Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 32 – Even If It Hurts

"We're here!" After making me run from the halls and stairs and ceilings bOb finally let's go of her pull on me.

The destination though that she brought me to is a very familiar and nostalgic sight. "The library..." The library of Atlantis.

This library used to be a boss area back during when it was a dungeon. The giant shelfs would be filled up with flying books that will be attached to you like bats which were very annoying to kill, with the boss itself being a flying servant made of books and having detachable limbs. Needless to say it was a very hard fight and after we conquered the dungeon we wanted to preserve this room as much as possible to commemorate it. 

Although we still did have a few of our own motifs as well, "I always love this view..." I am always in awe looking at this room's entrance that we built. 

"Of course! We built it all together right?!" bOb boastfully said as she folds her arms and puff out her chest in pride. 

[I mean who wouldn't be proud of this thing...] I thought looking up. 

With its massive double doors managing to accommodate even Arin in his tallest height. Thw sculptures finely crafted at each of the two doors, one being an angel to the left and one a demon to the right. With both sculptures holding up a book to connect the two sides in a single point. It is beautifully designed as expected no less from our very talented Simian member who's actually a graphics designer in real life. It was so well made that he actually got scouted by a video game company because of it. 

"That chimp really outdone himself huh..." I mutter to myself. 

The two opposing races holding together a book clearly symbolizes the meaning of letting go of both side's prejudice and coming together for a pursuit of knowledge as well as our neutrality to the two sides. 

[I always thought that the message was a bit corny but...] In retrospective as to what happened to Kurumi's fate and the nature of this guild. [I guess it's not that bad after all.] I thought as I look at bOb and both had the same thought.

""Leta go shall we?""

We both said at the same time. 

"No Morus you should go first."

"No a lady should be the first one to go."

"You're a lady as well so you go first."

This might take a while.


"Wow... I forgot how massive this room is..." I said to myself as I look up at the crystal dome at the top. 

After finally convincing bOb to go first, the giant ball-like room really put me off guard to how expansive this area is even though I've only been gone for two days. [I'm afraid to say in perspective how quick it was that I got used to this world.] And with my body feeling more like Morus now than as Rin is sitting on my chair, I could move and act so much more than the most impressive VR technology right now. 

Nothing can beat the realism of real life. 

"...I know you're proud of the avatar you've created but I feel like you are Narcissus looking at a lake right now." To the point that bOb is questioning my sanity. 

"Sorry, sorry, I was spaced out again." I quickly apologize and move on from myself and onto my surroundings. 

[...What monstrosities we've created.] Along with my improved movements, my senses have also been enhanced to real world levels. 

Such as one of those monstrosities in front of us. "...Hhhuuuu...huuu..." It's cold husk is breathing on our ears. 

"Like it? It's the angelic executioner. I finished it today actually, made it all by myself." bOb proudly boast as she puffs up her non existent breast. 

"Oh you completed it? It's great!" She always liked being complimented so I did. 

[But seriously though you earn the praise.] This one looks really good. 

It matches it's description, with all the holy colors of white, yellow, and blue as a theme as well as having a halo and a pair of wings. But wearing a scrappy piece of welded iron plates with chains holding them together with finally a bucket-like helmet with only small slits of prison bars for vision, while holding an executioner's sword. A very unangelic weapon to say the least. 

bOb makes a smirk from my amazement. "Hehe it's great Morus, I've unlocked that class by capturing some angel paladins and making them kill their own race." She said.

I want to scratch my head. [Wait ain't that already been done a million times?] The result will be a traitor angel, one of the most common types of enemies by angels. 

But she continued. "But this time using my advanced mind controlling abilities. I made the paladin think that they are killing traitor angels instead of them being the traitors themselves." bOb looks at her creation once more. "As a result the paladin's morality scale is just at the very edge of being on the light almost not becoming a traitor. While retaining it's sense of pride so it thinks it is doing the right thing by killing it's own race. So in essence executing the angels for it's own justice." Then bOb makes a clap ending her story. 

"What do you think?" She asked. 

"Well that's..." I am speechless. 

[How could she come up with such things?] Before making a new race or class is considered pretty cool but not that special, as everyone is discovering it. Now though with most of the classes being discovered it is much harder to find new classes and players became more and more creative with their methods to find them. 

So bOb being able to get new races is something very impressive. 

But... [I have to get moving.] So I move on from the creature as I walk passed it. 

"Thank god we have the best security in this area." I said to both myself and bOb. 

