Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 209 Does the Destiny Potion have a share in the Sakura Kingdom?

People who have experienced similar experiences to Kobayashi are not in the minority all over the world.

Many people burst into tears in front of the live broadcast room, and then rushed to tell each other excitedly.

Cancer has ruined countless families.

The separation of wives and children, the destruction of families, and all kinds of tragedies are the most common accompanying products of cancer.

And now.

Su Xin announced that cancer has been completely solved, which will save tens of millions of families all over the world.

The whole network is in a state of excitement!

Tianjing, a well-known media company.

Editor-in-chief Li Yutong rushed out of the office and saw his capable subordinate running over in a hurry. Before the other party could speak, he ordered in a somewhat incoherent voice:

Quick! Release the report! Destiny Potion!

The subordinate managed to take a breath, and finally said with rapid breathing: I was just about to say this. This news must make the headlines. I have arranged for someone to write a manuscript...

Before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by editor-in-chief Li Yutong:

TMD! Why write a manuscript at this juncture? Publish it directly! No matter what the wording of the article, the most important thing is to publish it first. Even if it is just a title and a few sentences, it is enough to have the names of Su Xin and Tianming Potion! Go!

Within two minutes!

I want to see our pop-up window, hot searches and headlines are all about this news!

Hurry up!

Amid his urging, the subordinate editor-in-chief ran back as if fleeing for his life, and hurriedly arranged to publish relevant reports.

It was late at night in Yingjiang Country at this time.

In the dark and silent room, a phone rang suddenly.

Farudio Costa, editor-in-chief of a well-known international media, slowly opened his eyes, and turned his head to look in the direction of the bed with a displeased face.

The young and sexy blonde girl also woke up from her sleep, put one hand on Farudio's body, and said in a daze:

Honey, hang up soon, I was too sleepy after playing for so long last night.

I know.

Farudio responded, and was about to order to hang up, but after thinking about it, he picked up the phone cursingly.

After seeing the note on the call, he picked it up and said impatiently:

Wesley! I swear, if it wasn't something important...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by an excited voice from the phone:

Boss, Su Xin has developed a drug that cures cancer! It cures all cancers!


Farudio's hairs exploded, and he sat up from the bed instinctively, and his consciousness became completely awake in an instant.

It's Su Xin! At the press conference he is holding, he announced that he has developed a drug to cure all cancers! It's called Destiny Potion!

Although the authenticity has not been verified...


Faludio shouted in a hurry: I understand people's words, you don't have to repeat them! Go and publish the headlines for me!

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not! As long as Su Xin said it himself, it's enough!

Immediately, use all resources, I want the whole world to see our news! We must not let others get there first!

Countless media outlets, large and small, around the world heard the news and rushed to publish relevant reports.

Su Xin claims to have solved all cancers!

The savior of tens of millions of lives, Su Xin's new product - Destiny Potion!

Eradicate all cancers! Su Xin becomes the savior of all mankind!

A major milestone in the history of human medicine, the destiny medicine to cure all cancers is released!

With exaggerated titles and Su Xin's name, the news of the Destiny Potion spread all over the world immediately.

At this time, the press conference is not over yet.

After the fanatical atmosphere calmed down a little, Su Xin briefly introduced the principles of the Destiny Potion to everyone, and finally said with a smile:

Don't get too excited yet. Although the Tianming Potion has been successfully developed, its perfect effect has only been verified in the laboratory and has not yet undergone formal human testing.

So, next we need to recruit thirty volunteers with varying degrees of cancer.

Considering that there are many physical differences between Eastern and Western people, the recruitment of volunteers this time will be conducted all over the world.

“Cancer patients from all countries, races and ages are welcome to sign up.”

We will still publish the specific volunteer recruitment plan on the official website of Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company, and everyone is asked to check it by themselves.

Okay, today's press conference ends here. Thank you everyone for your support!

Su Xin finished speaking with a smile, walked down the stage, and left the exhibition hall soon.

People started talking again.

Liu Guosong looked at Mr. Sun who was looking excited and said hesitantly: Mr. Sun, are you okay?

Okay? Of course I'm fine!

Mr. Sun laughed, reached out and patted Liu Guosong on the shoulder, praising:

Your future son-in-law is so awesome! He can even cure cancer. Not to mention leaving a name in history, I think he can become a god!

God of Disease, what do you think of this title?

It doesn't seem too domineering.

Should I be called the God of Medicine? The God of Medicine? Or just the God of Medicine?

Yes, this title is concise and to the point, let's call him that in the future.

It may be recorded in the history books in the future that Su Xin officially released the destiny medicine that can cure all cancers on September 9, 2026, so that humans will no longer suffer from cancer, and Su Xin is also honored as the God of Medicine by Sun Hongxiang, a senior in the pharmaceutical industry. , Since then, the word Yaoshen has become synonymous with Su Xin and has been passed down.

Haha! Maybe I can also leave a name with Qing Shi, which is a blessing.

