Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 13, twelve serious

"Voice, Xuanqi also, the power of the limit of ** is invisible, can open the monument to the cracked stone, can move the mountain to the sea, can change the life of the sky, can prolong life, can be born in the middle of ... ... with Xuanqi, in order to impact the human body ten The second seriousness, the hole contained in the refining and meridian, can produce the supreme power, which is the root of the military..."

Ding Hao soon immersed himself in the contents of the book.

The human beings on the endless continent have twelve meridians in each body's body, and each meridian contains nine major acupoints. After the martial arts inspire the mysterious seeds and grasp the mysterious spirit, You can conceal the flesh, attack the meridians, and concise the acupoints.

This is the most basic way of cultivation.

According to the evolution and research of countless human races in the past tens of thousands of years, the martial arts system has been perfected.

In general, twelve meridians are sorted from easy to difficult, of which [the first hand of the Shaoyin Yin] is the head of the twelve meridians of the human body and is called the "first martial art."

Any warrior who practices the meridians must be led by this meridian.

You can continue to practice the second meridian by repairing the former meridian and the nine points in it.

Each time a meridian and nine acupoints are repaired, it is a martial art realm.

Therefore, the cultivation system of the human race in this world is not complicated.

According to the degree of cultivation of the twelve meridians and acupoints of the human body, they are divided into 12 martial arts, including Wushu, Samurai, Martial Arts, Dawu Division, Emperor Wuzong, Grand Master, Wuwang, Wuhuang, Wudi, Wusheng, Wushen and Wuxian. realm.

For example, the ordinary people inspire the mysterious seeds, master the supernatural power of the mysterious force, and then use the mysterious force to open the channel of the "hand Shaoyin first meridian", that is, the realm of the martial arts, open the hand [hand Shaoyang second Meridian], that is, the level of the warrior.

By analogy, each meridian channel corresponds to a martial art realm.

Thoroughly open the twelve meridians of the human body and achieve the great perfection of the twelve realms, you can achieve Wuxian, like the legendary immortal people, heaven and earth, eternal life, eternal glory, unlimited possibilities.

And each of the Xuanwu realm, because of the number of acupuncture points in the meridian channel, is divided into different small realms.

Take the martial arts as an example.

Among the [Hand Shaoyin Meridian], which is known as the first meridian of the martial art, there are nine key points, which open a hole, which is a martial art, and opens two points, two martial arts, each When you open a hole, you will have new power and double your strength.

It is not until the nine acupoints are all opened, that the nine-story perfection can be achieved before the kingdom can be promoted.

Then, the ability to attack the second martial arts [hand Shaoyang meridians].

Looking through here, Ding Hao closed his eyes and thought for a while.

Next, instead of continuing to turn it over, I began to massage the method described in the anatomy, trying to induce the power of the body and stimulate the mysterious seeds.

In theory, there must be a prerequisite for inspiring Xuanqi seeds.

That is to ask the ** power to remain at its peak state, with the five requirements of "blood gas, periosteal toughness, sputum sputum, **** liquid crystal, control into micro].

If it was before the change, Ding Hao did not go through systematic training, and certainly could not meet such conditions.

However, after experiencing the change in the cliff cave, Ding Hao’s body seems to be in a mysterious state, and his strength and quality are greatly enhanced. Even Ding Hao himself does not know what his body is currently in. status.

So, he is going to give it a try.

The so-called mysterious seed is an image metaphor.

According to the method described in the "Aeration of Qi", Ding Hao calmed his breath and tried to find the invisible sense of the body.

Almost instantaneously, he sensed the warm air flow in the Dantian area.

so easy.

This is the first step to stimulate the mysterious seeds, the so-called [air qi].

According to the description in "Air Entrainment", the average person needs to try at least 10,000 times before he can [suffocate] success. Ding Hao is easily sensed at the moment when his thoughts start. This kind of comprehension is indeed worthy of Abnormal enchanting.

carry on.

Ding Hao ignited the weak sense of the body and constantly condensed toward the center of Dantian.

Then, start to stimulate the position of the navel with a strange law.

As before, almost at the moment when Ding Hao’s belief turns, a silvery white scent, like a silk thread, is produced under the navel, and then condenses and rotates, less than one breath time, one about the size of the thumb. The oval, crystal-clear, snow-capped, air-like seeds slowly and firmly rotate naturally in Ding Hao's Dantian.

Mysterious seeds!

“Is it so successful?” Ding Hao was shocked.

In "Aeration", even if it is a martial genius with special physique, the talent is rare for a hundred years. When it stimulates the mysterious seed, it will take a lot of time and energy. The tenth is a normal time period, one day. Completed within, enough to shock the world.

And this time, I only used less than a fragrant time, and I’m done, this is too fast, too?

"Haha, aren't buddies really a genius?"

The surprise in Ding Hao’s heart is simply unspeakable.

As a former otaku's vanity, it has also been greatly satisfied.

After a while, Ding Hao forced himself to calm down and re-enter the state of heartlessness, continue to run the "Xiqi 诀" heart, start to warm the mysterious seeds, and consolidate the mysterious power.

Xuanqi seeds must be warmed and moisturized before they can continue to expand.

And only after reaching the fullness level, it will be like sprouting and germination, feeding back the human body, constantly producing [Xuan Qi], transforming the **, realizing the subtle change of the bones, and opening up the treasures contained in the human body.

This is the root cause of the martial arts being detached from ordinary people.

Ding Hao's enchanting talent, once again reflected -

It took less than an hour to complete, Ding Hao has achieved the fullness of Xuanqi seeds.

In the core part of Dantian, the mysterious seeds are more and more crystal-clear, and the white snow is clear and transparent, releasing an indescribable charm. A silvery white sacred air continually rotates around the mysterious seeds.

"According to the statement in "Aeration", this situation means that Xuanli's seeds are perfect, and they have officially mastered Xuanli. From the realm, it is a half-step martial arts strength."

Open your eyes, Ding Hao slowly got up and felt the changes in his body after inspiring the mysterious seeds.

Ding Hao turned and walked out of the hut and came to the yard.

The rusted sword is held in the hand, and a set of basic swordsmanship is practiced incessantly, and then turned into a "cross-fast sword" sword.


Third, everyone is working hard, the knife is crazy code words, everyone red tickets and collections top up, the momentum of the mad knife alliance.

Promote the general group of book friends, start recruiting, mad knife alliance (Knife Red Ticket Group)) \'38647; Mad Knife League (Sword God vip fan group): 70426010. Brothers supporting the knife, all added, knife I will go there twice in the morning and evening to report to Anha.

Thanks: Peng Yi love fat, imperial eternity, core chaos, Lu Lu, blood wing soul-eating, face peach, oriental demon, dragon long xqs, full of war, Liang Er Shaoye, Lei death aura, Yu Wentai, heaven In the shackles, the white clothes, the dreams, the tassels, the official scorpions, the words of the authors and readers, thank you!

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