Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 182, Dragon and Tiger party rises (three in one)

He inserted the long steel sword into the scabbard of the ship, and five red-hot hot spar dexterously rolled on his five fingers. He turned and smiled at the registered disciples, and said: "The little guys Have you seen it? Have you not seen such a sword-like method? Haha, I know that you must admire me now, but I still want to tell you that my most powerful moves have not yet been made. ......"

I rely on it.

Ding Hao suddenly had a black line in his head, and his mouth was twitching.

Li Lan also finally changed color, hurrying and squinting her head, a pair of people I don't know the expression of this guy.

Both of them are stunned in their hearts, come again and again, belly black men, you don’t sell, you will die, you will die? [

The other recorded disciples also looked at the general teaching of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital. It was difficult to digest the sword that was just like the idiot and the idiot who was in front of him. The worship in the heart disappeared in an instant. It’s too unreliable to say that this guy is a bit of a predecessor.

"Hey!" The general teaching of the Purple Shirt South Hospital, a gloomy middle-aged handsome guy snorted coldly and did not speak.

The other people who are quite similar to the black males have obviously seen this grandfather's jump and unreliable. They are not strange, no expression.


In the morning, from the time of asking Jianzong, it took six hours to fly. From noon to noon, all the talents came over the Xiyan Mountain Range.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of flying monsters and monsters. Among them, there are many hard scorpions whose strength is above the Tiangou demon. Fortunately, the general teachings of the five academies and the other five three-generation disciples are all powerful and fighting. Killed the demon and went to the destination smoothly.

The recorded disciples were shocked from the beginning, and later they were not surprised, and finally knew the strength of the high-ranking warriors.

[天罡青鹰斩] The speed slowed down and began to land slowly.

The Xiyan Mountain Range is a deep and ancient land with strange peaks. There are some demon monsters and demon kings in the depths of the mountains. They fly rapidly in the sky. Once they enter the existing fields, they are vulnerable to devastating attacks. Even Wang Fengfeng and others do not dare to neglect.

Everyone fell on the outskirts of the Xiyan Mountain and then walked into the mountains.

Hey! !

A series of dense metal friction sounds came, and [天罡青鹰斩] began to change.

I saw its huge bi-wing feather tremor, turned into a small and small short sword, constantly rubbing and shrinking, and various parts of the body have also undergone strange changes, a thick red spark, this time, Ding Hao I was surprised to find that this four-piece mystery was all composed of iron swords with different shapes and sizes.

In the shocked expression of the registered disciples, this huge metal green eagle turned into a eagle statue of only half a meter in the end, and was waved for the first three generations of white-faced three-generation masters with three long black beards. The income is in the storage space.

"Let's go." The three-generation disciple of the white-faced black-skinned man named Liu Suifeng walked to the forefront.

Everyone quickly followed.


The Xiyan Mountain Range is one of the top ten dangerous spots in Selangor because it is located in the west of Selangor and is made of intact rock.

A group of people walked between the mountains, and the small ones were like ants. [

Ding Hao looked up and saw that a huge peak of 10,000 meters high rises into the sky, as if it were a sword and a long knife, it was inserted into the sky, blocking the sun, and the odds ratio.

There is a legend circulating on the land of Selangor. This steep mountain range was formed millions of years ago. At that time, the sky was flashing and thundering. It was like a **** in the battle, the sky was broken, and several swords fell from the sky. It fell on the ground and turned into a huge rock that became the current Xiyan Mountain Range.


Among the Xiyan Mountains, it has been filled with dangerous places since ancient times.

Here, I have also discovered a large number of ancient ruins, predecessors, and a large number of treasures. Today, Selangor is famous and used by the major sects as the treasures of the town. Several of them are found here.

Therefore, there are often some warriors who are extremely confident about their own strength and come here to try their luck.

The ancient ruins discovered this time, on the outskirts of the Xiyan Mountain Range, are said to be a time when the wandering warrior squad explored here. The intention triggered some bans that had not yet failed, causing the sky to shine, the vision appeared, and it was alarmed. Nearby humans and demons.

According to the "Taiwan Covenant" signed by the Terran and the Demon and the Supreme Powers, since this relic is the first trigger of the human warrior, it is of course to be investigated by the human race.