"Yeah, of course! We practically did it overkill!" bOb shouted in response. 

In response I look up and couldn't help but say, "Yup." As I stare at the dome. 

With a giant crystal chandelier at the center, the glass dome features cathedral-like inspired by the rose windows of Notre Dame and other such churches.

With a set of gigantic cogs ticking away and turning around, the whole dome is turning around like a clock as it change colors.

There are large and narrow tubes flowing through the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling or heck even in mid-air flowing many spells and potions in a myriad of colors visible under the giant chandelier lit up by mana.

As well as the large, tall, book shelves towering around us as it circles the room. With gaps in a straight line as we walk to the center. 

"I'm gonna miss this place." I mutter myself. [Man, lots of memories to be had here...]

There are many other oddities that dot around this particular room that give it it's unique style above all the other rooms in Atlantis.

Many experiments and test are conducted here that are only found in the Flying Orcas Guild. [At least I won't have to kill the spies that enter here anymore.] Which is why this place is highly coveted and is always the subject of espionage. 

Like the giant four-way hourglass in all directions, [That was supposed to be a secret weapon I set up with bOb when we raided the human guilds, but it failed and ended up a plant pot instead.] It was supposed to have a slowness effect on the whole base but it also applies to us as well so we abandoned it. 

I giant heart on the wall made entirely out of undead creatures like zombies, ghouls, and flesh-squids. With human faces crawling out the roots and veins of the organism. [Yeah our intention is that we'll create the most unholy area in the game and make it as disgusting as possible. Then produce diseases and such.] But after the virus nerf where the devs buff up cure spells we just ended up just exhibiting it in here. 

But last but not least... "Hey bOb. When will we use him for once?" I ask her pointing at the glowing creature. 

"Not yet, we still have a pact with the demons you know?" bOb says before walking passed it. 

I look at the statue-like creature, [Now this will totally anger Kurumi.] I thought as I look at the thing.   

It's simply called the Guardian. With statues and artifacts of the major religions that we stole combine to form this stony creature with many heads of deities attached. [And this is the exact opposite of the unholy heart, we tried to make an area as holy as possible.] This is an anti-demon creature. To be used in case the demon player hordes and countries attack us as we are on the neutral side of the two. 

[I did a lot didn't I?] The creations I mentioned are just at the tip of the tip of the iceberg that is the Library of Atlantis. [I wonder what will happen to these things in the future?] I surely believe that the world I went to is the future Endless, and that something might have happened here in all that time that has passed. [I will definitely go back in here when I get back to El Niño.] That is for sure. 

[Still I have no idea what's happening...] Why am I here? I am just going with the flow but I need to know this at some point. 

[But I will enjoy my time while I'm at it though.] I'm back in Atlantis for god's sake. I wanna talk to bOb and the others before I... [Leave.] That word hurts my heart. 

I need something to take my mind off of that thought so my eyes wonder about and see my arch nemesis. "bOb, didn't you say you'll finally add in an elevator?" I say to her as I look at the part of the room that I hate the most. 

"Nope, an escalator's better." bOb says as she looks up as well. 

The staircase. 

[Yikes... We're one of the most powerful guilds in EWO and we couldn't even afford a better means of transportation?] I ask myself, looking at the dread that is the staircase of this room. Which stretches up like a pyramid. 

[For roleplay Morus, for roleplay.] I stated the original intention of these stairs.. 

This'll take some time, again. 


"Finally...!" After an abyssal of walking up, we reached the center. 

"I know you hated these stairs Morus but you've been overly dramatic this time since you're just sitting on your ass in real life." bOb looks at me with a tilted neck.

[That's because my body ain't on Earth anymore!] I wanted to say but she'll probably lecture me again if I do. 

But anyways, I climb my knees up and look at the deck in front of us. "We're here... Finally." I said to myself as I take my breath. 

In the center of this room is a circular platform elevated by a pyramid staircase we just climbed. 

"Let's... Go shall we?" bOb told me with an embarrassed face, pulling on my clothes. 

[Okay?] I only nodded in response as I walk along with her side by side. 

This place here is the main research area of this room, where me and bOb conduct most of our experiments in discovering new races, spells, potions, and much more. The center of creation. 

There are cryogenic chambers that came straight out of a sci-fi show placed in the center of this platform. Tubes of various liquids for potions flowing through your like a sewer. Plants and various small animals placed glass cages we use for mutation. Then a massive screen used to splice genes and monitor the creatures in air tight chambers. 

