Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 188 All parties enter the game

The original financial tycoon Ross was able to use tens of billions of eagle dollars, that is, tens of billions of dragon coins, to collapse the currencies of several countries and trigger a financial crisis in the entire southeastern state.

In addition to its own capital and capabilities, the most important thing is to judge the economic trends and market loopholes of various countries and take advantage of them.

And now.

Tianqi Group's capital is several times higher than Ross's, and it also has a top-notch financial team.

Perhaps the strategic vision and capabilities of this financial team are far inferior to Ross's team, and they are unable to accurately judge the international trend and thus attack a country's financial system.


The Apocalypse Group couldn't take advantage of the situation.

But it can create momentum.

With Sakura Country's economic strength and foundation, Tianqi Group's more than 200 billion in funds may bring a lot of trouble, but these alone can only cause a lose-lose situation at best.

And it won't hurt your muscles.

But with the card Thor Battery, the situation is completely different.

Due to several announcements issued by Tianqi Group last night, global capital is not optimistic about Sakura Country's auto companies, and in turn is not optimistic about all companies related to Sakura Country's auto industry chain.

The opinions of Sakura Country experts can fool the people of Sakura Country, but they cannot fool the capital.

With the superior performance and unique market position of Raytheon batteries far surpassing others, it is destined that all cars at this stage cannot do without it.

Sakura Country wants to completely ban Thor Batteries from entering the Sakura Country market and bring all car companies back to the same starting line. That is equivalent to when everyone is developing aircraft and missiles. Because a certain country cannot compete with others, it simply lets all domestic companies return to the same starting line. It's the same as the cold weapon era.

You can only lie to yourself.

Various enterprises are fighting fiercely in the domestic market, but they will lose their competitiveness in the international market forever, and there is no possibility of catching up.

In the eyes of major capitals, Sakura Country's behavior is simply to cut itself off from the international auto industry chain and completely destroy its own auto industry!


As soon as the cherry blossom country stock market opened, major capitals frantically sold stocks in the cherry blossom country auto industry.

Including the vast majority of investors in Sakura Country, although they shouted fiercely, when faced with their actual interests, they all chose to express their stance with practical actions - rushing to sell the stocks of major car companies and related companies.

This led to a crazy decline in Sakura Country's auto stocks, and even the officials were a little reluctant to take over.

After all, stocks in other industries can return to stability after being taken over, but auto industry stocks, under such major bad news, have to be bought once taken over, and no one dares to take them.

However, the auto industry accounts for too much of Sakura Country's GDP, and its impact is too great, and the government has to spend most of the funds to take over the deal.


Once the automobile industry completely collapses, the impact will be much greater than when the Thor Battery came out, and it will be an unbearable loss for the entire Sakura Country.

Therefore, at the same time that Sakura Country officially took over the offer, it announced a series of measures to support the auto industry in an attempt to stabilize everyone's confidence.

But it didn't work at all.

International and domestic capital, as well as retail investors in Sakura Country, are still desperately selling.

Although it was not intentional, under the current situation, these capitals are equivalent to passively cooperating with Su Xin to attack the stock market of Sakura Country.

These scattered capitals, large or small, add up to more than 100 billion.

More importantly, the collapse of automobile industry stocks has led many people to believe that this will cause a chain reaction in Sakura Country's economy. All major capitals are pessimistic about Sakura Country's subsequent economic development.

This is the general trend created by Tianqi Group.

In addition, the Apocalypse Group's aggressive behavior of selling a large number of stocks in various industries regardless of the cost.

Both ways.

As a result, stocks in the auto industry plummeted, and other stocks fell slightly, making the stock market in Sakura Country almost green across the board.

Under such circumstances, no stockholder dares to say that he has confidence in the official, let alone take any stock.

If it weren't for the public statement made by the upper management of Sakura Country, and various bottom-up measures, the stock market would probably collapse before noon.

And even if the situation is barely stabilized now, it will only prevent the financial market from collapsing quickly, and no one can stop the downward momentum.

The morning has not yet passed.

Sakura Country found that he couldn't stand it anymore.

The turmoil in the stock market of Sakura Country soon attracted the attention of the whole world.

Many countries, including the Eagle Country, expressed their views on this, urging the Sakura Country to respond to Su Xin's attack as soon as possible, and also hoped that Su Xin would not let personal grudges affect the fairness of business cooperation.

At the same time, Sakura Country has made various arrangements and promised various benefits, hoping to invite some internationally renowned capital to help stabilize the Sakura Country's stock market.

Since you are asking others to help you withstand the crisis, you naturally can only leave the hardest bones to yourself and let others pick up the easy jobs.

In today's Sakura Country, the biggest crisis is the turmoil in the automobile industry, which is handled by Sakura Country officials and various Sakura Country car companies.

Financial attacks from Tianqi Group on other industries were taken over by major international capitals.

For these capitals, no matter how the Sakura Kingdom declines, the market potential is there. The assets that Tianqi Group sold off in large sums are not non-performing assets like the automobile industry. After taking over, they can actually make some money from them.

Why not do it.

With this combination, Sakura Country can use more capital to resist the crisis in the automobile industry. Although automobile industry stocks are still on a downward trend, the decline has slowed down a lot.

Stocks in other industries have gradually leveled off, with some even slowly returning to their opening prices, thanks to the takeover of capital from multiple parties.

A financial war initiated by Tianqi Group soon stabilized.

And behind the seemingly stable situation.

Sakura Country has invested a lot of money in stabilizing the automobile industry and cannot help but fall deeper and deeper into trouble.

At the same time, more international capital has been involved, making the scope of this financial war deeper and wider.

January 9th.

When the Sakura Country stock market opened in the morning, there was a sudden surge of selling orders, and the stock price plummeted. In the afternoon, capital from all parties came in to take over the orders, driving investors to take over the orders one after another, allowing the stock price to stabilize.

Stock prices are like riding a roller coaster.

The powerful offensive of the Tianqi Group was easily turned into nothing under the combined resistance of many parties.

Sakura Country's quick and effective resistance was also praised by major media outlets in Sakura Country.

At the same time, many media outlets frantically ridiculed Tianqi Group for its financial attacks that exceeded its capabilities.

Many overseas media also rushed to report.

Many media outlets, including those in the Dragon Kingdom, also believe that the Apocalypse Group's attack is too reckless, and that Su Xin is likely to encounter a Waterloo in his life in the Sakura Kingdom's financial market.

After all, financial war is not that fun. It is true that Su Xin is rich, but if he launches a financial attack rashly and is blocked by so many capitals, the attack will inevitably be frustrated.

And if the attack is frustrated, you have to suffer backlash.

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