Blackstone Code

Chapter 1337: usually

In fact, many people think about a question when they witness, hear, or see accidents caused by out-of-control vehicles in film and television works.

If it were me, what would I do?

Those who do not have the operating skills may quickly give up on this problem, but there are those who have the operating skills, thinking about how to retake the car that has been out of control.

But the truth is not so simple.

Due to the limitations of technology and other reasons, the federal vehicle steering at this time does not have a power-assisted system.

Once the direction is out of control, the huge force and direction will jam the steering wheel to the left or to the right, and use manpower to counter this force?

It's better to open the door and extend one foot more reliably-step on the ground and stop the car!

The warden was still very calm when the vehicle was out of control. He tried to save the steering wheel, but obviously he couldn't. He did two things next.

The first thing is to protect your body so that there is some distance between your body and the car structure.

The second thing is to hold the pistol in his hand.

If this is not an accident... of course it is not an accident, then the other party will definitely come down to check the situation.

At that time, it was the best time for him to fight back!

The car lost its direction and rushed out of the road. There was wilderness land outside the roadbed, and the ground near the road was relatively firm.

The warden was fortunate that the car did not tip over, and after several collisions with the stone, it stopped.

He planned to pretend to be dead, but what he didn't expect was that the big truck that drove him off the highway did not stop, and the driver in the car did not get off.

The truck screamed and sprinted towards the city. The warden sitting in the car even forgot to record the license plate!

Is this... an accident?

Or is there some other conspiracy?

He sat in the car pretending to be in a coma, and waited for a while, but no one approached him.

Occasionally one or two cars will pass by on the road, but obviously those people have no love.

Not only did they not stop to check what happened to the car that rushed out of the highway, they accelerated and left here.

These years, without the illuminating scope of civilized neon, the law loses its effectiveness!

After a while, the warden gave up his disguise, and he got out of the car and looked around, unlike someone ambushing himself.

He went back to the car again, but unfortunately the car stopped moving.

After the car rushed out of the highway, it collided with many rocks and could no longer start.

He hammered the roof of the car hard and cursed angrily.

He didn't understand until now, was this an accident or a premeditated attack?

But no matter what it is, he has to leave here now.

There is no car, he can only walk. He tried to hitchhiking on the road, but when people saw it was a man, he had no interest in stopping at all.

As he walked, he gestured for a hitchhiker until about five o'clock when a police car stopped beside him.

"Need help, sir?"

The warden carefully and carefully distinguished that it was an intercontinental highway patrol.

Their job is to patrol intercontinental highways, and the role of deterrence is greater than their actual job needs.

Crimes on federal interstate highways are frequent because there are often no witnesses and it is easier to deal with dead bodies or wrecks.

In order to reduce the incidence of crime and to deter the cruel behavior of these criminals, each state has increased the inspection of interstate highways.

After confirming that the two policemen did not appear to be fakes, the warden told him what had happened.

"Do you remember the license plate of that car?" In the car, one policeman drove the policeman, and the other made a note for him.

The warden shook his head, "Everything happened so fast at the time, and I was also very nervous, I can't remember what the license plate of the truck was."

The police showed a somewhat regretful expression, "So we can't catch that guy as quickly as possible. Besides these, is there anything else we want to add?"

The police gave the transcript to the warden. He took a look and confirmed that there was nothing that needed to be changed. With the help of the patrol, he confirmed his name.

Soon the city appeared in front of them. At this time, the warden breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he entered the city, everything was safe.

After refusing to go to the hospital, the car finally stopped at the door of an upscale neighborhood in the city.

After thanking the two police officers for their help, when the warden was about to leave, the policeman who had been in charge of communicating with him called to him.

"My father once told me that doing something wrong is not terrible, as long as I can realize it in time..."

When he heard this sentence, the warden was a little baffled. It was all the **** and what, he even felt that he had heard it wrong?

Or that he bumped into his head during the collision?

He turned to look at the policeman in the car with a confused expression, "Sorry, what did you just say?"

The policeman just continued with a smile and said, “It’s too late to call to apologize now. Don’t wait until everything is irreparable and regret it again!”

"Good luck, sir!"

The police left slowly, and the warden stood there for a long time. He still couldn't understand what the last two words of the police meant.

