Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 140, the finale

A memory message suddenly came to his mind.

There seems to be a picture in my mind that has always emerged and transformed.

Ding Hao is like a tourist, watching these pictures, sometimes marveling, sometimes stunned, sometimes sad, sometimes angry.

He seems to have tasted all aspects of life.

It seems that I have seen countless years of changes throughout the ages, and I have seen through the life and death of all things, and I have seen through countless universes.

The chaotic memory thoughts, the endless variety of thoughts, kept on his mind.

Thoughts that have never been seen before, thoughts that have never been seen before, give him a unique understanding and understanding.

this moment--

The bottleneck that has been plagued by his mysterious battle has been loosened, and it has also been shattered with the understanding of Ding Hao.

He is finally in the midst of fighting, comprehending perfection, reaching the extremes, breaking through in one fell swoop, and achieving the supreme realm of success.

"Is this the power of the ancestor's realm!?" Ding Hao gently shook his fist, sensing the changes in the body, feeling the energy different from the past, can not help but marvel.

After feeling for a while, he looked at Ding Wei.

There is no fluctuation in the eyes, there seems to be no previous enemies, no anger, not even a trace of emotion.

However, seeing Ding Hao’s eyes, Ding Wei is a tight heart.

At the peak of this plane, Ding Wei naturally has eyesight that others do not have.

He understands that Ding Hao has changed and is making earth-shaking changes!

I also understand that Ding Hao, who is facing this moment, will not be an opponent.

"The battle between you and me should be over!" Ding Hao's voice was calm, but Ding Hao's heart swayed.

At the same time as the voice fell, Ding Hao gently slammed his hand, but there was a power to suppress any creatures. It was the power of the ancestor's realm, and the terrible shock came.

"How is it possible!" Ding Xin’s heart was shocked, and he wanted to spur the power of the heart of heaven and earth, but the discovery of desperation, [the heart of heaven and earth] has no movement, seems to be suppressed by anything, even his original The power is not mobilized.

The next moment, Ding Hao looked at Ding Hao, suddenly reached out and palms up.

A cluster of rays emerged from Ding's body and gathered into his palm.

Like a small vortex, condense with each other.

After a while, it condenses into a heart that is only half and is beating.

"No, my heart of heaven and earth, my strength!" Ding Hao just screamed, the power of the king who came to the world finally came to him, his body trembled wildly, and his heart was full of horror, but There is no ability to stop it at all.

"Ah, ah, ah..." He groaned and screamed, his eyes were full of unwillingness, and his body was gradually melting.

"I am not willing!" Finally, in a roar, Ding's body turned into nothingness and completely degraded.

The heart of the heart was completely removed at this moment, but there was no fluctuation in Ding Hao’s heart.

"It is a solution to the problem of the mainland!" He turned his head and looked at somewhere, his expression suddenly changed, his body turned into nothingness, and disappeared into the chaos battlefield.

The next moment, he descended in the Heavenly World.

At the moment, the mainland is still in the midst of a great war, and there are smoke everywhere.

Looking at the devastated continent, there are cruel kills everywhere. He can't help but sigh. The power of the ancestors enveloped the whole continent. He held his palms and the dark creatures in various parts of the mainland were at the same time, as if they were being palms. To catch it, the brush, all flew up, and the body died, but still flew past somewhere.

"What happened?!" The warriors who were fighting against the dark forces in the mainland, all seeing this vision, were a burst of ignorance, not knowing what happened.

However, there are still some people who know what happened, even a very excited look, for example, with half of the heart of the world, the first time to discover the heart of heaven and earth, Mu Tianyang and Xuan Tianzong, and the tenth temple king who is in contact with Ding Hao’s gods -

"Sword Sword Emperor, have you finally succeeded?" Somewhere in the mainland, Xuan Tianzong, who was still struggling with the enemy, suddenly looked up after seeing the darkness of the strange creatures flying away, showing a happy smile. ......

At the same time, Mu Tianyang also raised his snow-like sword eyebrows at the same time, and a rare smile appeared.

"Heavenly brother, what's wrong?!" Beside him, still in the awkward female martial arts Liu Yu drunk, seeing Mu Tianyang like this, could not help but curiously ask: "Heavenly brother, do you know what happened? ”

Mu Tianyang looked at her and watched Liu’s drunken eyes appear softly. He whispered: "My old enemy is back, and it has become stronger. Maybe I will never be his opponent, but it is also good. Only in this way will I have a goal and I will have motivation!"

Liu Yu drunk to hear the meaning of his words, revealing the hustle and bustle, muttering: "The sword **** Emperor Ding Hao succeeded, no wonder the dark forces will suddenly disappear..." She looked at Mu Tianyang and firmly said: "Heaven I believe that you will be able to defeat him!"

"The master is back, our world can finally return to normal!" Come to [Heavenly World], assist Qin Guangwang Jiang, who has been for many years, and other nine temples, and also descend to this world in Ding Hao, look at the same time. In one direction, the eyes are full of worship and excitement.


"Open!" At this time, Ding Hao, who is somewhere on the mainland, has a heart rising, and there are huge cracks in the void, such as black holes, which are unfathomable.

Countless dark creatures came from afar, such as a stream of shadows, cut through the sky, but without exception, all did not enter the crack, disappeared...

All the dark creatures, including some of the dark and powerful, have entered the black hole, and Ding Hao thought together to close the dark road and re-heal the void.

In that, it is not a place of death, but a dark road opened up by Ding Hao.

