"Do you know these three people?"

With a touch of inquiry, Ka Kuo looked at Ka Miu and Ka Feng's younger brother, his face was very curious.

"The man headed is the Lord of the Misty Forest."

Ka Miu explained without hesitation.

Lord of the Misty Forest.

Ka Kuo's face was sullen, the misty forest. After spending some time in the Western Cape, how could he not know what the Lord of the misty forest meant. Many people were discussing, even if he didn't want to hear, he heard, this Definitely a hideout for the strong.

He had deliberately watched it at the time. After all, this variable made him think that it would be the tomb of the Emperor Realm, but when he went there, he knew at a glance that the fog that appeared there must have been Variables have appeared.

Combining with the map he saw, he knew that he still wanted to go. It was not what he thought, because the tomb of Emperor Realm is not in that direction.

"This is the tomb of the Emperor Realm."

Wang Hao was originally with Fang Bing and Ling Yan to stay in Lufeng City, but after hearing the tomb of the Emperor Realm Powerful, there were variables, and they hurried over quickly.

Because they heard that the bronze door was opened and counted it seriously.

"Is it true that some people with higher cultivation levels like to use the bronze door as a symbol of their status."

Fang Bing has a touch of speechlessness. In the novels he feels, it seems that many invincible strongmen like bronze as the door material.

"You want to make it simple, it's just like a bronze door, it's not such a material."

Wang Hao shook his head and shook his head. Although he only came by three people, it seemed that there were not many people, but in the sky, he concealed a sky-hidden fighter. With the newly researched color-changing materials, he flew high in the sky, if not If you look closely, you won't find it at all.

There are many monitoring equipments in Wang Hao. After knowing the tomb of the Emperor Realm, he specially prepared for a long time.

"Wait for them to go in, let's go in again."

After Wang Hao thought about it, he knew that many other practitioners came over just to find the inheritance of the Emperor Realm, but he was not the same.

Inheritance, although he has a little interest, but compared to the study of the emperor realm, he still hopes to study the bones of the emperor realm.


Above the Heaven Palace of Bayan Star, after hearing the appearance of the tomb of the Emperor Realm, the star of Bayan Star still showed a touch of interest on his face.

But after seeing the four characters of "Chi Tian Di", his pupils shrank slightly and sat down quietly.

"Star Lord, is this really the tomb of the emperor Zhitian? As the ultimate powerhouse of the eighth emperor realm, should there be some good things in it?"

Emperor Kuang has lost the madness of arrogance of the world before. After the Star Wars, he knew that he still underestimated the existence of the starry sky. Especially in the starry sky, there is also the army of the Yan and Huang clan, threatening the sky all the time. Yan world.

He knew that the starry sky was far more dangerous than he thought.

"You didn't reach the emperor realm, don't understand the terrible emperor realm, especially the emperor-level strong, maybe some older emperor reals did come to the end of the year and gradually died, forming the tomb of the emperor realm, But the Emperor Zhitian is different. The Emperor Zhitian is not the limit, but caused by the war three thousand years ago ... The role of this cemetery is actually prepared by the Emperor Zhitian for his own resurrection. "

There was a touch of respect on the face of Lord Bayanxing. Thousand years ago, the Emperor Zhitian was the strong of the older generation. Even when the Tianyan world was prosperous at that time, the entire Tianyan world could be ranked in the top ten.

In the World War I, the Emperor Zhitian did a lot of work. Although he suffered some fatal injuries, he still survived. However, the fatal injuries of the body could not be repaired. This made the then Emperor Zhitian make a decision. That is to build a recuperating place, and wait for some recovery, and then use the body of others to live again.

"Star Lord ... you mean ... Chi Tian Di is going to be resurrected?"

Emperor Kuang's face was stunned, and there was a shocking look on his face. He did not expect that this was not a tomb of a powerful emperor, but an emperor who wanted to be resurrected.

In the Tianyan world, only the Seventh Emperor Realm or above can be called the Great Emperor, and the Sixth Prior to the Seventh Emperor can only be regarded as the Emperor Realm.

After the Seventh Emperor Realm, it has begun to contact the mysterious cultivation system, which is completely different from the previous system, so the strong man who can be called the Great Emperor must be the strongman of the Seventh Emperor Realm. Unpredictable, it is not something that ordinary emperor realm can understand.

Even if it is the Lord of the Eight Yan Stars, it is only the sixth level of the Emperor Realm. Emperor Kuang has also heard that the Star Lord has said that even if the Seventh Level of the Emperor Realm is him, it will be difficult to break through.

Therefore, the difficulty can be imagined.

"Em .. Emperor Mad, give you a task to sharpen your mind, you go to be the guardian of the emperor."

After the Master Yanyan was silent for a while, he looked up and said that at the peak of the world of Tianyan, the Emperor Tianyan was the Master Yanyan. In that era, the Star Lord was controlled by the Great Emperor. After the battle, let the older generation of Tianyan world die dead, disabled disabled ~ www.readwn.com ~ closed retreat.

The position of the star master has changed from the great emperor to the ordinary emperor.

Now that the Emperor Tiantian is resurrected, it is estimated that the resurrection of other great emperors is also fast. The Master of the Eight Yanxing also knows that the Tianyan World may be about to recover some of its peak combat power.

Thinking of here, Lord Bayan stared involuntarily and looked at the starry sky. The dark places of the starry sky had many black spots.

When these powerful men are resurrected, Tianyan World will not be restricted by these warships.

A smile appeared in the face of the main star of Yanyan. To tell the truth, he understood the method of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace, but he understood it. This sense of crisis at any time above the head made him feel uncomfortable.

"it is good."

Emperor Kuang nodded gently, a scorching heat appeared on his face, the older generation of strong men, he had long had strong expectations, he also knew that the master of the Eight Yanxing made himself the guardian of the Emperor Tian Tian, ​​already explained one problem.

That is, the Emperor Tiantian will borrow someone else's body to resurrect. This kind of resurrection has many advantages and many disadvantages, such as recultivation, which can fit the soul very well, and the body is completely sound.

The disadvantage is that this requires re-cultivation, but as a escort, the ordinary **** is okay, but the **** of the strong rebirth has many benefits, such as the **** can experience the step-by-step cultivation of the rebirth Process, this is the default fact in the world of Tianyan.

Emperor Madness naturally accepted it with joy. This is Emperor Zhitian, an emperor with eight emperors. Let him understand the re-cultivation of Emperor Zhitian, which may be of great help for him to break through Emperor Realm.

Naturally, he could not refuse. This is an opportunity. An opportunity to understand the power of the great emperor-level masters without apprenticeship can be said to be a real fat gap.

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