Black Technology Research and Development Center

Chapter 960: Avoid conflicts in advance

"That means ... when you are studying a ruin, a fleet suddenly appears?"

The next day, when Wang Hao heard what Ye Lao said, there was a look of surprise on his face. In fact, even if the other party did not say anything in his heart, he could guess some things. This ruin was not discovered recently. It was discovered long ago, but he was not told.

Wang Hao carefully estimated the time based on his own news, and also roughly determined the approximate time, that is about four years, because in four years, China ’s technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and even the warships shown have surpassed the vast research. The strength of the center's first-generation space battleship.

Actually, to be honest, Wang Hao did not feel very happy in his heart, but he didn't say much. He understood Hua Guo's ideas. This is actually no different from his ideas. That is, the vast research center has always been They are all doing independent research, the purpose is to have their own core scientific research strength.

He believes that the vast research center is not much different from Huaguo in this respect. It is just the size of the region. Huaguo wants to master the core competitiveness, he can understand it.

However, from this point, Wang Hao was awakened. The relationship between him and Hua Guo was still too unclear.

"It seems that we must determine the location of the source star and develop our own planet."

Wang Hao's eyes showed a clear, and now there is naturally not much conflict between him and Hua Guo, but Hua Guo's behavior of trying to master the core technological competitiveness, but let him react quickly, it is not difficult to maintain Such a relationship.

In this case, he is sitting on the source star, a planet that is completely in his hands, it is not necessary at all, and staying in the earth star, he is also afraid that the conflict between him and his motherland will really break out at that moment.

Therefore, he wanted to avoid such a situation and maintain the current level of friendly exchanges.

"Show me the relevant information."

After Wang Hao pondered for a moment, everyone thought that Wang Hao was thinking about the issue of the ruins, and Wang Hao's next sentence also made Ye Lao and Tao Hongguo relieved slightly. Ye Lao and Tao Hongguo did not know that Wang Hao had already made the decision to leave Earth Star.

"I've already prepared ... all here."

Tao Hongguo hurriedly took out the materials already prepared and handed them to Wang Hao.


Wang Hao frowned slightly, revealing a color of doubt. He looked at a vast starry sky, a planet appeared, but this planet was not the same as the planet he had seen before. This was actually a A planet made by pure technology.

As for why Wang Hao knows, it is purely because the planet has some gaps, like wounds, exposing the internal machinery to the outside.

However, Wang Hao did not know why, he always felt the same where he had seen it, but he couldn't remember it.

"Are there detailed information?"

After a glance, Wang Hao was silent and shook his head. These data were too simple for him. They were just some summary materials. All he needed was all the materials.

"Yes ... but in the institute, you need to go over there and watch."

Tao Hongguo was slightly silent, glanced at Ye Lao, and said.

"Take me over and see."

Wang Hao has no other meaning. He looked at this mechanical planet. Although he was somewhat interested, he really wanted to say how much interest he had.

After all, there is only one thing he wants to analyze now, that is, the study of the soul. Although it seems that the vast research center now is catching up with the technological strength of Hua Guo, as the head of the vast research center, Wang Hao knows that this is just that technology does not Update only.

If he is updated, he can immediately throw off the current technology of Hua Guo, but this is irrelevant to Wang Hao.

"Everyone will stop for a while and prepare the research materials for this time. Someone will come to see the materials. Please hurry to arrange it. I still have something to do."

Wu Tao's eyes were eager, his eyes were even more burning, and he had been in contact with Wang Hao for the first time. After knowing that Wang Hao was coming over this time, his mood was very burning.

He was ready to integrate the problems he encountered and asked Wang Hao for guidance. After he finished speaking, he turned around and left to prepare.

"Who is coming here?"

There was a hint of curiosity on Zhang Yan's face. In this research institute, the level of confidentiality was extremely high, especially for the confidentiality of information. But I didn't expect that this time I had to integrate it and show it to others. A lot of ideas.

"I don't know, work quickly, this information is not a small amount."

Yang Shen shook his head. Hearing Wu Tao ’s first sentence, he thought he had heard it wrong. Although he was also very curious, Wu Tao ’s order still had to be executed.


Zhang Yan nodded gently, silently pressed his curiosity slightly ~ ~ seriously arranged people and integrated information.

And Wang Hao boarded a car under Ye Lao's arrangement and drove towards Yanjing.

"This institute is so close to Yanjing."

Wang Hao was a little surprised. In the suburbs of Yanjing, he had been able to see the research institute vaguely, which made him feel that he was acting in a different way from Hua Guo.

You should know that Hua Guo has not always placed important research institutes in the mountains or military bases, but he really did not expect to be placed near Yanjing.

"I was just afraid of stealing research secrets before, so the research institute is generally far away, but now it is different. I believe that with our current means, it is difficult for other people to steal things from our country."

Ye Lao, who accompanied Wang Hao, also showed a smile on his face. As a witness of the rise of China, and a participant, he was naturally very proud of his heart.


Wang Hao nodded gently, thinking of the current status of China on Earth, which is simply unshakable, not only for economic reasons, but also because of its strong military strength.

He recognized this very much.

"So formal, who is it?"

There was a strong curiosity on Zhang Yan's face, and he looked at Wu Tao, the top leader of this institute, who had stood at the door of the institute early.

But the more so, the more curiosity she had in her heart, she didn't think that anyone would make Wu Tao, the leader of the Interstellar Debris Research Center, so solemn, she looked at her with curiosity.


After seeing the appearance of several cars, Wu Tao could not help revealing a look of excitement on his face. Wang Hao looked at the information next. The most important thing was that he wanted to learn from Wang Hao. This was an excellent opportunity.

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