Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 829: Blast me 2 spaceships

"Sister Bing, is everything coming out so smoothly ..."

After Xiao Zhuo came out of Haohan Island, there was a surprise on his face, as if he hadn't thought that everything was going so smoothly. After all, if the more ice wants to go, it is estimated that Haohan Island can't stop it, but after all, there are some people who are not strong. people.

Now she left the vast island without leaving, which gave her the illusion that it was too smooth, as if it was like writing a script.

"It should be that we caught off guard."

Others also spoke in a timely manner. After exiting the vast island, other people also showed a touch of ease. When one person spoke, he immediately got the echo of the others.

"should be."

Xiaozhuan nodded gently, and after nodded by others, she nodded in agreement.

It's just that the more ice, the strong doubts in my heart, as Xiao Zhuan said, everything is too smooth ... But another idea is that he has been planning for so long, if such a situation occurs, it should be Not surprising.

Especially when looking at Wang Hao, when she left, the amazed expression did not look like an acting, so she slowly let go of the doubt in her heart, and her heart was so cool that she finally saw Wang Hao's surprised expression. It made her feel good, but it was not enough. She wanted to see more expressions on the other side.

Yue Bing thought after thinking, and quickly brought the man to the Blue Devil Fleet.

"Fengyuan, why did you come here? Did the Meiwen Alliance have an accident?"

Yue Bing controlled his personal armor very quickly, and soon came to the Blue Devils fleet. After entering the Blue Devils fleet, he immediately asked the situation. After all, the current Blue Devils fleet commander is actually her assistant.

The personal armor she controls is different from that developed by Wang Hao. This armor is more inclined to fight between the inside and outside of the planet. Although it is impossible to perform long-distance interplanetary flight, the speed of short distance is very fast.

"There was an accident. During the war between our alliance and the Apocalypse Empire, a group of monsters suddenly appeared. What is even more outrageous is that these monsters can actually flew in the universe. At first, we thought that they were the reinforcements of the Apocalypse Empire, but these monsters, When I saw the space warship, I attacked, and the number was extremely huge ... "

There was a hint of complexity and a trace of fear on Fengyuan's face, as if these monsters gave him a big shadow.

"Are there any truces between our alliance and the Apocalypse Empire?"

Yue Bing was keenly aware of the differences. She heard some flavors. This monster put a lot of pressure on the Meiwen Alliance. For the Apocalypse Empire, it would be a huge pressure.

Although the Apocalypse Empire is strong, and has a strong strength and revenge, the sudden monster group, the Apocalypse Empire has to face.

"Yes, we and the Apocalypse Empire have ceased to fight, and we are coping with the monster that suddenly appeared. After all, the Apocalypse Empire has no less serious heart, and it is not so terrible that the monster will kill when it sees people.

Fengyuan nodded gently, it was because of the truce that he received the order from above to find the commander of the Blue Devils Fleet, Yuebing.

"Any monster-related information?"

Yue Bing's eyes flickered slightly, and she felt that the situation was more serious than she had imagined. After all, the Blue Devils fleet had already come out. This situation let her know that the war between the Meiwen Alliance and the Apocalypse Empire actually ended.

"Yes, it's all here."

Fengyuan hurriedly retrieved a document in the fleet's central control center, and hurriedly showed it to Yue Bing.

Yue Bing looked at the information, his expression was very focused, and silently looked at this piece of information.

After about a long while, Yue Bing raised his head silently, looked at the wind source, and a complex color appeared on his face.

This piece of information is not only the data of the monsters, but also some analysis of the intelligence department. She immediately found that the analysis of the intelligence department made her a person who read the information, and she couldn't help being cold.

The intelligence department analyzed that the monster appeared very suddenly, as if it appeared out of thin air, which made her think of a bad possibility.

Is this a monster mastering the technology of the interstellar portal, or else it will not appear directly in the alliance and the apocalypse empire not far away.

If you think about it, how can the two countries be at war with no vigilance? But these monsters, just as they appeared out of thin air, emerged as soon as they appeared, and the monster's body emptied across the sky. This was also the first time she saw a monster that could stay in the universe in flesh.

