Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 215 What? Do Longguo people still have subsidies?

Time gradually came to October.

Autumn is getting stronger.

Under the coordination of Tianqi Group, after half a month of trial production and process adjustment, Tianming Pharmaceutical began mass production in a total of fifty pharmaceutical factories across the country.

According to incomplete statistics, the total number of new cancer cases in the world every year reaches more than 19 million, and the total number of existing cancer cases is at least 90 million.

Among them, there are more than 4 million new cancer cases in Longguo every year, and about 18 million existing cancer cases.

The total production capacity of the 50 pharmaceutical factories planned by Tianqi Group has reached 30 million pills per year.

In the first year, half of the production capacity will be supplied domestically, and the other half will be supplied to the world.

The specific supply quantity of each country is determined annually based on comprehensive consideration of various factors such as the number of cancer cases, total population, and economic development status.

And each dose of Destiny Potion is priced at 300,000 dragon coins, and the price is the same whether it is domestic or foreign.

But like the supply method of Raytheon batteries, this price is only the ex-factory price. As the name suggests, after production, it is only responsible for packaging and leaving the factory.

Subsequent logistics and transportation, various transshipments, distribution to each hospital, etc., are all in the responsibility of each agent.

In short, the delivery is completed even if it leaves the factory.

As soon as Tianming Pharmaceutical's production capacity allocation plan was announced, it immediately caused a sensation all over the world.

MD! Every time, the Dragon Country takes priority. This time, it was hard for everyone to supply it together. As a result, the number of Dragon Country people is so much more than ours.

Isn't this too unfair?

We are all human beings, why should we be so partial?

The people of the Dragon Kingdom only account for about 20% of the world's cancer patients, but they have received half of the destiny potions. And we, with a total of 80% of the population, have only received half.

This half of the production capacity is allocated to so many countries, it is not enough at all, and many cancer patients will still die.

Can't we arrange more production capacity? Cure all existing cancer patients at once.

Since it's saving people, why not just save them to the end? Do you have to control the production capacity?

For all kinds of claims on the Internet, Longguo netizens are desperately defending Tianqi Group.

Come on! You don't even think about it, some people can't even get a potion of destiny.

Who made Tianqi Group an enterprise of the Dragon Kingdom, and Su is always a native of the Dragon Kingdom.

If you have the ability, you should also cultivate a person as powerful as Mr. Su. If you don't have the ability, don't shout that it's unfair.

Mr. Su is from the Dragon Kingdom. It is reasonable to allocate more of the products developed to the Dragon Kingdom people. At least he did not eliminate all the cancer cases in the Dragon Kingdom before supplying them to the outside world. This is already very selfless.

If you still think it's unfair, just refuse to cooperate and develop it yourself. You can develop a drug stronger than the Destiny Potion and supply it only to your own people.

President Su is amazing! Always support all decisions of President Su unconditionally!

The discussion on the Internet has not affected the cooperation between Tianqi Group and all parties in the slightest.

With the stabilization of mass production, many doses of Mandate of Heaven were sent to all over the world.

Of course, Tianming Pharmacy requires supporting auxiliary treatment methods, so Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company cooperates with hospitals in various places.

In Longguo, any second-class or above hospital can get varying amounts of destiny medicine every day.

However, Tianqi Group has long called for priority to be given to patients with advanced cancer. Major hospitals also know that Tianming Medicine cannot be supplied to all patients in the initial stage, and have issued relevant notices to give priority to patients with advanced cancer.

But even so, from the first day the Destiny Potion was officially supplied, all hospitals across the country were packed with families of cancer patients queuing up.

Many media also began to report on the grand events of major hospitals on the first day.

As you can see, the hospital behind me is a very ordinary second-class hospital in Xizhi City. It is not too big.

A beautiful host holding a microphone stood in front of the camera and said with a slight smile.

I just asked the doorman, and he said that usually there are not too many patients in this hospital, and the work is relatively free.

But as soon as I got to work today, there was a large group of people waiting at the door. It is understood that those people are relatives of cancer patients, and they all queue up in advance to register their relatives for medical treatment. This shows how popular Tianming Potion is.

Next, let's go in and take a look.

After saying that, the beautiful host walked towards the hospital gate, and the photographer followed quickly with the camera on his shoulder.

Just walked not far from the gate.

The beautiful host saw the crowded crowd in the outpatient hall through the transparent tempered glass, and couldn't help but exclaimed:

Everyone, please see, the outpatient hall is already crowded with people at this time. At a glance, all you see are dark figures, and there is almost no open space.

Soon, beautiful hosts and photographers walked into the hospital door one after another.

When looking from the outside, you can only feel that there are many people in the hall, but once you come in, the feeling you feel is more than ten times stronger than outside.

The two of them felt that they couldn't move their legs, especially the photographer carrying the camera. People were constantly coming and going in front of and behind him. Not only could they not capture the host, but the camera on his shoulder was also rubbed by people from time to time. .

Please give way!

Sir, please lend me this!

Really! Don't carry such a big thing here, okay?!

