Blackstone Code

Chapter 1342: 1 part of the future

It seems that a long time has passed, but in fact it only lasts for a short while, a few seconds, or ten seconds.

Lynch stopped tapping the table with his fingers, and this sudden pause almost made Anna unable to breathe.

Next, is the verdict of destiny!

She swallowed and looked at Lynch.

"Yes..." Anna relaxed when she heard these words.

In fact, it is not that no one in the Akinr family chooses not to start a business and keep the money, and there are more than one or two. There are always some people in each generation who choose this way.

They may not have business talents and have a clear understanding of themselves, so they choose to "fail" with the money, and then reinvest the money into the family fund, and their lives are not too bad.

For the current Anna, the significance of entrepreneurship is not great. She doesn't think that her entrepreneurship can beat those companies in the incubator.

Even with the support of the Akinr family, she might get a lot of convenience, but she won't get much success.

This is not the life she wants.

But immediately after, Lynch's "but" raised her heart again.

"I can't give you a share of shares alone. This is not in line with the rules I set, but we can change it."

Lynch took out a pen, wrote a phone number on a piece of paper, and handed it over, "This is a phone number for a private equity foundation. You put your money into this foundation. You should understand mine." mean."

Anna took a look at the note and nodded, "Yes, I think I understand."

Her father, Mr. Patu, does not hold a lot of shares in the group company, but he is the president of the group and holds relatively large power.

In a country that pursues freedom and equality, why does this happen?

In fact, to put it bluntly, he has indirectly controlled more company stocks through various methods, or he can influence the decisions of other shareholders, so he can become the one who speaks the words.

This set of operations is very common in capitalist federations. From the perspective of avoiding some legal responsibilities, the more equity you hold, the more responsibilities you will bear when you encounter legal responsibilities that you need to bear.

The federal government does not say that a company makes a mistake and an individual bears full responsibility. Generally, the legal responsibility is borne by the person who made the decision.

Sometimes some problems will be borne by the entire board of directors and even the shareholders with positions.

The first situation is better to say, most of the time the responsibility will not fall on the major shareholders, but what if it is the second situation?

So whoever has more stocks will bear more responsibilities!

These big capitalists quickly mastered the method to avoid the greatest risk of legal liability, that is, to reduce their own holdings, to transfer to multi-layered doll holdings, and let certain companies replace their own holdings of group companies. stock.

This sounds seems a bit like taking off the pants and then farting, but it's actually very effective.

Direct responsibility is reduced, and indirect responsibility may have no effect after many progressive changes.

Capitalists have always been so cunning to minimize the responsibilities they may encounter without changing their actual control of the company.

So is Lynch. Although he holds the largest shareholding among individuals, in fact there is still a part of it in his hands. Only in this way can it be ensured that no one will jump out with him, whether the board of directors or the general meeting of shareholders. Singing against the tune, and successfully "seizing power."

For federal capitalists, it is quite normal to drive off the founders of the company and realize the dreams of others.

Even Tomorrow's Investment Company is doing similar things. As long as the interests satisfy the company’s demands, they don’t mind selling off some of the company’s shares they hold, making those rapidly developing companies "the past". Mode".

In the Federation, it is not difficult at all to rely purely on capital and financial means to make money.

As long as you do something that makes others think you are threatening, they will not mind spending some money to solve this danger in order to protect their own interests.

Acquisition, dismantling, and thorough absorption.

Every year, many newly born companies with full potential and prospects are acquired at high prices and then dismembered because they pose a threat to large companies in certain industries.

This kind of thing is happening every day.

There are many ways not to be surpassed by others in the competition, and one of the choices is to eliminate competitors directly.

The best way to control the destiny of your company is to say what you say counts.

For the upper class, this kind of thing is a way of social operation, a rule, and for the lower class, they may not even have heard of it.

Anna is obviously a member of the upper class. She immediately understood what Lynch meant. She would not appear directly on the list of company shareholders because she did not hold shares in the company.

