Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 826: We Yanhuang people always treat people kindly

"Are you going to let us stay for the first half of the year?"

Yue Bing looked at Wang Hao's calm face, revealing a hint of fineness, she did not expect it at all. After a few days, the other party's attitude did not change at all, and Wang Hao's tone made her helpless, it was too much Tight, she couldn't hear any news at all, which made her no longer want to stay, it was all about killing her time.

Especially when she looked at Wang Hao ’s calm face, Yuebing got a little angry. The other party seemed to have control over everything. This made her very upset. She wanted to see surprise from Wang Hao ’s face, as if it was impossible. Anything, in her view, even if Wang Hao didn't even think of it at first, but in the face of the other side of the unexpected situation, there was no unexpected expression.

This gave her the same feeling of hitting her fist on cotton. She really wanted to see if she left safely, would this calm, water-like man in front of her appear an extra expression.

But after watching for a long time, she was disappointed, the other party was still so calm.

However, Yue Bing did not worry too much. After all, her back hand was her own bone armor, and she had entered the planet from the battleship. As long as she wanted, she could let the bone armor appear at any time. Within the planet, they are not afraid of anyone.

"Well, let's play with Earth Star!"

Wang Hao looked at Yue Bing, a smile appeared on his face, and gave him a serious look at Yue Bing, which gave Yue Bing a bad feeling, and there was a feeling of seeing himself through.

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he walked to the seaside and looked at the vast sea. His face showed a hint of imperceptible excitement. He didn't take it any further and asked Yuebing to feel a little sulky. There was also an urge to call personal armor directly.

Before he left Yue Bing, he just wanted to study the space storage device that the other party might have. Secondly, he was also worried about Yue Bing. After going back, he would make unreasonable things, which made him determined to keep Yue Bing.

However, he found that when Yuebing used the Blue Devils fleet to pressure himself, he only thought of fighting, and did not have the slightest retreat, as if he had been expecting such a battle for a long time. An illusion that he has become a militant.

"Chick, you are done ..."

While Yue Bing was looking at Wang Hao's back, suddenly a voice broke into her ears, leaving her stunned. This was the first person to speak to him after she had taken the island.

But when she turned her head to look at it, she suddenly couldn't help it, as if she didn't expect it at all, she would see familiar creatures here.

"Sanshou .. Why are you here."

With a touch of consternation on Yue Bing's face, she did not expect that, among the earth stars, she actually saw the race, the third-hand tribe, famous for its manufacturing.

"We, like you, entered this earth star, but the difference is that we stood in the wrong team and came to the vast island."

Goth looked at Yue Bing, as if sympathizing with each other. He was a captive before. Although he now feels a sense of belonging to the vast island, he still has some fears about his previous experience.

Fortunately, Haoge is not killing innocent people indiscriminately, otherwise, the three of them will not survive today.

Of course, he wouldn't say that he was arrested. It was not a glorious thing that he was beaten like a group of people.

"The wrong team?" Yue Bing's face showed a little unclear, as if he didn't figure it out, what was the wrong team?

"Chick, you are really stupid, I will explain to you generously, what it means to stand in the wrong team."

Goethe looked at Yue Bing, his face exuded with pride, and a fluent Chinese was spoken from his mouth. Now, he, as a Chinese research expert, seems to have made him find the second pleasure in the study of Chinese.

After some explanation, Yue Bing finally understood. The other party said that the meaning of standing in the wrong team, even she deliberately listened, also knew some details of the three Goths.

These three people, like her, were actually captives, which gave her a sense of identity. She did not suspect that the other party had deceived herself. After all, there are certain things that cannot be deceived, such as Goth. Hand ethnic characteristics.

"Oh, what did you just say we are done?"

But Yue Bing immediately thought of the other party's previous words, and could not help asking some curiosity.

"You don't know Haoge, and of course you don't know Haoge's perverts. I advise you to cooperate."

Goethe looked sadly at Yue Bing and others. The elder brother Hao could be said to have made them numb. After all, the powerful research and development ability, they could have seen him, and even gave him a feeling. Hao some time, the strength will be more terrifying.

Even now, Gothic doesn't have much worry about the Blue Devils fleet in outer space.


Yue Bing shook his head without hesitation, and his face showed firmness. It was impossible for her to cooperate with Wang Hao.

"Do you want to leave here, I can take you away."

Yue Bing took a serious look at the three Goths, and a smile appeared on his face, as if everything had not yet left her control.

In fact, it was similar to what she had expected, but what she did not expect was that she overestimated Wang Hao's strength and also underestimated Wang Hao's technological strength.

This made her seem to be a bit handy in the vast island.

"Leave, do you have a way to leave?" Goth's eyes lighted up, but after thinking for a while, he shook his head slightly, or refused Yue Bing's proposal.

"Forget it, I'd better stay here. After leaving here, we have no place to go."