He subconsciously took out the business card that the police had handed him from his pocket. Valley

This was given to him by the police when he was in the car before, saying that it was their business card. If he remembered any details, he could call them.

He didn't care at the time, so he put it into his pocket, and then when he took it out and looked carefully, he discovered that the name "Noel Green" was written on it!

An indescribable feeling filled his whole body. The business card in his hand seemed to become hot, and he shivered and fell to the ground.

He knew that the other party told him in this way that they could kill him quietly and make everything safe for him, as long as he made this call and then bowed his head.

If the warden at this time is an ordinary middle class whose edges and corners have been smoothed out in society, then he will bow his head at this time.

But he is the warden, the emperor of his own small kingdom, and he can't bow his head so easily.

He looked at the business card on the ground, and many kinds of thoughts were born in his mind at the same time and they were extinguished by himself.

Eventually he picked up the business card, but he didn't intend to call it right away.

He needs to make Brother Grimm understand that he will not bow his head, but use another way.

These people on the opposite side can find someone, and he can also find someone. Everyone will sit down and talk about the matter in a relatively equal way, and then solve it instead of bowing their heads.

He returned home and his wife opened the door for him. Although he was a little bit embarrassed by the surprise, he was okay, which is the best news.

He didn't tell his wife what happened during this period. Even his embarrassment only said that the car broke down on the road.

He doesn't want anyone to worry about himself or worry about other things.

At nine o'clock in the evening, he contacted the staff of the governor of the state. It is not easy to be able to run a private prison.

In addition to having money, you also need to have enough contacts in the federal government, as well as a strong relationship with the Ministry of Justice.

Otherwise, everyone knows that this thing makes money, why did you do it, right?

After contacting his friend, the warden explained his situation again, and the other party also expressed willingness to help him and Brother Grimm, as well as Little Fox as a middleman, and let them sit down and settle the matter peacefully.

With this arrangement, the warden finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Every year, a part of his income, about one-third, is sent to officials in various states through various channels.

Now that he is in trouble, these people should stand up and help him solve the problem. This is how federal capitalists and officials get along.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, the warden fell asleep with heavy thoughts.

On the other side, Noel glanced at his watch and shook his head.

Obviously, the warden would not call and bow his head to apologize.

"We are underestimated!"

Fern stepped on the table with one foot, and he was shining his shoes.

He spent a thousand yuan on this pair of shoes and liked it very much.

In fact, money is not important, the important thing is to like it. It is difficult to make handmade shoes exactly the same. He always loves these shoes.

Putting down his shoe-shining tools, he tidied up his dress, "Let me say that we don't need to give him this opportunity from the beginning, which made me miss the "Millionaire". Today is the monthly final!"

Noel shook his head, "We have to learn to be civilized, and you can watch tomorrow's replay..."

The two brothers turned off the lights and left the office one after another.

On the second day, the warden put on his best suit and dressed up with his wife to attend the graduation ceremony of his son's high school.

The ceremony was divided into two parts. One was held during the day. Teachers, parents and students of the school would participate together to summarize the development and changes of the students in the past three and imagine their future.

It's all nice.

The other part is the graduation party in the evening. After all, the boys and the girls are about to be parted, and they must be given a chance to release their last passion.

Dancing, then one-on-one in-depth communication or casual sex, there is always something suitable for them.

This is the last port in their life journey, and they will face the storm of life after they leave.

As long as you dare to speak, you may not be able to achieve a wish that has not been achieved in three years.

A little after nine o'clock, the warden and his wife appeared on the high school campus.

This is a private high school. The expensive emerald green turf is full of parents of graduates. They come from all walks of life, and the worst is the middle class.

This is also a very special experience for them.

Everyone chats, everything is so perfect.

Coser is preparing his own speech, and he will give a speech as a student representative later.

He has been preparing for this day for a long time.

At this moment, someone found him, "Someone said you have a package at the school gate waiting to be signed, you have to go there..."

Kosai smiled and thanked him and left the backstage. He saw the warden and his mother, and waved.

He made a gesture to get something and walked towards the gate of the school.

His mother was holding the warden's arm with a happy smile on her face, "He is so handsome, he will definitely become a great person."

The warden also nodded proudly. He looked at his son, looked at his slender back, and watched him standing in front of the school and signing on a writing board.

"Yes, he will become a..."

In the next second, a car that didn't know where it came from slammed into him severely!

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