However, even the periphery is more dangerous than the average human.

Today, millions of years ago, the bare mountains have been covered with various kinds of vegetation. The grass that grows in the grass is covered with thick moss. In the dust piled up in many places, various exotic plants and various vines are grown. The species and ferns are extremely lush, and the ground is stepped on with thick humus, poisonous insects, full of gloomy moisture, and poisonous suffocation in adulthood, drifting back and forth between the mountains and forests.

Ding Hao saw with his own eyes that the demon of a demon's realm was only because it was rubbed by a white poisonous scorpion, and it was corroded into a pool of pus in a tragic sound.


Liu will follow the wind body to release a faint silver enamel, spread out, and enshrine fifteen named disciples in order to avoid being attacked by suffocation.

He and four other three generations of disciples, in order to earn martial arts contribution points, received the task of escorting the rookies to the site to explore, naturally to protect the safety of the registered disciples, this is one of their basic duties.

"The monsters here are vertical and horizontal, even the plants are likely to devour the creatures, very dangerous, your rookie is tight, don't fall behind."

The belly black man has a rare look and a serious reminder.

The five general teachings also looked at the surroundings with serious attention. The five men were placed in the middle and rear of the team, protecting the rookies.

Don't look at the periphery of the Xiyan Mountain Range. The degree of danger here is not something that Ding Hao and other famous disciples can handle.

Fortunately, this three-generation disciple named Liu Suifeng, the strength is extremely powerful, releasing a strong swaying temperament, the blood is as strong as an ancient behemoth, shocking around, let the nearby big and small demons feel this power. I didn't dare to approach, and I chose to avoid it, so I didn't have much leisure time along the way.

Between the peaks and peaks, the team's progress is much slower.

There are a lot of squats, and it is necessary to use light-weight exercises to cross or climb, which is extremely costly.

The three generations of disciples will only help when there is a path to cope with the strength of the registered disciples.

With the physique and strength of the famous disciples far beyond ordinary people, when they arrived in the evening, they could not help but pant. [

In the process, the strength of fifteen registered disciples has also been divided into high and low

Ding Hao, Li Lan, Li Muyun and Liang Feixue, four people from beginning to end, the look is unchanged, calm and leisure, performance is still spare, Lin Xin, Li Zhanyang, Ren Xiaoyao, Chen Sheng is still easy, the rest of the people can be slightly A little wolf, and among them, Lu Pengfei, Lu Mania, and Wang Xiaoshi are the most embarrassed, sweating and panting.

At this time, although the sun has not yet set, the eyes have been completely blocked by the surrounding peaks, and the mountains are gloomy.

"Come on!" The gentle voice of Liu Suifeng came from the front, so that everyone was shocked.

Ding Hao looked up, but there was a cliff in front, towering into the sky, straight into the sky, no way, no holes and other things exist, no trace of human activities, doubts in the heart, is this the so-called ancient ruins?

When I was amazed, I saw Liu Suifeng pointing out a silver sword and a flame, and the sound of whistling through the mountains.

The incredible thing happened.

In front of the rocky cliff, it was like a water pattern, slowly swaying a layer of transparent enamel, a hearty laughter came out from inside.

"A good hand [sword asked Tianjianqi], it was originally asked that the friend of Jianzong arrived, please come in."

Liu Suifeng did not say a word, stepped into the embarrassment, and instantly fell into the rocky cliff. The silver hand that he displayed was a sword, and there was a famous temple called "Sword Asking Heaven", which asked Jianzong to be famous. The style of the sword is precisely to explain to the people who are the guards.

"It turns out that the inscription array has been set up here."

Ding Hao suddenly realized.

He followed everyone into the rocky cliff, and did not feel the slightest obstacle, as if passing through a thin layer of water, followed by a bright, changing landscape, came to a relatively flat hillside.

The hillside is soothing, the air is fresh, the yellow weeds are laid on the ground, the scenery is beautiful, and it is several times more comfortable than the poor mountains outside.

Looking at it, a pile of bonfires ignited, with large and small tents of various sizes, with a lot of people, and there are at least a thousand people on the hillside.

