Blackstone Code

Chapter 1384: Light also sometimes turns

69 net 69, the fastest update of the blackstone password! "...Then we're done, I'll send someone to contact you..."

Lynch hung up the phone, and the girl whose life was unsatisfactory uncovered the fig leaf that the entire public opinion had been covering up. Now some social issues have been thoroughly exposed to the sun.

People can no longer paralyze themselves by saying, "These things didn't happen," because everyone knows that these things not only happened, but many times, too many to count.

Any parent will only feel heartache when facing this girl, because they also have children, and their children may become like this, of course, only possible.

But even if it is only possible, a very small probability, it is enough to make many people afraid.

Preventing children from falling seems to be something that every family, or even an adult, insists on.

Not to discuss those who are not thorough enough, from the moment when human society was born, people's discipline and protection of children actually existed.

But... sometimes living is not a happy thing, especially in such an era, living is not only unhappy, but also cruel.

When the young girl under the camera was lying on the bed and let someone spend only ten yuan to help her finish his work, she numbly cleaned up her body.

Of course, these shots have been processed, people can't see her body, but people might as well imagine.

The first to stand up was the Federal Youth Protection Organization, and then the Federal Women's Rights Organization, which is now called the Federal Association for the Promotion of Women's Freedom.

It's more formal than it used to be because Ms. Tracey was elected governor.

Such a person with strong political influence is what the organization needs, so now Ms. Tracy is temporarily serving as the honorary chairman of the women's rights organization.

And feminist organizations also took advantage of Ms. Tracy's political status to quickly complete "unification" within the federation.

They disintegrated and absorbed most of the members of the women's rights organization, which is now the largest and most formal organization in the Commonwealth.

Likewise, just as this organization needs Ms. Tracey's political influence, so does Ms. Tracey's help.

Considering that the person who caused these things was Lynch behind the TV station, people did not criticize the TV station for how wrong it was, but criticized the reality and cruelty of this society.

This may be another reality.

Ms. Tracy arranged for people to do typical help, the purpose is to promote their great moral integrity.

They are determined to save all women in need of help and rescue in the Federation, pay attention to the equality of women's rights in all aspects of society, and are also promoting the liberation of many prejudices left over from the history of women.

This girl is a very special type. In her, some people see terrible value, so they are going to be dispatched.

Sometimes it's not the charities that don't come to save you, if you're in deep pain, they can't see you just because they save you can't make them brighter and can't make them more good, so they can't see you.

In order to grab the meeting to save the girl, Ms. Tracy personally made this call to Lynch, hoping that their people would get in touch with the girl first.

In this regard, Lynch has nothing to refuse.

People came quickly. On the morning of the second day of the call, two very capable feminist organization staff members appeared in front of Lynch. One of them was Lynch's "acquaintance", Ms. Taylor.

At the time he was promoting the women's professional movement, a woman named Julie, an advocate for a women's rights group in Sabine, believed that Lynch's promotion of the women's professional movement was sexist.

She believes that it is a form of discrimination and humiliation for women to run around the field in underwear, especially those clothes that highlight some female-specific sexual characteristics.

They do it to please themselves and it's not fair to those female athletes.

What they want is fair, sporty professional competition, not show-stopping on the court.

Lynch then met with Ms. Taylor, who was in charge at the time, and persuaded Ms. Taylor to be on his side with 2,000 female jobs.

Sometimes everyone knows what the **** is the so-called ideal, but some people can't see it.

Ms. Taylor and Ms. Tracy are on the same line, and now her status has improved a lot. Ms. Tracy will definitely place her line of people in some important departments.

"Meet again, Ms. Taylor..." Lynch smiled and shook hands with her. At this time, Lynch's smile was like the sun at the end of August, bright and full of irresistible enthusiasm.

Ms. Taylor shook his hand, and there was only some hidden flattery left on her face. Lynch was no longer the young man she had met in Sabine a few years ago.

Even her backer, Ms. Tracy, treats Lynch equally, or even slightly lower, and she can feel it sometimes when she communicates with Ms. Tracy.

