Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 921: Wrong .. this should be the export

After determining his ideas, Wang Hao immediately began to mobilize a large number of computing resources, trying to trap Master Lou in the psychedelic array, so that he could absorb more knowledge of the formation.

In the case of Wang Hao's burning eyes, Feng Xingchi entered the mist under the guidance of Master Lou. This group of people entered for a moment, but did not notice that there was a huge change in the entire mist forest. The tumbling continues, and the intensity is many times stronger.

"It's wrong ... logically speaking, this should be the exit of students."

Master Lou took a serious look at the terrain, and then at the front. A strong doubt appeared on his face. It stands to reason that this should be an exit, but when he saw the front, it was a huge deep hole, and even formed a The cliff-like terrain structure.

It was not consistent with his own inference, which made his heart jump slightly, and there was a not-so-good hunch that Master Lou's performance was seen by Wang Hao.

At this moment, a smile appeared on Wang Hao's face. This is the correct way to open the misty forest. Before that, it was completely hit by Ka Miu. The abnormal eyes can actually see through the misty forest he laid out. Came in.

"Xiaolong ... Let me put it in a little bit. I would like to see how much master Master Lou has after all. In addition, I have arranged for Wei Hongzhuang to come over and learn about the application of energy."

Wang Haorao looked at it with interest. After thinking for a while, he could not help raising his head and said, he still has a lot of interest in the formation. After all, this is another level of energy in the world of Tianyan. understanding.

Inspired Wang Hao.

With Wang Hao's words, Dragon Brain executed quickly. Now Dragon Brain, Wang Hao always feels a lot better than before. At least for the transmission of commands, he feels that Dragon Brain is smoother than before. less.

I don't know if it was his illusion. He felt that Dragon Brain now had a feeling of being close to Fang Bing. At least, the pretentious mentality made him feel more and more obvious on Dragon Brain.

"Master Lou ... Can you break this formation?"

Feng Xingchi looked at Master Lou's expression, and he was not stupid. He knew that something must have happened, which made Master Lou look like this. Now, to be honest, he entered the formation with regret.

It was indeed because he looked at this formation before, and the method of setting up the formation was very simple, or even rudimentary, even if he could see it, which was also confirmed in Master Lou's words.

But he didn't expect that this rudimentary arrangement was like a disguise. After really entering, after a short walk, they lost their way.

"This ... I try."

Master Lou ’s eyes at this time no longer have the previous contempt, but a solemn opening, he also did not expect that, in his opinion, it was just a child-like array of tactics. So soon after letting him enter, There is a tendency to collapse.

He looked carefully around, exactly the same as when he came in, which made Master Lou a little puzzled. He always felt that it was full of weirdness. It stands to reason that, according to his judgment, this is impossible at all. But the ridiculous situation is that they will always go the way they did before and repeat it again and again.

"Oh, the combination of virtual reality and formation is really good."

While Feng Xingchi and Master Lou were madly searching for a way out, Wang Hao was in the misty valley, using the same perspective as God, using satellites to watch this group of people.

In fact, this group of people did not get lost, but Wang Hao used virtual reality to construct one maze after another, letting this group of people walk through a place, and the next place was exactly the same as before, which caused An illusion of getting lost.

This is also the reason why Master Lou has not found a way out. In fact, what Master Lou sees is not true, but there is something that has not been seen, that is, virtual reality.

Facing a product of science and technology, Master Lou judged the layout of the virtual reality plus the formation method by experience, and naturally lost.

But now Wang Hao is not going to do this ... because this group has entered the hinterland and entered the position he originally arranged, he is going to use this position to trap each other.

"Wei Hongzhuang, you have to analyze Master Lou's application of energy to form materials, which we may use at that time."

Wang Hao turned his head to take a look at Wei Hongzhuang. At this time, he suddenly had a strong idea, that is, the tomb of the Emperor Realm. He was about to let Sister Ka's brother go out, but before going out, he needed to confirm something.

After telling Wei Hongzhuang about it, he left for the residence of the Ka family.

"You stop first."

After Wang Hao came to the residence of the Ka family with a huge screen, he looked at the two sisters who were practicing and said involuntarily.

"Master, what are you instructing?"

Although Ka Miao didn't go to the other party's door, but she saw the Shushan Jianzong and the master of the Fengyun Daomen, and she didn't dare to make inferior looks in front of this person.

Ka Feng stopped at the right time and looked at Wang Hao with a trace of gratitude.

"You confirm, this person is what you call the Fengtian family?"

Wang Hao pointed at ~ to let the clone take the screen, playing the trapped people, letting him follow his fingers to look at the past, the eyes were stunned, and there was a strong hate on his face. .

"He is the one who ordered my family to be destroyed."

Ka Miu gritted his teeth and said with a strong hatred in his eyes, as was Ka Feng, the hate was monstrous.

This made Wang Hao, who was watching the sisters and sisters of the Ka family, show a little helplessness in his heart.

Perhaps this is the world of Tianyan, because there is no strong legal system, and it is not unified in the form of a country. This has caused the situation today. The binding power between the forces is extremely poor, killing each other, conquering, and even slaughtering. It is commonplace to destroy the door.

In the world of Tianyan, almost every time, there are some forces or families, dying in the long river of time. This is not the decline of the family, but the destruction of the door by more powerful forces and families.

This also allowed Wang Hao to see the situation of the entire Tianyan world, and came to a conclusion that chaos in times of trouble, he had already arranged dragon brain to assist Qin Hongxi, as soon as possible to ascend to the Qin Kingdom and rule Qin Kingdom.

Then with his help, conquer Tianyan, master the entire Tianyan world, and formulate a unified and sound legal system. This is the most important purpose of his heart to help Qin Hongxi. Now looking at the Ka family's sister, just let His inner decision confirmed the Fa only.

"I will trap these people for half a month, do you want to leave?"

Wang Hao sighed softly in his heart, but his heart was also very powerful, knowing that with his current strength, for the time being, it was not enough for Qin Hongxi to master the entire Tianyan world in an instant.

Although he said that he has developed mechas with extremely strong personal strength, Wang Hao also knows that in the world of Tianyan, some big forces have many powerful emperors,

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