Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 52 – Peaceful?

My mom, "Morus dear, what do you think of my sermon?" Asks me about my opinion on her sermon earlier. 

"Well, it was very good of course." I explained. "Although a very simplified tale, you did well in telling the story in that short amount of time." But I do have a few complaints. "Though you could have explained some of the other races a little better. For example, the beastmen." 

" are right Morus." Mother giggled for a little bit. "Well honestly, I don't have the time to tell all the stories. For example the beastmen although very important when they were spreading throughout the world, they aren't exactly related to the story of my mother Angie and Greigor." She explained. 

"I see, I see." I get it, but. "Mother, I'm surprised you know so much of that era." I remarked.

[I mean the Pomuses were born right before the retail launch of Endless.] She was born right at the tail end of the beta, just before the launch of Endless to the masses and was supposed to grow up during the time skip. 


Looking at her palms, "Of course, Angieflora kept telling me those stories whilst she was desperately healing my weakened and cracked body." My mother made a nostalgic smile but with a hint of sadness. 

So I hold my mother's hands once more. "Mother in my opinion your body is perfectly fine to me. I know that not being able to have your own children is bad but you have me right?" Then looking at her. 

I hold my chest tight. "I want for one child, me, to be able to suffice one whole Pomus of elves. One child to be able to be happy with." I told her my honest and embarrassing feelings.

I began to think about my mother. [...Pomus Marea, the cracked one.] Angie in the past had told me the circumstances of Marea's childhood. 

During the gap of time between the beta and the release of Endless, was called the timeskip by the players. It was a time estimated to be 1000 years in which the developers, using the events made by the players during the beta, create kingdoms and histories and just let the game run things for the players to interact with during launch. 

This time was also where the Pomus Elves came out of their seeds and with Angieflora spreading them out, forming their own Pomuses in Endless. 

All except for Pomus Marea, who due to her damaged and broken seed was attended by Angie during the whole time skip to heal that crack. 

The first half of the timeskip was used to tend to her seed, slowly and surely healing the crack. Then in the middle Angie was confident enough to plant Marea's seed without it breaking.

The result was a success, Marea survived her precarious seed birth but she was now in a comatose state. 

Angie then had to take care of the young child Pomus again by healing her incredibly weak due to it not being strong enough a vessel to stabilize her immense magic. So the latter half of the timeskip was spent healing and stabilizing her body and by the time she finally woke up it was the release of Endless to the masses. Hence why Angieflora was quite absent during the beginning of the game. 

[...Thinking about her circumstances it's a miracle for mother to even survive.] The one that did that miracle of course was Angieflora. [I even asked her in the past why she went through all the trouble to save her in the first place.] And you know what she said? 

"The one that saved Marea is herself, I felt that she wanted to live and so I decided to help her out."

...I guess that miracle is also thanks to mother herself. 

But now back to mother, "Morus..." She started to tear up. "I don't know what to say…." Stopping and feeling her chest beating. "Why do I feel so happy right now." I can see her making a squiggly smile. 

"Thank you Morus dear!"

I am confused. [Why is she acting like this?]

Looking at her in this state. "What's wrong mother?" I worriedly ask. 

"S-sorry Morus." she looks at me. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you." And then she explains. 

"...You see I have been a bad mother. In my heart deep down I always thought that if my body wasn't weak, wasn't cracked, wasn't defective. That if I was like the rest of my brothers and sisters, I would have been happy having my own Pomus and children. But now...." Clutching her hands and smiling more straight. 

She looks at me in a teary tone. "I dunno what to feel anymore, for the first time my heart is beating with joy, an emotion I never felt before—I actually feeling happy with my body, that I was cracked and that...'' Staring at me with a wide smile. "That I'm happy to have met you more than having my own Pomus." 

"..." I was silent for a moment. 

And then. 

"Mom you're tearing up again...." With my hands I wipe away the tears she's flowing. 

"I—I couldn't help it!" She shouted.

And then.

"I am too mom." And I hugged her. I hugged her tightly, very tightly. 

"Morus..." She hugs me back as well. 

And then...

"Right now, I regret absolutely nothing right now Morus." Because she was taller than me and a twist of my own medicine, she pats me on the head now as well. 