The constant voices coming from around made the photographer feel helpless. He could only quickly gesture to the beautiful host, and the two squeezed out of the hall from the other side and came to the back of the outpatient building, where it seemed less crowded.

The photographer wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with fear on his face: It's terrible. It's the first time I've seen a hospital packed like this. It feels like a Spring Festival travel train.

Actually, I've been to this hospital once before, and there were only 30 to 50 people in the hall. It was a Saturday and it was the peak period.

It's still Tianming Pharmacy's strong appeal, so many people rushed to the hospital as soon as it was launched.

The beautiful host said with emotion:

After all, it is a life-saving drug. It is normal for everyone to rush for treatment. No one wants to be left behind. What a pity it would be if the patient did not get the treatment and suddenly the cancer worsened or even killed him.

As she was talking, she saw a middle-aged man pushing an old woman in a wheelchair over slowly. She quickly signaled to the photographer, who quickly turned on the camera again.

The beautiful host then greeted the two of them politely:

Hello everyone, I'm Miao Xiuli, the host of a certain TV station. I want to interview the two of you briefly. Is it convenient to delay for a few minutes?

The middle-aged man looked at the old woman, who had a kind smile on her face and said:

Okay! Okay!

Actually, our main purpose for this interview is to understand some market reactions and patients' opinions after the launch of Tianming Medicine. I would like to ask this grandma, what kind of treatment are you here for?

I have advanced breast cancer, and I was about to give up treatment, but my son brought me to the hospital just because of the destiny medicine.

It seems that you should have registered, right?


The old woman nodded, showing no negative emotions like the pessimism and despair of cancer patients, but smiling happily:

My son left home at around five o'clock in the morning and has been waiting at the entrance of the hospital. After waiting in line and registering, my daughter-in-law sent me to the hospital, and I went directly to the clinic to see the doctor. I just finished the physical examination, and now the doctor has prescribed me a potion of destiny, and treatment can be arranged later.

Miao Xiuli smiled and said:

It can be seen that the uncle is very filial. He queued for several hours just to get my mother treated as soon as possible. Grandma is so lucky.

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly in front of the camera and said nothing.

The old woman smiled kindly:

Yeah yeah!

Grandma, can you tell me what you think of this destiny potion?

Okay! Very good. The Destiny Potion is really great. It can save us cancer patients. We all have to thank Mr. Su.

Does grandma know Mr. Su?

When Su Xin was mentioned, the old woman smiled even more happily and said with great detail:

Of course, don't underestimate us old guys. Some of my old friends and I are fans of Mr. Su. When I watch videos when I have nothing to do, I see many people talking about Mr. Su's deeds. This young man He is such an amazing person! Not only has he founded so many amazing companies and brought glory to the country, but he also taught Sakura Country a lesson, which feels very relieved. I have also used his Tiantian Assistant for several months, and I find it very convenient.

Miao Xiuli smiled apologetically:

Grandma, I don't mean to look down on you, I just think that as a young man like Mr. Su, the elders should pay little attention to him. I didn't expect that you all know so many of Mr. Su's deeds.

Immediately, she changed her voice and asked again:

By the way, the Destiny Potion is 300,000 yuan, and medical insurance should be able to reimburse part of it. How much did grandma spend on this treatment in total?

My daughter-in-law paid for it just now. I heard that there were a lot of subsidies. Plus medical insurance reimbursement, it seemed that it only cost more than 30,000 yuan in the end.

Miao Xiuli said in surprise: It only cost more than 30,000? And there were many subsidies?

The middle-aged man who had been silent finally spoke, with a grateful smile on his face and said:

The invoice shows that Tianqi Charity Company subsidized 200,000 yuan, and my mother's medical insurance reimbursed 70,000 yuan. The total cost was only 35,000 yuan.

This 35,000 yuan includes the entire cost of physical examination and supporting treatment.

Apocalypse Charity Company?

Miao Xiuli said in surprise:

I think I heard that Tianqi Group set up a charity company before, but I have never heard of any subsidies?

The middle-aged man smiled and said:

We didn't know it before. We only found out when we paid. I asked the medical staff, and they didn't know much about it. They just said that we just need to pay according to the invoice. It seems that all cancer patients in Longguo can enjoy this subsidy for their treatment. .”

Each person is given a subsidy of 200,000 yuan. Taking into account the more than 10 million cancer patients in the Dragon Kingdom, the total amount of this subsidy is more than 3 trillion dragon coins!

Only the Tianqi Group, which has deep financial resources, can be so generous.

Miao Xiuli said with deep emotion:

Apocalypse Group is indeed the pride of the Dragon Kingdom, and it is also a good company that is always willing to give back to the society. The price of each medicine is 300,000, which is already a good deal for curing cancer.

Now, Tianqi Group has silently subsidized more than half of the amount.

To completely cure cancer, it only costs more than 30,000 yuan, which no one could have imagined before.

But now, with the Destiny Potion, cancer patients not only have hope of survival, but they don't have to worry about a cancer that will bring down the entire family!

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