Blackstone Code

Chapter 1346: Entertaining


Lynch repeated the word again, and he emphasized his tone, making the word suddenly more important.

He looked at everyone, and even noticed Mr. President and the school directors next to him.

Maybe those words he just said were not very pleasing. He threw the ugliness of capital directly into the sun and let the light burn, which hurt some people's hearts.

But with just one word, everything is sublimated!


It has magical powers, and at this moment, it has been given a higher meaning and value.

The capitalists like this because they know that the people like it too!

"Responsibility, everyone can spell the word, but few can do it."

"And this is what I want to say to everyone."

"When you, when we, left such a relaxed environment, embarked on a new position, and started a new life, please remember that the power in our hands gives us not the capital that can hurt others anytime and anywhere."

"It's a responsibility!"

"What it gives us is responsibility. Our responsibility is to enable more people to enrich their lives and give them opportunities to realize their dreams. When we complete our efforts and struggles, do we also allow the light of dreams to be able to Shine into their lives?"

"I don't intend to make everyone a dedicated person, I just hope that when we work hard and struggle, when we sprint towards the goal, should we remember something?"

He looked at the students, the invited guests, and looked at their thinking expressions. He said the word softly, not like he had just said the word in a more accentuated tone.


Although the voice is very soft, it is heavy in people's hearts.

Lynch paused for a while, giving them time to think, absorb, and summarize.

For about ten or twenty seconds, he smiled and exhaled, as if the solemn atmosphere on the scene was blown away by his breath.

"It's too serious. In fact, I only came to attend the graduation ceremony. I hope that the principal will not be criticized by the directors at the end of the ceremony."

He began to behave again, pretending to be stressed by the directors, "Why wouldn't you let Lynch speak with our permission, don't you know that he is difficult to do?"

He changed the direction as he said, and this time he became the principal, "Sorry, sir, he is more difficult than I thought!"

The tension and seriousness quickly dissipated in Lynch's "Weirdness", the students began to whistle, and some people waved their hands to greet him, no doubt.

Compared to moving those big capitalists, the students are actually the ones who are most touched by him.

He did not expect anyone to really change his attitude towards work and life because of his own words. He is not God, and he will not let people follow his ideas because of "God's words".

He just hopes that these people can hesitate and soften a little while killing ordinary people's dreams and ruining their lives. That's enough!

People will eventually be assimilated into real life.

Lynch responded to the enthusiastic students, and then he looked at the principal.

The principal breathed a sigh of relief, knowing it was time to end this somewhat heavy topic, he got up and walked to the podium, shook hands with Lynch, and then sent Lynch away.

And he stood there by himself.

He looked at the podium where there was nothing. In fact, he admired Lynch’s unscripting ability in his heart. Everyone knows that Lynch has never had a manuscript when he speaks, and even many times what he wants to say is only one second before he speaks. knowledge.

Feeling that Lynch’s sharp, serious, and educational speech, perhaps this is the charm of the young leader, perhaps this is the symbol of the times!

He put away the emotion in his heart, leaned in the microphone, "It's harder than I thought!"

The students and guests all smile. Sometimes people think that the upper-class people speak nicely and humorously, as if everyone is in good contact with each other, including Mr. President.

But in fact, these are their skills, when they are not facing the same kind of people, they will become indifferent, even cold!

In the face of similar people and many people whose status is higher than himself, the principal doesn’t mind using self-deprecating methods to win people’s favor. He, or more in society, calls him a way of pleasing others by degrading himself as "Federation". Humor".

The ghost knows whether the Federation people are so humorous, but here, now, he is very humorous.

The content of Lynch’s speech was continued very well, and the atmosphere was maintained. Perhaps only people with sufficient higher education and rich experience can do this with such skill.

When everyone was almost laughing, he began to thank Lynch for his wonderful speech, and also talked about some of his emotions, confirming the help and educational significance of Lynch's theme for everyone.

People must bear responsibilities. Everyone has their own responsibilities, but when some people's abilities become greater, they should bear greater responsibilities.