Seeing that there seemed to be something wrong with Mr. Sun's smile, and he kept talking nonsense, Liu Guosong grabbed his shoulder and shook vigorously:

Old Sun!

You won't be hit too hard, right? The Destiny Potion will at most have an impact on your company's market, and it won't cause you to go bankrupt directly. In fact, you don't need to take it too seriously.

Mr. Sun laughed loudly, like a lively young man, he put his arms around Liu Guosong's shoulders, and his tone was still very excited:

Lao Liu, you underestimate my magnanimity. This is a magic medicine that can cure all cancers! I'm not jealous, let alone angry! It doesn't matter if it just makes my business shrink, it doesn't matter if it just makes my company go bankrupt. .”

This medicine can not only save countless people, but more importantly, at our age, who knows if we will face the torture of cancer someday?

My father died of cancer. I watched him become thinner and weaker day by day, living in pain every day, and finally I chose to give up treatment.

That's one of the motivations for me to enter the pharmaceutical industry, and it's one of the reasons why I've always put so much emphasis on cancer drugs.

Now, with the Destiny Potion, we no longer have to be afraid of cancer. Su is always the benefactor of all mankind, and also our benefactor!

Liu Guosong was stunned.

Then he looked at Su Xin who just passed a corner and disappeared in the distance, couldn't help showing a smile of satisfaction and admiration, and said with emotion:

Yes! Mr. Su is really a benefactor of all mankind!

the next day.

The heat of the Destiny Potion exploded even more.

The whole world is talking about it like crazy.

Especially the Tiantian Forum, as the largest forum in the world today, the hot discussion about the Destiny Potion has directly reached the top of the popular list on the entire site.

You know, the average number of daily active people on the Tiantian Forum exceeds one billion. Although the Dragon Kingdom section and the overseas section are separate, the number of active people in any one of these sections exceeds 500 million!

Posts that can reach the top of the list of most popular posts on the site are the most popular events in the world.

Now, among the ten most popular posts on the entire site, three are related to the Destiny Potion.

The most popular post was when netizens from all over the world discussed the meaning of the Destiny Potion and expressed their uncontrollable excitement. In short, they were crazily praising Su Xin and the Destiny Potion.

The second most popular post was about netizens from all over the world discussing how to promote the introduction of Destiny Potion into the country as soon as possible.

Because everyone knows that according to the past practice of Tianqi Group, these products are first put into production in Longguo. After reaching a certain level, it is possible to slowly license them overseas and enter the markets of other countries.

If it’s other products, that’s it. No matter how much you want it, you can just wait.

But Destiny Medicine is a life-saving miracle drug for many patients with advanced cancer.

You know, there are currently more than 10 million deaths from cancer every year in the world! On average, more than 20,000 people die of cancer every day.

Even excluding the more than three million cancer deaths in the Dragon Kingdom every year, nearly 20,000 people in other countries combined die of cancer every day.

This means.

If the Potion of Destiny is introduced every night, 20,000 more people will die around the world!

There are many others who, although they will not die so quickly, spend huge amounts of money to stay alive and endure pain every day in the hospital.

All this has made netizens from all over the world look forward to the Destiny Potion like crazy!

They don't want to wait a day!

They also want to be like the people of the Dragon Kingdom and enjoy the health brought by the Destiny Potion as soon as possible!

Therefore, netizens from all over the world are constantly asking Su Xin, Aite Tianqi Group, and Aite Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company in the forum, desperately trying to let Su Xin see everyone's begging voices.

At the same time, they are also discussing to create some activities in their own country so that the top management can hear everyone's voice and take the initiative to discuss with Tianqi Group in order to introduce the Destiny Potion as soon as possible.

When the whole network is crazy about it.

A netizen suddenly asked a question in the forum——

Does Tianming Potion have a share in the Sakura Kingdom?

This post reminded many netizens that when Su Xin was attacked before, he personally said that all terminal products under the group's name were not allowed to be sold to Sakura people.

The Destiny Potion is also an end product!

Because of Su Xin's move, many Sakura people united to launch a large-scale boycott. Many people uninstalled Tiantian Assistant and publicized that they would no longer buy any products related to Tianqi Group.

The economic crisis that came later made many people hate Su Xin even more. In addition, due to the sequelae of the economic crisis, most Sakura people's lives are much more difficult than before, and even fewer people use Tiantian Assistant.

However, there are still many people in Sakura country who worship Su Xin crazily, or feel that they cannot do without the conveniences brought by Tiantian Assistant, so they still use products such as Tiantian Assistant.

It is worth mentioning that Tiantian Assistant is paid for use. Due to the spirit of the contract, Su Xin cannot directly ban users of Sakura Country who have paid, so this terminal product does not actively prohibit the provision of services to Sakura Country.

At present, there are still more than 30 million Tiantian Assistant members in Sakura Country.

For these Cherry Blossom Country users, Tiantian Forum is also an important channel for them to connect with the international community.

When this question became popular on the whole site, these Sakura Country netizens also noticed it.

After being reprinted and reported, this issue quickly aroused great heated discussion in the entire Cherry Blossom Country.

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