The optoelectronic laboratory located in the western suburbs of Tianjing City covers an area of ​​5,000 to 6,000 square meters and has a five-story building. It contains various high-end optoelectronic equipment and lithography machine supporting equipment. There are researchers and maintenance personnel alone. More than a hundred people.

It stands to reason that such a large-scale high-end laboratory would take at least one or two years to build.

After all, the equipment is high-end precision equipment, and just the procurement negotiations, logistics and transportation, etc. will take at least several months.

Coupled with the design, construction, decoration, layout of the laboratory, as well as the installation and debugging of various equipment, etc., every process has extremely high requirements and takes a long time.


In order to meet Su Xin's efficiency requirements, Liu Qingli directly spent a lot of money, offering more than twice the high price for almost all processes.

Under her Jinyuan offensive, the entire process was shortened to just over a month, and it passed the strict acceptance of the professional team.


Su Xin had reached a critical period in his research on Tianmu 2 a few days ago, and he didn't pay attention to the progress of the optoelectronics laboratory. He only took the time to visit it after the laboratory acceptance was completed, and became familiar with the internal environment and layout.

Therefore, after Su Xin came over this time, he briefly walked around the laboratory before coming to the room where the lithography machine was located.

After excluding all accompanying researchers.

Su Xin stood alone in the room, looking at the large piece of equipment in front of him that was more than two meters high and more than ten meters long.

What he purchased was a domestically produced close-exposure lithography machine. The process was relatively backward, only 110nm. It was still several generations behind the top lithography machines in the world.

But for Su Xin, who was coming into contact with a photolithography machine for the first time, such a relatively backward process was actually more convenient for his research.

Super fast, five times faster!

Su Xin suddenly had an idea.

Everything around him suddenly slowed down several times.

Su Xin's thoughts were extremely active.

He opened the operating instructions document of the lithography machine and read it. Combining the knowledge about the lithography machine in his mind, he quickly became familiar with the structure and principles of the lithography machine in front of him.

Then let's get started!

Su Xin grinned and smiled silently.

Then he started to disassemble the lithography machine in front of him bit by bit. During the disassembly process, he deepened his understanding of the structure of the lithography machine.

A lithography machine is mainly composed of six core components: light source, mask, optical system, platform, control system, and photosensitizer.

Each core component has extremely high technical requirements. If Su Xin wants to develop the most cutting-edge lithography machine on his own, he must at least break through these six core components one by one.

Therefore, after completely disassembling the entire photolithography machine, Su Xin began to study the core light source component.

The quality of the light source has the most direct impact on the quality and efficiency of chip manufacturing. High-quality light sources can improve the accuracy of chip manufacturing and increase production capacity.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people in the industry, the light source can be regarded as the core of the lithography machine and the most technically difficult component.

While disassembling the light source parts bit by bit.

The various optical knowledge he had learned before, as well as the light source components and design principles of mainstream lithography machines on the market, kept popping up in Su Xin's mind.

I see……

It doesn't seem to be too difficult.

Su Xin murmured in a low voice, with a confident and excited smile on his face.

In his hands, the light source equipment was quickly disassembled into its most basic components.

For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to operate a photolithography machine without the guidance of professionals.

If there is any slight malfunction or question, you have to ask the manufacturer's engineers to handle the after-sales service.

But for Su Xin, who has extremely profound knowledge in all subjects, he can identify all the components and know their functions at a glance.

Apart from anything else, at this time, he can definitely be regarded as the top after-sales engineer.

As the disassembly continued, not only was he not at a loss, but his familiarity with each component of the lithography machine quickly deepened.

Three hours later.

Su Xin stopped his rapid state, left the optoelectronics laboratory, and prepared to go home from get off work.

When I picked up my phone, I found a pop-up reminder from Tianwei Butler——

Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company's financial situation is abnormal. The purchase cost of many batches of materials is higher than the market price, but the quality is lower than that of the previous supplier. President Nie Hongwu is suspected of accepting bribes.

Su Xin frowned.

Tianwei Butler is actually more intelligent than Tiantian Assistant, but as an internal management program that is highly integrated with the company's ERP system, it rarely takes the initiative to create a sense of presence.

Its main task is office collaboration.

It can optimize the company's internal operations and record all accounting transactions, personnel changes, and file handovers. In short, all the company's operational data are recorded in detail in Tianwei Guanjia's huge database.

After a year of recording and studying, Tianwei Guanjia has already become a top financial and human resources expert.

Of course, after all, it is just a piece of software and has no body, which limits its ability to the point that it can only be used as office assistance at present.

In front of Su Xin, it is actually responsible for supervising the company's operating conditions.

For example, analyze internal corruption problems through financial or human resources change data.

On more than one occasion before, Tianwei Butler reminded Liu Xuewei that certain employees or management were suspected of corruption.

Liu Xuewei is the only second person in the company who knows the true ability of Tianwei Butler.

Therefore, Liu Xuewei attached great importance to Tianwei Butler's reminder and immediately launched an investigation. The results confirmed that those people had indeed colluded with outsiders to embezzle the company's property.

Su Xin probably knew about this.

After all, the profits of several major subsidiaries of Tianqi Group are so high, and huge interests are involved in every link. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no corruption problem.

However, in the more than a year since each company has been operating, there has never been a single case of corruption related to president-level executives.


Nie Hongwu of Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company actually broke this precedent.

Su Xin's eyes narrowed.

Click on the pop-up reminder of Tianwei Butler to view the specific data and reports inside.

It clearly lists the historical list of more than a dozen purchased materials, the latest price trends on the market, the company's recent purchase prices, changes in the quantity of production materials, cost growth trends, yield decline trends, and these... The name of the newly replaced supplier, as well as the other party’s business conditions and reputation, etc.

at last.

Tianwei Guanjia summarized and evaluated these data and concluded that there was insider trading.

Of course, with the detailed data listed by Tianwei Butler, even without the final summary, people with a little knowledge of financial knowledge can see the unreasonableness at a glance.

After a little analysis, we found out that there was insider trading among the company's internal management and suppliers.

All subsidiaries of Tianqi Group implement digital management, and any document or document will be uploaded to Tianwei Butler's database for archiving.

It is clear who proposed changing suppliers and who signed the approval.

I was delayed because of something today. There are only two chapters with a total of 5,000 words. Please forgive me, brothers!

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