in without hesitation, his face showing a touch of excitement, and at the moment of lying in, he felt his body seemed to be squeezed strongly.

In an instant, he felt a little itchy on his arm. He moved a little in his heart, as if he knew what he was going to face. However, the culture medium flowing out of the device made him awake, and now it is just the beginning.

He also needed to hold back. Although the culture fluid looked like liquid, it did not flow into his mouth and nose. He even felt that he could breathe air from this culture fluid.

This discovery made him a little curious, but the curiosity only lasted for a while, because his body began to itch.

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