Black Technology: Start with Ten Thousand Times Speed

Chapter 239 Friends from Sakura Country, have fun together!

The ceremony is over.

President Mike continued:

As for Lucien, I will arrange for his death afterwards, and we will discuss how to divide the assets in his name after the meeting.

The theme of this meeting is to discuss the war with Su Xin.

Everyone must have seen the press conference about Tianji Zero, right? I wonder what you all think?

One of them said helplessly:

Who would have thought that Su Xin is also researching human enhancement drugs and has achieved such perfect results.

If it weren't for the emergence of Tianji Zero, this public opinion offensive would definitely bring a lot of trouble to Su Xin. It's a pity...

Another person said carelessly:

It's nothing to regret. If Su Xin is really that easy to deal with, we don't need to be so cautious. Anyway, we don't expect to defeat him just by relying on public opinion.

Although he has temporarily solved the public opinion crisis, things are still within our expectations.

There is nothing to discuss next. Anyway, it is impossible for Tianji Zero to be mass-produced in a short time, and we may not be able to get it. There is no point in talking too much. My suggestion is...

Just push for the next step.

When the senior officials of the Yongji Society gathered together for the release of Tianji Zero, various countries became nervous because of this.

The soldiers who use Tianji Zero can be called little supermen in front of ordinary people.

The most critical thing is that no one knows how much production capacity Tianji Zero has and how many soldiers have used Tianji Zero.

It is conservatively estimated that based on a total of 10,000 people, such a group of little supermen will become various key arms and use various advanced weapons and equipment, and they will have extremely terrifying combat effectiveness.

Coupled with this general's extremely powerful military strength, it will greatly improve its strength from now on, and its actual combat capabilities may be expected to become the strongest in the world.

The most sensational one is undoubtedly the Sakura Country.

Not only because of its proximity to the Dragon Kingdom, but also because of what Su Xin said at the press conference——

The missing persons case that has caused a sensation across the country recently was actually caused by Sakura Country itself.

Although Su Xin only made empty accusations without giving any actual evidence.

But just like the Yongji Society framed Su Xin, this kind of thing does not require any evidence at all. As long as you tell it, someone will believe it.

Public attacks have always been like this.

The more negative and sensational the news, the faster it spreads and the easier it is for people to believe it, even if it comes from Su Xin, a person who has never been friendly with Sakura Country.

What's more, Su Xin's words are not unreasonable. Why has there been so many missing people in Sakura Country but no information has been found from the investigation?

Are you really that incompetent?

Or is it deliberately concealing it?

No matter which possibility it is, it is enough to make the people extremely angry.

In particular, the issue of missing persons has obviously become a big deal, but people are still missing during this period.

This is simply challenging everyone’s bottom line!

While this made many people panic, the anger in their hearts also accumulated to the limit.

Now that they knew that all this was done by Sakura Country, their anger suddenly exploded!

It turns out that you are not incompetent, but you did it yourself. Even when everyone was in panic and anger, you even added fuel to the fire and continued to arrest people and use them for illegal human experiments?


On the afternoon of the day when the Tianji Zero press conference ended, demonstrations began to break out in various places.

The march quickly turned into a riot.

Many people demonstrated at some important locations and then began to attack, looting shops, smashing vehicles on the roadside, and even setting fires everywhere.

In the violence and bloodshed, many people became more and more crazy and gradually lost their reason.

The people of Sakura Country have been under too much pressure recently. The previous economic crisis caused by Su Xin caused many people to go bankrupt. Most of the people alive also suffered great losses, and their quality of life was far worse than before.

In particular, various high-quality assets have been snapped up by international capital including Tianqi Group, making Sakura Country almost a granary for major international capital.

Ordinary people cannot see the deep-seated difficulties. They only feel that their lives have become increasingly difficult since the economic crisis.

All costs of living are increasing day by day.

Life is becoming more and more stressful.

Only by putting in more effort every day can we barely get the same income as before, and most people's incomes have even continued to decline.

Some people were gradually eliminated in this increasingly fierce competition, and then were crushed by the higher and higher cost of living, and they were completely decadent from then on.

Those who barely managed to win were all physically and mentally exhausted, their nerves were stretched to the extreme, and their life pressure was also extremely high.

Now, in this chaos that soon swept through the entire Sakura Country, everyone used violence to vent the pressure in their hearts crazily.

Sakura Country is completely crazy!

That night.

It’s New Year’s Eve in the Dragon Kingdom.

Every family reunited, and after eating a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner, they sat in front of the TV, watching TV and chatting happily.

When news about Sakura Country appeared on TV, many people laughed out loud.

Some netizens turned on their mobile phones and entered the International Hotspot section of the Tiantian Forum, only to see a dense row of posts related to the riots.

Among them were the painful expressions of those injured in the chaos, smashed shops, burning buildings, densely packed crowds with angry faces, and protest banners.

Netizens from Longguo made kind comments one after another.

We're laughing, the cherry blossoms are playing, and everyone is having a great day.

