Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 35 – Destinations

I walk along with Mary to my side, our destination the table my companions are sitting. "Hehe yay! I'm finally an apprentice!" Is what Mary excitedly said. 

"Not yet Mary." I calm her down by patting her head. "You haven't had a been debutante yet." I told her.

From what Marina had said."You can't be an apprentice if you didn't even debuted yet!"

I immediately thought of the high-class connotation of balls and parties and dresses and the like, so... [It's close to the mark.] Although you would wear a formal dress it is usually handmade if it's a commoners child, and instead of a party you would go and walk around the city like a parade and have at the end arrive at altars for your god of your choosing. 

So that's why, "This is just an informal apprenticeship right now." I warn Mary to not get too excited. 

[But I need to prepare her soon though.] A wand and learning some basic spells would do the trick. 

Just as I began to think about Mary's training in-depth. "Mori-sama!" The familiar voice of Itia came ringing to my ears.

"Itia-chan—eh?!" Mary was about to greet her but was shocked by her appearance.

"Itia!" Immediately I remember the letter and  just as I was to ask her for it but... 

Upon seeing her... "...M-M-Mori-sama...!" She's sobbing; crying towards me like someone stole her ice cream. 

[Why?] I wonder as I catch and hug her. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"There there Itia-chan~" Mary, who's also a cry baby, can relate to the tearing Itia well as she tries to pat her head even with her small stature.

"...Thank you Mary-san." It seemed to work though as Itia rubs away her tears and looks at me directly. "Morus-sama, look!" Then she gave me the letter. 

[What's even inside this letter that made you so...] My thought stops midway upon reading it. 

'Dear Itia Geiss, 

You will now be formally known as Itia Geiss Sibylissa. Congratulations, welcome to the family. 



That's the full letter. It's short but extremely impactful, just like bOb herself. 

My impression of it, [The fuck? What did you do bOb?] Is confusion. That isn't me not knowing what she did, I asked because why she did so. [So this is why she's sobbing...] Itia must have felt an emotion of shock and confusion upon reading this.

I folded the letter and gave it back to Itia. "Congrats Itia, I guess you're like a little sister to me now." I said to her. [Though I do know that she's feeling happiness as well.] Becoming like my sister would be the greatest honor. I know my worth.

"Eh?!" Mary seems to be shocked for a moment before... "Yay! We're sisters now as well!" She skips up and down in happiness; holding Itia's hands doing so. [Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that...] That in the traditions of this world I am kinda now Mary's sister as well.

I smile and look back as I don't want to interrupt their sister moment. [Well, that command is a very strange one to say the least.] Me and bOb have the same last name, Sibylissa. In fact she was the one that thought of the name up in the first place. 

[I guess in-game we are related.] I didn't really think of any of that before. Now though... [My relative confessed to me.] This is getting too weird for me so I shook my head to get the thought out and look at Itia once again who's practically tearing up. 

"...Mori-sama is my sister now..." And what she's muttering is absolutely correct.

"Me too!" And Mary is about a quarter correct about her statement.

"That's right." I confirm Itia's words. [But I don't really mind it though.] I have no problem with Itia becoming a little sister to me, in fact. [You're kinda like a little sister already.] And this is just an official way to confirm it.

I rub her head, "But lemme confirm it first." I say as I stop rubbing and only put my palm on her. [I need to know if this spell works in here as well.] This is an experiment.


I tighten my shoulders when I heard that. "Let's go somewhere less...rowdy." I say as I forgot that I'm in a pub. 

Where, "Bastard! You drank my beer!" "You ate my damn soup!" "Shut the fuck up!" Fat, muscly, greasy, balding, men are drinking and eating so of course there'll be the occasional bar fights happening. 

"Of course Mori-sam..." Being my sister and all, "You don't really need to be so formal to me now don't you?" I say.

"Of course! Mori...san." It's a working progress. 


{True Name.} 

A spell which causes your real name to be revealed. For humans this is a useless spell but for us that have demonic blood, it could be annoying. It's a cliche that devils and demons have names that they hide and stuff. But although you won't die from it, It is troublesome in the fact that your enemies would be able to make custom resistance spells using your own name as a way to deflect your own spells. Or making puppets by writing your name and be able to simulate your battle tactics. [That's why we have multiple anti-spells for these things.]