But in a practical sense, she is equivalent to indirectly holding shares in the company. She holds shares in Fund A, and Fund A holds shares in the company. This is an indirect relationship.

And she can also be entrusted by the foundation and become the representative of the foundation in the company to attend the board of directors or the shareholders meeting, whatever it is!

There is nothing she should enjoy, but she can't get anything she shouldn't touch, including responsibility.

Seeing Anna understood what he was saying, Lynch smiled and asked, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"Go to the family business, or do something you want to do?"

This may be something that everyone at the bottom of society admires. Valley

If you want to go to work, go directly to a big company to take up an important position.

If you don't want to go to work, then do what you want to do without worrying about life issues.

There is nothing more chic than this. Ordinary people work hard every day but can't get a few days of freedom. This is the life they desire!

Anna thought for a while, "Can I continue to work in the company?"

"I have learned a lot this year, which is more effective than the books and family education. I think I can learn more."

Lynch did not hesitate for too long and agreed to her.

He also really needs someone who can keep an eye on investment companies and incubators, and report things to himself anytime, anywhere.

"Of course, if Mr. Patu doesn't object, I have no opinion."

Anna relaxed all over, with a little more smile on her face, "He won't object to..."

Indeed, Mr. Patu would not object to this, for him there are only two kinds of people in this world.

Valuable people, and others.

He will not be too emotional to look at things and people, including himself, he is very rational.

Whether Anna went out to start a business, married, or did other things, it was actually not as good as being by Lynch's side.

With the progress of society and changes in capital forms, some old consortia also need to begin to transform.

For example, the Duncan family, in fact, they have been trying to transform.

Population business, resource business, and some gray industries may still have some vitality, but they will eventually be eliminated completely.

It is undeniable that these businesses are indeed very profitable, but the tolerance of the whole society towards these businesses is also getting lower and lower.

If they don't want to get up one day and suddenly stand on the opposite side of the whole society, then change is necessary.

The Akinr family also needs to change. The resource business is indeed not bad, but they should be able to have more choices. From the traditional industry, to make new explorations to the outside world, not only courage but also strength is needed!

If there are some allies, so much the better.

Two days passed by, and time always flies so fast.

At 8:30 in the morning, Lynch had already appeared in front of the school gate.

There are too many people, and there are hundreds of meters away from the school gate, the Buppen Police Department sent a lot of police officers to help maintain order.

Including guiding people to park in an orderly manner.

In addition to the, there are also FBI agents to maintain order, and many reporters are vying to take photos of the guests who can attend the graduation ceremony.

Even the TV station sent people!

When Lynch appeared in front of the school gate, a small climax was triggered.

"Look here, Mr. Lynch!"

The reporters outside the door shouted Lynch's name and continued to murder the film.

Lynch waved his hand in greeting very kindly, and stayed for a moment outside the gate.

He is the youth leader of the Federation. To some extent, he represents the highest standards of the youth of the Federation!

After entering the school gate, everything is quiet again, just like two worlds!

Anna waited here early, she was here to pick up Lynch.

To be honest, even though Lynch was her classmate, he could count the number of times he came here with one hand, and he would definitely get lost.

The school board was very considerate to ask Anna to take care of Lynch without doing other things today.

"I hope you won't find it too troubled, the school actually has a lot of pressure..."

There are more than one Saint Harmony Schools in the Federation, and there are competitions among them. It is also a way of competition to have reporters and the like conduct interviews and reports at the door.

While Anna was talking about today's agenda with Lynch, Lynch kept nodding or saying hello to the classmates and teachers he met on the way.

It can be seen that everyone is very enthusiastic about Lynch and did not leave him in the cold because he did not come to school for a long time.

This fully reflects the humanistic care in federal colleges and universities. People's friendly attitude towards others makes people have to think of a word-civilization.

When Lynch came to the lawn where the graduation ceremony was held, what he saw seemed to be the epitome of the upper class of the federal society in ten, twenty years later.


Hypocritical again!

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