"Don't know, our decision is right or wrong ..."

Wu You stayed at Yanhuang Base for seven days. After seven days, he and Harris walked out of Yanhuang Base and looked back at Yanhuang Base with complicated eyes.

"Compared to the Yanhuang people, we are still too small. I am just now fortunate that we only met the Yanhuang people. If we encounter other more aggressive races, it is estimated that the civilization of our planet will cease to exist. . "

Harris shook his head gently. During these seven days, his world view also changed a lot, and he no longer resisted Wang Hao's words. As Wang Hao said, this universe is really too vast.

With the strength of the Yanhuang people, wanting to destroy their planet, it couldn't be easier ...

"Well, since it's decided, then do it well. I think Officer Wang is not a person who crosses the river to demolish the bridge."

Wuyou saw the strength of the Yanhuang people completely in these seven days. After discussing with Harris, he made a great determination.

Agreed with Wang Hao ’s decision. They stood in front of the stage and began to rectify the chaos of the planet. The Yanhuang people will provide a lot of masters to protect them.


Harris's mood has not returned. It is really shocking that the Yanhuang people are really shocked. He actually let his armor wear into the space. After watching the vast space, he felt his heart can bear the ability It has grown a lot.

"Hero, these two people can't believe it."

Fang Bing asked curiously after Wu You and Harris left.

"Reliable .. Even if they couldn't believe it, they couldn't turn over the storm. Now I don't have the energy. I mainly find the place of Xiao Tian, ​​which is the truth. They also understand people. Having seen the vastness of the stars, how could they still be limited to One Star Land. "

Wang Hao shook his head, Wu You and Harris, in fact, were the agents he chose to let these two people come forward to rehabilitate the planet of the last days. In this way, he can do this without distracting his energy, and secondly, he can reduce it. The resistance of the planet's indigenous people has achieved more than one thing.

In his mind, the most important thing now is to find the trace of Xiao Tian. Confirm Xiao Tian ’s safety first.

So, after taking Wuyou and Harris into space, they opened their horizons.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's eyes could not help falling on the astrology chart just started to build. At this time, they have already explored a lot of planets, but they have not found any living planets.

This made Wang Hao's brow slightly wrinkled ...

"It shouldn't be ..."

Wang Hao frowned, staring at the astrological chart. These days, with the end planet as the core, he searched the distance with a radius of about one hundred stars, but he did not find any planet about life activities.

One hundred star distance is very small, but one star distance is equal to one thousand kilometers, and that one hundred star distance is a radius of one hundred thousand kilometers.

But under this radius, no life planet was found.

"Hoge .. Hoge .. look at it ..."

It was at this moment that suddenly Lan Wei's rapid voice lifted his spirits, and he looked up immediately, and saw ten extremely small spheres appearing in the dark starry sky.

"Planet ..."

Wang Hao's eyes lit up, he hurriedly walked over, looked at the glowing planet appearing in the virtual screen, his eyes showed a strong scorching heat.

"Oh my gods, these planets seem to be connected through some association ..."

"I calculated the volume of these planets. Each planet is dozens of times larger than the earth star. These ten planets are the largest I have ever seen."

And the research assistants who came with Wang Hao were also dumbfounded. They followed Wang Hao, and they also saw a lot of knowledge, but after really seeing these ten planets, everyone's eyes were still deterred by the ten planets in front of them.

"Blue Wei .. How far are these planets from us."

Wang Hao was also shocked by these ten planets, which was like a spectacle of the universe, because the ten stars seemed to be conjoined, staying there quietly, in the dark starry sky, exuding the dim light.

"Hero, it should be about fifty stars away from us, discovered by our space reconnaissance plane ..."

Lan Wei's eyes were also shocked. After hearing Wang Hao's words, he immediately said.

"Close to ..."

Wang Hao just wanted to say that he was approaching reconnaissance, but just started, there was a loud noise, and with this loud noise, the virtual screen in the control room was black, and it was gone.

"Has it been attacked?"

Wang Hao's eyes flickered slightly, a trace of residual heat showed on his face, and he roughly guessed something.

"Yes, the reconnaissance plane was attacked with a strong energy."

Lan Wei immediately retrieved the data feedback from the space reconnaissance aircraft, and his eyes flashed slightly.


Wang Hao's eyes flickered, and after a moment of meditation, he suddenly raised his head and said again, "Arrange a few more space reconnaissance planes to pass over and decentralize monitoring."

He felt that he had found the person who took away Xiao Tian. These ten special planets surrounded by nine stars surrounded one of the largest planets in the middle.

Between the planets, there are some luminous light flowing through each other, as if to connect these planets in series, and the connected nine stars are as if they are enshrining the most central planet, so the ten stars have become an extreme. Weird rotation.

Among the nine stars, there is a floating palace above one of the planets. At this time, a person is proudly looking up at the starry sky. It looks like a thin film in front of his eyes, clearly visible to the starry sky outside, especially Looking at the dark starry sky ~ www.readwn.com ~ As he raised his hand, a strong fire light appeared instantly, and he seemed more interested.

"Emperor mad, why did you attack?"

Yuan Gu's eyes looked at this shot with a strong anger.

"What happened to the shot ... but the shooter is gone, how can you say it is so dangling."

Emperor Kuang's face showed a strong disdain, his talent for cultivation was extremely high, in his opinion, as long as he was given time, everyone in this Tianyan Palace could not be his opponent at all.

His temperament has always been arrogant. After his strength has been achieved, he has changed his name to emperor madness, with the emperor as his surname and madness as his respect.

After coming to Tiangong, apart from a small group of people, Emperor Madman did not take other family members into his eyes.

Especially the person in front of him, although cultivation is a little higher than himself, but this is the case when the other party is older than him for thousands of years. When faced with Yuan Gu, he simply sees it in his eyes.

"Have you ever seen the Tiangong Code?"

Yuan Guqiang suppressed the anger in his heart, his eyes became very gloomy and said, Emperor Kuang had just come to be unclear, but he knew very well, what was the thing that Emperor Kuang raised his hand and destroyed.

"I've seen it ... it's just ants, the outside starry sky, I have observed it for a long time, how can you say it is so dangerous."

The emperor nodded carelessly, watching another black spot come up, and once again looked up, bursting with great energy from his hands, coming out of his body, turned into a lightning, penetrated the film above the suspended palace, straight Go towards this black spot.

Is so fast that people can't react.

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