It is like a huge downtown city. The samurai warriors in various costumes come and go. They are stupid and arrogant. They wear swords and various strange-shaped outer-door weapons. Their strengths are not weak, three three two two one. Gang, obviously have their own small group.

A few eyes gazed over and looked at Ding Hao and others.

These eyes are envious, awkward, disdainful, and awe.

Asked that Jianzong was a large school in Selangor, it attracted the attention of almost everyone.

Ding Hao carefully observed the distribution of the Terran warriors on the hillside, and gradually became a bit clear in his heart.

He originally thought that only the disciples of the Nine Gates came here, but now it seems that many of the guardians of the human settlements in the snow, the vagrants and the scattered repairs are also gathered here. It seems that the nine sects are not too arrogant. After searching for most of the precious treasures of this ruin, there are still some wrecks left behind, so that these vagrants can also share a piece of cake, so as not to arouse public anger.

"Haha, the person who asked Jianzong finally came, well, this time, the nine sects have arrived, and tomorrow morning, you can open the ruins and let everyone enter the expedition." Before the rocky cliff The laughter reappeared. A mighty old man with a red-haired long beard came face to face and smiled. "I don't know which sword master is the leader?"

"Ask the three generations of Jianzong disciples Liu Suifeng." The white-faced black-shouldered Liu will follow the wind.

The WITTMANN veteran looked surprised and smiled: "It is actually [a sword Ling Chen] arrived, disrespectful and disrespectful, rumored that Liu Xiong's [Ling Chen Jian Fa] is unpredictable, is one of the three generations of discipleship The master of the fast sword flow, seeing it today, it really is extraordinary, it is really a reputation under the fame. Long time!"

Liu Liufeng smiled and nodded, polite.

He is the core figure among the three generations of disciples of Jian Jianzong. The first hand [Ling Chen Jian Fa] is superb. He has become famous in Xuezhou more than 30 years ago. He has won the reputation of [One Sword Ling Chen] and is famous. One of the top powers of the Selangor people in the Mesozoic era.

at this time

"Fast sword flow master? [A sword Ling Chen] What is it, remember to ask Jianzong to have a self-proclaimed [one sword chasing the wind] Guan Feidu guy, very arrogant, and ultimately not by our child prodigy Beat a sword and hit the head!"

A yin and yang grotesque filled with provocative voices, passed from the side.

Asked the disciple of Jianzong suddenly glared at him.

Opposite, four, five, fourteen, five-year-old red-dressed young people, all with sneer, just ridiculed, but the first silver-haired, long-eyed girl, looks pretty, just the eyebrows There is such a suffocating scent, and the face is noble and glamorous. I look at the eyes of the swordsmen and are full of provocations.

"It is the person of Qingping College."

Ding Hao recognized the origins of these people from the clothing.

Asked that Jianzong is the second among the nine human sects in Selangor. In the past three or four decades, it has been a prestige. Talents have emerged in vain, and there is a faintness to catch up with Qingping College, which has always been recognized by the Xuezhou people. The trend of becoming an eight-level human sect threatens the status of Ching Ran College.

Therefore, the relationship between the two factions is becoming increasingly tense.

It was not until the Qingping College had a [prodigy] Mu Tianyang that he had covered the sword in the limelight.

Especially not long ago, the recognized top four strong swords of the four sharp swords of the Selangor four fast swords gathered together for the thousand cold peaks. [Prodigy] Mu Tianyang, one person and one sword defeated the four fast swords such as Guan Feidu, before Guan Feidu It is considered to be the first person to ask Jian Zong's fast sword. This kind of record makes Sha Jianzong shameful.

The relationship between the two factions is still a bit nervous, and it is also common for disciples to provoke a fight.

This explains why the disciples of Qingping College, such as the Silver Girls, will be provocative in the first place.

Moreover, it is obvious that they are waiting here to see them.

Liu Suifeng’s gaze swept away in the disciples of several Qingping colleges. Seeing just a few backs of the little guys, shaking their heads and ignoring them, and saying something to the violent old man with red hair and red whiskers, Under his leadership, walk towards the top of the hill.

"Hah, the people who asked Jianzong were originally a group of timid turtles, haha..." The disciples of Qingping College screamed smugly, laughing.