Then finally, "Why's there dust all over my desk?" We reach my desk. 

With two of them circling the center, it is where me and bOb sit and conduct experiments on. It has books, test tubes, potions, everything that a researcher needs and much more. 

"Uhm Morus... " bOb starts talking. 

I glance at her to what's she's about to say as I clean the dust left over on my desk. "I gotta miss this... Hm?" Then I notice something that I don't remember. 

"Uhm... I—" Just as she's saying something again bOb looks at the items in my hand.  

A scroll and a gift. 

"Oh!" bOb seems to know these items. "It's those lovebird's gift!" She said as she sits on my chair. 

[Lovebirds?] There is only one pair that I know of. [Don't tell me...] I open the scroll.

""Hey Morus!""

Sure enough, "Silkco and Beharren!" It's them. 

The two that I've seen their names of back in El Niño, my two non-guildmate friends, are in a hologram-like video right now. 

"We were officially engaged yesterday!" Beharren happily said as he's holding Silkco's shoulder. 

"Congratulations you two." I said to them but know they can't here it since its prerecorded. 

[Took you long enough though.] But I couldn't help but smile at the fact that the two lovebirds in the game are finally engaged. 

I look at bOb and see her nodding her head with a meek smile. 

Back to the scroll. "I'm sorry we couldn't see you Morus." It's Silkco that is now speaking. "We decided to take a few days off on Endless for our honeymoon, so we may already have been there when you see this." She says with a cheeky smile with roof top hands over that smile. 

[You wouldn't have to rub it in jeez...] I know I'm single but I'm not a virgin you know? 

"Well anyways." It's back to Beharren again. "Since you're stepping down as guild leader we decided to give you a little farewell gift in that box." He says pointing at the gift in his hands that is now on my desk. 

"Really..." I grab hold at the gift the two gave to me. 

""Crap!"" The two screamed. "We're about to miss the ferry!" Beharren was the one that shouted first. 

"Sorry Morus! We need to log out now!" Silkco frantically scrolling on the menu, "I hope I'll get to see you again soon okay?" She clicks log off and... "Bye bye!" Logs out, both of them and the scroll end the message. 

"...Unprepared, you two never change don't you?" If it is Beharren desperately grouping up with her to now, they never change.

"Well it's kinda nice for some things to remain the same you know?" bOb says to me with a smile. 

"Sigh... Yeah I guess." I shook my head and look down. "Well gotta open this up shall we?" I say to myself. 

"Me too." bOb raises her hands. 

We both hold onto each ribbon and from one to three, ""Let's go!"" We say the cliche streamer's line and open the box.

And our first impressions... ""An egg?"" It's an egg. 

[Why the heck's an egg...] In confusion I flip around the egg and see something written in it's shell. 

'A token from the two of us. ♥'

It seems unassuming enough except for the, [What's with the heart?] I'm having a weird feeling about this. 

"Wait isn't Silkco a swan humanoid?" From that one utter of a sentence from bOb, everything starts to connect. 

"That means..." I shakily hold the egg in my hand, I look at bOb as well but her eyes are widened and her mouth dropped. We both realized the truth. 

[[It's their kid!]] Our thoughts come to that one conclusion. 

[The fuck?] In the game your avatar can produce children and have a family, although there isn't actual sex involved it is a point of contention when Endless first became mainstream. 

But anyways, those children you can have an option of playing as that kid when your character gets maxed out or ages. Many short lived races like humans take the root of playing multiple characters from the same line because of it. 

Of course you can breed with different races and although the percentage gets lower, it's success you can have a half-breed of that race. [My approach is a little different though.] I'll talk about that another time. 

But as these thoughts hit my head like a truck, bOb looks at me with a coy smile. "You gotta babysit that from now on Morus." She giggly said. 

"Yeah..." Is all I can mutter. [I feel like that relative next door where the parents gives me their kid for their vacation.] Is my thoughts as I look at the egg with a meek smile. 

Still though... [It's my only connection between the two of them now.] I don't know how this egg stays with me when I get back, but if it does. [Their descendants will live on...] That thought kinda makes my heart feel warm inside as I unintentionally rub the head of the egg. 

bOb once again notices my strange behavior. "Even though you're a guy... You look like my late mom right now." She says as I caress the egg. 

"Oh really?" I look at her still in my warm state. 

To which she... "...So— nevermind!" Turns around angrily. 

