Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 134, handprints, unparalleled talent

Don't just look at the ability to control the flames. It's just the lowest level of the nine-category environment of Ding Hao's cultivation. The change of flame can be divided into fire, small fire, smoldering, smoldering fire, virtual fire, and rapid fire. There are a total of 72 kinds of changes in the fire, the fire, the fire, the open fire, the dark fire, the fire, the fire, the fire, the fire.

It is this complex flame type that alternates and various combinations that can form a complete process of casting a mystery.

Mastering seventy-two kinds of flames is a very irritating and long process even for those who are talented on the road of the inscriptions.

However, Ding Hao's souls are superimposed and comprehensible. After the transformation of the magical emulsion of the cave, the body also has unparalleled coordination, so he only spends three musks, which is equivalent to one percent of the average person. Ding Hao thoroughly mastered the changes of seventy-two casting flames.

“Can you proceed to the next step?” Ding Hao’s mouth showed a smile.

His palms open naturally. Like a magician, each finger moves lightly, and a small flame with a completely different color intensity jumps on it. And with the control of Ding Hao's idea, these ten small flames are simultaneously Constantly changing, alternating combinations, just divided into seventy-two.

If you have a high-level inscription, you will be screaming in surprise.

To know that the martial arts practice is the same, the inscription clerk also has the division of strong and weak grades, from the first order to the twelveth order, which are divided into twelve realms. However, due to the path of the inscriptionist, the talents and physical requirements of the practitioners are extremely High, so the number of inscriptions is destined to be rare, especially in the early stage of cultivation, not only need to accumulate a large amount of basic knowledge, but also need to temper heavy operational skills, so the progress of the exercise is extremely slow.

A second-order inscriptionist is probably not the opponent of the martial arts.

However, the road of the inscriptions is cultivated to the peak, and the mature inscriptions of the 12th order have unparalleled strength. They can refine and refine artifacts, even create life, have the ability to give God, and create many worlds. The mysterious weapon is enough to fight against the goddess of the gods.

Many inscriptions began to emerge in the twenties and entered the room.

Being able to control ten flames at the same time, this kind of control power is already able to pass the level of the first-class peak inscription master.

Ding Hao is only fourteen years old.

A 14-year-old first-order peak inscription artist?

Spreading out will definitely shake the whole question of Jianzong, and those who have asked the Jianzong of the Jianzong [casting chanting] to fight wildly, rushing to collect Ding Hao as a tribute.

"It’s really abnormal, it’s faster than Laozi’s. Every time I see this kind of genius, I have the impulse to use the head to smash the wall.” Lian Jianzu is also shocked by Ding Hao’s talent, can’t help it. Envy and hate.

Knife ancestors finally found a chance to talk, haha ​​laughed: "You finally admit that you can't do it, ah, haha, hey, oh, my mother supports you with your head and wall, a few times, maybe it will become normal. A little bit."

Jianzu: "........."

Ding Hao: "........."

"Okay, no trouble. Now, I teach you how to cast a storage ring. The materials you have on hand are enough." After a while with the knife, the tone of the sword began to become dignified. First of all, you need to bear a handprint, use a simmer, a virtual fire, a smoldering fire and a slow fire. Every time you make a break, alternate and change the impurities in the [Voidal Stone] slowly!"

Ding Hao nodded, his palm stretched out, an invisible force, the big silver of the fist (the void boundary stone), floating in the air, and then the hands and fingers of the high-speed change beating, like a lotus that does not break the bloom, The enchantment is abnormal.

This is [gentle print].

[Jiujiu Xuanpin] One of the fire control handprints described in the text.

It can control all kinds of flaming mild flames, like the gentle embrace of lovers, so it is called [gentle print], which is a basic fire control handprint for quenching material impurities and purifying materials.

With the change of Ding Hao's handprints, a group of different colors and different sizes of flames, with a strange law, constantly changing alternately, not rushing to the fist-sized [virtual boundary stone].

Moonlight is like a frost, coming in through the window.

Time passed slowly.

I saw that as the flame roasts, the surface of the "virtual boundary stone" begins to change like a liquid, and a trace of black powder gradually falls out of the stone, and the volume of the "virtual boundary stone" is also a little bit. Zoom out.

Ding Hao’s technique is gradually becoming more and more familiar in practice.

He is open and close, the elf dances in general, full of indescribable beauty, leaving a trace of the shadow around the palm, a blur, like a silk flower, like a sword, dazzling.

As time passed, Ding Hao’s forehead gradually developed a thin layer of sweat.

This is obviously a process that consumes a lot of energy and mind.

After about an hour, the size of the fist-sized [Voidal Stone] has been reduced to about one-tenth of the original, and the color has changed from pale silver to bright silver, releasing a dreamlike silver cymbal, like a liquid. Generally crystal clear.

The purification process is finally completed.

"The next step is the real casting process. Xiao Dingzi, the handprints have to be changed into a [configuration print], imagine your favorite ring shape in your mind, then control the flame and breath, and constantly transform the shape of the "null boundary stone". Until it becomes the shape you are satisfied with, this process requires a lot of smoldering spirit and spiritual strength, and there can be no mid-section, so you should take a break or use the other crystals you get today. Mysterious energy."

The extremely serious voice of Jianzu sounded in Ding Hao’s mind.

Ding Hao did not hesitate, one hand continued to pinch out [gentle print] to control the flame, the other hand touched the small box from the body, took out one of the mysterious crystals held in the palm of the hand, and drew the mysterious energy from it.

In an instant, the mysterious power of the endless stream, flowing out of the sapphire crystal, injected into Ding Hao's body, supplementing the mysterious gas that he consumed before.

Ding Hao is close to his eyes, the shape of the ring is conceived in his mind, the right hand is constantly changing, the [gentle print] is changed to [configuration print], and the purified [virtual boundary stone] is compressed a little bit, and the other hand holds the spar crystal. , draw energy!

"I am going to go, single-handed? Distracted?"

In the mind, Jianzu was also shocked.

He tried to control his own spiritual fluctuations, and did not affect Ding Hao casting. The surprise in his heart went to the extreme.


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