"God, is this a natural disaster?"

Everyone who came to the vast island looked at the scene in front of him, and there was a strong shock on his face.

The reason is that it has two tornadoes on the surface of the sea, one water column against the sky, and the other, like the rootless duckweed, is suspended directly above the sky with a strong rotation, and everyone is dumbfounded. Look, this is the skeleton Big Mac that previously carried them on the vast island.

But now it is spinning fast, heading towards a real tornado.

"Well, Hao ... can we record this?"

Huang Quan looked at this scene, and suddenly had a change of thought about the script in his heart. This is the real doomsday scene, which is much stronger than the tsunami he originally prepared with special effects.

And it's very real. If this scene can be recorded, for his movie, it is estimated that it will be a higher level.

"You are free."

Wang Hao turned his head to look at Huang Quan, and didn't care. After he finished speaking, he continued to talk to Yang Lu.

"Yang Lu, you need to pay attention to the speed, don't turn it up, or you will create a reverse typhoon. This time you can just test the rotation ability of the battleship's balance system."

Wang Hao said solemnly, facing a typhoon, he was not prepared to sit still.

He had been able to do this before, but considering that there are still about 300 people in the arrangement, he let go of this thought, but did not expect that the typhoon actually followed, and this gave him a chance to test.


Yang Lu nodded gently, and after Wang Hao finished speaking, his body flew in an instant. At the same time, Ling Yan also flew into the sky at the same time. Wang Hao wanted to try this strong with his body. Typhoon, such an attempt, Ling Yan naturally has a strong desire to challenge her and never fear.

"Is this too awesome? Are they still humans? ... Can actually fight against natural disasters, even using the ship's skeleton to kill the typhoon."

Huang Quan arranged the camera immediately after hearing Wang Hao's words, set it up, and watched Wang Hao standing peacefully on the seashore, watching quietly. He thought for a while and did not leave. Here.

After seeing two strong tornadoes of different natures causing a strong collision, a huge wave and a spectacular scene were produced in that sea area, so that everyone who saw this scene was shocked.

This can be said to be a spectacle of nature.

And this impact, also seen in the eyes of the national satellites of the world, couldn't help but shocked, the king of the vast island, like a myth, shook their minds.

Especially above the skeleton of this Big Mac, there are two subtle invisible figures, which are Wang Hao and Ling Yan.

"Fuck, how can such a good thing that goes against the sky be less than me ..." Fang Bing saw the two men flying in the sky like gods, a strong desire appeared on their faces, and they did not hesitate to wear Lift up a mech and fly into the sky.

But Wang Hao noticed the movement on the ground and glanced at it, only to see a mech firelight coming towards the sky, letting him shook his head involuntarily, but as if he had thought of something.

"Can the mecha of the star material be able to isolate the thunder and lightning? Doesn't it seem to work?"

Wang Hao looked at the thunderstorm billowing above the clouds, as if stimulated by something, his face changed slightly, and he turned to Ling Yan and said,

"Let's go down, or we'll be hacked."

Fang Bing's lift-off, wearing the Star Dragon Soul Mecha, the material is different from the flagship skeleton, there is no ability to isolate the power, which seems to be like a boulder thrown into the sea, setting off waves.

Ling Yan nodded gently, and she obviously found the problem.

"Hao Brother, why did you go down ..."

After Fang Bing rushed up, he looked at Wang Hao and Ling Yan, and suddenly moved, and turned towards the ground, somewhat puzzled.

"Wish you a successful trip."

After Wang Hao said a word, he left without looking back, leaving a confused Fang Bing.

"what the hell."

Fang Bing looked puzzled and looked at Wang Hao's back, but he hadn't waited too long for his doubts. Suddenly he felt a burst of numbness and suddenly startled him. He turned his head and looked again. Several lightning bolts came straight towards him.

"I rely on ..."

Fang Bing's face showed a shock, and after a strange cry, he sprang up in the sky, but the lightning was like chasing his eyes, he had been chasing him, no matter how he evaded, he could not flash away.

At this moment he finally knew what Wang Hao said about the torture.

"Brother Hao, help .. My mecha is out of control and can't fall."

Fang Bing screamed, letting Yang Lu and Chen Tang, who were originally looking at Wang Hao and Ling Yan ’s body, wanted to fly into the sky, unconsciously shrunk their hands back, and there was a shock in their faces. Fortunately, he did not fly into the sky like Fang Bing.

"Don't you have to hack to the vast island after landing? I will take over the control for a while, you should stay in the air and fly for a while, anyway, you can't die. At this moment, you are Thor, with a great body, come on."

Wang Hao landed on the ground, glanced at Fang Bing, and shook his head, saying, once the other side fell, wouldn't it just be on the vast island with lightning? He can't accept this.

"Brother Hao, you pit me ..."

