Blackstone Code

Chapter 1361: You betrayed our trust

In the morning, after having breakfast with the great warlord, Bergao asked the warlord to lead the warlord to the place where he lived-one of the villas behind the Begao Manor.

Considering that the things to be discussed this time are of great historical significance, Bergao temporarily expropriated these villas. This is also the first time he has used a presidential special order in decades since he became president.

He was somewhat ashamed of this, but the owners of the villas expropriated were understandable.

After all, only when Marillo is truly stable can a new era be ushered in. As Marillos or people living here, they are also responsible for contributing some of their strength to the cause of unification.

Sitting in his office, Bergao is signing some documents. Due to the extreme cold weather, some crops in the north have changed from two crops to one crop.

The reduction in grain and tobacco production has brought a devastating blow to Mariro’s economy. In the past, tobacco can be said to be the backbone of Mariro’s economy. As a country, they accounted for 7% of the world’s high-quality tobacco market. More than ten.

But now, the decline in tobacco production and the shortage of food have made many things difficult.

Bergao discussed these issues with some cabinet members of the central government. They believe that the most important thing is to reduce the area of ​​tobacco planting and increase the area of ​​grain planting.

Because tobacco leaves cannot be supplied for export, nothing more than income will decrease.

Apart from symbolic taxes, the income of warlords everywhere does not give the central government too much tax.

Therefore, the reduction of tobacco production is not of much reference to the central government itself. On the contrary, the reduction of grain production is the fundamental problem that shakes a country.

Once there is not enough food to eat, the hungry Malilo people do not know what a ghost will turn this country into!

You know, under the rule of warlords in these years, everyone living in this country is almost a qualified soldier with a gun!

Hunger can make people crazy, and if these fighters become crazy, it will definitely be a disaster.

He is in contact with the outside world, including with the Federation, hoping to import a batch of food from the Federation or other member states of the World Development Council in order to alleviate the current domestic problems.

Of course, this part of the money is paid by various warlords.

Bergao once applied to join the World Development Council, but the federal people believe that Marillo is a divided country and does not have the basic conditions to join the World Development Council, that is, a unified political and military regime.

This also makes them actually encounter a lot of difficulties in foreign trade, such as cash crops such as tobacco leaves.

But now these are not big troubles. The big trouble is that the federal people are unwilling to export food to Marillo. The reason is...

The President wore glasses and picked up the document in his hand. He was a little far away before he could see the small words on the paper. "The reason is that they don't have enough food by themselves..."

He was a little angry and a little helpless to put down the documents, and glanced at his son who was standing beside him on duty. "But they only exported a lot of food to other countries not long ago. They are turning Nagalil into theirs. The main food production areas and labor sources."

"Have you seen it? This is all the unfairness brought about by weakness."

Bergao sighed. The federal people's intention to make things difficult was very obvious. Don't look at it now in July, it seems that everything is fine.

According to their records over the past two years, as long as the weather begins in late September, the weather will cool down quickly, which also means that from October to March next year, for about five months, Mariro is not suitable for farming crops. !

They have been unable to obtain a large amount of food from the wild for five months to meet the consumption of the people. There were already some crises last winter, and this year’s crises will be even more terrifying!

The federal people actually know the difficulties they are encountering, but they just don't help, not only they don't help, and sometimes they detain their merchant ships on the grounds that they suspect they are smuggling in the federal waters!

Bergao sat for a while, and he began to think about ways to solve these problems, but a lot of thoughts were of no practical significance.

He started to write letters. He wanted to write to the heads of governments. Now whoever wants to sell food will always be a friend of the Mariro government!

He wrote the first letter very seriously, and then copied it, and his mind can be used for other purposes. "You should go, and after we announce these things in a few days, you will be inseparable." ."

He told his son that he hoped that his son could live in the Federation. Although he hated his "neighbors", he also knew that the Federation would get stronger and stronger.

They are in a state of "awakening." A few years ago, five or six years ago, when the war just ended, the Federation at that time was like a harmless young man.