A proud woman will only restrain her arrogance when she talks about Lynch.

Then Lynch shook hands with another staff member, a beautiful girl.

Some people say that they -- specifically the Federal Association for the Promotion of Women's Liberty and Rights, they constantly select some beautiful girls to become cadres, just to turn them into toys that are more in line with the needs of the upper class.

Of course, these are all dirty water, and few people will believe it, but now women

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ The upper echelons of the rights organization are almost all beautiful girls or women, and there are very few ordinary appearances.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lynch felt that the girl was a little interested in him. When the two held hands, the tip of the girl's little finger scratched in Lynch's heart, which was a very special signal.

However, Lynch is a decent man, and he thinks this may be because he thinks too much.

"We haven't seen each other in years, Tyler."

Lynch's address was warm and familiar, which made Tyler heave a sigh of relief.

"Yes, since the last time we met in Sabine, until now!"

The girl beside her was a little surprised that Taylor knew Lynch, but she didn't show it.

Lynch, looking like he was casually talking about some people from the past, asked the other, "How is Julie now?"

"Although I have some cognitive conflicts with her, I have to say that she is a person who has a position and insists on her own position."

Ms. Taylor didn't realize that Lynch's **** vengeance lasted so long, she just froze for a moment, then said, "Julie was sent by us to Nagalil, where the native women are suffering horribly. persecution."

"Our organization was founded with the ideal of liberating women all over the world and freeing all women from the exploitation and oppression of family and society..."

This plan was also proposed by Lynch. The liberation of the female labor force in Nagalil means that the labor force that Nagalil can exchange for money at least doubles.

But it is not an easy task to persuade women who are traditionally perceived in society to come out to work. Society, family, husbands and traditional religious customs are all big problems that constrain their independence.

The Federals are not locusts, let alone slaughterers. They do not speak with bullets, but try their best to persuade.

Workers' unions, women's rights organizations, all day long in the land of Nagalil for the realization of people's spiritual freedom and physical freedom!

It's worth mentioning that the workers' unions are doing a decent job, but the feminist organizations...slightly less.

Julie was the first to be sent there. As for her many hopes to be transferred back, she was directly rejected by Ms. Tracy.

It seemed to Taylor at this time that the problem was here, but she didn't show it, and didn't continue to think deeply.

Lynch smiled and sent compliments, "I didn't expect Ms. Julie to have such lofty ideals. I will donate 100,000 yuan to women's rights organizations to liberate more women in Nagalil..."

It was meant to let her die there.

Ms. Taylor observed a moment of silence for her former subordinate, then smiled and accepted the check from Lynch's and praised Lynch's generosity.

It is still unknown how much of this money will eventually be used to organize the movement, and it is even less likely that even a penny will flow to Nagalil. It is just used to buy Ms. Julie's power to run for her ideals all her life!

Afterwards, they ended their chat and talked about something about the girl.

"Is there a way to take her off the TV show first?"

It is not a good thing for the whole society for people now to continue to watch her show the bad side of human nature on the show.

There are also many people who question why feminist organizations have not taken action yet, and what are they waiting for?

Sometimes when feminist organizations encounter some problems, they seem to be very helpful.

But sometimes they are very powerless, especially when they meet someone like Lynch.

A lawsuit, or something else, Lynch doesn't care at all, all he has is money, and what a lawsuit needs is money.

As for using the judicial to take the political route, the entire organization is not Lynch's right, they can only sit down and negotiate well.

Lynch shook his head, "We signed a contract, but her fate will change soon, don't worry, it won't be long..."

At this time, the girl who didn't know that she had been "arranged" by someone had just sent away a fanatical fan. The other party gave her one hundred yuan and asked to paint on her face.

She said yes, and the ardent fan left gratefully after drawing a nice picture.

She washed the paint off her face and lit a cigarette, all of which were recorded with great attention by the camera.

During this time, many fans came to help her, and her business has improved a lot, but some people came to attack her with words.

The future became darker than before, she didn't see a shred of light, and she even wondered if she had made the wrong choice.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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