[I wonder what's up with her?] bOb's been acting weird this whole time. 

"Anyways!" She walks toward the giant television screen in front of us. "This is what I wanted to show you!" And bOb opens up the monitor and reveals some data. 

[You'll be sitting there for now little guy.] I placed the egg back on the box for a moment as I look closer at the contents at the screen. 

[What the heck's with all these numbers?] I'm not terrible with numbers at all but even I can't keep up with these percentages and rates per year on this financial report of a screen. 

"Do you see that Morus?" Fortunately the math teacher that is bOb knows these very well as she may even be the one that compiled this thing. 

"On the right of the screen Morus." She said as my eye follows her orders. 

[Let's see... There!] It says. [Total mana density.] And it shows the number of it decreasing by a little over the years, and only by a .01 percentage. 

"Although I may be a little conspiratorial here..." bOb starts speculating. 

[What's the big...] As I thought of the miniscule percentage that most of the players will just ignore, it will really not affect anything short term until it hit me stronger than a truck. 

"Does that mean the overall mana in the overworld is decreasing?" The overworld that I'm referring to is the main area where every player can access. It encompasses everything in Endless besides dungeons, special zones and areas like the player bases and event specific areas. 

"Yup." bOb looks at me with a serious face. "I dunno if this is just a coincidence or not, as it's just an aggregate on all the areas and biomes, but it still should be something I should warn you about when you finally travel."

"Yeah..." bOb is still just speculating on this, and me as well before. But now... [A world with no magic...] In El Niño beside the actual magic stone and fantastical creatures there's actually very few uses of magic that I saw, [What will happen to us?] There are creatures that are dependent on magic like the fairies and it's variants for example, that would severely weakened them if there's no magic in the air. 

[It's not just them...] But me, bOb, Silkco and many other mages would be affected. Even just the broader person who uses magic. Which includes most players and even the likes of Beharren and Arin, which uses little to no magic spells but nonetheless have resistance and defence magic on them, would be affected to a lesser extent. 

[Now that I look at it all...] I gulp down my saliva. [It's all a pretty bad sign for us players.] Is this why we are just viewed as deities in the future? 

[I have never really considered this possibility...] I have heard of Kumo and Itia mentioning the abysmal lack of magic but never really thought much of it. [Now...] Before my mind could wonder to such dark thoughts. 

"Why do you look so grim there Morus?" bOb pulls me back. 

"...Nothing, nothing." I made the worst excuse for it as I hold my own head. 

"...Really, what's wrong? I'm really concern about you right now, you've been wondering off quite a lot today." bOb sincerely said in earnest for my well being. 

I couldn't ignore that face won't I? "Well, I've just been thinking about you guys these past few days." I gave a half truth, as I did but not on Earth. 

"...Really." bOb looks at me with a daze. "Do you remember the reason why you decided to step down in the first place?" She ask of me. 

"Well...." [With what's happened to me these past days I completely forgot.] The main reason why I decided to quit is because... "I want to do something different." I said out loud. 

"That's right." bOb smiles at my answer. 

[Yeah, that's why.] I have been the leader of the Flying Orcas since it's founding and have carried it all this time. I first made it as a commemoration to my favorite animal, the orca, and because I founded it on a coast. After the Atlantis event the name became even more synonymous with the sea as we now based ourselves on an island. 

But overtime as the guild got bigger and things became more complicated, I eventually got tired and bored of leading it and was became jealous of the players that are discovering new parts of the map while I stuck on an island. 

Also with bOb she made me invest heavily in researching and discovering new stuff on the game, making me disinterested in the competitive scene and made me play genetics half of the time. Although I still loved in-game war with my NPCs. 

I want to explore, to create, and most of all. [Have fun.] Those are the main reasons why I wanted to leave my post.

[...And what's more fun than exploring an entirely new world?] It's a world my friends have crafted, completely wide open for me to explore and see. [Even without magic they are still seen as gods in the future.] What's more I have already seen one god in my lifetime, then what's there to say that I can't see them anymore? 

[I'll swim the river of death and resurrect them if I have to.] After all there's resurrection magic, soul guiding magic, and undead magic for me to choose from. [Fuck morals.] Respect the dead? I can control it so why the duck should I respect it? 

With my long pause bOb seems to be even more worried about me. "Uhm...... Morus? Are you alrigh—what are you doing?!" I couldn't help but thank bOb with all my heart for making it all so clear to me now. 

"Thank you bOb." So I sat down and gave her a hug. 

