Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 180 People’s Livelihood and Economic Influence

After staring at the report on the phone for a long time, Su Xin couldn't help but take a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He had always known that Tianqi Group was very profitable, but since the power was delegated, he had not read the statements carefully, so he did not know until now that Tianqi Group was so terrible.

Let’s put aside the terrible annual profits and the influence of Tianqi Group itself.

The huge capital of more than 800 billion dragon coins operated by Luan Weiliang alone is unrivaled in the global market.

Originally, at Su Xin's request, Luan Weiliang only focused on Long's domestic angel investment projects, investing in promising start-up companies to help them grow in exchange for returns.

But Tianqi Group has too much money.

With more than 800 billion dragon coins, there are not that many suitable companies for them to invest in the entire Dragon Kingdom.

Therefore, after consulting Su Xin, Luan Weiliang began to sweep the excess funds around the world.

On the one hand, it continuously operates in the financial markets of various countries to earn benefits for the group.

On the other hand, it is used to invest in some promising companies or well-known large companies, or simply acquire certain companies to extend the group's reach into more industries.

until now.

Luan Weiliang's global stakes include express logistics, film and television entertainment, food, clothing, housing and transportation, finance and insurance, energy and chemicals, mineral resources, real estate and property, etc.

Almost everything.

Today's Tianqi Group is no longer the simple technology company it was back then, but a large international consortium closely related to various industries.

It can be said that the slightest move by Tianqi Group may cause an earthquake in the global stock market, and various people's livelihood or technology companies will be turbulent.

After thinking for a moment.

Su Xin looked at the report on the phone again.

The group is too profitable.

It's a good thing, but not entirely a good thing.

Because the speed of spending money can no longer keep up with the speed of making money.

It can be seen from the report data that in the past two or three months, the frequency of the group's external investments has been too high and too intensive. An investment project has been launched almost every two or three days.

At present, the group's financial management department alone has 128 elite employees in the financial industry. They are scattered around the world. They inspect suitable projects, negotiate, and invest every day. They are extremely busy and can usually complete the project in about ten days. Negotiate an investment project.

This efficiency is already quite high.

It is almost equivalent to throwing money abroad.

But even so, there are still more than 60 billion in funds in the external investment account dedicated to the Financial Management Department at this time.

In addition, the group regularly transfers some funds exceeding 100 billion into investment accounts for external financial operations.

Let the financial management department spend more money.

When Tianqi Group expands further next year, its profits will further increase significantly, and its total daily profits will be close to 20 billion.

Until then.

If you accumulate too much money and don’t have time to spend it, I am afraid it will affect the flow of funds in society, which will lead to rising prices, market depression, reduced consumption, currency depreciation, and a series of chain social problems.

Money needs to flow to generate value.

Trillions of funds can already have an impact on a country's economy and people's livelihood.

When a company's scale reaches a certain level and its influence on society rises to a certain level, the company and society complement each other.

Because at this time, the company's tentacles extend to every corner of society. While the company can have a great impact on society, society can also have a great impact on the company.

Only when the general environment is good can the company be good.

If the general environment is not good and users and businesses at all levels have a difficult time, or even some industries decline and many people lose their jobs or go bankrupt, then the company will definitely be affected.

The simplest example is that everyone has no money on hand and will definitely be very cautious in consumption. No matter how good the company's products are, sales will fall sharply.


Tianqi Group's profits are too high, and it must find a way to spend them to allow the massive funds in its hands to circulate normally and promote market prosperity.

In this way, markets and consumers at all levels will have money in their hands, and the economy will be more dynamic, which will be of great benefit to the country, people's livelihood, and Tianqi Group.

This is a virtuous cycle.

When a company develops to a certain scale, it must consider these major social issues.

Of course, spending money is spending money, not taking the initiative to reduce profits or giving money away casually. That is not a sense of social responsibility, but a lack of care.

Su Xin was thinking when he suddenly heard his mother's call and knew he had arrived home.

After getting off the car.

After greeting the enthusiastic villagers, Su Xin introduced Liu Xuewei's identity to everyone, and returned to the house amidst congratulations and praises.

Su Zhengming is preparing meals at home.

Hearing the voice, he hurried out to greet him.

Son, you're back.

Su Zhengming smiled all over his face, looked at Su Xin, and then at Liu Xuewei beside him.

Hello, uncle!

Liu Xuewei hurriedly greeted her.

Su Xin immediately introduced: Dad, this is my girlfriend Liu Xuewei.

Hi, hello, please sit down!

Su Zhengming greeted warmly.

Dad, I didn't see you when I got out of the station. I thought you were on a business trip and didn't come back. Why is it your turn to cook at home today?

Su Xin looked at the apron on his father, laughed and joked:

Xuewei came to my house for the first time today, with Dad's cooking skills, will you be a little neglectful?

Su Zhengming stretched out his hand and was about to pat Su Xin on the shoulder. When he saw the obviously expensive high-end suit on Su Xin, he retracted his hand, glared at his son and said:

Why have I neglected my cooking skills? I have improved a lot during this period. I will let you see it later.

Zhang Chunhua smiled and said: Actually, I took the initiative to pick you up, so I left your dad at home to cook. Don't worry, your dad's cooking skills are indeed pretty good now.

Then I have to get to know you better.

With that said, several people sat down in the living room.

Liu Xuewei took out an exquisite square gift box from her bag and handed it to Su Zhengming.

Uncle, this is my first visit. This is a little thought from me. Please accept it.

Okay! Thank you!

Su Zhengming wiped his hands on his apron again and again before taking the gift box. He couldn't stop the bright smile on his face.

After chatting for a while.

Su Zhengming returned to the kitchen and continued cooking.

Su Xin took Liu Xuewei to visit the house. Leaving the sight of Su Xin's parents, Liu Xuewei breathed a sigh of relief visibly.

Su Xin couldn't help but laugh: Why, were you still a little nervous just now?

Of course I'm nervous.

Liu Xuewei rolled her eyes at him, then sighed and said:

After all, I am six years older than you, and you are so good. If your parents think that I am not good enough for you, I really don't know what to do.

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