In the wormhole, it is similar to subspace, and the velocity of matter is extremely fast. If the spacecraft enters, if a fixed safety route is not found, maybe the ship will die in the next second.

But the signal is different, invisible and quality. In the wormhole, as long as the signal is docked, it is far easier than Wang Hao expected, but even so, Wang Hao is now even complete for interstellar transmission. Knowing the principle of interstellar transmission, he dared not try it easily.

After all, it is really difficult to find a safe route in a wormhole.

However, it is now enough for him to solve the problem of signal rangeless expansion. He knows that the biggest factor affecting his expansion to interstellar has been solved. It can be said that as long as the wormhole can be opened, it is the player ’s legion. Where it arrives.

He can use the wormhole signal transmission technology to achieve his desired purpose.

After Wang Hao had dealt with everything, he looked around leisurely.

After Wang Hao was busy finishing the data, there was still excitement in the eyes of the successful research of interplanetary signal transmission technology.

He is now especially grateful to Yuandi, which appeared not far from the earth star. It was precisely because of the appearance of Yuandi that he saw a new way.

"What happened to the Mars plan of the Yanhuang Alliance."

Wang Hao turned his head to look at Fang Bing. During these times, he did not pay too much attention to the outside world. Among the 30 space warships owned by Yanhuang Alliance, it can be said that he completely released unprecedented enthusiasm.

Under the control of the Chinese soldiers, in addition to the regular patrol of the earth star, they also began to explore.

The biggest plan is the Mars Plan.

This is one of the largest plans of the Yanhuang Alliance. The purpose is to develop Mars resources. After the success of the Mars plan, maybe Mercury and Jupiter will be included in the scope of resource collection.

"It seems that five warships have passed, specifically, you need to ask permission."

Fang Bing usually pays close attention to current affairs. After hearing Wang Hao's words, he immediately has an answer.


Wang Hao nodded gently. Although he has a very important position in the Yanhuang Alliance, he usually does not care about the Yanhuang Alliance.

It's just that this time is not the same. The development of Mars also has a lot of help for the vast island. After all, after his interstellar signal is resolved, he will make the next step.

Let the vast island go out, let the Yanhuang Alliance go out, and the first stop is the Maywin Alliance. Of course, in order to ensure the safety of interstellar navigation and signal transmission, it will not be interrupted by other things.

Wang Hao thought that one of the best ways is to open a wormhole above the planet and connect the signal relay station.

He plans to build a large signal relay base in a planet, so that he can solve the problem of signal connectivity while on the road.

In order to achieve a seamless signal connection, Wang Hao thought about the method of the fleet reaching the Mervin Alliance when he studied.

On the road, at least some relay signals need to be erected. These relay signals can be demolished after the fleet reaches the Mayvin Alliance.

After all, after reaching the Mayvin League, he can once again use the wormhole technology to find the connection point of the signal in the subspace and connect again.

"Haoge, a new generation of vast warships has also been perfected, and an energy furnace has been added. The energy injection structure of the laser has also been optimized. I believe that if there are harvested corpses of the source beast, it is estimated that the warship can achieve energy self-sufficiency.

Yang Lu also walked over at this time, and nodded Wang Hao in satisfaction. Now the vast island is no more than before. The rise of Yang Lu and Chen Tang can now stand alone.

Not to mention Lan Wei, who has a very high talent in programming. According to Wang Hao's observation, Lan Wei now estimates that he has entered the level of programming skills.

In particular, Lan Wei also developed his own assistant, an auxiliary program called Blue Sky. Although all aspects are much weaker than Dragon Brain, it can help Lan Wei to complete without occupying the resources of Dragon Brain. Some R & D content is enough.

"Well, next, we will start to design the flagship, as well as the maintenance ship, then, you will be my assistant."

Wang Hao nodded gently, looking at Yang Lu and Chen Tang, and he was very satisfied. He also made him think of his school in Gancheng. He heard the permit and said that it was very good. There are talents you need.

"it is good."

Yang Lu and Chen Tang's spirits were revived, and there was a look of excitement on their faces. When Wang Hao's assistant helped them learn more, this is an indisputable fact.

For them, every time Wang Hao's assistant is an evolution, it can make them stronger evolution.


Wang Hao's eyes showed a scorching heat, and he was ready to build an extremely powerful flagship.

Flagship, in fact, before Wang Hao did not have much concept of flagship, he still stayed in the nautical period, and there are flagship experience stores of some merchants in China.

But some of Yuebing's words still touched him. That is the flagship. In fact, it is not only a symbol, but also a spirit, but also a larger battleship with more lethality and more functions.

It can play the role of prestige and strategic strike, which is the purpose of the flagship.

Wang Hao thought about it for a long time, but he was right. The flagship can be more elaborate than conventional vast warships, and may be more specific in terms of materials. The larger body can make the flagship more powerful.

Of course, the production cost of the flagship will naturally rise with the huge body.

This is the disadvantage of the flagship. Perhaps it is precisely because of the production cost that it far exceeds the conventional battleship, and it also shows the role of the flagship from another level.

Conventional warships are destined to be impossible to follow the flagship standards. Of course, with sufficient resources, Wang Hao is happy to replace all of them with flagship spaceships.

However, Wang Hao knows that it seems that the resources are still sufficient. Once it is produced again, the resources provided by only one planet will enter a period of lack.

This is also the predecessor of the Mars project ~ ~ The Yanhuang Alliance is also very strategic, and agrees with Wang Hao's strategy of going out. At the same time, he also found his own shortcomings, that is, resource problems.

Now, the development of other planetary resources has become an inevitable choice.

"Great project ..."

After Wang Hao tried to design the flagship, his face showed distress, and he once again felt the distress of the lack of talent on the vast island.

Although Yang Lu and Chen Tang made him feel relaxed, but now the study of Haohan Island has become more and more extensive, which has increased the pressure of all researchers, and also made Wang Hao feel the resistance of the study.

"No ... return to China and recruit some researchers, this time expanding to the limit."

Wang Hao tried to design, and the more he could feel the huge design ideas needed for the flagship design, the ability of one person and several people was limited in the end, which made him make a decision, that is, to return to the country and expand the study of Haohan Island. Team, this time he plans to recruit 20 to 30 people to meet the research needs of the vast island today.


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