[Angie.] In the past I questioned why you did so much to save one Pomus even though it's outside of the lore to do so. But now... [Thank you Angie, for everything.] For giving me this wonderful woman. 

Even with the stare of the people around us, "...Let's stay like this for a bit longer mom." we continue.

[Huh...] I feel some kind of desire, but not the kind that I would want to eat out my mom. [I just want to hug her like this, forever.] Just the two of us embracing each other is more than enough to satisfy me. 

[This isn't lust but… I like it.] It feels good. 

Later on...

Our talk afterwards became more awkward but we did talk about several things like,

"Morus honestly I never met Greigor that much."

"Well he's a cool and chill guy and a great friend to me. It's quite funny even though he is a dwarf and the greatest blacksmith at that, he isn't shy with using his skills for everyone. I mean he helped me make Collita for god's sake. There's a reason why Angie fell in love with him."

And then our final topic before we returned to the Starting Point Inn. 

"Oh yeah Morus! I forgot to tell this at the sermon earlier."

"What is it mother?"

"Well you see it was about the relationship between humans and demons. I was about to tell this but yeah."

"Go on..."

"You see there's a prophecy. Because of how similar the human and the demon ancestors were born. It is assumed that one day, humans and demons would meet up in one single point and then—"

"I'm glad that you didn't mention that mother."

One last thing I thought before returning. [I wonder if this world thinks of mom's sermon?]


At the same time. 

"Let's see here...." In a lavishly decorated but not too gaudy room. "Taxes here. A merchant caravan wants an audience with me? For a later date. A new person to be knighted? They can show it at the festival tomorrow... Oh a marriage proposal? " In the middle of a lavish desk table lies stacks upon stacks of paper.

There is an old man. "Count she is a beauty but I am too old for marriage so I humbly decline." With a long beard and wearing what looks to be a long wizard robe. 

"...I am always envious of how mundane your life is Margrave." And another one with short, bowl cut blonde hair beside him. "If politics was this normal I wouldn't have left the capital." It's the Prince, Gérmann del Xanthos von Arin.

"The only unusual thing I have to do here is the request Morus made to me with that Jschovenne." The Prince sighs. 

"Oh he's a troublesome sort but he's reliable." And while the two are opposites when it comes to their age. "Please don't talk about the capital like that. Even if Arinna is like a gold-plated piece of rusting iron it is still the capital of this great Kingdom of Santhos. So please don't belittle it so much your highness.'' The two still talked very normally to each other.

He may look like a wizard but he is in fact, "It is just the two of us Norkin so don't be too uptight and just call me Gérmann." It's the Margrave of El Niño, Norkin El Niño von Tridin.

With that their normal conversation would have probably continued as normal.

Very normal. For now.

Until... "My Lord, urgent news!"

"What is it?" He looked at one of his servants with slight irritation. "As you can see I have a lot of matters to attend to right now. Is it another case of naked men running through the streets again?" Referring to the incident a few chapters back.

"That was certainly interesting." The Prince replied reminiscing about it.

"No My Lord!" Immediately bowing his head he quickly explained. "It involves that Morus woman again! At the elf temple!" While sweating he profusely cried out.

"Oh it's Morus is it? I'll set aside these for now so tell me what happened." Like a switch once he heard the name 'Morus' all work must be put into the side. 

[Morus will surely be an important figure in the future so I need to be the one to get her first...] Norkin thought. 

"Everything is normal except when Morus is involved..." Gérmann muttered to himself. 

[Well this strangeness is certainly good compared to the absurdity of the capital.] Gérmann thought to himself with a giggle. 

"You see I was doing errands and—" The servant explains.

Needless to say both of them stopped their chatter...

After explaining the elf temple, the appearance of Marea and her sermon, and her extraordinary magic...


Arguably two of the most powerful people in El Niño were left speechless. 

"Norkin?" The Prince speaks first. "What shall we do with this information?"

After the servant left the two of them began their plans for the future. 

"...We must immediately seek out this Marea, from the servant's description of her..." Norkin shakes his lips for a moment before holding his mouth. "As a scholar of ancient magics, if she is what I think she is then we must immediately get to her at all cost." He looks at Gérmann with a face so serious it made him shrunk. 

