Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 803: The defeated source beast

"Energy laser main gun is fully charged, whether to fire."


At this time, Wang Hao changed to another mecha. He controlled the mecha and came to the spaceship. He listened to the spacecraft's intelligent program and the voice of his speech suddenly replied.

He immediately felt the entire spaceship, a slight vibration, a strong beam of light toward the huge source beast.

The appearance of the spaceship not only made Wu You, Harris, Nord, McCann and others stunned, but also the source beast.

The source beasts looked at the spaceship a little bit puzzled, especially after watching the spaceship lift off, they immediately took control of the sky above the Yanhuang base. The source beast flying in the air couldn't stand the firepower of the powerful spaceship and began full war. 'S retreat, because the spacecraft's attack means are too many.

The weapon on the spaceship made the entire sky quiet, and after the spacecraft ’s energy laser main gun was fully charged, a ray of light that seemed to penetrate the heavens and earth appeared from the front of the spaceship, and the goal was the huge ones. Source beast.

Arrogant ...

As the light appeared, the huge source beast groaned in pain, and the other source beasts heard the roar, and then moved forward.

In another direction, there was another low roar. In a moment, whether it was a high-level source beast, a low-level source beast, or an intermediate-level source beast, after hearing this roar, they silently turned their heads and quickly left. It seems that the Yanhuang Base can be broken at any time.

Even the huge source beast, after a roar, took a deep look at the spaceship that was shining again in the sky.

There was a sense of human fear in his eyes. It was injured, and the injury was very heavy. Even his body was penetrated. If it were not the strong vitality of the source beast, it is estimated to have died now.

"Brother Hao, let's have another shot ... The body of the giant source beast has been penetrated, and another shot will probably die ..."

After seeing the spaceship lift off, Fang Bing showed excitement on his face, especially when he watched the energy laser main gun go down and directly penetrated the giant source beast, which made him think that this war has already won. negative.

As he thought, after the spaceship was lifted off, the giant source beast was no longer so invincible ... but after being injured, it left quickly, as if scared by the spaceship.

"How can it be so fast, this is the power that it took ten minutes to recharge."

Wang Haobai glanced at Fang Bing, he also thought that this energy laser main gun can fire unlimitedly, but the fact is very cruel, that is, the energy laser main gun, each time it fires, it takes at least ten minutes. Not ordinary ammunition, but the fundamental energy hedge structure, and the formation of a terrorist lethal energy hedge structure.

At the moment of encountering the enemy, not only will there be a powerful explosive destructive power, but under the two energy forces, it will have unparalleled penetration.

But what he didn't think is that the vitality of the giant source beast is so strong that after being penetrated, he didn't die or even influenced the action, but began to retreat with the source beast ....

"Brother, what's next ..."

Fang Bing looked at the speed of the source beast's retreat, and there was a word of silence on his face. These source beasts actually retreated like this ... he even made plans to fight for another ten days.

"There are now 4 million players ... losing about 1 million mecha resources ..."

Wang Hao looked at the data from Dragon Brain's feedback, and there was a touch of distress on his face. At this moment, the players in the Yanhuang base were reduced to the least, and this was his biggest loss.

There are one million mechas. After the giant source beast appeared, it exploded, destroyed by the source beast, and digested by the giant source beast.

These are all inestimable losses, which made Wang Hao feel a little hurt.

"So many ..." Fang Bing also knew that there were some losses in this war, but he did not expect so much. It can be said that Wang Hao came to the planet of the last days, but he has never suffered such a big loss ....

But this time, the loss was beaten out by the source beast.

"No loss, you can find a way to make up .. let's go down .."

Wang Hao stood on the spaceship, glanced at the direction of the battlefield, at the source, and then at the unknown direction, his face showing a hint of meaning.

Then he jumped lightly and jumped out of the spaceship. Fang Bing immediately saw it and jumped.

"Brother Ho, are we going to hunt down?"

Xiao Tian watched Wang Hao's mech fall from the spaceship. He looked at the spaceship with a hint of curiosity. He knew that it was researched by Wang Hao. Before staying with Earth Star for a while, he also knew that The prestige that Wang Hao has among the earth stars.

I even know what form these players came here.

"No, I will arrange for 500,000 mechas to clean the battlefield. You will make arrangements for these players. In addition, I will take 3.5 million mechas and follow the spaceship."

A smile appeared on Wang Hao's face. His loss this time made him distressed, but he stared at a base as early as the source attack started.

An unmanned base is the Yunwu base. At this time, the personnel of the Yunwu base are all transferred to the base in the rear.

This gave Wang Hao a chance. Before Wu You's approach, Wang Hao was annoyed.

When I saw the strength of Yanhuang Base before, I came to Yanhuang Base every day and annoyed him, but after seeing the source joint, immediately one by one like avoiding the plague, even his willingness to cooperate and defend together was rejected.

He did not hesitate to retreat everyone from Yunwu Base to the rear, which naturally gave Wang Hao an opportunity. Now that Yunwu Base is empty, he does not want to have another base around Yanhuang Base, which affects the development of Yanhuang Base. This is him An opportunity.

He wants to dismantle the iron and steel at Yunwu Base and turn the Yunwu Base into a ruin. This not only strengthens the strength of Yanhuang Base, but also solves the problem of Yanhuang Base's development space. Wang Hao naturally will not miss such an opportunity.

Once the people at Yunwu Base came back, he would become a little ill-formed and uncomfortable ...

And after Wang Hao let Dragon Brain issue new instructions ~ ~ Instantly the player was divided into two batches, one group stayed in the Yanhuang base and continued to clean the battlefield, while the other group followed the two A spaceship is heading towards the cloud base, and there are more players in this part.

"This ... was actually guarded by Yanhuang Base. This is the union of the source ..."

McCann was stunned. He had no idea that the source of the union, which they respected deeply in their hearts, was really kept by Yanhuang Base after less than ten days of war.

As for why he knew that the base was called Yanhuang, it was purely because the people around him were Wuyou, Harris, and Noode. These people unconsciously used Wuyou and Harris to follow the ups and downs of the war. For the core, come together.

Nord wanted to get some news from Yanhuang Base again from the two, and McCann wanted to ask the two purely about the situation of this base. After all, he knew that the cloud base of Wusi Alliance was just Not far from this base, he knew more than he had just arrived. (https: //) "Black Technology R & D Center" only represents the views of the author Fan Walnut. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. Reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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