Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 129, yielding, terrible cold

Just as the result of the constant impact of the raft and the steel hammer, it is not a level at all.

Not only that, but Duan Tianli himself knows that his ribs have been broken at least four or five, and the internal organs have been shaken by the terrible punch.

"You... you dare to hurt me... you are dead... Tianli House... will not let you go, I swear, I must avenge, I will ruin you, oh... oh..." Pang and anger Let Duan Tianli be like a beast that is wounded.

His face, no longer calm before, the eagle hook nose, his eyes full of sinister look, like a beast: "You, and the people around you, will be retaliated by Tianlilou, and Any disciple of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital..."

This discourse is sinister and sinister, and it is creepy and chilling.

The people next to them began to worry about Ding Hao.

Because many people know that Duan Tianli is definitely a very sinister and sinister guy. It is like a despicable snake. He used to have many disciples who are more powerful than him. He has eaten his losses and he is terrible!

To get into such a sinister guy, it’s like a piece of candy that can’t be pulled off. It’s a headache.

However, Ding Hao’s face did not change because of such a curse.

Looking down with a pitiful disdain, looking at Duan Tianli, who was lying on the ground with a grudge, Ding Hao slowly lifted his foot and stepped on his calf.


The sound of the broken bones broke out, and Duan Tianli’s calf was suddenly deformed.

"Ah... no... don't..." The grievance turned into panic and fear, and Duan Tianli finally screamed and asked for mercy.

Ding Hao was indifferent, his eyes lifted his feet indifferently, and slowly broke his other calf.

The roar of killing pigs suddenly screamed wildly outside the Tianli Building.

The people in Tianlilou were pale and trembling.

No one dared to help Duan Tianli. The scene that happened in front of him was a terrible nightmare. On the weekdays, he was a high-ranking brother. At this moment, he was ashamed and praying like a pug.

Even the people who watched the lively surroundings were completely shocked.

Is this the Ding Hao who has always been humble and embarrassed with a soft and gentle smile on his face? Such a hot and thunderous way, tortured Duan Tianli into this way, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if accidentally stepping on a cockroach ant, the look of indifference is terrible, it is like changing Like a person.

Is this the true face of Ding Hao?

Suddenly, the footsteps sounded and the crowd separated.

Wang Xiaoqi and other disciples of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital, carrying a few stretchers, appeared in the field.

The person lying on the stretcher is the hunter boy Zhang Fan, Fang Tianyi and so on.

At this time they were also wrapped like mummies, apparently very serious injuries, especially Zhang Fan, a big swollen head, the eyes exposed, swollen into a seam.

"Ding brother, we are here." Wang Xiaoqi was excited and said: "Xiaofan and Tianyi are also coming, we have to fight side by side with you!"

Before coming here, Wang Xiaoqi had already informed the general teacher of the peak of the king and thought about various strategies...

However, he did not think that the high-ranking foreigner disciple's door was so vulnerable, no wonder they would not dare to provoke the white shirt in the middle of the [Seven Yimeng] people, but only a group of bullying and fearful guys.

Ding Hao turned to look.

His face, which had been frosty, finally showed a springy smile.

This smile suddenly caused the chill around it to disappear, and the air was a little warmer.

In the eyes of the audience, Ding Hao changed back to the former boy who smiled like jade, giving people the feeling that they are still warm and welcoming, and humility is like a long-lost friend.

"It turns out that Ding Hao is coming to avenge his friend!"

"I have heard that the people of Tianlilou in the past few days have beaten the disciples of several Tsing Yi Eastern Hospitals. I can’t think of the people who were beaten, but they are the best friends of Ding Hao!"

"Look at the injuries of the teenagers on the stretcher. The people in Tianlilou can really be embarrassed. The people in the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital are not in the shape of adults. No wonder Ding Hao will be so angry. Duan Tianli really deserves to be alive. After so long, I finally met a hard nail!"

"The injured Zhang Fan and Fang Tianyi are both Ding Hao's best friends. No wonder the champion is so angry!"

"Ting Hao is doing the right thing to do with his own way!"

"Being a friend of Ding Hao is really lucky!"

"This is retribution! Duan Tianli deserves it!"

There were a lot of discussions among the crowds. Some people who thought that Ding Hao’s means were too sinister. At this time, they had thoroughly understood the cause and effect. Moreover, Duan Tianli and others had made a lot of hatreds before, so they stood firmer. On the side of Ding Hao.

Ding Hao turned around and looked over from the face of the members of the building who had followed Duan Tianli for more than forty days.


The sound seemed to be magical. Forty people hesitated for a moment, and some people took the lead. Everyone screamed and turned and ran, just like a house dog.

Then, Ding Hao came to Duan Tianli.

"400,000 gold, accompanying my brothers' soup fees!" This is the first complete sentence after Ding Hao appeared. He looked at the grief-stricken Duan Tianli and said quietly.

"400,000 two gold?" Duan Tianli endured pain and angrily said: "Where do I have so much gold?"

Ding Hao nodded, indifferently said: "Oh, this way, it seems that you are not dead in the Yellow River, Tianli Building has been bullying the city for nearly ten years, extracting the name of the disciple, the income far exceeds 400,000? I don't want to say the second time, in a word, In the end, promised not to agree?"

Said, Ding Hao's one foot, slowly lifted up.

Duan Tianli’s face changed wildly, and the sweat of the forehead soybeans flowed down.

A series of things that happened before, let him clearly understand that the boy who is much smaller than himself is not talking about playing at all. He is definitely a guy who is more arrogant than himself. As long as he has the slightest Hesitating or disobeying, it is estimated that his arm will be crushed.

Looking at the calm like Ding Hao, who is like a cold ice, Duan Tianli felt the fear for the first time.

So he yielded!

The little white face that was once again scared and stupidly sitting on the ground, under the command of Duan Tianli, ran into the Tianli Building with trepidation, not much, holding a large stack of gold tickets, ran out of it and handed it over to the side. Wang Xiaoqi.

"Well, a total of 280,000 stipulated gold tickets, a difference of 120,000." Wang Xiaoqi slightly sorted out, against Ding Haodao.

Ding Hao’s gaze once again looked at Duan Tianli.

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