"Little sister, your knowledge is still too little ... We are away all year round, professionally solving various spiritual events, engaged in the arrest of the soul, research work, and living on it ... This is my business card, next If there are any supernatural events that need to be resolved, please contact me.

Fang Bing looked at the dull Ka Miu, a smile appeared on his face, as if thinking of something, he took out the business card unique to the earth star from his pocket, handed it over, and said with a smile, such a suitable opportunity How could he miss such a pulling occasion.

Sure enough, still follow Haoge to pretend to be .. still high-end.

Fang Bing had some emotions in his heart. Looking at what he was like before, he could only be considered as a minor nuisance, so that the forces in the Western Cape could know that there was Shushan Jianzong and Fengyun Daomen, and these two forces were the opposite of life and death.

But following Wang Hao, it is just some high-end operations, involving the soul, and it immediately reflects the high-end operations, how high-end the soul is a word.

Engaged in the capture and research of the soul, professionally solve the spiritual events ...

It even makes Fang Bing feel that this is already a profit point ... will become a signboard.

"Arrest .. Research .. Soul .. Deal with supernatural events."

Everyone else looked at Fang Bing dumbly, the shock in his eyes lingering, and Zhi Tian was frightened by Fang Bing's professional words. He didn't think at all that he just slept for three thousand years, how did he appear Such a perverted organization.

Actually engaged in soul arresting work for a living ... This made Zhi Tian's heart cold. Look at how professional they say. The more professional they say, the more likely the truth is.

Just as Fang Bing's words caused a huge shock, Wang Hao sat down in front of the simple console, as if thinking of something, his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

There is even a feeling of pulling out the clouds. Fang Bing may just talk casually, but in Wang Hao's heart, he made an important decision.

What is most needed for research, the biggest is to have enough research objects, it is precisely because there are enough research partners to be faster and more prepared to grasp the research direction.

So that the direction will not be a big deviation.

"Catch the soul? Catch the soul in the entire Tianyan world ..."

At this moment, Wang Hao was completely opened by Fang Bing. The more he thought about Fang Bing, the more he felt too correct.

That is to set up an organization to specifically capture the soul of the Tianyan world and let him conduct research, which may allow him to crack the soul's secret faster.

Just do it.

Wang Hao had a certain thought, and a bright smile appeared on his face, as if he saw the hope of completely cracking his soul.

"Hao brother ... what's wrong with me, am I pretending too much."

After Fang Bing finished speaking, watching the reaction of everyone was naturally extremely satisfied, but when he looked at Wang Hao's expression, he seemed to be shocked by his words. He could not help but slightly hesitated and said hesitantly.

"No, it just feels like you were right ... I suddenly had a bold idea."

Wang Hao took a serious look at Fang Bing, and there was a meaningful smile on his face. He suddenly felt that he really had to put a heavy load on Fang Bing.

"... Bold ideas? Why don't I want to know so much?"

Fang Bing looked slightly dumbfounded and glanced at Wang Hao hesitantly. There was a little uncertainty on his face. He looked at Wang Hao seriously, as if he was confirming Wang Hao's bold ideas, whether he was good or bad for himself.

"Relax, there is no conspiracy, you will be happy to listen, my idea is that, as you said, decided to set up an organization, a special organization to capture the soul, specialize in dealing with spiritual events, this organization is based on your ideas Yes, it ’s up to you to control it. "

Wang Hao knows that Fang Bing is definitely interested in this organization. The establishment of this organization is still very beneficial to his research. Naturally, I hope that the establishment of this organization can truly become a professional organization for capturing souls as said. .

And the success of an organization and forces is inseparable from innovative ideas. Since this idea was born from Fang Bing, Wang Hao naturally saved this organization to Fang Bing to manage in order to save his time.

"... Hero, I just said it casually, you are really going to do it."

Fang Bing was a little ignorant. He stared blankly at Wang Hao. This idea, he only saw it in a novel by Di Xing. He just changed it a little and changed the professional maintenance ... recover the aircraft carrier ... Became a soul.

But looking at Wang Hao's serious face, he knew that Wang Hao was real.

"I'm really going to do it. If I can catch more souls, it will be of great help to my research progress."

Wang Hao nodded gently and continued to beat on the simple console. Although the idea was generated, he was not ready to let go of the spirit of the emperor.

The organization started with the arrest of Zhitian's soul.

"Okay, I did it .. This organization is called Soul Hall, which specializes in capturing souls."

Fang Bing moved, thinking for a while, he made up his mind and said the name of the organization that made Wang Hao stay a while.

"Where did you see your name? It seems to be the name of a villain? You can't remember where you saw it."

Wang Hao tapped on the simple console, his hands shook slightly, and turned his head to look at Fang Bing seriously, as if thinking of the origin of the name.

"Huge brother, you must be thinking bad .. I just casually said that this organization is engaged in soul-related work, and it is naturally called the Soul Palace. It has no other meaning at all. Besides, the organization ’s approach is not the villain ’s approach. , Don't think too much. "

Fang Bing instinctively named the Soul Palace. For him, the organization Wang Hao said was consistent with the Soul Palace forces in a novel by Di Xing.

The difference is only the last purpose between the two. One is to enhance the strength. What Wang Hao wants to do is to study and completely study the soul.

"as long as you are happy...."

Wang Hao glanced at Fang Bing, somewhat speechless.

After throwing his thoughts away, he thought for a moment, and he always felt that the Soul Hall had been seen, but in his heart, it was just a name.

Besides, this thing is obviously a villain, and Wang Hao agrees with Fang Bing's sentence.

Since it is a villain's approach, Wang Hao will naturally not object to having the same name as a villain. He can't really do anything about setting up a torii gate. Since he is a villain, he will have the consciousness of being a villain. These souls are good.

"Senior Senior Zhi Tian, ​​mad at the Emperor, ordered by the Eight Yantian Palace, came to become the senior guardian."

Emperor Kuangfei was flying in front of the bronze gate. He always felt that the entrance in front of him was a bit strange. UU reading www.uukanshu.com gave him a bad feeling, but he didn't know where it came from.

But at this moment, an arrogant voice suddenly appeared in the underground palace, making Wang Hao slightly stunned, and immediately turned to look at the console.

"It's actually him."

Wang Hao immediately took out the sky hidden in the sky, scanning the outside data, and a somewhat familiar face appeared in front of him.

"Some played ... I didn't expect that you would hit me directly."

Wang Hao looked at this man's face and muttered to himself, but he did not forget the person he touched when he first explored this ten-star conjoined world of Tianyan.

After he entered the world of Tianyan, he has been busy with research, no time, but did not expect the other party to come across.

And the appearance of this voice also gave a hint of hope in Feng Xingchi's trembling mind, and his eyes lit up.


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