Even looking at some of the information, the body size of some of the monsters in it actually reached the same level as the Alliance's battleship.

"Commander called me back?"

Yue Bing slowly looked away from the data and looked at the wind source. She didn't expect that the situation had changed so much. The original war with the Apocalypse Empire, even if it was not for ten years, it was estimated to be Fight for five years.

Although the strength of the Apocalypse Empire is stronger than that of the Mayvin Alliance, it will definitely not be so strong that it will be crushed. However, as soon as the monster appears, it will stop the Apocalypse Empire and want to join forces with the Mayvin Alliance.

"The commander didn't say it, but let us come out and find you, saying that the Blue Devils fleet gives you full command."

Fengyuan shook his head and faithfully conveyed the commander's words.

"okay, I get it."

Yue Bing thought about it, and looked up at the central control instrument, a blue planet appeared, she roughly understood the meaning of her grandfather.

The situation is different now. After reading the information, she has her own analysis. This is estimated to be the rear of the Apocalypse Empire, and the same has happened. The most likely thing is that this monster appeared in the hinterland of the Apocalypse Empire.

Otherwise, if it only appears in the battlefield, it is impossible for the Apocalypse Empire to stop so easily. After all, the Apocalypse Empire stared at the Mervin Alliance, not a day or two. The appearance of the alliance is actually to resist the Apocalypse Empire. Oppression.

As the fastest-growing cosmic force in this star field, the Apocalypse Empire has put too much pressure on it, especially the strength of the Apocalypse Empire, showing its strong desire to control.

There is a big kind, I found that I conquered.

In the face of such a powerful Apocalypse Empire, some forces around the universe have entered the universe and have to hold a group to keep warm in order to resist the oppression of the Apocalypse Empire.

It has also formed the current situation. The Apocalypse Empire wants to destroy the Maywin Alliance, and the Maywin Alliance wants to improve its technological strength in order to achieve the purpose of confronting the Apocalypse Empire.

However, Yue Bing still had irregularities in her heart, and wanted to scare the one on the vast island, so her eyes fell on the two spaceships facing the Blue Devils fleet inexplicably.

"Let you look at the strength of the Blue Devils fleet."

With a touch of excitement, Yue Bing looked at the two spaceships. She knew that there was no one in the spaceship, and it exploded, so that the person on the vast island would hurt a little.

"Commander, just destroy this planet directly."

After Fengyuan listened to what Yue Bing wanted to do ~ ~ Especially after hearing the blue star in front of him, some people wanted to kidnap the commander of the Blue Devils fleet, he couldn't help but get even more angry.

"No .. this is a human planet after all, I just want to teach Wang Hao a lesson, let him know his mistakes, and then we leave."

Yue Bing said, somehow, Wang Hao's calm and watery face appeared inexplicably in her heart, and she couldn't understand why Wang Hao's face always appeared.

But one of the things that kept her from giving up was that she wanted to see if Wang Hao was in such a desperate situation, would she still be so calm, this is what she wanted to see different expressions on Wang Hao ’s face? .

"Commander, otherwise, I took people into the planet and beheaded directly, anyway, this planet doesn't seem to have much defensive ability to the outside world."

Fengyuan glanced at the data returned by the planet, and there was a trace of disdain on his face. As if he saw such a weak planet, he didn't even bother to look at it.

"You are wrong .. After you enter the planet, you will find that the defense ability inside is extremely powerful."

Yue Bing shook her head, a complex expression appeared on her face, and she did not expect that the strength of those personal armor within this planet was not much different from her personal armor.

Even in some respects, there is something beyond it. In her view, the defensive ability of this planet is far stronger than that of the outside world.

"Arrange the fleet, get close to the planet, just blow up those two warships, and we will go back to the alliance."

In Yue Bing's eyes, there was a hint of danger, and there was a trace of revenge on her face. After all, she was in a terrible star, at the door of the hotel, and fled because of insufficient preparation.

In that island, Wang Hao firmly controlled the dominance of the conversation, which made her very unhappy.

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