Blackstone Code

Chapter 882


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Seeing that the beret was going to vent his anger, Lynch knew that he was safe, and he was still a safe one.

A scholar once said so——

“If you show more wisdom than an ordinary person, then even your opponent will have a peek at your wisdom and desire to own it!”

To put it simply, a person who is not smart enough has a natural trust in smart people, and this trust can sometimes even cross camps and positions, which is amazing.

He just used the simplest way to make the beret understand that he had been doing useless work, so Lynch was safe. In the eyes of the beret, Lynch was already in the same group with them.

Even if it wasn’t, a certain friendship was established, so when he left, he used “kill them” instead of “kill you”. He distinguished Lynch from these people.

In fact, what Lynch said is only what he can understand, and there are many things that berets cannot understand, such as signature encryption.

The place where the checkbook is used for signing often has many front-line shading and patterns, and even some checks have horizontal lines. These are actually anti-counterfeiting and encryption methods.

Especially for large transfer checks, when handling more than 200,000 transfer checks, verification information, that is, primordial signature, must be left.

The teller will tell every distinguished customer of the bank how to sign this name to ensure that it can help the bank identify the authenticity of the check.

Otherwise, whoever pretends to be a signature is not enough?

Lynch didn’t lie to him, what he said was true, and it was just true to be convincing.

Seeing the stupid thing the beret was about to do, Lynch grabbed his wrist and said, “You don’t need to do that.”

The corner of the beret’s eyes jumped.

He paid a great price for this operation. At the cost of being chased by the major domestic warlords, he sacrificed several of his men before boarding the ship. As a result, now Lynch tells him that he can’t actually get a penny. When he arrived, he felt that he had been completely fooled.

Whether it is fate, God or these capitalists, he just wants to vent his anger.

He looked at Lynch, raised the gun in his hand, pointed at Lynch, “You want to stop me?”

If Lynch says yes, or find some reason to stop him, he will shoot without the slightest hesitation.

Because Lynch did not take care of his emotions, he was not his own.

He casually finds his own soldiers and asks if they can kill these rich men. No one will stop him, and there will even be someone helping him. These are his own people.

Rather than those who try to stop themselves, these people are not in harmony with themselves.

Lynch gave him an answer he hadn’t thought of at this time, “I want to do a business with you to make sure you can get the money.”

The beret was stunned again, his body slightly relaxed, he snapped his pistol on the bar, then buckled his ears with his fingers, “What the fuck did you just say?”

“I want to do a business with you!” Lynch took out a cigarette, and he handed one to the beret. The two heads came together and they lit the fire and then separated .

“What business are you going to do with me?”

The beret looked at Lynch with some curiosity. He felt that Lynch was the most interesting person he had ever seen in his life, and he could always give him an answer he would never think of in the most unexpected place.

He suddenly looked forward to it.

Lynch’s smoking posture is very elegant, the cigarette holder is pressed at the bottom between the index finger and the middle finger, so that he can make his hand clenched into a fist when he is not smoking, which will give people a very stable feeling.

When you need to smoke, push your thumb and the cigarette will reach the tip between your fingers, and you will not be as stupid as reaching out to cover half of your face when you smoke.

On the other hand, in the beret, his smoking posture is a bit “sniff”. He pinches the cigarette butt with his thumb and index finger, and has the habit of biting the cigarette butt, which will make the filter black and also very disgusting.

Lynch flicked the soot, and he nodded, “You want money, and I want safety. To a certain extent, our goals are not in conflict.”

The beret also nodded. He felt that what Lynch said was right and easy to understand.

“But they tricked me just now, it doesn’t look like you are willing to cooperate with me.”

Lynch smiled and spit out a puff of smoke, looking very leisurely and relaxed, “but I can do it.”

Without waiting for the beret to react, Lynch immediately asked, “How much do you plan to fish for this operation?”

The beret was a little confused, “What do you mean?”

“That means how much money do you want to make before boarding the ship?”

The beret thought about it for a while, “There is no clear goal. I just heard that you are very rich. The domestic pressure is now great. I need money.”

The situation in Marillo will never be calm. The big warlords stick to their turf. Outside these big warlords, small and medium warlords are fighting endlessly.