Enough of that and I casted the spell and slowly, [There it is.] just above my hands I see the letters lighting up like a sizzling fire as it makes up her name. 

Once finished. "So it is true after all..." Kumo mutters to himself. 

"I'm so jealous right now Itia-chan~" Gabril does her trademark wriggling around with her arms but since she doesn't have wings it just looks weird.

I have brought the two of them with Mary being left behind since she has work to do, so we are just at my room inside the inn with no one that could see us. 

Anyways. "Itia Geiss Sibylissa." Is what it said as I read it out loud. [It's true after all.] I shouldn't be surprised but still, [I have a sister now, again.] How nostalgic. 

"Itia." Kumo grabs onto her shoulder. "I guess I may have to be your servant now huh." Is what he said to the shaking girl. 

"Hehe I'll call ya Itia-sama from now on~" Gabril with her carefree demeanor jokingly told Itia an that as she holds onto her other shoulder. 

"I-I don't know w-what to do now!" The woman of the hour herself responded to this revelation with even more confusion. 

[I'm glad all three of them are getting along.] Gabril, Itia, and Kumo are all speaking to each other like friends, something that I would never see back in Endless. 

[Speaking of friends...] I suddenly remember something. 

"Kumo!" I shouted. "I need to check something." I put my hand over his face as well. 

{"True Name!"}

From his results come in the words, 

"Kumo Kruisspin Xanthos" Is what it said muttering his name.

It's confirmed as well. [What kind of dream is that?] Although Godman has already explained it to me it is still bizarre how that dream-like state is me coming back to Endless in a limited capacity. [Well I'll take it as me going to find them in this world.] And I will find them, no matter what. 

But for now... "Father..." He utters that word to himself like some kind of spell while clutching his heart.

"Congratulations Kumo, you're Arin's son now." I gave him my congrats as well. 

Itia grabs his shoulders. "Now you understand my feelings." It seems that this created something of a bond between my two companions. 

"Wow—!" Gabril expressed her surprise. "I never thought you'll be royalty as well!" She shouted. 

[Oh yeah, the royal family...] The royalty of the Kingdom of Santhos are the descendants of Arin. [Yeah I don't know how the succession will be if Kumo is ever fined out.] I will make sure that this doesn't ever leak. 

Now, most of my companions are somehow related to me or my friends, most that is. "Hehe Itia-chan is Morus-sama's little sister now and Kumo-san a son of the 'Golden Fortress' himself." Except for Gabril. "I guess I'm the only one with no family hehe..." She tries to be her cheery demeanor but it doesn't fool anyone.

[Maybe this'll cheer her up.] I suddenly thought of something.

"Don't you worry Gabril." I hold onto her shoulder. "You were created entirely by hand from me." Although she was based on an angel I caught, everything had been so thoroughly reworked that it's not right to call them the same angels. 

"So technically you're already kinda like my kid." I say children in the very loosest of terms. [Having your kid lick you up is not very parent-like.] I say that's an even more intimate relationship. 

Plus... "Mind if you show them your new form?" I order her. 

"Hm...?! Ah, yes Morus-sama, on the way." Gabril fazed out a bit but returned to follow my order.

Her previous six pure white wings had become a pinkish purple type of color; her hair now a dark purple, and the coloring of her clothes had now turned to a mixture of black, pink, and purple pallets.

All in all, [You evolved into something beyond of my creation.] A lust angel. 

"Congratulations Gabril." Kumo gave her his regards this time. 

"...The pervert's like an actual pervert now." Itia rolls her eyes by the site of Gabril's more daring outfit. "...But congrats." She whispered. 

"Hehe thankcha aunt Itia~" Since I said that she's like my sister now, Gabril managed to find a new tease for Itia.

[...Only just three days huh?] I wonder to myself as I look at my three companions. [Although Gabril's the only one that physically changed pretty much all of them are a new person from the A.I's that they were based from.] They seem to be based off their script but all three displayed behaviors that isn't mentioned in their bios at all. 