"...I know, I've been thinking that possibility as well. If so then..." Sighing, Gérmann looks sternly at Norkin. "I thought I will postpone this for next year but now Morus and the Sybilissa family must be given peerage as soon as possible. Which means I'll need to head back to the capital at the end of the year, during New Year's celebration." He said in low growl but with a look of determination in his eyes. 

[Gérmann... You truly have the capabilities of a great king.] The Margrave looks at the young Prince with pity knowing he wouldn't be or even have the desire to be king. [I guess I'm just projecting the early reign of His Majesty upon you.] He thought before shaking it off. 

"That is correct." Back to the conversation. "But this is a very fine line we are talking about. We must show them to be powerful mages but not enough for the factions to notice them." Norkin said as a warning. 

Gérmann, "You are correct. I am guessing from Marea's actions that many of the temples and shrines of the various deities of this city, even outside, would notice the new deity on the elf temple and would come and visit her. Morus will probably climb up the Adventurers Guild very fast." Is predicting what will happen between the two of them. 

"So Morus' soon-to-be adventurer achievements and Marea's soon-to-be important role in the religious community would hopefully be enough to propel them to nobility." This is Prince Gérmann's prediction.

Norkin nodded. "I will arrange for a meeting with the temple and church leaders in the very near future. As for Morus..." Norkin touches his beard. "I cannot openly mess with that guild, so it'll be Morus's own effort to do so. But I'll try and nudge the guild master as best as I can." He says, thinking of more ways to help them. 

And like that, as they flesh out their plan, the meeting is over.

"One more thing..." Gérmann's pondering one last time as he was about to leave. "I looked at the finances but it truly is miraculous that the elven temple even managed to stay afloat." He says at the door outside the Margrave's office. 

"Now that you mention it..." Norkin ponders as well. "We give every religious facility a set amount of public funds but it shouldn't be enough for that temple to stay in operation." He pauses. "I can only assume a big donor helping out..." He thinks for a bit.

Norkin looks at Gérmann once more and says, "This might be interesting. You should investigate this matter, Your Highness."

"I like your sarcasm Norkin." The Prince rolls his eyes. "Now with Marea I really need to do the thing about Jschovenne that Morus favored me for. And now I have to find who's funding that temple as well..." 

He takes a big sigh. "I really am quite envious of your mundane life, Margrave." complaining right until the end as he shuts the door close. 

"It won't be mundane for long!" He shouted at the shut door.

Now all alone. "I guess I need to go to ancient books now." Norkin stands up and goes to his personal library. 

[Morus... We must have you at all cost, for the sake of the Kingdom.] with the authority of a noble he goes and tries to find the truth.


"We're back!" I scream when slamming the doors open to the Starting Point Inn. 

Entering the inn, "We're back everyone." I went inside and my mother followed me close. 

"Oh Morus!" The first one that waved at me was Marina. "I'm glad you're back." She seems to be talking to one of the customers right now. 

"Hey Marina." I see she's a bit busy so I won't bother her for now. 

Then looking around, before anything else, "Mori-sama—!" I felt some big breasts being squeezed into me by a naughty angel. 

"Gabril!" I hug her as well before looking at her once more. "You seem excited for someone that left only a few hours ago." I check her out. "I haven't noticed but you look cute in that waitress uniform."

"Hehe thank you~ Marina didn't have a uniform suited for me so I chose one of my own!" Gabril said in a mischievous tone. "Marina relented but reluctantly agreed to it, so yeah!'' She made a peace sign. 

[Yup that kind of maid outfit would be normal in any other isekai. I don't like these types of modern clothing that are so out of the era the world is based on.] It doesn't have a short skirt but it's definitely frilly, especially compared to the plain long robes of Marina. [I wonder where she got it from?]

And because of this new type of uniform. "Hmmm..." Looking around. "You're quite popular, aren't cha Gabril?" I keep seeing the gazes of the guys around her.

"Oh my…" She whispers to my ear. "I hate it but they are precious customers so no biggie."  

Afterwards, "Oh and yeah!" Gabril heads over to... 

"Marea-sama! It's nice to see you!" She walks up to my mother. 

"Oh hello there Gabril." Mother looks at her head to toe, "Now that I've looked at you Gabril I do recall something about a baby angel that Morus." And the two began to chat. 

[I'll leave the two of them be for now.] I go but I heard one last thing in their conversation.