There are also frequent exchanges between the two of them. Bergao called their president and talked about some things.

At that time, the federation gave him a very simple, reliable, and true feeling.

But now... it is getting stronger and more disturbing.

Bergao has been trapped in the political whirlpool all his life and cannot escape. He knows very well that his son will only become like him if he stays in Marillo.

I want to do anything, but I can't do anything. I can only feel my weakness and hate my fragility every day!

His son was silent for a while, "I want to wait until August before leaving."

The transcript in Bergao's hand paused for a moment. He turned his head to look at his son, his eyes penetrating the gap between the spectacle frame and his forehead.

He looked at him directly, "Listen to me, it will be too late in a few days. If the federal people don't say anything, they will definitely treat us as a staged enemy, and a staged enemy in front of us."

"Now you can pass, maybe you will be under some surveillance, but at least you are safe."

"No matter what happens in the future, you are just an ordinary federal citizen, and you may have a special background."

"But if you stay here, they will treat you as some kind of No. 2 person against their forces, then they know we are puppets!"

"I didn't beg you for anything, now I beg you, it's time to go!"

Bergao's son was silent for a long time. He knew that the separation was coming, but when it did come, he was still a little uncomfortable.

He stepped forward and hugged Bergao. The father and son did not speak. They hugged for a while before they separated.

"I will write back when I arrive..."

Bergao nodded, "I look forward to that moment."

The young man was silent for a while again, said "goodbye", and turned to leave.

Bergao sat in a chair in a daze, looking at the blue sky outside the window. After a while, the butler told him that his son had already left.

In fact, his son's wife and children were already in the federation, and Bergao had let them leave early.

He knew very well that he would become the most hated target of the Federation, and now it would be silly to let his son stay with him!

He posted it for a while, and after asking if the last warlord had arrived, or if there was any news, he rubbed his wrist and went to work again.

Work can make him forget these things, work can make him feel that he has infinite strength and enthusiasm in his body!

In a few days, he pursed his mouth, this country will usher in a new life!

At the same time, the federal special operations team also entered the city.

At night, when the "antenna" responsible for collecting intelligence came back from outside, his expression was a little serious.

"What's wrong?" The commander was looking at the city plan, and compared their previous plans to make a simple memory.

He glanced at the antenna, and as soon as he lowered his head and raised his head, everyone else's attention was focused on the antenna.

The antenna walked to the table and pointed to a valley behind the central government office building. “I heard some news today. As early as two months ago, Bergao had already requisitioned this group of villas.”

"It is now full of warlords of different forces, and the situation is not quite right. It is a long time earlier than what we have inferred!"

Sanchez’s message is that people will not gather until the end of August, and then announce a series of news to the outside world on August 15.

But judging from the current situation on the ground, it is obvious that this is not right.

The commander frowned and asked, "How do you know this information?"

This is not questioning his teammates, but purely and purely needs to be re-verified.

This information is related to the execution time and success of the entire plan. He will not blindly confirm that these are true.

The antenna quickly told the commander of what he had discovered in several bars. Now people from different forces can be seen everywhere in the local bar, and they gather to drink.

The antenna relied on the "I pay the bill" method to make a few words with some of them, testing out that these people had actually arrived and most of the warlords had already arrived, only a few people remained. have not reach yet.

At this time, even if someone does not arrive, it is enough for them to make a decision!

The commander immediately asked to report it after hearing it. The plaintext telegram was "The parrot is noisy." This sentence corresponds to the "intelligence error."

A few minutes later, Sanchez, who was drunk, was pushed by his collar into a basin full of cold water. After he instinctively struggled for a while, the people behind him grabbed his hair and smashed his head. Pressed on the mirror in front of you!

The shattered mirror split the reality, and the blood in the center slowly filled the gaps, followed by the second!

Two minutes later, Sanchez, with a blue nose and swollen face, was thrown into the sofa, and all the women in the room were driven out.

The federal liaison overturned the coffee table, took a chair, and sat directly opposite him.

"You lied, Sanchez!"

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