[I wonder how much we'll change from this point on.] In the past I would never put a dick inside me. Now, although a trap, that isn't the case anymore; and I would definitely never be able to face my Earth self at this point. 

It's terrifying to be honest, but... "Let's see what we got." I mutter, and all three look at me at once. 

I smile, "Let's go." I grab the doorknob of my room and click it open. 

[Though I don't know where I'll go now.] I just said that in the heat of the moment, but I don't know what to do. [I've already finished my in here so...] I shook my head to think about it later so I opened the door, and what do you know.


Someone that I should care about more comes into fray. "Hey watch where you're go— Morus?!" It's Juno. Who I hit with the door.

I instinctively look behind to see Gabril float midair with her wings as there are no shadows upon her. [Thank god I said to her to immediately make herself invisible when we got in here.] I breath a sigh of relief. 

Anyways, [Oh yeah...] Him. [I was supposed to protect this kid huh?] I apologize for Marina for not doing my promise yet since there's just too many things happening for me to get up. 

[Speaking of Juno.] I remember adventurers, the guild, and the... 

"Huh...? Why're here? Don't you have an adventurer's test later?" Juno asks me nonchalant about something that I totally forgot.

"Shoot!" Too many things! [Crap I need to dress up and...and...!] I need to act quickly or I'll be late! 

While I was in my thought then, "I was just gonna check on some things in the Inn so—" But I interrupt why he said for this urgent business. 

"Everyone we need to go quickly!" I order them. 

"I'll follow you anywhere Morus-sama!"

"Of course Mori-sama!"

"Okie dokey!"

I look at their immediate response. [Although I prefer them to be more independent it definitely helps being the leader of such a loyal trio.] Is my conclusion. 

Though there's one that's out of the loop. "Who're they?" It's Juno. 

[You don't have any idea your sister got sick?] I annoyingly wonder for this responsible older brother. 

"Sigh." I take a breather. "Well they're..." 


"Kumo, a relative of mine." I say as I introduced the moderately armoured arachmen to a different receptionist than the one I met the first time I went here.

Right now after informing Juno about the knowledge his parents know. He left us behind so now it's only me and Kumo inside, with Gabril monitoring our surroundings.

"Hello ma'am." Kumo bows his head. "I would also like to apply for the guild as well." And states his intentions. 

[Yup.] After I introduced my companions to Juno. Kumo suddenly told me that, "I wish to also join this organization." [I was comfortable at first but decided there isn't any drawbacks of letting him join.] As long as his spider self isn't found and his blonde hair then I don't really have many objections to it. 

Although, "Uhm... Okay s-sir..." The receptionist on front seems to not be doing so well right now. 

"Are you okay ma'am?" Kumo, being concerned for the human, tries to look closer at her complexion to see what's going on.

[Not this again.] I know the reason why she's like that. 

"T-too close!" It's because, "Too handsome!" She was charmed by his face. 

"Sigh..." This situations are becoming more and more common as the days go on. [It even got heard on the streets.] An extremely handsome traveller staying at The Starting Point, is what they said. 

I look behind and see the guys sitting and hanging around making tsk! sounds and other ill-intentioned noices at the background, as they see their beloved female employees fall head over heels to my Kumo. [At least I'm not like those losers.] I smile at that. 

Moving on, [Well, I guess I'm the one not charmed by him.] That's not only because I used to be a male, but also because... [I knew you for so long that I don't really have any fresh feelings I could give to you.] Besides feeling proud that he has emotions now the only thing I feel towards him is the same as any person you know for a long time, comfort. [He's just Kumo, my Kumo.] I settle at that. 

"Y-yes... I will immediately inform t-the Guildmaster-sama about this...!" The girl quickly runs off leaving the desk empty. 

Now it's just me and Kumo, [Man I wish Itia were here...] As we were changing clothes there were, "Let's play together Itia-chan!" Brats like Mary who keep wanted to play with her. 

[Though...] I look at the men beside me. [On second thought I think it's best that it stayed like this.] One of the other reasons is that, "Has she debuted yet?" Marina asked when she heard our conversation. When I said no she told me that Itia can't become an adventurer yet.

