"I don't quite understand what Mr. Wang meant. My friend may not be a Chinese, but I have always lived in China."

Yue Bing glanced at Xiao Zhuan and reacted instantly. A smile appeared on his face, as if hiding something.

"Ming people don't tell secret words, Miss Yue, these words are very boring, it seems that I have to remind you, did your landing ship lose the signal connection ..."

Wang Hao shook his head and looked at Yue Bing's innocent face. If Haohan Island's satellite did not monitor everything about Yue Bing, he would have believed it.

After all, the face and skin color of the other party are not much different from the Chinese. It is very difficult to distinguish Yuebing from aliens based on appearance only.

This also let Wang Hao know that some of the aliens still have the same skin color as the descendants of Yan Huang, which made him know that he had to be more careful in the future to avoid being mixed up with spies.

"Really you did ..."

Yue Bing's gaze revealed a fine awn, before she could not find the connection signal near the landing ship, and Ling Yan came out at the right time. She had a certain idea.

Wang Hao glanced at Yue Bing and nodded irrevocably on his face. This was naturally arranged by him. It was also very simple to do. He directly used electromagnetic signals to shield the signal of the landing ship.

It is the same reason that the virtual real mirror generation equipment is used to cover up the landing ship, and Ling Yan suddenly appeared at the time.

"I suggest you better return the landing ship to us to leave the Earth star, otherwise, you will have one of our fleets outside of your space, and do n’t let the entire land be attacked by your decision. . "

Yue Bing's eyes showed a strong taste of threat. Although she lost the landing ship, she did not lose control of the space battleship. At that time, for safety reasons, there were people left in the battleship.

No matter how confident she is, she can't arrange all of them to enter the planet. After all, the space battleship is their strongest fighting force, not to mention that she will come here, in fact, it is also a willingness generated by herself. It ’s not difficult to connect to the landing ship ’s signal again. It ’s just a question of her willingness.

What's more, her personal armor is nearby. After all, personal armor is built for battle within the planet. It is the sharp knife of special operations within the planet. The hidden nature of it is the most considered issue.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you leave, I just wanted to find you out about some interstellar conditions. Did you come from the Mayvin Alliance?"

Wang Hao looked at Yue Bing and the Meiwen Alliance with exploration eyes, the alliance he learned from Gothic, and also the closest alliance to the earth star.

During this period of time, it seemed that Wang Hao was busy on the end of the planet, but he also did not relax the development of the earth star. In the end of the world, Wang Hao only had a lot of steel surplus after demolishing two city bases.

However, the land is not the same. The ocean has not been exploited too much. It is his reserved land. The resources of the entire ocean are gathered in Wang Hao ’s hands. One can imagine how terrifying this number is. For Wang Hao, in Earth star, he can pull up a space formation composed of dozens of space battleships.

It's just a question that Wang Hao wants or doesn't want. In his mind, he never stopped. The exploration idea of ​​the May-Wen alliance is just that he is not sure, what is the strength of this alliance.

"How do you know the Mayvin League."

Yue Bing thought of a problem. According to what she had known before, the other party didn't even know about the Meiwen Alliance. After all, when she judged the technical level of the earth star.

This planet simply does not have the possibility of long-distance interstellar flight, but now she knows the Meiwen interstellar alliance bizarrely.

"I know a lot of things, so I understand people, so don't cover it up."

Wang Hao shook his head, looked at Yue Bing's very alert face, and couldn't help but smile.

"What do you want to know..."

Yue Bing glanced at Xiao Zhuan without any traces, and didn't do anything at all. She just said calmly and said, according to her thoughts, it should be appropriate to put some pressure on the other party. , She could not ask what she wanted.

However, after Yue Bing's eyes passed, Xiao Zhuo had already pressed a hand on a button. After getting Yue Bing's eyes affirmation, she pressed without hesitation. The moment she pressed, The warships far away in the universe instantly looked at the war warnings flashing red lights and instantly moved.

"Quick, starting towards the earth star, it is estimated that Big Sister's head is in trouble."

One of them said quickly, after checking the source of the vigilance, he knew that this was a signal from the head of the big sister who played the planet.

As soon as the warship of Yuebing in the universe moved, Wang Hao received the feedback from Dragon Brain, but his face did not have too much tension.

"Mr. Wang, we have no intention of hurting Earth Star. Please let us go."

