"Hero, I really want to call back now."

But in the control room of the vast island, when everyone took off the nerve control, Yang Lu said with some anger.

It ’s not just Fang Bing who is angry, even Yang Lu, who deeply feels the man ’s lonely view of life ... This makes him have an eagerness to fight back.

"Oh, relax, be sure to hit back .. But not now, first digest the data collected so far, and find some ways to crack, we will go again."

Wang Hao smiled slightly, looking at Yang Lu's expression, where he didn't know what the other party was thinking, he actually thought about the same, at first he was just curious about Ten Star Siamese.

But it is different now. He was really bitten by emperor mad, he was a little uncomfortable at first, and was irritated by emperor mad's indifference to life.

Now Wang Hao is no longer just curious, combined with the life of Xiao Tian being taken away and the other party being ignored, he has decided to take a good look at this ten-star conjoined body, at least as soon as possible to find a way to put Xiao Tian Find out and guarantee the safety of the other party, otherwise, if those planets are all these people, it is too dangerous for Xiao Tian's safety.

Facing that person's powerful personal strength, Wang Hao also wanted to see if he is currently strong in science and technology or the other party's cultivation system is stronger.

Of course, this is also Wang Hao collected some data, that although the strength of individuals in this cultivation system is very strong, judging from his current data, his own scientific and technological strength is still very strong for these people who can step into outer space. Lethal.

Now that he has great strength, he will take advantage of this opportunity to collect some data on this ten-star conjoined planet, which is also helpful for his research. More importantly, he has nearly nine Xiao Tian is among these ten planets.

"Next, Lan Wei, Chen Tang, Wei Hongzhuang .. You jointly develop a laser cannon and control system that can hit each other ... Yang Lu, you are based on energy hedge bombs and take people to study the universe ’s outer space mines, We must add some means of defense to our fleet. Do n’t be attacked by these cultivators who can step into the interstellar, and it will be troublesome. "

After Wang Hao pondered for a moment, he raised his head violently, combined with the data collected this time, a look of excitement appeared on his face.

Although he said that he faced such a strong enemy for the first time, he didn't even have much power to fight back, but it was because of this that it even inspired his heart of victory.

Wang Hao feels that this feeling of having opponents is really good. After all, before, his research ability is so strong that he has no opponents among the earth stars. Even in the Meiwen Alliance, he is also a human being and also has no opponents. .

When he faced the source beast, the source beast was not a human being. There was no contrast. The pressure given to him by the source beast only inspired Wang Hao's strong survival, but now it is different.

The other party obviously belonged to the basic carbon life. Wang Hao was defeated by human beings, which inspires his strong heart.

"How about you, Hao ..."

Fang Bing's arrangement with Wang Hao only excluded himself and made him a little curious. He didn't have any malicious inquiries like this, he just wanted to know which direction Wang Hao was studying.

"I want to rethink the direction of cosmic warfare, build a complete war attack defense system, and I decided to study the cosmic mech so that the fleet can be melee defenses or melee attacks."

Wang Hao did not conceal, but in the face of Fang Bing and Yang Lu, he had nothing to hide.

The reason why arranges other research work is actually just to better liberate his own research.

Because of this battle, he was inspired a lot. He was previously misled by the Mayvin Alliance. He believed that the bigger the battleship, the better, and the more functions, the better. However, in the face of individual powerful cultivators, he Suddenly woke up.

This idea may have some wrong values. In the war of the universe, although the flagship has a strong importance, the flagship is indeed very important in the interstellar universe. For example, in the battle of the Mayvin Alliance, the flagship ’s Weapons can even control the situation, but the flagship also has its own drawbacks.

The development of pure warships is very inappropriate ... This time, the cultivation of the strong is close to the body, which has caused some changes in Wang Hao's mind.

Combined with some ideas in his mind, especially after he experienced close combat with powerful individual strength, he suddenly realized.

Because of the distance of the universe, the war span is indeed very large. The big one made him forget the close-up, but this time he clearly realized that the threat of close-range combat to the fleet, the other party alone solved more than a dozen ships. The battleship made him clearly realize the terrible destructive power after close combat.

This time, Wang Hao made a decision, a decision aimed at the situation of interstellar wars, that is, the development of diversification, he is ready to pick up the mecha again, to study the mecha well, the mecha is his He believed that the most suitable melee weapon, mecha, had a strong foundation, and research was not difficult.

And Wang Hao's words also caused Yang Lu, Lan Wei and others to nod their heads gently. Indeed, as Wang Hao said, this group extinction is actually not unreasonable, precisely because of the fleet's close defense Weakness only gives the strong man a chance.

This is like the carrier fleet among the earth stars. The carrier is equivalent to the flagship of the universe. If there are only aircraft carriers and no other functional ships, such as cruise ships and anti-submarine ships, then the aircraft carriers are easily sunk.

If there is no fighter, the aircraft carrier is also easy to be sunk, and the functional ship is analogous to all kinds of vast warships, and the fighter is actually equivalent to the mech. This is a cosmic defense system and attack that Wang Hao is building. system.

Of course, this system is far more complicated than the aircraft carrier system, and the weapons produced are by no means limited to several warships, but will be more.

With Wang Hao's arrangement ~ www.readwn.com ~ The entire vast island has once again entered a state of mad research, and the earth star has not changed much. It is still developing peacefully and rapidly, and the people are as usual.

The Meiwen Alliance, with the permission to control the clones, immediately entered the Meiwen Alliance, and immediately set off a wave. The vast variety of warships, as the license was familiar with the Meiwen Alliance, attracted all parties. Fanaticism and chasing.

Even if it was the enlightenment of the Apocalypse Empire, his eyes were burning. He had no idea that the Yanhuang Alliance actually started this business, but he was a little surprised that the person named Licensing, when he announced it to the outside world, did not claim it. The Yanhuang Alliance, but self-proclaimed on the vast island.

But this question flashed through his mind, there was not too much entanglement, but a frequent visit to a space port established by the Yanhuang Alliance, which was built on a desolate, unsuitable human planet.

His purpose is obvious, naturally for the battleship of the Yanhuang Alliance.

The Yanhuang Alliance, which is dominated by China, has successfully established an externally connected office in the central administrative star of the May-Wen Alliance under the leadership of the Vietnamese army.

Of course, the technical support for the signal connection of this office is still contracted by Haohan Island for free, and the Yanhuang Alliance has also started to communicate normally with Interstellar. Interstellar lingua franca has gradually entered the education system at all levels in China. , Began to compose in advance.

But all these changes have not affected Wang Hao, the vast island is still calm, quietly in the madness of research, wherever he fell, he climbed up where he thought, just to better return to the ten-star conjoined body Planet, with a bad breath.

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