But with Itia becoming my sister now and also her puppy dog eyes I couldn't really deny her, though Mary's puppet dog playing eyes is also hurting me, I'm stuck. But Marina managed to solve that with. [Thank god Juno agreed to it.] I was surprised that Juno agreed to do an errand for Marina but he did. So with the two kids by his side, we managed to stay on the same path until the market and talked a lot.

But back to Kumo. "Well Kum—" Just as I was about to talk to him though. 

"Hey Morus!" A girl that I'm split on arrives. 

[It's Krissa.] And her entourage. That voice of hers is one that I recognized immediately as I turn around and yup, [The Chains of Loyalty.] They seem to be carrying their loot for today. 

"Today's your—eh?!" Suddenly she stops her tracks like the Coyote and stares at us with an open face. "...Handsome." As she is immediately awestruck by Kumo's appearance. 

[Not this again...] I want to hold my head but not now. [Well I guess she helps me out for being at the right time.] I really don't have a topic I could talk to Kumo about.

Though... "Is this the woman that the human Marina is talking about?" Kumo is unfazed at this point, but I nodded at his question.

"Really?" Krissa presses her fingers, "As a mage I hope I can get along with the Aqua Strider soon..." And looks at Juno with a wriggly smile.

[I guess she knows as well that Marina hates her guts.] Not her specifically but her family.

"T-that's alright Lady Kri—" The armoured guy whom I met yesterday awkwardly tries to settle the subject, but of course. "Please do not cause distress for my lady, please." It fails miserably. 

[It's the grey haired man.] Being the surrogate leader he stands in front of Kumo to protect his lady. 

"I am just saying the truth." Kumo calmly replied. "And you seem to be interrupting my master's time as well." Though his words and elocution are perfectly calm, I can just feel the tension out if his breath. 

"I see..." The grey haired man squints his eyes slightly. "It must be a coincidence then, as having my lady feel slighted must have caused you your time mister." He also gives off the same aura Kumo does. 

Although I understand Kumo's desire to protect my honor. [...You two are exactly the same.] A handsome butler-like figure with a cold demeanor. They are so similar that when I look at Krissa's eyes, it's like we're saying 'I understand what you feel' through our minds. 

"Still Morus..." After our stare off Krissa was the first to come to me. "...You have some very unusual friends with ya." She told me in a whisper like voice. 

To which I nodded and said, "Yup." And this time. "Well I hope you and Marina could get along soon." I'll be asking her.

"That's right! I admire her very much and also—" She looks excitedly towards me. "I've been hearing that she can do magic again!" With sparkling eyes, "The person that cured her must be a very good mage indeed!" While rubbing her fingers. 

"Yeah... It must be so.." [Wow... Information really goes fast.] It's still morning and the news of Marina already spread this far in the city. [It's either that or Marina's really famous.] It's both. [I don't know how long she'll realized that it's me though.] Probably later.

Back to Krissa, "I'll definitely try to finally talk to her again hehe..." She scratches her head in excitement  as we were about to continue our discussion until... "Lady Krissa, it seems that a carriage from the house of Tranchant has arrived in front of the guild." One of Krissa's companions or bodyguards, the scarf guy with a bow ends our girl talk in a anticlimactic way. 

"Tsk!" She snickers at the news. "Sorry Morus, but I got business to attend to." She leans closer. "Introduce me to your friend layer okay~?" She winks and walks off. 

Also, "Let us meet again, Sir Kumo." The grey haired man lightly bows and heads back towards her lady. 

"It is a pleasure as well, Sir Lojalgra." It seems both of them calmed down and Kumo even managed to get his name. 

[...Lojalgra.] That's a pretty badass name. 

Though, at the perfect timing. "Morus!" It seems that I have my own business to attend to. 

""Guildmaster Gremio!"" The surrounding adventurers all shout his name once again as he steps down the stairs. 

"I heard that one of your relatives wants to join the guild as well." He said when he finally goes down the same floor. "Though if it is you I will give this man a chance but..." Gremio said as he stares at me eye to eye. "For the integrity of my organization I will not give him any sort of special treatment." He furrows his brows. 

"That is fine with me sir." Kumo responded immediately with a bow. 

While I, "Alrighty then..." I somewhat agree as well but, "Kumo, show them what you can do." I order him with a slight grin. [He doesn't need any special treatment.] 

