Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 156, gossip, you pay attention to the image.

"Hey, I don't seem to be satisfied with it. Isn't this uncle's fist waiting for you to be upset? Do you want to come a few more times?" The belly black man is very dissatisfied with Ding Hao's performance and pinches his fists with ulterior motives. .

Ding Hao quickly satisfies the vanity of this monk, saying: "Thank you for your guidance from Wang, and your disciples will benefit a lot."

This sentence is not pretentious.

Although the belly black man smashed his mouth and sweared a little, the teaching method was violent and a little different, but it was not bad. At least he had never insulted the disciples of the Tsingtao East Hospital, and no matter who he was, every time he was detained, There will be gains.

So many disciples of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital would rather be smashed into giant pandas and want to be singled out with him.

Everyone can see that the more diligent and hard-working disciples, the more “care” the black man is.

Ding Hao is obviously very optimistic about the black man, because he is the most "one of the "care", basically every time there is a practical class, Ding Hao will be pulled out a pair of dark circles.

"Haha, Laozi is just a fist itch and wants to swear. There is nothing to tell, what is true hypocrisy, hahaha." The belly black man said so, his face smiled smugly, "Right, Kid, I heard that you are jealous of the hot and beautiful birds for the beautiful and cute birds today, and a rival named Yuan Tianqi is jealous, and the Wushe was almost dismantled, which caused the Qingdong East Hospital. Great loss, but you can rest assured that I have sent someone to repair the War House. You only need to pay the repair fee when you return."

Your sister's style is jealous!

Ding Hao argued: "Hey, have you made a mistake? It is Yuan Tianqi who took the initiative to provoke the first. I just fought back to defend the glory of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital. You should go to Yuan Tianyi to repair the fee..."

"Rely, Yuan Tianqi is a **** warrior disciple, Lao Tzu can not afford, Lao Tzu can only bully you," the belly black man is very rogue shook his big fist in the casserole, unwillingly said: "How, you are not convinced, come again Single headed?"

Ding Hao: "..."

I am afraid of you.

Ding Haoyi's black line of the brain, turned and left.

"Hey, kid, let's talk about it. I heard that Simon teaches you to look at each other. You are asked to go to her medicine on both sides. Your kid is really good. Do you have a leg?" Flashing, smiled and appeared in the side of Ding Hao, a look of wretched, sneaky asked.

Ding Hao almost snorted and fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.

This is what elders teach, pay attention to the image can not work, this is too gossip!


After returning to his residence, Ding Hao quietly lay in bed and began to reflect on the battle with Yuan Tianyi today.

The **** warrior disciple is indeed terrible.

Three or four days ago, in the seventh step area, Yuan Tianyi was not his own enemy, but after only inspiring one-twentieth of the blood power, he could completely suppress himself in the regular battle. Such changes are better than others who have been suffering for years.

If I didn't make a mistake, I found a trace of the "sword", I am afraid that today, I will be defeated by Yuan Tianyi's knife.

And it is clear that Yuan Tianyi is not a case. Like the black-skinned young Wang Yong who is vulnerable, once he has stimulated his blood, he will only realize the rapid advancement of strength in an instant, and open up ordinary disciples in one fell swoop.

The **** warrior is really the darling of heaven.

No wonder the sect will so condone Yuan Tianqi and others, let them practice in the aura-rich areas of the seventh step area, and even let the "100-flower sword" Lu Yuqi and other inner-door elders **** during their trials. The pearl of the palm is generally pampered, which also caused the arrogance and arrogance of the **** warriors.

"We must fight against time and practice, and strive to master the sword and the sword, in order to fight against the **** warrior." Ding Hao could not help but clench his fist. "If even the goods like Yuan Tianyi, I can not settle, how to climb thousands after three years. The cold peak, against the super genius of the Qingping Academy in the millennium, "Shentong" Mu Tianyang?"

Thinking of this, Ding Hao got up from the bed and walked to the bed. He sat on the futon of the practice and began to practice.

Slowly running the mysterious atmosphere, lingering around the whole body, slowly refining the blood and swelling of the body by the black man, and the dark circles in the eyelids gradually disappeared and returned to normal.

Then he operated the next Dantian ice and snow for thirty-six days.

"Well, the strength has increased by less than 20 pounds..." Ding Hao stood up and moved his body, savoring his own strength.

"However, the recent increase in the strength of the ** has become slower and slower. Every time I was beaten by the black man, I could always increase the strength of about a hundred pounds, but now..." Ding Hao found that he used ordinary foreign practice methods. It has become extremely difficult to improve the strength. "It seems that it is necessary to stimulate the body's potential in the same way as other people, and to go back to the commercial area to buy a few kinds of plasters for refining bones!"

Ding Hao’s “Ice Fire and Nine Turns to the Golden Body” has completed the second turn of the golden body.

This is a mysterious power to enhance the strength, resilience and defensive power, and can not significantly improve the power of **, so Ding Hao wants to further strengthen the power of **, to develop his own potential, it must be the same as all warriors Take the road of refining and chemical foreign bodies into the body.

Under the universal sky, the cultivation of any Xuan Gong cheats has certain requirements for the strength of the **.

The higher the rank of the higher the Xuan Gong method, the higher the requirement for the strength of the **.

Therefore, if the military wants to improve its own strength and cultivate high-level exercises, it must first make its own ** and the meridians strong.

In order to do this, the body of the body and the quenching of the elixir are essential.

Almost all warriors have the right way to practice their own body, and they will choose the elixir that matches their physical attributes to quench their body.

Walking on two legs, after all, it is much better than jumping on one leg.

"Just like this, the two expenses of silver will skyrocket innumerable times. The high-grade refining spirits and plasters are absolutely not low in price. It is called soft gold, and the military is really a profession that burns money extremely." Ding Hao’s heart Sigh, the gold ticket that I picked down, I don’t know how long it will last.

Just here, in Ding Hao’s mind, I remembered the voice of Jian Zu’s laughter: “Stupid, guarding a Jinshan without knowing it, actually wanting to buy those inferior highs, Xiao Dingzi, you are really Stupid."

Ding Haoyi, understand the meaning of Jianzu’s words, and humbly ask: "Hey? Seniors, what is the meaning of this?"



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