Yue Bing glanced at the calm Wang Hao, and after receiving a positive response from Xiao Zhuan, her face once again showed confidence. After all, although Wang Hao was weaker than her, she had always dominated the right to speak, making her very uncomfortable. .

Facing Ling Yan and Wang Hao, she has lost her initiative one after another, and has long made her unhappy, especially Wang Hao, who is far less powerful than her.

Therefore, she now speaks with a hint of threat, and even wants to take control of the conversation in her own hands.

"I forgot. In terms of your cautious personality, you must still be starting. But do you think that a space warship is still a little broken, can it threaten me?"

Wang Hao glanced slowly at the confident Yue Bing, looked with interest on his face, and even said a little jokingly.

In response to space warships, he naturally has his own way, even if he does not control these space warships, but in outer space, there are two vast first-generation spaceships hidden in space.

Among the earth stars, Wang Hao did not build many warships, it seems that he did n’t have much experience, but Wang Hao had enough to build five ships in the last days of the planet. The scale of ten warships will be established.

Moreover, the battleships of the last days of the planet have already passed the test of battle and have reached the latest technology application standard of the vast island.

Take a look at the last planet, named by him as the four flagships of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Great Wall, and Wuyue. The laser main gun has been tested on the battleship, and its power is terrible ...

The electromagnetic weapons on the battleship and the operation mechanism have been thoroughly studied by Wang Hao. It can be said that the end-of-the-world planet created a real space battleship, and now the two ships on the vast island are only civilian. spacecraft.

"you know..."

Yue Bing had just grasped a little of his initiative, and was suddenly interrupted by the other party, and the other party only interrupted lightly.

This gave her a helplessness, a helplessness that could not grasp the overall situation.

Yue Bing can see that the other party actually knew where her warship is, but the other party is so calm, it all shows that the other party probably has a solution.

"Know ... Actually, when you discovered the earth star and released the exploration signal, we found out, where your battleship is parked and hidden, you entered the earth star on the landing ship, I know, but I was preparing At the wedding, there was not much time. After your landing ship landed, you lost sight of it, but what I did not expect was that you actually appeared at my wedding .... "

Wang Hao glanced at Yue Bing and smiled on his face. He poured a cup of tea to some overwhelmed Yue Bing. After the other party landed, he did lose his trace.

But I did not expect that the other party would come to the door, and once again the Yuebing and others who appeared in Wang Hao's field of vision, Wang Hao naturally couldn't ignore it anymore. In the earth star, any aliens are somewhat dangerous.

This time Yue Bing was really at a loss. Even before Wang Hao mastered the initiative to talk, she did not have the slightest psychological fluctuations. After all, she just calculated everything and wanted to learn something about Wang Hao here. Be aware of the situation.

But as soon as she approached the earth star, she was monitored by the other party. This point, she did not expect it at all.

The other party's technology in radar has its own achievements.

Yue Bing looked at Wang Hao's calm face ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time she knew that the other party was really calm, and all her own whereabouts were controlled by the other party, it was impossible to cause tension to the other party.

However, she got some useful news, that is, the other party's radar technology should be considered very advanced.

However, Yue Bing gave Wang Hao a serious look. She was worried about her extremely concealed personal armor and was also discovered by the other party, which was troublesome. But after taking a look at Wang Hao, she did n’t see much. The expression, as if not knowing it.

But Yue Bing's heart was vigilant. She no longer felt like she was in control, because she was not sure now. The people in front of her really didn't know that she arranged personal armor, or she already knew that she was working with herself. acting.

All of this made Yue Bing vigilantly abnormal. She no longer wanted to find out the news she wanted with confidence, even as she had come before. Even she was already thinking about the preparation and plan for retreat. Here is the other party. On the site, although individual armor can improve strength, the other party obviously also has scientific research, maybe the other party also has similar means of improvement.

Yue Bing, although the whole person is cold, is very sensitive to her mind, and she is estimating what may happen afterwards.

Wang Hao calculated himself and wanted to know something from himself. Yue Bing naturally knew it, but why he wanted to know some of his secrets from the other person.

This is actually a mutual calculation, but it depends on who is more skilled.

Yue Bing glanced at Wang Hao, the other side was in the dark, and she was already in the dark. She already had the foundation for success. She wanted to see if Wang Hao could still maintain the indifferent demeanor after being calculated by her.

The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to take a look at Wang Hao's wonderful expression after being counted.

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