"So you saw me when I was but a baby?!" shouted by Gabril aloud.

[Interesting...] I wanted to eavesdrop but now with plenty of free time in my hands I decided to relax for a bit and sit down at one of the tables. 

"Maybe I'll order something…" I do feel quite hungry from all the walking around I did earlier.

And then perfect timing, "Morus! What will you order today?" Marina came to the table.

I think about it for a second, "Something filling hmmm...Marina, you decide for me this time." then gave her the option instead.

"Got it, I'll give you my best." With a smile she writes down and when she's about to leave...

"Us as well mom!" A little girl orders at a table next to mine. It's Mary.

"Don't be rude to your own mother Mary." And right behind her is Itia. Weird but not surprising.

But the last one though... "I don't know what's happening but Mary must be doing something incredibly stupid right now." It's Rudas.

Now her inclusion really surprised me. [Why are these three together?] The only thing they have in common is being similar in age, at least Itia is looking like one.

"Hey I'm not!" Mary retorted back.

[Oh well.] I decided not to think about it much and went to their table.



Both Mary and Itia greeted me when I came to their table.

"You two seem to be having fun." I told them. "And it's weird seeing you here Rudas." I also greeted the third person on the table.

"Oh Morus, you're finally here." It seems she's waiting for me. "I came here to see you." Oh my.

"Go on then." I'm pretty interested in what this girl has to say.

"Hey you didn't tell us that!" Mary got grumpy and so I rub her head.

"Hmmph~" Itia got grumpy too so I rub her head as well.

"Well you see, Mr. Soumis wants you to come to the brothel later tonight." She added. "I dunno the details but it seems that there is some information that he wants to relay to you." 

"Is that so..." I am certainly intrigued. "I'll definitely go there later." It'll be interesting to say the least.

But as I remembered the actions we did up until now, I whispered in her ear so that Mary wouldn't hear it. "Is it related to the thugs that we caught last night?" I said to Rudas, and her simple nod is enough for me to understand.

And so I focused my attention to the two other children. "Mori-san! I wanna talk to you as well!" I'm still petting her but even that has a limit as it couldn't contain her grumpiness for long.

"Okay, okay what is it." I went down and listened to what she had to say.

"You see…. Itia has been teaching me magic!" Mary said in excitement, clutching a small wand she has in her hand.

"Is that true Itia?"

"Yes Mori-nee, I have to admit for being humans—I mean beginners, these two are fast learners." She almost messed up but corrected herself.

More importantly, "Two of them?" The only other one in this table is…

"Yes Mori-san! Rudas was interested in magic as well." And she energetically holds Rudas's hands.

"...Yes, ahem." Itia explains to me the situation. "Initially it was only Mary that was begging me to teach her magic. So we sat on this table and teached her, it was only the two of us here before Rudas came. She said she saw 'something' for the first time."

After explaining, I look at Rudas. "You saw something?" I don't need to say this but she can't see.

"Yes, Visoko guided me here but then I saw something in my eyes for the first time." She then describes what she saw. "It was like a whirly...thing." She tries to explain but finds difficulty to do so.

But with just that I knew what it was. "It's mana right?" Just the fact she sat here when Itia was teaching Mary magic says it all.

"Yes! I heard these two voices and Itia immediately started to teach me." Rudas describes it with excitement.

I looked at Itia and said, "She can see magic—" But I cut her off.

"I know, she can naturally detect mana." I intently look at mana.

[Even I know what talent looks like.] I was wondering that with Itia's personality she would find it hard to teach just one person. But with Rudas's talents me and Itia knew.

"You can see this right?" I place my hand on the table, palm up and leak out my mama. I then made a shape out of it.

"Hmmmm..." Mary looks into the invisible air in front of her. "It's weird, I can't see anything but I feel something heavy from it." Mary can't see it but even feeling the presence of mama is proof that Mary has potential.

But with Rudas… "It's shaped like a heart." She tells further. "I often touch heart shaped things back at the brothel so I know that is a heart."

My own heart skips a beat. "...Then the color?" I show her my other hand.

In my hand are five different colored mana, each on a finger. If she can see the color as well…

"This one right?" Rudas touches my pinky. "I was born without sight so I never saw color before but this one here has the same color as the heart floating in front of me."