With a trace of sorrow, Fang Bing always felt that he was finally injured, but Wang Hao's next sentence choked him.

"It's up to you. The human body is easy to say, but you're wearing a mech, isn't it just calling for thunder and lightning? It's blaming me and asking for it."

Wang Hao reluctantly said that after he finished speaking, he no longer managed Fang Bing, but watched the flagship's skeleton rotate rapidly, forming a violent wind, and encountered a strong typhoon.

And Fang Bing intermittently flew between a man-made gusty wind and a naturally formed typhoon, like a Thor, the flash of thunder and lightning, dotted the entire sky from time to time.

"Wait for the Mervyn Alliance to see the vast planet project."

Wang Hao looked at this scene, and the spectacular scene also gave him a strong sense of courage. This is the scene he created after all.

The vast planet project is actually a plan that has been planned for a long time. In fact, after he discovered the basic principles of wormholes, he had a plan to make the end-world planet into a vast planet and use it as his own power. Starting point.

If Wang Hao is always unable to let go of his hands among the earth stars, but the interstellar era is extremely competitive, just as the source beasts strike, if they are not adaptable, they will be eliminated.

Wang Hao naturally does not want to be eliminated. He decided to develop the end-time planet with all his strength after the May-Wen Alliance, and make the end-world planet into his own planet, with all his efforts to enhance the overall technological strength. The fundamental starting point of the Planet Project.

And after Wang Hao hardened the typhoon, the sea passed a stormy wave, and under his efforts, it gradually recovered calm.

After sending away the nearly 300 people of the crew, Wang Hao once again devoted himself to his work. Above the sky, the vast flagship is also rapidly taking shape. At this time, the attention of all the stars has been discovered. It turned out that what was made on the vast island was not a landscape relief, but a huge battleship.

"The vast new generation of large-scale battle flags is about to be completed. This kind of battleship is completely a floating island in the air. Wang Hao just sent a message that the departure date has been set, ten days later."

Tao Hongguo showed a look of excitement on his face, the new generation of warships on the vast island was completed, and the Yanhuang Alliance headed by China will also go to the Meiwen Alliance for a visit and help.

This is a truly historical scale, and this moment is also called by many media as the moment when it will be recorded in the history of Earth Star.

Others also expressed the same excitement as Tao Hongguo, but this is an unprecedented thing before the earth star. Go to a planet that I don't know how far away.

"The wormhole opened up the bomb, and the strongest explosive force has reached ten joules?"

Wang Hao is making the easiest preparation for going to the May-Win Alliance. The Haohan flagship has already been manufactured and has reached the level he wants.

Jiao is a unit in which Wang Hao redefines energy. After a long period of communication and improvement by Wei Hongzhuang, he finally perfected the redefinition of energy.

Take the ordinary energy bomb explosion as an example, which is about 0.5 joules. Do n’t underestimate 0.5 joules. This level of power is definitely beyond human imagination. Like an energy hedge bomb that opens a wormhole, it needs more. With more energy, while paying attention to energy, it is more important to note that when the energy hedge bomb explodes, it can form a resonance effect with the wormhole to successfully open the wormhole.

Like the energy produced by the laser main gun ~ www.readwn.com ~ is larger than the wormhole bomb, but it cannot open the wormhole forcibly like a special wormhole bomb.

This also let Wang Hao know that not all the energy, the bigger the better, at least open a wormhole, a special energy hedge bomb is better than a laser cannon.

In addition, Wang Hao discovered a new problem. In order to open a wormhole, each star field has a different frequency of blasting. It needs to find the frequency of blasting again.

This also let Wang Hao know that he had estimated that he was really lucky, and the energy hedge bomb he created was consistent with the frequency of wormholes in that area. However, after discovering this problem, he was also clear. The time it takes to travel to the Mayvin League will increase significantly.

After all, he is not a real person going in, but using a clone, using remote control, to go to the Mayvin Alliance, it is necessary to set up the signal channel before going to the Mayvin Alliance.

With Wang Hao's busy, a huge battleship appeared above the vast island, with the name of the Yanhuang Alliance-the vastness engraved on it, and similarly, many new warships appeared outside the earth star, and the earth star and the moon Docked between.

At night, these warships are just like stars, the changes of the vast island, the statement of the Chinese nation, the movement of the Yanhuang Alliance, all prove to the world that the representatives of the most sophisticated forces that have encountered the earth star have truly stepped into the universe. era.

This is a moment in history that needs to be remembered, and it is also the advent of the real universe era of earth stars.

And countries that have not joined the Yanhuang Alliance, do not want to squeeze their heads to enter the Yanhuang Alliance, this is the largest alliance of the earth star, and more importantly, the Yanhuang Alliance is the interstellar alliance, even if it is the M country, which was once the biggest opponent of China. Now, I can only look up at the breath of Hua Guo and Yan Huang Alliance, trembling.

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