Goethe glanced at the more ice, his face showed a touch of complexity, not to mention that he has been in the vast island for a long time, and he has a strong sense of belonging. There is another reason why he did this. On the vast island, where can they go?

This is simply an unsolvable proposition.

"Let the spacecraft fight, prevent the Blue Devils fleet from approaching the Earth Star, and recharge the completed warship and install the weapons."

Wang Hao glanced at the Blue Devils fleet in space, a curious look on his face, as if he wanted to know the strength of the Blue Devils fleet.

And Wang Hao's decision has also made many countries see it. The vast island is in space and has several spaceships, which they have known for a long time.

But when they looked at the movements of these spaceships, they actually wanted to talk to the tough guy who claimed to be the Blue Devils Fleet.

Faced with the Blue Devils fleet, the people of the Earth Star can be said to be complicated, like the country M. These countries, nowadays, are what they want to see, especially with China and the vast island. On the opposite side.

This allowed him to see the possibility of making Country M a hegemon again. After all, Country M has been a hegemon for many years, and now he has been robbed of the limelight by Hua Guo. , Only helpless.

After all, the power of the vast island is terrifying.

After seeing Wang Hao's decision, Hua Guo had discussed it a lot, and now the situation can only agree with the situation where the vast island and the Blue Devils are opposed.

Now they only hope that the strength of the Blue Devils fleet is similar to that of the third-hand aliens.

Otherwise, if the vast island can not resist, it will be a disaster for the earth star.

But Wang Hao didn't care, facing the Blue Devils fleet, he also had the idea of ​​avoiding it at the beginning. After all, it was necessary to consider the forces behind him, but Yue Bing instantly alerted him when he was listening to him. .

At the same time, he also changed his strategy. He seemed to be showing off, showing off the technological strength of the vast island, relaxed the vigilance of Yue Bing and others, and then brought Yue Bing's group into a large brain wave collection room, In the case that Yue Bing and others did not respond, they collected some information they wanted, knowing that the force at which Yue Bing is at this time is contending with another force, and it is at a disadvantage. It is impossible to have time to come. star.

Moreover, using brain waves, Wang Hao also discovered that Yue Bing's plan is not different from his own guess. The other party's reliance is the mecha, which is also called personal armor by Yue Bing.

However, in terms of concealment, Wang Hao did not find suspicious objects, which made him a little curious. The concealment of these personal armor is really high.

Knowing the situation of Yue Bing's forces, and the back hand of Yue Bing, Wang Hao had a lot of choices. Using the collection of brain waves, he got the two most important ideas in Yue Bing's heart, although it is similar to Wang Hao also understood the situation of a device that contained objects in space. This device is actually an object owned by advanced civilization. As he guessed, this is similar to the principle of space, but the more the ice does not understand the specific reason, yes The things inherited from her family, I heard that they were discovered during the expedition, the Maywin Alliance studied for a long time, and did not find the results.

Wang Hao also secretly used the electromagnetic scanning device to study it, and there was no gain, but only realized that this should be an advanced application of energy, and there is no other gain.

"Is it possible to consider letting her leave, to let it go directly, or to cooperate with the other party in a play, so that the other party can find a little self-confidence?"

Wang Hao looked at the distance ~ ~ Yue Bing chatting with Goth three, a smile appeared on his face.

In his heart, seriously, after getting these news, the idea of ​​leaving Yue Bing was not so strong. Before, I was just afraid that Yue Bing returned to the alliance and pulled a large number of fleets to find the earth star. The trouble, but now he has no worries in this regard, after all, the Mervin League itself is difficult to guarantee, and what intentions to care about the earth star.

Moreover, between the two places, the road is far away. After the Mayvin Alliance comes, it is estimated that the vast island has already transformed resources into strength, and it is not a half-point of the Mayvin Alliance.

As the saying goes, there is still a mountain high. Without Yue Bing's knowledge, Wang Hao has already mastered what he wants, but Yue Bing only learned some things Wang Hao wanted to say.

After calculating each other, Wang Hao won, but now Wang Hao is considering whether to let Yue Yue leave directly, or let Yue Bing leave with his personal armor. After all, the idea of ​​Yue Bing staying on Hao Han Island, he has long used the large The brainwave monitoring room got it.

Wanting to know the details of the vast island, Wang Hao did not know what to say in the face of Yue Bing's thoughts. Usually, he also intentionally or unintentionally released some irrelevant information about the vast island.

"Forget it, let the other party find some confidence."

Wang Hao shook his head and thought for a while, but decided to let the other party leave with his personal armor on his own, otherwise, as if everything was under his control, it seemed too inhuman ...

The earth star is still peace-loving and treats people kindly. Anyway, he already knows what he wants. After thinking for a while, Wang Hao has a decision.

If Yue Bing knows Wang Hao's thoughts, it is estimated that he will vomit blood, and this way of regaining self-confidence, Yue Bing knows, I would rather not.

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