Which I feel her panicking body struggle in my arms. [Hmph~ you're always extremely finicky when I cuddle you up.] - I thought with a dumb smile on my face. 

"You... You better be!" bOb shouted at me, "...I spent the entire yesterday just searching that up for you!" She screamed one last time before becoming meek.

"Really... Thanks." I continue to thank bOb.

"P-please... Let me... Go!" And... 


"Eh?!" I shouted out loud as I feel no solid in my grasp.

Then.... "Idiot!" I feel her headbutt on my back. 

Beacause of bOb's small stature, she is about the same height as I am when sitting right now.

I look behind and see her, red in the face, as she's holding something in her hand. "...H-here..." Then she transfered some items onto my hand. 

"What's this?" I ask as it seems to be a vile jar necklace with some kind of dust inside and a small scroll. 

"It's a seed of mana." bOb says. "It's one of the most valuable items I have since it's the seed of the plant that generates magic. I even have to add my own essence in to control it." She grabs my hand and holds them tight. "I hope that'll help the problem solve somehow and...." She pauses. "Give that letter to Itia okay?"

"...I see." I look at the items. [The first one would help the situation a bit.] The mana tree is few and far between, and is often the center of nature-based dungeons, and cutting it down is considered blasphemous as the seed of it is a very rare drop. As having it would give you control as to how much mana is in your area. 

[And I wonder what this letter does as well.] But I won't open it as it is for Itia. 

But still... "Thank you." I told her in a smile as I hug her again.

[These stuff will definitely help in reviving the mana.] Although I know that one mana tree isn't enough, I know that it helps. [Then when the mana returns back up I can...] Those are long-term plans. 

"...You're doing it again?!" bOb once again tries to struggle her way out of my hug again but... "...Thanks." She gave up.

After that we just stayed in this situation for a while.


[This is really awkward.] There's a gust of wind I'm currently feeling right now. I feel like a tumbleweed could jump in any moment now. 

[I thought she would struggle and teleport again.] It's the awkward silence, it has come in roaring when I sat here sitting and bOb is too embarrassed to move her character around.

[How do I end this silence...?] I begin to make a plan. 


Now in bOb's thoughts. 

[Sigh... What am I even doing in a situation like this?] I scramble for these thoughts, [You know how these kind of things work bOb. You know he's not really...]

I have been trying to tell him all today, and repeatedly it's been thwarted by an idiot, a coincidence, and bad timing. [It's like god himself doesn't want me to say it...] I take a sigh. 

I hold my hands away from the gloves and hold my head in real life. [What should I do?] I really wanna say it to him today or I won't get any other chance.

[Well maybe I should just...] Just as I was thinking of giving up.

"I like you right now bOb." Morus cuts in and boldly announces that statement.

It seems I have been bested first.


[Wait a moment!] The isn't what I meant! 

In a moment, bOb is silent. But a few seconds later, after those words were processed through her brain. "Just cutting straight to the chase aren't cha!?" She snaps.

"Wait I didn't mean it like that!" I flail my hands around clarifying my statement.

[I really need to put more effort to what I'm saying huh?] As I mentally check that on my brain. [I was just trying to compliment her.] It failed, spectacularly so. 

I try my hardest to clear it up. "Well what I mean is that I like to chat with you bOb!" I tuck myself up and hid my face. "I'm having a fun time just talking to you right now, that's what I meant." I open my eyes to see her state.

Then she sighs in relief. "Oh... Well... Me too I guess..." She paused, then looks at me again. 

"Could I call you by your real name Morus?" She ask with a cute face. 

"Uhm... Okay." I made a big smile. [I'm glad the misunderstanding has been cleared away.] I sigh in my head.

"Me too, Rin." bOb blushed a bit, and also chuckled as well, "What a girly name, hehe..." She holds her hand to her mouth as she giggles a lot. 

[Yup... That's right.] I am self conscious about that but it's better than another misunderstanding.

Or is it? "I just love you so much." bOb whispers to herself. 

While I, "Wait what?" am completely oblivious to it.  

[I swear she said something...] I try to ask bOb but couldn't make up what she's saying.

But I miss my chanc since she stood up. "Well Rin." bOb turns around. "I'm gonna go out now. I have real life stuff to do." She said in front of my face even though she's standing up. 

"Oh really? You're leaving?" I also stood up and brush away the dust on my skirt.

I let out a sigh, [I still can't get out of my head of what she said earlier... Is it, I live with you?] I begin to think about it more and more.