"That's correct." My mana is a mix of pink, purple, and black but still she found out.

[She can clearly see mana.] That's an extremely rare talent.

The only way to see mana is using your own mana in the quintessential spell {Mana Field} but it uses your own mana in exchange. Other methods include pure meditation, training, and practice, which many in game years to get.

Even I can only see mana without my mana field at a certain distance. Itia as well. Only pure spirit type species can see them without limits.

So Rudas's ability to see mana without any form of training is extremely valuable.

So good in fact that if she was a player back in Endless she could sell her account for millions. Even with her blindness.

[Broken almost.] If Rudas can develop her magic even further… [If I was in Itia's place I would also take her as a disciple as well.]

Meanwhile, "I feel like I am being stared at super intently right now." Shit I made Rudas uncomfortable so I looked away fast.

And now, "Muu..." Mary seems sad now. "Mori-san only looks at Rudas now..." And then, "I can't even see it."

I immediately consoled Mary by rubbing her head to the max. "Mary, you're already talented enough. You can feel mana that's more than most beginners can do." I said the truth.

I have played Endless for an incredibly long time so I know, I know that the magic system on Endless is hard, needlessly hard as it seems to enjoy realism more than the enjoyment of using magic. Many new players give up playing mage because of the perceived unnecessary difficulty in learning it.

So I have no choice but to tell the truth to Mary. "But Rudas has a rare talent, I can't say that you'll be able to see mana like her for a long, long time. But you have me teaching you, so I know you can do it." I am bad at giving motivational speeches so this is the best I got.

It's mean to say to a kid about a rare talent but she needs to know her boundaries first so she wouldn't chase after an unreachable goal. [But I'm proud to say I am a great teacher.] I mean I taught about half of the new members of my guild after all.

How will Mary respond? "...I don't care!" She looks at Rudas. "I will definitely see that mana thing soon so you won't be hogging Mori-san's attention all by yourself!" And finally. "Because I have the best teacher Mori-san to teach me!"

"Fufu..." I chuckled a bit. [She doesn't know that talent isn't something you can just learn.] But I won't stop her. 

[Mary said I am the best teacher, so I won't disappoint her. It'll hurt my pride.] I will make sure talent will be learned.

I look at Itia and I see her smirk. "It's good to have rivals." I whispered to her and she silently nodded.

"Alright then." Itia speaks once more. "I'll be teaching you guys even harder okay?"

""Okay!"" The two of them are now super enthusiastic to learn about magic.

[...I'll leave them be for now.] I didn't want to impede their growth after all, so I left and went back to my table to eat Marina's delicious meal.


After I ate my meal I was suddenly called to come to their table.

"It's been a while Morus." A man sits at this lonely table.

I still joined him though. "It is, I haven't seen you ever since I beat up a priest and his group of thugs." Because he's someone I know pretty well.

"Myidari." The merchant whom I traded the spare goodies I had when I needed some quick money. "It's been a while."

"Of course, there were a lot of talks about this place so I would definitely come and see what the fuss is about." And then he stares at the standouts, who is Gabril. "Though I could have sworn there was a male as well." He must be talking about Kumo.

[I have a job for him right now Myidari.] Sorry to disappoint. 

But anyways I need to ask the obvious, "What did you call me for Myidari?" I know this guy isn't the type to talk about useless things.

"Okay okay don't get too defensive Morus, we're partners after all." He fake coughs himself before speaking again. "It's about the trade we made."

"How did it go?" I'm curious. [And with the acquisition of my own place I would need to do one more trade with these guys.] There are still a lot of things I need to do.

"Well it's doing great!" Myidari shouted enthusiastically.

"That's good—" But as I congratulate him.

"—Too great I suppose." He squints his eyes before grabbing his forehead.

"We knew that the value of those items you sent was great. But it seems even we have underestimated the value." He explains in an exhausted tone. "We have brought in several trusted appraisers to determine the value, and about half of them have stolen a jewel or two. Of course we caught them, and the ones that didn't steal from us said the value of the items they appraised was incomprehensible." Exhausted from speaking, Myidari eats his meal.

"Oh dear." What a headache.

[Those items were just spare dungeon loot I got with me, so I thought…] Even I am having a headache thinking about it.

[My items are too valuable!]

