However, he still underestimated the degree of Fang Bing's madness, and actually changed another clone to continue to speak.

"Master, you should teach us a little more skill to the Fengyun Daomen, then the Shushan vein will not be our opponent at all."

Fang Bing smiled in his heart. In order to ensure that he acted for a long time, he did not hesitate to put down his temperament and began to control another clone to speak.

"If you talk again, I will reduce the permissions for a while. Let me see what is wrong."

Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing, let Fang Bing's back cool, and dared not speak again. He was really afraid of getting too far. Wang Hao lowered his authority. Once lowered, he was at Haohan Research Center. He has no ability to call DragonBrain to help him complete some different clones.

Fang Bing still dare not gamble on this kind of thing, silently put down the thought of acting.

But Wang Hao looked like he was catching up, but Ka Miao looked at it. He looked at his brother, and there was a strong excitement in her eyes. She felt like she had found it. Spread outside, the master of Fengyun Daomen is relatively mysterious.

"Sister that seems to be the master of Fengyun Daomen."

Ka Feng showed a shock on his face. He did not expect that he would see two leaders of the emerging forces in the Western Cape. At this time, he was standing respectfully in front of the man who had talked with himself before, and it seemed that he was a brother.

"I saw."

Kamiao's face also showed a strong shock. She had never thought that Shushan Jianzong and Fengyun Daomen were in the same line.

But she knows these two forces, the lowest cultivation level is the level of the qi state, which can be said to be the pinnacle of the next three realms, even if her previous family still exists, the qi state is only dozens, and Now Shushan Jianzong and Fengyun Daomen, none of the appearing gatekeepers are under the atmosphere of qi.

Many people say that these two martial arts have many masters in the three realms, and the master of the martial arts may be even more terrifying.

But now looking at the masters of the two schools, she was actually called a master in front of a young man, which made her heart jump slightly, and four words appeared in her heart.

Peerless powerhouse.

Ka Miao looked at Wang Hao's young face, her eyes were brighter and brighter, and she was more fortunate that she really didn't make any mistakes, maybe this is the turning point between herself and her brother.

Special Ka Miu looked at Wang Hao impatiently, looking at the masters of the two martial arts.

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing. When the two were walking through the mist, he had a strong curiosity in his heart. What special method did the two have, which could pass through the formation and virtual reality he created? Combine.

Therefore, when these two people entered, he used the scanning equipment in the base to scan the two people. As a result, Wang Hao also found something different.

That is, the older sister's eyes are completely different from the ordinary people's structure, which makes Wang Hao's eyes green. This is the first time he has studied so many body data and found that the body structure There has been such a big change.

This made Wang Hao no longer have a quiet heart, once again burning up.

"Master, please accept us as a disciple."

Ka Miao reacted in an instant. The purpose of her coming was to seek asylum. Now when the other party asks, she naturally does not intend to miss it.

"You can stay here for a while, you don't have to say anything about the apprenticeship."

Wang Hao took a serious look at Ka Miu and his brother. After experiencing a lot of him, he naturally saw something. Combining with the powerful person before, he had a rough guess in his mind, and this guess In his view, eight or nine are inseparable.

If the other party truly worships himself as a teacher, he may really agree, but the two of them obviously want to seek asylum. After serious consideration, he did not agree, but the different eye structures made him reluctant to let go. The two left.

Therefore, Wang Hao chose a compromise method, that is, he can stay in the valley with the prototype of his eyes, so that he can easily study the difference of the eye structure, because he believes that the other party can enter the valley without hindrance. Eyes with different structures have a great relationship.

After hearing Wang Hao ’s words, Ka Miu looked at his brother and nodded gently. There was a smile on his face. The apprenticeship was not the most important thing. He just wanted to seek a place of refuge until he got rid of the family. After the eyeliner, you can go to find the tomb of the emperor in the map and get the inheritance of the powerful emperor.

"You live there, don't worry about the safety here. In the world of Tianyan, there are not many who can beat this place."

Wang Hao glanced at Ka Miao and Ka Feng, the other two thoughts, how could he not know, but he did n’t have much control, for him, it was enough to study his eyes smoothly.

Now he has encountered a lot of research problems. Like Ling Yan ’s talent for improving his strength, he has no clue at all. After entering the world of Tianyan, he did not take it with him, but stayed in Qin and challenged every day. Accomplished the name of a female lunatic, but with the spread of this madness, Ling Yan's realm seemed to be crazy, one step a day, a big step three days.

Even Wang Hao can't keep up, and now Wang Hao's prototype benchmark for researching exercises is all based on the change of Ling Yan's strength.

There is also no clue here in Wang Hao, and there is also a soul, which is also a research that has always plagued Wang Hao ~ ~ But Kaomi ’s eyes are different, in Wang Hao ’s eyes, this kind of eyes The structure is much simpler than studying Ling Yan ’s battle to improve talent and soul, which can be said to be much simpler

"Have you not found the source of those people?"

Qin Tiange's face showed a mad killing intention. Now he has clearly felt that there is a strong competitor in the Qin Kingdom's supreme throne.

That was the one he did n’t see in the eyes of Qin Hongxi before. Now that Qin Hongxi is becoming more and more influential, he feels a very strong threat.

"No, it seems to appear out of thin air."

Qin Yu's face also showed a touch of helplessness and a sense of powerlessness. Before he controlled the intelligence organization, it can be said to be handy, but this time he really felt the powerlessness.

He wanted to check the roots of the group of mysterious people, but these people appeared as if they were out of thin air, so he had no way to investigate.

"Don't check it first. The personal disciples of the elder Luo Xingzong toured. I will talk to him before that time. I believe he will definitely use the resources of the Luo Xingzong. Investigate that these people are now doing their best to welcome the biography of the elder Luo Xingzong. The coming of disciples. "

Qin Tiange also had a little helplessness on his face. After thinking for a while, he shook his head gently and said, now he can see it. With his own strength, he wants to investigate these mysterious people who appear beside Qin Hongxi. It's still too difficult. He needs some help.

"it is good."

Qin language nodded.


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