This is a federal spirit!

The principal actually said it out of the text, even though he used a little technique of stripping-quoting other people's speeches.

But he also gradually realized something real by quoting Lynch's speech.

I have to say that this year's graduation season is really a special graduation season.

The school directors did not hold their faces, because Lynch has the qualifications to not care whether they are happy or not. When facing people who are stronger and higher than themselves, the school directors will learn to be humorous just like the principal.

"A very sharp speech, a very special angle, what you said gave me a deeper idea of ​​some things."

The people above were still speaking, and Lynch sat with Mr. President to talk about Lynch’s speech.

"I have a question. You said a lot of things related to responsibility. Did you do it yourself?" In fact, someone wanted to ask Lynch who was speaking before, or thought about this question in his mind.

But after all, they didn't ask, no one wanted to spoil the graduation ceremony.

It's just that they don't know, even if they ask, Lynch won't hesitate.

He nodded and said, "Yes, I did it."

Mr. President looked at him curiously, and he continued, “There are at least hundreds of thousands of people working for me in the Federation, and I pay them every month on time, so that their families don’t have to worry about the source of the economy.”

"The school I am building will start enrolling students next year, and there are more high school students from ordinary families who can get the opportunity to enter the university for further studies."

"The cheap food I brought from Nagalil this winter balanced the domestic food price. It may have risen a bit over previous years, but it has definitely not reached a level that people cannot accept."

"Mr. President, this is my responsibility. I try my best not to disappoint those who trust me and support me."

"I made money and gave back to the society, so no matter who asks me whether I have fulfilled my ‘responsibility’, I will proudly say to them, I’ve done it!"

"As for the future, whether it is medical reform or social security system reform, as long as I have the ability, I will support it!"

After hearing this, Mr. President immediately paid some respect to Lynch, "You are a different person from everyone else!"

Mr. President said with emotion, "You have done this while they were still fighting the opposite sex. You are an amazing person, Lynch."

Lynch was not so excited about Mr. President's praise, "Because I came up from the bottom, I know exactly what we need."

The "we" here refers to the vast majority of people in the Federation. Lynch is very representative of the bottom, middle and lower classes.

Mr. President is also considering whether to let more people hear Lynch’s speech today.

In fact, he didn't need to think about it. Lynch's speech that night was broadcast across the country before "Millionaire" was broadcast.

Have your own media, why not use it?

At the beginning, people were just curious about what happened on those upper-class campuses, or when they were bored, Lynch tore off the upper-class hypocrisy cloak, and his shocking "responsibility" really touched the people!

The big figures in the upper class realize their goals of struggle and hard work, think about their responsibilities a little bit...

What a touching speech, just these speeches have gained a lot of favor for Lynch.

Even if he says he wants to participate in the election, someone will immediately jump out of the original camp and vote for him!

Of course, Mr. President's speech is also good. People like this cheerful and non-aggressive Mr. President, although he is actually not like that!

And the summer vacation is finally here!

Speaking of summer vacation, people think of girls in cool clothes, and some people think of Yomi.

The Youmei case was closed not long ago ~ After obtaining evidence, it was discovered that none of the stores that provide **** and on-call services to customers are directly operated.

As the largest shareholder and founder of Youmei, Ms. Serra took herself out of the entire case.

On the contrary, some coach franchise stores have received severe accusations.

In the Federation, everyone knows that there are applications, and the federal government also knows it.

But no one talks about this. It is like the invisible dirt in the corners of every family. People know that it is dirty, but as long as it is invisible and does not affect life, who cares?

If there is no one to pierce it, no one will check whether Yolmie provides services that violate the regulations.

But when someone reported it and made it to the media, it became a case that must be dealt with seriously, because these people violated federal laws.

When they knew they were breaking the law, they did it again!

Many franchise stores have been closed due to lawsuits, and Yormie, which has just become popular for less than a year, has rapidly declined, making many people feel a little embarrassed...

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