Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 99, the arrival of the great change and the crisis

According to the provisions of the trial, Ding Hao and others can not stay in the same place.

So after the breakfast was hurried the next morning, everyone picked up the tent, dressed the ragged armor, and came down from the hill and began to walk deeper into the wilderness.

In order to make up for their own faults, the two disciples who watched the night last night, volunteered to take the initiative to pick up most of the [folf beast] meat and fur, and greet the squad for the squad.

"If we also have the storage ring of the inner door brothers, it is enough, so many things can be easily taken away." Fang Tianyi exclaimed.

Other disciples have echoed.

Only those who have experienced wilderness adventures know how valuable space storage tools are, and can definitely save you a lot of trouble, like the five [fool beasts] killed last night, basically all of them can be taken away. Rather than being like everyone else, you can only take away some of the best parts, and others are abandoned in the wilderness.

Ding Hao also nodded slightly, wondering if he was looking for a chance to get a storage ring.

"Kid, getting a storage ring is very simple, don't ride on the squatting look." The voice of Jianzu, in his mind, sounded without warning.

Ding Haoyi, understand his meaning, and was amazed: "You mean..."

"The meaning of this old thing is that you have the materials and conditions for making a storage ring. You can make your own storage ring. You don't have to ask for someone." Knife explained with a smile: "The last time the five hospitals were bigger than that, that Something that Cheng Fei’s little guy gave you, there is a piece called [Void Circle Stone], remember?"

Ding Hao nodded in his mind: "I certainly remember." At the end, he asked: "Is this [Void boundary stone]..."

"Not bad." Jianzu was afraid that the knife ancestor would grab his own words and quickly followed: "This stone, although not on the list of strange things, is considered one of the more famous novels in the practice world, one of its The big thing is that it can be used to refine the space props. The piece you get, although the general rank, but casting a few low-level storage rings, is more than enough."

"It turns out that." Ding Hao suddenly realized, but shook his head: "It's a pity that I am not an inscriptionist. Even if there is material, there is no way to cast it."

"Hey, what the inscription teacher counts, I want Laozi to be that year... Well, forget it, I can teach you how to temper and ensure success." Jianzu relentlessly recalled the glory of the year and almost blurted out what was said, but Stop with a sensitive touch.

Ding Hao knows that he is not willing to mention some things in the past, most of the reason is to protect himself, so he will endure curiosity, no more questions, follow the words, said: "Please ask the seniors of the sword ancestors."

"Well, Xiao Dingzi, you are a sword and a double sacred body, mastering the double sacredness of ice and fire, among which the sacred sacredness of Dantian in the chest is one of the top ten fires of the casting of the mysterious, although you are now only two martial artists. Environment, but you can also try to refine the mystery." Jian Zu slightly thought: "I will take a look at it and prepare a suitable refining method for you. I will teach you the refiner untilnight. Let's do it."

Ding Hao is overjoyed: "Thank you for your predecessors."

Speaking of this, Ding Hao sounded a thing, and said: "Hey, why didn't the ancestors of the knives speak for a long time? It's really a bit unaccustomed."

"Ha ha ha, this crazy woman, will not refine the device, so dry eyes can not insert words, you think she does not want to say." Jianzu haha ​​laughed, proud.

The knife ancestor finally couldn't stand it anymore, and snarled with anger and anger: "You, the ancestors, have the ability and the old mother than the medicinal herbs. Do you know that there are several positive elixir on the list of the Chinese medicine? How many negative elixir? You know The eleventh refinery of the alchemy, the top ten real fire, the difference between the top ten smoldering? You know..."

"Cough..." Jianzu coughed and interrupted the words of the ancestor. A serious and authentic: "This lady, serious, don't mess, we are talking about refining."

Knife ancestor: "........."

Ding Hao: "........."


Brightness has given countless courage.

The warm sun shines on the body, and the famous disciples become confident again.

Everyone walked along the river, talking and laughing all the way, laughing and laughing.

"Right, I think our team should have a resounding title." Wang Xiaoqiu smiled and proposed.

"Well, what about the God of War team?" Someone echoed.

"Hey, the God of War team is too tacky, called the Excalibur team, haha!"

"Death, the Excalibur team is more popular!"

"It is better to let Master Ding come up with a name." Someone suggested.

This opinion has been endorsed by everyone.

Wang Xiaoqi came over and asked Ding Hao, everyone's eyes were also concentrated on Ding Hao's body.

And Ding Hao is communicating with the sword ancestors in his mind, he has no brains, and he blurted out and said: "Just call the young pioneers!" After he finished, he realized that it was wrong, but he wanted to change his mouth. It was too late.

Because of this name, it has been endorsed by everyone else.

"Well, young pioneers, haha, Pioneer, this name is good." Wang Xiaoqi and others laughed: "We will call this name in the future."

Between talking, suddenly -

call out--!

A sharp, piercing sound broke through the sky in the southwest.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a red-red streamer flying into the sky a few kilometers high, and then bursting open like a magnificent fireworks. In the air, a simple and vigorous sword pattern was created, thousands of squares. It can be seen in the sky, it is extremely beautiful and extremely beautiful.

"It is the signal of the disciple of Zongmen. Someone gave up the trial."

"The red giant sword is a disciple of Sequoia West. It seems that they have troubles that they can't cope with it. They have to give up trials."

"Hey, the guys at Sequoia West, really a group of cowards, only persisted for less than a day, actually gave up, really shame!"

The registered disciples have been talking about it.

The pattern of the red-red giant sword appearing in the sky is the question of asking for the help of the disciple of the Jianzong. Once he encounters the trouble that he can’t solve, the trial disciple can come to the guardian of the door in this way. Respond to ensure that there is no danger to your life.

But this also means that giving up this trial opportunity completely will not receive any reward from the martial art, and will even be looked down upon.

Generally speaking, it is not forced to be desperate. Few disciples who ask Jianzong will choose to ask for help.

Ding Hao looked southwestward. It seems that a group of disciples of the Sequoia West Court really encountered big troubles. Do you know that the three old people of Xiao Chengxuan, Li Canyang and Li Yiruo are also among them?

At this moment--

call out!

call out!

call out!

Further in the southwest, there are suddenly a few red-red streams rising in the sky, and in the sky, the image of the giant sword of the vigorous and simple is transformed.


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