A region may change its owner every three to five months or even three to five weeks. Frequent fighting puts a lot of pressure on every small and medium warlord.

Mainly in terms of funding.

Destruction cannot bring stable income. The big warlords are strong, and the interior of the territory has stabilized. It seems that the warlords behind every moment have even begun to do multinational business.

Their area is stable and peaceful, and the warlords are powerful, and they will be full of attraction to people in other places.

If you want to change this situation, the best way is to have money in your hands, send money to people who are willing to follow you on your site, and then buy sophisticated weapons to find ways to grow yourself.

However, the chaos of war only has destruction, not development. This is also the reason why all small and medium warlords will eventually die.

Some people have speculated that the great warlords of Marillo wanted to wait for the ambitious at the bottom to die, and then compete for the ultimate winner. They were unwilling to put too much energy on this kind of nothingness. The meaning of the battle.

This is also the reason why Mariro’s situation is chaotic. No one cares. As long as there is a person in his hand with a few guns, he can be a warlord with a flag.

Seeing that it didn’t look like the sadness that IQ could reveal like a beret, Lynch helped him sort out his thoughts, “How much do you think you need to get to help your career?” [19459002 ]

“A few… ten million!”

He stared into Lynch’s eyes and said a number.

Originally, he wanted to say several million. A few million is enough for his armed organization to continue to maintain and continue to grow.

Human lives are worthless in troubled times.

Just when he was about to say something, he thought of the “donations” of those rich people who would often make millions. He changed the unit from one million to ten million, and the stream of greed turned in his eyes. He licked his lips, “tens of millions are enough.”

Lynch nodded, “There is no problem at all. We can do this for this business.”

“I will negotiate the money for you, and I will persuade everyone to treat everything that happens here as a small unpleasant part of the journey.”

“After you leave, no one will hunt you down, and no one will mention what happened here.”

“You take the money to complete your dreams and your career, we return to the Federation and continue to be our rich, do you think this sale is in line with your wishes?”

The beret’s breathing was a bit short, and the hope that he had thought to be frustrated suddenly appeared again, and he didn’t know what to do.

Fortunately, he is also a somewhat famous person. He nodded, and quickly asked again, “But how do you guarantee?”

Lynch took out the checkbook, wrote a 30 million transfer check, signed his name, and handed it over.

Now that the beret saw the check, he was a little nauseous, but he did not answer, “This trick is useless for me!”

Lynch smiled and introduced him some ways to use checks.

In fact, cheques have a time limit, especially for transfer cheques. The purpose of signing the date is actually to limit the use time of the cheque.

In the past, there have been some scams in the Federation, using the check date to make some people hold the check but unable to cash it.

The check that Lynch is signing now is undated.

“You can fill in a date by yourself at any time, and then transfer the money to your designated account wherever there is a Golden Exchange Bank.”

“It is not necessary that after a few days, you can drag it for a while if you are not worried, or simply sell it to an international bank, they know how to wash the money without anyone knowing it. “

30 million, can get it, this money has exceeded the psychological expectation of the beret-after being deceived.

Seeing that he was still hesitating, Lynch added another, “This is just my guarantee. You can transfer at least 30 million from my account, but if I talk to those people well, you may get More.”

Lynch said sincerely, “I and them are the same people. They can’t deceive me, but they can deceive you.”

“You took such a big risk to board the ship, definitely not just to meet us or kill some people.”

“Compared with your personal preference and your ideal pursuit, you know how to choose.”

The beret still hesitated, “I can take this check and ask them to sign an undated check too!”

Lynch was shrugged indifferent. After he finished his last puff, he dropped his cigarette butt on the ground, and habitually raised his foot to grind it. “Whatever you want, I will try my best to show my sincerity. He, that’s not to blame you.”

After he said this, he put the cigarette case away, looked at the beret and asked, “Then I can go back now?”

Completely “failed” appearance.

Someone once commented on the “extreme general method”, and Lynch felt that the evaluation was very, very well-placed——

The lower the level of education a person has, the higher the society status he occupies, and the more he is affected by the radical law!

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