
After Qin Hongxi returned to the mansion and met Wang Hao, with a touch of excitement, Wang Hao's return made him feel relieved a lot, just like a stimulant, he changed his mood greatly and had a sense of relief a feeling of.

"A lot of maturity."

Although Wang Hao said that he got a lot of reports about the growth of Qin Hongxi from Longnao, but after really seeing Qin Hongxi in person, he still feels about Qin Hongxi's growth.

Now Qin Hongxi is no longer as self-confident as he was when he first saw him, and now Qin Hongxi is full of smiles.

"Teacher, you are good at teaching."

Qin Hongxi said gratefully that he was sincerely grateful to Wang Hao. This was really an attempt to teach him with no return. If he said that the other party had an attempt, how could it be five years.

"Introduce to you, these two are Zhitian, Emperor Mad, as for this one, Fang Bing ..."

Wang Hao looked at Qin Hongxi and said he was obsessed with his introduction, emperor madness, but when he was introduced to Fang Bing, although it was also the first time to see him, he did n’t want to introduce feelings because he was really afraid of Fang Bing ’s distortion Thought, took Qin Hongxi into the ditch.


With Wang Hao's introduction, Qin Hongxi hurriedly said hello, and Zhitian and Emperor Kuang's hello were normal, but when he arrived at Fang Bing, he felt a little dumbfounded.

Everything is due to Bai Qi's movements. You should know that in the heart of Qin Hongxi, Bai Qi is completely impersonal and cold and terrible, but when he saw this man named Fang Bing, he suddenly found that Bai Qi seemed to have changed.

In particular, Bai Qi's opening gave Qin Hongxi an urge to worship.

"Good Soldier."

Bai Qi said, but it gave Wang Hao the urge to cover his face. Bai Qi was naturally controlled by Dragon Brain. It was precisely because Bai Qi controlled by Dragon Brain, as Dragon Brain used the structure of the soul, it seemed that a soul was produced. After that, Dragon's comprehension ability reached an extreme.

It is the same smell with Fang Bing. As the wisdom of Dragon Brain is getting stronger, Dragon Brain and Fang Bing are more and more similar in character, but Wang Hao believes that Fang Bing's approach actually helps the growth of Dragon Brain. Yes, there is not too much participation, but let the dragon brain develop freely, just control the most important core.

"Haha, Xiaobai, I will take you for a while to taste delicious and spicy, I will take you to experience a rich life."

Fang Bing looked at Bai Qi, and naturally knew that under Bai Qi's face, it was actually controlled by Dragon Brain. He immediately laughed, and looked like an elder, gently patting the other person's shoulder.

For Fang Bing, he also knew that after Dragon Brain was born with wisdom, it was only equivalent to a three-year-old child. His psychology of Dragon Brain has always been like an elder. He really regarded Dragon Brain as a nephew. Treat it.


Bai Qi nodded gently, and there was a look of expectation on his face. Wang Hao did not have much time to accompany the growth of Dragon Brain. Naturally, Dragon Brain also found its own way of emotional growth, that is, getting along with people.

Yang Lu, Lan Wei, Chen Tang and others all have a lot of research, and Fang Bing, who is idle and willing to take him to the waves, has become the first choice.

But all these changes, Qin Hongxi naturally didn't know the door inside, but Bai Qi's change made him a little dull, he couldn't help staring at Fang Bing, and Bai Qi, his eyes were exhausted. It is incredible.

He couldn't believe that Bai Ranran had such a big change because of the appearance of a person.

This is also a big brother ...

After carefully observing the station, Qin Hongxi watched Zhitian and Emperor lagging behind, and this man named Fang Bing was parallel with his teacher. He knew inexplicably in his heart that this was definitely a level with his teacher. Big brother.


"The ceremony is about to start, and the drama is about to start."

In the Qin imperial palace, the old man looked at the departing Qin Hao, the smile on his face became more and more, he spent a lot of thoughts to achieve this purpose, and many of them led Qin Hao to Qin Hongxi as the prince.

Because he discovered the prestige of Qin Hongxi in the folk and in the army, what he wanted was such prestige, because this prestige is actually another kind of faith, and he most naturally needs not this kind of faith, but the collapse of faith. , So that the soul has that kind of heartbreaking feeling.

Only in this way can he extract the soul fragments he wants from ordinary cultivators, and then strengthen himself. After all, the soul is too mysterious. So far, apart from his methods, there is only one way to practice, and one way to practice, It is necessary to practice to a very high level.

That is, the upper three realms will reveal the soul, but it takes too long for a cultivator to reach the upper three realms, and the old man ca n’t wait. Although the collapse of this belief and the way to raise the soul, it really hurts. Some are inhumane, but in order to make the soul stronger, he does not care about the life and death of ordinary people.

In the same way, Qin Hao's eyes also showed a little excitement, because he knew that his new era might be coming ~ www.readwn.com ~ an era unique to him.

"Succession ceremony, this can be seen as a true transmission."

Wang Hao also exuded a strong curiosity in Qin Hongxi's Prince's Mansion. He had only seen descriptions in the ancient books of the Kingdom of China, but how could the descriptions in the book compare with the real ones.


Qin Hongxi also had a smile on his face, and there was a scorching glow in his eyes. He had waited for this day for too long, and had imagined the arrival of this day. At that time, he knew it was fantasy, but he did not expect that he also had his own opportunities. , That is to meet his teacher.

It made his destiny very different, and made him really feel that the throne seemed to be within reach.

"Here ... today is your day to succeed. I have something for you."

Wang Hao looked at the excitement on Qin Hongxi's face and smiled slightly. He knew that in the heart of Qin Hongxi, the throne might already be a obsession, and now this obsession or heart demon may be swept away, and he is also very pleased. .

"Teacher, what is this?"

Qin Hongxi looked at Wang Hao out of something curiously, and there was a strong suspicion on his face. He could n’t figure out what this thing was for, because it was too small, square and slap-sized, but only What impressed him the most is that this boxy thing has a kind of creature with scales, which looks very overbearing, which makes his eyes show a strong desire to detect.

He looked too overbearing at this creature. At first glance, he felt that he was a tiny ants.


Wang Hao's face is very solemn. In his view, this is not only his own expectations, but also because Qin Hongxi is about to become the master of a country, which means that a responsibility lies in it.

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