Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 886: Let me meet at a meeting

It took about half a month for the source star to be in the ten-star conjoined star field. After sleeplessly, it once again came to the ten-star planet near the source star five hundred stars away.

Wang Hao looked at the ten-star Siamese, his eyes showing a contemplative, this time, he was not completely unprepared like the last time.

"Hero, why do you go directly?"

Fang Bing looked at the Si Xing Siamese and remembered the last thing. His expression showed strong curiosity, and there was a trace of yearning. After all, the people who came out of the Si Xing Siamese could only stay on the flesh. In the void, this was enough to make him awe and curious.

"First arrange space mines, lay defensive minefields, establish a submerged defense system, and place space mines. Yang Lu will arrange it for you."

Wang Hao's face was dignified. After a moment of meditation, he looked up and said, facing the cultivators of this planet, he also collected some data. After a long time of thinking, he felt positively confronted, he didn't have to care too much .

However, the mobility of these strong players has to be careful. The other party is also a brained person. Seeing that the front cannot break through, it is very likely to seek a lateral attack.


Yang Lu nodded gently, a look of excitement appeared on his face. In the Meiwen Alliance, he experienced a battle with Yuan Beast, but this time it was different. This time, it will be a battle with humanity.

This is a completely different experience. In the face of the strong of the cultivation system, he really does not have any contempt. Looking at the previous battle, he knows that the other party is only a person, and they have destroyed a dozen of their warships.

Although it may be said that they were not fully prepared at the time, it was an indisputable fact that one person singled out a dozen warships. He had also seen the strong practitioners who walked out of the scope of energy hedge bombs.

Facing such an opponent, he can't afford to look down a little, and some just take a strong emphasis.

It ’s not just Yang Lu, it ’s the same with everyone around Wang Hao, even Wang Hao. This time he came with a fleet of hundreds of warships. He did n’t have the confidence to win the ten planets. .

After all, Wang Hao doesn't know how many of the ten strong planets he has seen before.

However, under the fanatic psychology of research, after a long time of ideological struggle in Wang Hao's heart, he decided to come here to play a wave and try the standards of these ten planets.

Just in case, when Wang Hao came out, he had arranged the transformation of the source star. On some barren planets near the source beast, weapons were erected. The purpose was to make the source star a defensive iron bucket. .

Wang Hao's thinking has always been a good way out. If a landslide is really encountered here, then the source star should not be lost.

"Arrange ten U shields and ten U-shaped attack ships for the designated positions, and prepare for the attack in advance. In fact, the warships stayed in place and maintained a defensive formation. Since we are here, we will give each other a meeting gift.

Wang Hao's eyes were calm. This time he was indeed ready for battle. A real battle. Several reconnaissance planes approached, or a dozen warships approached before. Although the survival time was very short, the data was still collected. Some more.

Now he understands that this ten-star conjoined planet, with the same thin film intercommunication, should actually be energy, forming an own energy cycle, and even he found some energy shields on these planets. Shadow.

This all shows that these planets, on each planet, may have an energy defense system.

"Huoge, u shield defense ship reached the designated position, u type attack ship, two-way charging is completed."

Lan Wei immediately executed Wang Hao's order. After a while, he completed the order and said.

"Then let's fire, first arrange ten u-shaped attack ships to fire an ordinary laser gun and try it out."

Wang Hao nodded his head gently. What he said was not simply a pure meeting ceremony, but he found that there are energy shields on the outer periphery of these planets, which gives him a good study of these energy shields. idea.

What is the best way to study ... In fact, it is to enter the planet to conduct research, but now Wang Hao knows that it is unlikely to want to enter the planet.

Wang Hao also had to retreat, which is to use external attacks to study the energy shields of these planets, arrange ten U-shaped attack ships out, and try out the defense of these planets.

Similarly, we can better test the true strength of these planets.

In fact, after the arrival of Wang Hao, within the largest planet of the ten-star conjoined body, the headquarters of an organization with the highest status was in a huge floating palace, standing above the clouds, and a huge alarm sounded.

"There are foreign enemies close to the world of Tianyan ... Did they return for revenge?"

In a huge circular platform, a Chinese character face, with a majestic middle-aged face, slowly opened his eyes. After hearing the alarm, his heart suddenly jumped slightly and immediately knew the sound of the alarm. What it means.

"Holy Lord ... It's not good, there are a lot of unknown 'monsters' outside of the Yanyan starry sky, and it looks like a fierce ..."

When the middle-aged man with Guozi face completely opened his eyes, a person immediately ran in and looked at the awakened middle-aged man. His eyes were bright and he hurriedly yelled.


Yan Tianxing showed a serious face. He took over as the lord of Tiangong for three thousand years. He had not been invaded by foreign enemies. He had only seen the invasion of foreign enemies when he was a child. But at that time, he was very young and did not directly participate in it, but was under shelter. , Watching from afar.

But that battle left a deep impression on his heart, because that battle was called the Falling War by Tianyan World ... countless powerful cultivators of Tianyan World, even could have lived for ten thousand years. The Emperor Realm Powerhouse ~ ~ fell in that battle.

At that time, there were many strong people in the Tianyan world, which was the peak period of cultivation, but after that battle, the ancestor-level strongmen of countless families in the countless families had more than 90% casualties, although it was said that The foreign enemies who attacked them did not benefit, and they also killed many people.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the cultivation environment of Tianyan World has deteriorated. Yantianxing has also heard from his ancestors that these foreign enemies seem to have escaped. At that time, because the powerful of Tianyan World often traveled in the stars, Seeing what was called a warship, I was curious and stopped.

And because of this curiosity, something went wrong. Without saying anything, the foreign enemy started the attack directly, and Tianyan World also launched a real fire, and a war started, and the army of Tianyan World was caught in the starry sky. In the end, the battle relied on the huge number of Tianyan world. At that time, many ancestor-level strongmen who crossed the river crucian carp directly carried out personal beheading operations, which defeated the gang of isolated foreign enemies. Retreat, several warships fled.

In the following time, Tianyan World cultivated itself, but after a great war, the spirit in the environment became scarce, and the speed of cultivation was not as good as before. Everyone sighed that this was a battle that killed a thousand enemies and damaged 800.

But the other party's one thousand is really one thousand, and the 800 of Tianyan world is a long-lasting damage that is difficult to repair, which is why Yantianxing's face changed after he heard the alarm.

He is afraid that there will be another fall war like before, which will be a huge blow to the world of Tianyan.

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