"God ... what the **** is this?"

"The relief is moving, right, this is not a relief at all, but a skeleton of something ... Is the vast island planning to build a city of the sky?"

Everyone on the desert island looked at the huge in the sky, as if it were a relief island, even a relief larger than the desert island ... No, it can't be called a relief now.

Because these reliefs have been connected for a long time, but they were too far away before, they can not see the real, but after getting close, all of them were shocked by this huge relief connected together.

With this disastrous weather, just like the end of the catastrophe, this skeleton is so great and huge.

"It's spectacular ..."

Huang Quan confessed that he was also well-informed. In the early years, he ran through the dragon set and sang. It can be said that he had seen a variety of things, but in the scene before him, he recognized that in his life experience, it was really the first time.

Everyone's eyes showed excitement. When they saw this giant, like the frame of the sky city flying over, everyone's heart was inexplicably settled.

"Chinese people are really happy ..."

As one of the few foreigners in the crew, Biris's eyes showed a little envy. Before that, many Chinese people envied him as a person of the M country. At that time, he was still proud of it, but now, the situation It's like the other way around.

Instead, he envied the Chinese people. Now China can not only practice 'Chinese Kung Fu', but also throw away several streets in country M in medical and other aspects, making him envious.

Now even more because of the crucifixion of the nationals, he actually dispatched such a huge thing, which made him feel a little bit hot, and he had a strong idea of ​​applying for Chinese nationality.

"Flagship, Wang Hao really dared to get ..."

The conditions that Ye Lao possessed, in fact, have already seen these connections of tunes through satellites. At first, some people believed that these reliefs were actually the foundation of the city of the sky.

But he never thought so, because Wang Hao did n’t expect to think about it at all, so after making a phone call before, after hearing Wang Hao ’s words, he understood it, especially watching these reliefs move It is linked, the speed is fast, completely beyond his expectations.

"I don't know if this flagship is powerful or not."

Ye Lao already had his own guess in his mind, but now it has been confirmed, but he is curious about Wang Hao ’s flagship, what is the power.

Compared to Ye Lao's calm analysis of things, the Internet was instantly fanatic, because they thought that Wang Hao moved all at this moment in order to embellish the relief of the vast island, which made everyone fall. Ground glasses.

"What the **** is this, the sky city that Haoge is going to build?"

"It's spectacular ..."

Some people who are close to the vast island pay attention to the vast island at all times. After all, nothing can be seen when looking at the vast island, but the objects in the sky move, so many people naturally see it.

People on the Internet, watching the live broadcast of someone, saw these reliefs heading straight in one direction, and many people immediately found a problem.

"No, these reliefs went out, in the direction, it seemed like a desert island filmed by the crew, this is ready to rescue."

Some people found the problem immediately after combining the two, that is, the relief of the vast island appeared as if it was heading towards a desert island, combined with some responses issued by Hua Guo, saying that it has been arranged nearby Rescue, I suddenly wanted to understand a lot.

After the emergence of this statement, many people ran to the rescue department of China to verify it, and it was confirmed. This made many people who were worried about this feel relieved.

With the intervention of Haohan Island, all those who are worried about it have slowly relaxed their hanging hearts. After all, in China, Haohan represents the powerful, and the existence of the Haohan Research Center seems to many people , This is like a miracle.

In fact, Wang Hao also has his own helplessness, if conditions permit, how could he use the flagship of the skeleton just assembled to rescue.

After all, even the skeleton of the flagship is larger than the ordinary battleship. In his view, it is too conspicuous, as if telling other people how much they have, but if there are other options, Wang Hao certainly does not Will use the flagship.

"Let's drop a little first."

After Wang Hao approached the desert island, he glanced at it, and immediately saw a large group of people who had gathered on the shore, gathering in a small beach.

But as he was worried about, there was no flagship foothold in this desert island. The skeleton of the flagship was even larger than the entire desert island. How could it be possible to fall down.

"So big ..."

Huang Quan and all others stared dullly at the scene in front of them. After approaching, it was clearly visible. After seeing it clearly at this time, they all knew that they were estimated to be poor. .

Especially when the Big Mac in front of him appears to feel his insignificance, just like ordinary people facing natural disasters, for example, this time, they have to choose to evacuate in the face of the upcoming typhoon Or else, the consequences will be unbearable for everyone, but looking at this skeleton-like giant, they also have a strong sense of smallness in their hearts.

"Brother Hao, you can't fall."

Yang Lu controlled the battleship, and after looking at the terrain, he said helplessly.

"Landing on the sea, I will inform them to arrange people to go here."

Wang Hao glanced below. This beach is a U-shaped bay. If it is landing on this sea surface, at least one kilometer of swimming is necessary to board the ship. Considering the current wave, even if it is cultivation There are also certain risks for those who have learned Chinese martial arts.

Therefore, Wang Hao chose to land on a cliff on both sides, and arranged to board the ship.

"I'll go down first, you control."

Wang Hao turned to Yang Lu and said.

"it is good."

Yang Lu nodded gently, and immediately controlled the battleship to adjust the position. After all, the people below were ordinary people who had practiced some Chinese martial arts at the most, and they were still turning around in the triple layer of the realm. In terms of personal strength, it was not counted at all. what.

After Wang Hao replied, Yang Hao did not hesitate. He jumped directly into the flagship. This height is nothing for him, even if he is facing a typhoon. It is estimated that the strength of his six-level spirit level in his realm is not a threat to him at all, and even he intends to enter the typhoon with his personal strength to experience it.

After saving people for a while, I went to experience the typhoon.

In Wang Hao's eyes, there was a flash of interest ~ www.readwn.com ~ He wanted to see if he could resist the natural disaster and typhoon with his current strength. Many thoughts in his heart, but his pace was not slow, as if in the air Like a free walk, psionic energy is focused on the soles of the feet, walking towards the ground step by step, very fast.

"Huge Brother ..."

The assistant who came along with Wang Hao and Yang Lu saw Wang Hao jumped up, and his face looked a little stunned for a moment, an unresponsive look, and some people even prepared to press the button of the suitcase and wear an armor to the rescue .

"Don't worry, look carefully."

After seeing the appearance of these people, Yang Lu hurriedly said that these new people did not know Wang Hao's strength, but as an old man in the vast research center, how could he not know Wang Hao's strength.

"God ... Haoge can fly, what's the situation?"

When the newcomers of the vast research center heard Yang Lu's indifferent words, they all looked at the falling Wang Hao. At this time, Wang Hao was like walking on the ground, as if walking down the sky step by step. Everyone was even more ignorant.

"The father of Chinese martial arts is not a joke, you don't understand Hao Ge's realm."

Yang Lu shook his head. Although he had a detailed understanding of the cultivation system, he also did not quite understand the existence of these realms. After all, his ontology had not yet entered that level. It is now the fourfold of the realm and only one step away from the fivefold of the realm. Far away, I only know the power of the Sixfold of Realm, but I don't understand the specific situation.

After all, not everyone is like his boss, as perverted as Ling Yan, compared to these demon, he is just an ordinary person.


The new assistants, after hearing Yang Lu, looked at Wang Hao falling from the sky with admiration.

It was like seeing a **** walking on earth.

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