"Alright, delicious." Myidari has eaten enough to continue speaking. "Because of that we had to be very careful selling it, attention is good, but too much would put too much pressure on us. So we are selling it little by little, and already…" He grabs a small sack by his pocket and hands it over to me.

"This is..." It makes a jingling sound.

"Profit." Myidari mischievously smiles at me. "More than profit, maintaining a good relationship with you is tantamount with our success, so although this isn't a part of the deal I do hope you still take it."

"...." I put it in my bag. "I like your way of thinking Myidari." With that our serious business is now over.

Me and Myidari then talked about more mundane topics, like…. "That idiot Tremann is improving as a merchant, old man Molsch is helping him out while that fatso Chelskivek is the one who's advertising the gems and the jewels."

"That's good." With how dysfunctional they were when I first met them I thought they wouldn't work, but it seems I was wrong.

"Also thank goodness that our merchant ship returned so we could use that as a cover up for the acquirements of the jewels and gems and stuff." 

And finally.

"Oh yeah, also we're planning on changing our family names. Kupechesk-Kaorfarnnein isn't really a name that people will know other than how long it is."

"Your right about that." Even I forgot how ungodly that name is. "What'll be your new name then?"

"We already decided on it. It'll be the family name of our wives." He explains. "My mother and Molsch's wife were sisters, it was the link our two families had before the marriage of our children. So in honor of that we will be using their family name instead."

"What's that name then?" I ask.


"Short and sweet, I like it. It ain't six syllables long this time." I said.

"Thank you."


"He's in there Morus." Now that there are less customers in the inn Marina brought me to the room where Kumo is residing. "Even so I do not know what that handsome boy is doing all on his own there." She tried opening the door to the room but it's locked.

"Don't worry, he's not doing anything bad." I reassure her.

But… "If it's you saying it I do not know if I should trust you or not." My reassurance failed.

"Just, well he won't do anything bad." I couldn't just say another trust him.

"Hmm, well—" But I was interrupted.

I was interrupted by a red headed bull "Hey, did I just hear my wife say someone handsome other than me?!" Red, one legged bull.

"Yes Leonon dear, am I not allowed to appreciate a man's looks other than you?" Marina did not take his husband's acquisition lightly.

"Of course!" He shouted atop his lungs. "I am—"

Marina attacks back. "Did you not notice my stare when you looked at Gabril's figure?" With that comeback Leonon took a step back. "I also noticed your attempts to hide it you know."

"Gulp." Needless to say Leonon was utterly defeated.

He slumps down, and without thinking he said. "But you said all kinds of things to me in bed last night—" He was immediately kicked in the balls.

"..." I can't say anything but. "Isn't that an over—" Before I can say anything.

"Sigh." Marina made an annoyed face. "I was supposed to tell the news to you, come here." And she gestures to me to come closer.

Listening to her ears, "...I might have a third child soon." With a cheeky smile she says. "He was very energetic once he got his leg back." 

My eyes were wide open at that point and I ask, "Does anyone know beside Leonon?"

"Sadly." Her shoulder slumped. "I wanted to tell Juno this but of course he was not at the inn, and telling Mary about it right after we just did it is a bit awkward so I'll tell her once my belly is noticeable for her to know." And so that's why I was the first one that Marina told.

"Well, I guess congratulations huh?" I don't really know what to say, but I guess I'm just happy for her.

"Hey it's not 100% yet Morus, I'll know when the effects roll in the future." She said.

And then after that we looked at each other awkwardly.

[Pregnant huh…] I am a girl now as well, no, I'll stop thinking about that.

"Hey don't feel too disappointed, Morus." She whispers to my ear again. "Come to my room tonight."

I am once again incredibly shocked. I did not say anything.

"Fufu you're gonna leave this inn soon right? For everything you've done Morus. Healing my curse, giving my husband his ability to walk, and for saving Mary's life. We are more than grateful to you Morus." Marina explains further. "Leonon agreed to this beforehand. So you don't have to worry about it." Marina made a look that says it's alright.

But it's not alright. "It's because I'm a girl right?" I ask.

Marina paused for a moment before saying, "Yes."

"Leonon would never agree to this if you were a guy Morus, but you shouldn't worry about that."