Open up, this kind of near-spiritual means, Ding Hao wants to do now, is not a problem at all.

It is reasonable to say that Ding Hao should kill all these dark creatures, but as early as before, he realized faintly that dark power is not a force that is not allowed, but also a force belonging to this world. Of course, if you want these to be unspirited The dark souls of wisdom live here, and there are some drawbacks.

Therefore, Ding Hao will open up the dark road, drive the dark forces into the dark road, and let them fend for themselves.

At this moment, the turbulent [Heavenly World] calmed down at this moment, and all the conquests and battles subsided.

Ding Hao’s thoughts started again, and he was moving fast. Starting from the animal road, he began to scan [six worlds] everywhere...

For a long time, he suddenly sighed: "The degree of collapse is even more serious!"

After years of war with the forces of darkness, the degree of collapse of the [six worlds] has become more serious and it is impossible to form a reincarnation. If this continues, it is believed that it will not take long before the six worlds will completely collapse, that is, the end of the world.

However, the dark forces have been expelled, and the [six worlds] have temporarily returned to calm. As long as they can accommodate the [six worlds] and let the cycle fully function, then the collapse of the [six worlds] can be prevented.

Fortunately, Ding Hao today not only reaches the real ancestor, but also has half of the heart of heaven and earth, and it is not difficult to open up a world that is large enough to accommodate [six worlds].

The mind turns, he appears at the top of the [Heavenly World], reaching directly above the atmosphere, and immediately the half of the heart of the heavens and the earth emerges, a strong and ultimate vitality blooms, forming a burst of light, divided into In six directions, fly out.

"Bright way, now!" Ding Hao language is like a law, natural and vain, there is a thunder and lightning, and after a while, a brand new world, under his loud voice, emerged out of thin air.

"Bright way, Rong!" once again spit out a sentence, the world that just emerged, such as the mother holding his own child, tightly wrapped around the six roads, accommodate these six roads, and put them into their arms.

A bright road, the [six worlds] on the verge of collapse, suddenly encountered the spring rain in the long-lost land, and revived the vitality...

"Reincarnation!" The voice fell, invisible, as if there is a huge chain appearing out of thin air, the six roads are chained together, close together, one after another, closely connected.

"Run!" is another spit, the power of reincarnation covers six worlds, [six worlds] have a relationship with each other, if there is a dusty long-running wheel, once again turned, a new reincarnation, Finally formed.

[Hungry Ghost Road], [Animal Road], [Hell Road] Among the three roads, some ghosts and other existences that have arrived, but are unable to carry out reincarnation, are cheering at the same moment, and the expression is full of excitement. Some even cried directly and burst into tears.

At this point, [six worlds] re-entered into a new cycle.

When Ding Hao saw this change, he couldn’t help but smile. He immediately looked at somewhere and looked a little serious.

"The reincarnation is finally finished... Yes, since there is a dark road, the two races have been restless, ambitious, just can drive them out there!" Ding Hao snorted, his mouth began to move, it seems to be separated When I talked to someone, my voice was calm, but full of majesty, and I couldn’t refute it. In the end, he suddenly reached out.

At the same time, in the "Heavenly World", the new patriarch of the Yu nationality, Nie, and three elders, including a large group of Yu people, are now shaking somewhere on the ground, with horror on their faces, occasionally The voice passed to their ears, they all responded with trepidation, and did not dare to hide.

After the last voice fell, they were as big as they were, and they even thanked them.

At the same time, a huge crack appeared in front of them.

It is the entrance to the dark road!

They did not dare to hesitate, and all the people, fluttering their wings and flying into it.

At the same time, the Yi people are the same scene.

At this point, the Yu and the Yi people were also expelled from Ding Hao into the dark road.

Their world has finally returned to the era of peace, this time no more trouble!

The darkness and the light have finally existed in this world.

The mood suddenly relaxed, Ding Hao looked at [Heavenly World] somewhere, that is to ask the direction of Jianzong, there are four shadows on the top of the mountain, looking up at the sky, like the stone, waiting hard Their husbands.

Behind them, there are Ding Tianshuang, Ding Luoxue, Ding Chunqiu, and Ding Lingfeng, who are following the mother's eyes and looking into the distance.

Looking at the four wives and four children, his eyes were full of tenderness, and they couldn’t wait to hold them back.

"Xiaolan, Xiaoyu, Qianxue, Yiruo, Tianshuang, Spring and Autumn, falling snow, Lingfeng, I am back!" The mind was moving, his figure immediately appeared in front of the mountain and family of Jianzong, smiling.

"Hao brother, father!" Four wives, four children are ecstasy, hurriedly ran over, tied with him, the warmth of reunion.


After the dark catastrophe, the world returned to peace, and it was a waste of time. Many emerging powers rose rapidly. However, the swords and the courts were still the most powerful forces in the world. They also guarded the heavy responsibility of the mainland and maintained the mainland. peace.

One day after half a year, I asked Jianzong, and asked Jianfeng, in the hall, there were many figures who were drinking and talking, and they were very happy.

They are all Ding Hao's friends, family members, and even Mu Tianyang are among them.

On the wine table, they tell each other about the stories of the past, the blood of those who used to be, the touching stories, and the anecdotes that have been said before, and they all laughed openly.

"Let you wait for a long time!" At this moment, a big laugh came out, everyone's attention was concentrated, they all looked at the temple door, and the men in the green shirts that were slowly coming, each showed a happy color...


Write a testimony tomorrow, tired today, hurry to rest


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