"It's been great talking to you Mori." bOb continues to speak. 

[No... That can't be right. Is it I juice you?] While I continue to think. 

"I had a lot of fun today talking to you, even if it's a short one." bOb said.

[No... I hate you? Maybe, probably. But still no.] I thought. 

"I was pretty lonely in the Library recently you know? How about you?" She asks a question.

"Yeah, I think so as well...." [Yeah.... I just load my save file? Nope.] I am still stuck up about what she said. 

bOb checks on the menu. "Hmm really... Is that so..." And scrolls down.

"Uh huh..." I am still within my thought bubble.

[But I know it certainly isn't I love...] I laugh at that one as I turn around and look at what she's doing.

But even so.


Reality is not what you're always expecting.

"You idiot! It's I love you! I. Love. You! Stop thinking too much you dingus!" bOb said holding my lips. "You broke me out of my shell and made me what I am! So think of your actions and take responsibility!" She declared. 

With a spell teleport, bOb's small body appeared just in front of my fac, holding my cheek and gave one, big, smacking kiss on the lips.

"I've always loved you since the very beginning!" A second later.

«bOb has left the game.»

"...Love you." - I didn't even finish my thoughts.

"The heck happened?" I touch my lips, and it has a black lipstick on it.

"Yup, she... did kissed me....." It finally dawned on me. 

I couldn't even process my thoughts as to what happened just now as I look down and see the drops of her tears on the floor.

"I just love you... That's what she said. I love you." I keep repeating those eight letters and three word phrase in my mouth. 

"I love you..." Those words are not something that she would say to me. 

I gritted my teeth. "I thought you had a boyfriend bOb!" Or if she's cheating, she most likely lied about having one this whole time. [...That's why I didn't consider your feelings this whole time!] I never questioned anyone about their real life so I never asked how to introverted bOb got a boyfriend. 

Now that she said it, [Being the only guy friend in her life it's obvious she'll fall for me.] I first met her as a very introverted teenager back then as I was still in my twenties. But bOb slowly changed over the years to what she is now by making friends in the guild and especially to me, her research buddy. 

"I need to logout and go and chat to her..." - Just as I go to the menu and exit.

I realized something. [It's locked out.] The logout it locked out. 

Then at that moment. "No you don't Rin." He appeared.

"Godman!!!" It's him, my primary suspect. 

"I know you may be confused right about—" I don't need any of his vague bullshit. 

"You bastard—!" I just want to hit him right now. 

"No you don't." Then... 

"What?!" He forced me to stay still running towards him. 

[Let me go you bastard! Let me see bOb, let me go back and see Gabril and Mary, I know you can read this thoughts!] I made sure he read it. [You forced me to go back in here through blackmailing Gabtil and then not letting me see bOb?!] I damn hell sure he reads every fucking word. 

The bastard god furrows his brows. "...I know, I know, I apologize Rin. But this isn't something that I can control." He tries to apologize to me by bowing his head. 

"Huh?! You think you could just—" I don't believe in his crap anymore. 

"The God of Planet Earth demanded it, it's out of my control." But those words at least intrigued me.

"The fuck you talking about?" I swallow my rage for a bit to ask.

"You see..." And he explains. "After I decided to take care of your soul, the god of Planet Earth told me. "If that one ever revives, I shall grant you this one time authority." The authority of bringing your soul back to Earth for a limited time and postponing your death. So this time on Earth would be the time you would have been struck by lightning by me essentially." He pauses. 

"My original plan is to immediately activate this authority immediately after you revive. To which that angel named Gabril arrived and begged me to stop when I told her and begged me to let you experience this world." He pauses again. 

"So we agreed on a deal. I allowed Gabril to stay in my realm and help to speed up the recovery of your soul in return she will be the one that activates in the agreed upon duration of two days the authority to let you go back in this world called Earth." He takes a sigh and finishes his story. 

He looks at me again. "So Morus, which will you choose, Earth or Endless? It is you that decides in the end." 

I gulp down. [My old or new home?] The decision of multiple lifetimes. 

Or is it? 


Well anyways! Enough about that and what d'ya think of today's chapter? Unlike last one I was pretty clueless at first as how to do it but I think it turned out fine, lots of descriptions in this one lol xD

Well anyways, I'll be responding to the last comments a few days ago, as I really wanted to finish this before I comment. It's kinda hoe I do think but yeah, arigatou!!! :D

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