"... the power of this bomb ..."

Yue Bing watched Wang Hao's alleged hedge bomb explode somewhat, and she was shocked by the bomb.

In her judgment, although the scope of the explosion was not large, the power of the gray explosion was absolutely amazing.

But Wang Hao on the vast island looked frowning, and his face was not very good-looking, because he found that the tentacles above the wormhole did not continue to expand the wormhole, but they seemed to be stable. Down, it also left a large wormhole.

"The universe ... is really dangerous."

Wang Hao lamented that he never thought that there are creatures who can use their bodies to open up wormholes, and what makes him care more is everything behind.

After the wormhole was stabilized by the tentacle, a lot of monsters flew out of the wormhole in an instant. Wang Hao looked carefully. These monsters are not much different from the source beasts in the last days of the planet.

It's just that the figure is bigger and more awful, just like the upgraded version, which confirms Wang Hao's idea even more.

Looking at these source beasts, flying in the universe with flesh, Wang Hao's eyes sank involuntarily, and he thought of something even more terrifying.

Wang Hao doesn't know exactly how far the earth star is from the last planet, but he knows that the value of this distance is definitely not low, but now that he has seen the appearance of the source beast, he thought of a terrible guess.

The territories occupied by the source beast can be beyond his imagination.

Horrible source beast ...

Wang Hao's eyes were dull, thinking of the terrible behind the source beast, he also made some waves in his heart, more determined to improve his strength as soon as possible.

In between Wang Hao's thinking, the source beast appeared to glance at and found the Blue Devil Fleet of Yuebing. As for the ten vast warships, after all, they confronted the Blue Devil Fleet and were in a farther position.

The source beast will naturally not stay close, and the battle can be said to start in an instant, even if the ice is over, there will be some unresponsiveness.

"Brother, do we need help?"

Fang Bing glanced at the triggered battle, and his face showed an unclear, unclear relationship. No matter how stupid he was, he thought of some of these possibilities, but he didn't want to see each of these possibilities.

"Help, the source beast is the enemy."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a hint of complexity. He glanced at the source beasts that were constantly appearing. He seriously thought about it and immediately opened the production capacity of the Haohan Center to the maximum.

The original production line took half a month to produce a vast warship, but after Wang Hao's firepower was fully opened, it took only about ten days to produce a warship in an instant.

And Wang Hao also picked up a phone call in time and pulled it out. He pulled it to Hua Guo. He must definitely tell Hua Guo about the content of the source beast.

"Okay, Wang Hao, we know. I will arrange it immediately and implement it as soon as possible."

Tao Hongguo said with a straight face, before the confrontation between the Blue Devil Fleet and the vast island, he also saw it, but he did not expect that a new creature appeared, that is the source beast.

As for the emergence of the source beast, Wang Hao also explained the advantages and disadvantages to Tao Hongguo. For the entire peaceful environment of the earth star, the appearance of the source beast is naturally not a good thing.

But for the cultivator, the appearance of the source beast can greatly promote the development of the cultivator.

Wang Hao called Tao Hongguo not because of others, but because he wanted to form a space fleet for Huaguo, an electronic, information-based remote control, space fleet that can protect the earth star.

After all, Wang Hao only needs to ensure the safety of the earth star. He does n’t want to disperse that much energy. His greatest energy still wants to concentrate on the end-world planet, or the interstellar.

For the end-time planets and interstellars, Wang Hao has no burden or so many constraints, and he can carry out according to his own ideas.

"What do you think ..."

Tao Hongguo looked at the other people in the meeting room and arranged some things, they gathered together.

"Wang Hao is a good plan. He used to hide from the sky."

There was a touch of emotion on Ye Lao's face. The calculation he said did not have too many expressions, but only a little admiration.

"Lao Ye, what you think is probably similar to mine."

Tao Hongguo looked at Ye Lao. As the two people who knew Wang Hao best, they thought of a problem. That is, the space fleet formed by the soldiers is not actually controlled, but remotely controlled.

After the emergence of this statement, the two immediately awakened them. Wang Hao has never done meaningless things. Thinking back to the vast center of Wang Hao's work, that is, the game, he suddenly found that Wang Hao had a lot of plans.

"Two big brothers, what dumb guys are you playing with, tell us to listen."

Others looked at Tao Hongguo and Ye Lao, and their faces couldn't help but show a word of silence. Both of them seemed to know, but they were still in the valley.

"You think about the vast center."

Tao Hongguo glanced at the others and reminded him.

"Huge Center, what's wrong with that, isn't it just a game center?"

Another middle-aged man, with a hint of doubt on his face, bowed his head and pondered for a while, still not thinking.

"You combined this time with Wang Hao's long-range control of warships. Think again."

Looking at the middle-aged man's expression, Ye Lao couldn't help but reveal a word of speechlessness, reminding the other person to speak.

It can be said that the person who can sit in this position has never been stupid. After some reminders, other people's eyes suddenly revealed a bit of enlightenment.

"You mean ... Wang Hao is using the players to fight ..."

One of them, with horrified expression on his face, looked at Tao Hongguo and Ye Lao. He thought of a possibility that Wang Hao's vast center is actually using players to fight.

But after he said this, he had a new question.

"But where is the battle?"

After he said it ~ www.readwn.com ~ instantly thought of another problem, that is, the location of the battle, he did not hear that there are other places in the earth star, Wang Hao intervened in the battle.

"It must not be on Earth, it may be on another planet."

Ye Lao shook his head, a complex color appeared on his face. If Wang Hao was just a young eagle, then Wang Hao is now a huge eagle.

It is no longer in China's control, which is actually a necessity.

"Another planet ..."

After others heard Ye Lao's words, their eyes lit up as if they discovered a new continent.

But Tao Hongguo glanced, but shook his head involuntarily. He didn't know what these people thought, but he planned to give these people a good shot.

"Do n’t think too much, since Wang Hao is not ready to say it, then there is no need to raise it. If you do n’t know it, Wang Hao does not want to intervene in the affairs of the Earth Star. Since this is the case, we do not need to intervene in Wang Hao I intend to know that Wang Hao has the words Yan Huang in his heart. "

Tao Hongguo now sees it thoroughly, and forcing Wang Hao is not the same way at all, although he also has some eyes on the planet that Wang Hao discovered, but after all, Wang Hao's status is now different.


Others thought about it and nodded silently. Wang Hao's current strength, above the earth star, no longer has opponents.

Since Wang Hao does not intervene in Earth Star's affairs, they do not need to intervene too much in Wang Hao's affairs. Wang Hao has his own development and may be the best choice to watch each other.

It is also Wang Hao ’s explanation that the special fighting method made Tao Hongguo not too worried about the source beast ’s breakthrough. Listening to Wang Hao ’s meaning, as long as there are enough resources, he can immediately pull up a huge fleet to defend the source beast.

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