Sakura Country is also celebrating the New Year for us, but aren't the fireworks set off too big?

When did the New Year begin in Sakura Country? It feels like it's more lively than the New Year's Eve in Dragon Country. These scenes look so exciting!

I hope this kind of joy can last forever, and so does Sakura Country. Bless you!

Seeing such lively scenes, I feel that this New Year is particularly festive.

Since Sakura Country is so friendly to celebrate the New Year for us, I'm going to set off some fireworks and celebrate Sakura Country's activities.

Friends of Sakura Country, have fun together!

In addition to the weird comments, some people also seriously discussed the origin of the riot.

A friend of mine is in Sakura Country. I heard from him that the cause of this incident was what President Su said at the morning press conference. Now many people in Sakura know that those missing persons were caused by their own people. They were all furious.

There were many people protesting about the missing persons incident before, and it caused a big commotion in Sakura Country, but there was nothing we could do if we couldn't find out. Now things have turned around, and everyone feels that they have been fooled.

This is what they deserve. They secretly capture one of their own people for human experimentation and dare to frame President Su. They are simply seeking death.

However, President Su only threatened to retaliate, and before he took any formal action, the Sakura Country was already like this. When President Su takes action, what will happen to the Sakura Country? I'm a little excited for some reason!

I don't know what measures President Su will take. He said at the press conference that it will not affect the sales of Tianqi Group's products. Therefore, products such as Tianming Pharmacy will still cooperate normally.

I guess it could be an economic strike or something like that, like the currency sniper before.

Although I don't know what the current financial scale of Tianqi Group is, they were able to force an economic crisis last year and caused heavy losses to Sakura Country. After this year's development and expansion, Tianqi Group's financial strength is stronger than last year. Quite a few, it is not difficult at all to attack Sakura Country.

That's not the case! Thor Battery alone has made strong inroads into various major industries and has become the largest battery supplier for automobiles, buses, drones, mobile phones, computers, tablets and other electronic devices, with a market share of more than 70%. According to reliable data Statistics show that Tianqi Energy Company alone’s total revenue this year has exceeded five trillion dragon coins.”

There is also Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company. Their revenue is not worse than that of Tianqi Energy Company, and is even significantly higher.

The revenue of several other subsidiaries is also exaggerated. Although there is no clear data, but by comparing the market share of each subsidiary and the financial reports of similar companies, it can be seen that their revenue is at least in the trillions. .”

No one in this world can stop the Apocalypse Group. The Sakura Country is just an ant to the Apocalypse Group.

What's even more frightening is that Tianqi Group's business and revenue growth trend has not slowed down at all. According to professional estimates, Tianqi Group's total revenue will have to double again by next year.

For example, Tianqi Energy, many of their factories have only been completed this year, and they have not yet had time to contribute much revenue. Next year, they will really make efforts and fully increase their production capacity, which will surely sweep the global lithium battery market.

There are also several businesses of Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company. Not to mention other things, Tianming Pharmacy has only been launched in China for a few months, and the overseas market has just started. It will be sold for a whole year next year. This product alone will generate revenue of Scary.

Overseas Destiny Potion costs 300,000 yuan each. If you sell 10 million pills, it will be three trillion dragon coins!

In addition, the sales volume of Tianmu Pharmacy is also terrible. Together, the revenue of Tianqi Pharmaceutical Company alone is much higher than the GDP of many countries.

You won't know if you don't tell me, but you'll be shocked if you tell me.

How much money has Tianqi Group made? It won't make all the money in the world, right?

Otherwise, why do you think our lives have visibly improved in the past two years?

Tianqi Group has made so much money and has made a very big contribution to the finances of various places. Therefore, infrastructure and other aspects in various places can be more generous, and there are more and more supporting policies. It will be much easier for everyone to do business or work. ”

“In addition, Tianqi Group’s rapid expansion has also indirectly promoted economic development.”

There are more than 30,000 suppliers of various subsidiaries under the Tianqi Group, large and small, and many of them are Dragon Kingdom enterprises.

Tianqi Group has money and is willing to give money. Those suppliers make money, and a large number of employees of Tianqi Group also earn high wages. Everyone's willingness to consume will increase accordingly, and it will become easier and easier for others to make money.

We start from point to point, with Tianqi Group as the center, and radiate to all industries, so everyone feels that it is easier to make money now than before. Whether it is working at work or starting a small business, the income is much higher than before.

So life just gets better and better.

In the past, people always talked about the Eagle Country and so on. They have high incomes and good benefits. Isn't that because they have high technology and many high-profit companies?

They can make money all over the world with just one patent, and they can harvest the whole world with finance. Of course, their life will be easier.

However, since the rise of Tianqi Group, it has made huge amounts of money all over the world, and has come back to nourish the more than one billion people in the Dragon Kingdom.

In the future, their lives in the Eagle Country will gradually become difficult, while our lives will become easier and richer.

Then they will envy us.

There are more and more discussions on the Internet, and the topic has gradually shifted to the discussion of Tianqi Group.

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