He smiles with narrowed eyes, "Yes Morus-sama." And grabs his weapons, a pair of slim knives. 

"Hmph! What can those little things do—" He was about to insult Kumo's weapons, thank god his lips isn't pursed out or else he'll be named Jeff.

"Wha— what was that?!" Gremio instinctively hides his lips into his mouth as he looks at the white object that zipped pass him and see that... 

"""[Holy shit!]"""

Both the shouts of the adventurers and the thoughts of Gremio have aligned. 


The knife flies like a bullet; almost like a comet as you can see a faint white entrail coming behind it's tracks, hitting straight through the poor wooden dummy doll at the wall as it's destination. 

It pierced it's head straight through and came out the other side lodged deep within the wall. It left behind such an impact that it looks like a mini ballista bolt shot it.  

"Gulp..." It is an extreme powerful shot that Gremio is grimaced at the thought of it hitting a living being. 

He breathe a sigh of relief thinking it's all over but I say, "Better move away from that spot sir."

Immediately he steps back and I look at Kumo nodding my head, "Of course." He knew what I meant right away.

Even after throwing the knife his hands are still on the air, why is that? That's because, "Retract!" With a dramatic flare, he tighten his fist and twisted and pulled back his arm, making the knife stuck on the wall retreat and swing side to side before grabbing it back to his palms. 

[It's his signature attack.] Since Kumo managed the master his control of his webs. He has been able to attach them to the knife's handles and throw them and with his web manipulation abilities and a bit of magic can make his webs essentially be a new limb that he could control freely. 

I look around and see several of the angry adventurers became one of two types. One is the, "S-shit.." Those who are mostly of the lower ranks clamped down while, "...That's cheating." The second type is even more infuriated at the spectacle. 

There's also the third type of, "Your so cool Kumo-san!" The fangirls, specifically Krissa. "Lady Krissa your family's waiting!" Her party is desperately trying to get her outside. 

[How did she knew Kumo's name?] I will never know. 

But back to Gremio. "Now..." He looks at the scene. "You're in." He said as he turns around and takes a deep breath. 

"Alright!" He looks at me, "You'll be taking your adventurer's test right? Come with me." Then looks at Kumo. "Your friend here will be spectating for now while we think of what to do." He said last before walking towards the stairs and looking at us like saying 'Follow me.'

So we did. 


"Wow...." Is what I said looking at the scene before me. 

I never realized that there was another part to this building. The Adventurer's guild is shaped like an incomplete square with no top, so like a U with edges. In the middle of that U lies an arena, where I will be battling off against... 

"Hey Morus." It's her. 

"Female knight!" It's the woman that agreed to watch over Mary when I headed to the reception desk, that woman!

"I guess we never really said our names huh?" She made a jolly smile, scratching her head when she made that mistake. 

"Yeah, we never really..." I stopped right there and just said it already, "My name's Morus Sibylissa, you dear?" I gave my name. 

"Carmine Korruma, and stop acting like your older than me!" Carmine stated her name. "Today I'll be—" Before she could even say anything though. 

"You two are gonna be dueling later." The Guildmaster steps in. 

""What?!"" Both of us shouted. 


Meanwhile... "It is an honour to meet you, Prince Gérmann." Behind the scenes. 

"It is just a coincidence, Sir Jhsovenne Tranchant." In a place where it is near Morus-sama, but far enough to not notice.

"I believe this is the fate that the great Kurumi has bestowed upon us your Highness. I deny it to be a coincidence." Things are starting to move. 

"I would rather believe in coincidences than a god that's tearing my nation apart." Or heating up. 

[[What are you doing here?]] Nonetheless, although with different starts, both men are heading towards the same destination. 

[This is where the two's master is apparently.]

[I need to find the witch doctor that cured that woman.]

Towards the black witch.


But yeah and also I was supposed to finish this yesterday as well but I was busy watching Pewdiepie's Minecraft series so yeah, I apologize again for the sudden delay. But the next chapter will be fun though! 

Anyway thanks for sticking out this far, it means a lot to me and enjoy this little chapter that's not 5k for once :) arigatou!

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