[I am more than worried about that. I'm a guy under this girl skin.] I would feel guilty beyond belief if I had sex with Marina. 

[But refusing this…] I'm not the type of person that would say no to a person's hospitality, I would never say that's too much because I know that being humble and saying refusing their goodwill would make things worse.

But I am a guy after all, and there is one thing that I know of that would make Leonon happy while having sex with Marina.

"Marina, what is Leonon's true wish when you talked to him about this?" I said this reluctantly but didn't show it. "I'm sure as a man he wouldn't be happy just staying out you know."

"You…" Marina's eyes widened when she found out my intentions. "You don't have to do this you know—" But looking at me in the eyes made her words stop.

"Please Marina, I don't mind at all." I'm ready.

"..." Marina hesitated even more and then, "Sigh..."

She finally speaks up. "Yes Morus, Leonon jokingly said last night that he should join in but after smacking him in the head he shut up." And now holding her head. "...I'll tell him when he wakes up that Morus is up with his offer." And speaking of Leonon…

Both of us subconsciously looked at Leonon's unconscious body laying on the floor.

And when one bystander saw his body, he just said "Man Leo's drunk early today huh!"



Both of us laughed out loud.

After our laughs died down, we both looked at each other and Marina was the first to speak, "Morus. Thank you so much again, for everything."

I rub the tears that came out during my laughter and said to her, "Again, you don't have to worry about it. Worry about tonight."

And Marina was in deep thought. "Yeah, tonight..." And realizing what she will do to me and with Leonon, she finally blushed.

[I guess I'll take the initiative.] I'm a former man after all.

"I am pretty excited about it." Thinking about the whole thing with Leonon, I realized something.

[I guess I'm just overblowing it.] I already had my quote on white virginity, taken by Soumis. I was sad about it but now I'm actually glad it got taken. [I won't have something to needlessly protect now.]

[Plus Leonon is actually pretty hot.] I don't aspire to look like young pretty boys in Korea, I much admired those that were older, and Leonon is exactly the type of guy I would aspire to be when I was back on Earth.

But now, "Morus…" I didn't realize I was thinking in deep thought again and was staring at Marina this whole time.

And so, 




I stare around to see if there's any people around, and with Leonon still unconscious...



Now I'm all alone as I open the door to the room where Kumo is inside.

Thinking back to what happened today, I smiled. "Everything was peaceful." There wasn't anything bad that happened today, all pretty good things.

My mother Marea finding self confidence.

Gabril knowing her origin.

Mary, Itia, and Rudas all learning magic together.

Myidari, gaining more profit.

And Marina and Leonon having a third child.

And of course, me between it all.

"It was a good day." But I realized something. "Oh yeah, I was supposed to head to the Succubus Nest later." With Marina's offer there's no way I'd refuse that.

"I guess I'll just go there tomorrow huh." Marina is more important since it'll probably be a once in a lifetime moment.

"Rudas will be sad but yeah." I'll definitely go there tomorrow.

But now as I open the door to where Kumo is, I mutter to myself. "Everything is peaceful."

I hope it stays that way.


Hey everyone I'm back! Well in this series anyway but yeah, another new chapter!!! Thank you everyone for still waiting for this series even after all this months. 

Honestly there are three things that made me stop right now, first off is that I think I bit off more than I can chew. I won't tell any details but there is a plotline I'm not too sure in executing. I switched phones in between this and the last chapter, and that phone contains the plotline so yeah, but I still remember it clearly though. 

Second is just my school stuff, I only have a week left in school though so it's good. But I have lots of activities to do then :( but yeah just been preoccupied with school.

Thirdly is just my pure laziness. I know I know it's not good, but yeah it's tiring to write thousands of words per week. But I still love it though ^^

And yeah, for the folks that saw my message earlier. Sigh, I was about to finish it much earlier than now but school got in the way. Had to do my final format on a research paper so that took a while and now I have to make a miniature house xD sighhh 

But yeah. See you guys soon ^^ hopefully when there's less stuff to do.

Oh yeah! You guys should also go and read my new series, as well, the new name of "betrayed by everyone, I will live as an ice cold princess" it's inspired by Korean manhwa and it's a more casual read for now and has a shorter chapter count than black witch. And yeah, check it out everyone!! ^^ see you soon :P :) :D

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