"That is, a group of cowards, timid like this, actually came to explore the ancient ruins? Or go back to my mother's arms to eat milk!"

"The ban on this ruins was broken by our heavenly sergeant, oh, a group of poor worms, who are squinting to drink the cleansing water of our Qingping Academy..."

Under the instigation of the silver-haired girl, several disciples of the Qingping Academy provoked their enthusiasm, and the voice was mixed with Xuanqi and clearly passed out.

Everyone in this camp heard the things happening here. Many of the wandering warriors and other martial art people showed their faces on their faces. They looked around and asked Jian Zong and Qing Ping College to have another friction. It is.

The named disciples who followed Liu Liufeng were suddenly unable to bear it.

"Haha, are you afraid? If you are afraid, you will roll quickly. This ruin is attacked by our heavenly teacher. You are not welcome!" The silver-haired girl is not good at words.

The eyes of all people, at this moment, are concentrated on the body of the sword sect.

It’s so provoked by competitors that if it’s gone, it’s really a shame to ask Jianzong’s, and there are so many rogue warriors and scattered repairs.

However, Liu Suifeng and other three generations of masters, but there is no indication, still walked up the hillside.

Ding Hao suddenly stopped, snorted, stopped, and suddenly turned and strode toward the five disciples of Qingping College.

The blue breeze noodles, Ding Hao's clothes are floating, the complexion is refined, the tiger's step is long, and there is a warm breath between the lucky passages.

Everyone's gaze was instantly stared at Ding Hao's body. He only felt that this boy had an inexplicable singular momentum.

Li Lan almost did not hesitate, but also turned around and followed Ding Hao.

The two geniuses of the two disciples, Li Muyun and Liang Feixue, did not speak, as if everything was undetected, and followed Liu Liufeng toward the top of the hillside.

Xiaowu crazy Chen Sheng saw that he had to leave behind his two brothers.

Among the other eleven registered disciples, Li Zhanyang, Xiao Chengxuan, and the beautiful girl in Sequoia West’s courtyard also turned and followed Ding Hao’s, and the beautiful young Lin Xing and the fat man of Huang Zhuang’s North Hospital were just standing in the same place. Looking at this scene from afar, the sturdy but shameful teenager just stood quietly behind Lin Xin.

Wang Xiaoshi and Lu Man of the South of the Zizhuang Institute did not hesitate to leave behind Liu Sufeng.

It was the white-haired girl in the south of the purple shirt with a normal face and a sturdy shape. She had a slight interest in her face and followed Ding Hao.

Lu Pengfei, another disciple of Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital, looked back at Ding Hao, his face flashing, quite a bit of gloating, and paused, followed closely behind the three-seat Li Bunyun, the face of the three I laughed and didn't know what was being said.

"Hey? Ask the disciples of Jianzong, it seems that the heart is not the same." Among the crowds, a teenager with a shallow knife mark on his face thoughtfully.

His body is majestic, with thick eyebrows and swords, and the national character face gives a rough and scent. The knife mark not only does not destroy his temperament, but also adds a mysterious mystery. Holding a blue scabbard knife that is twice as large as a conventional steel knife, the red silk cloth is wrapped around the scabbard and sizzles in the wind.

By his side, standing four or five teenagers who were also wearing blue gowns, all of them were arrogant, with giant scabbards on their shoulders, and the red silk was burning like a flame.

Those who are familiar with the nine sects of Selangor know that this is the dress of the disciple of [斩日城], which is famous for its knives.

In addition to [斩日城], among the crowds, there are also a group of teenagers wearing various kinds of standard clothing.

There are Lei Yin disciples who are wearing red-breasted tight-fitting samurai costumes. There is a disciple in the kimono and a disciple of the Taixu school. There are disciples who are handsome and handsome, and have a strange shape. Small leather pockets, Xingzong disciples wearing deerskin gloves, and Mingxincheng disciples with long swords, white mountains like snow and many handsome men and women.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Today, the nine martial art disciples who came to the periphery of the site are among the famous disciples as outstanding geniuses, representing the future and potential of their respective sects. Each one is self-defeating, self-esteem, and will not accept defeat. Naturally, I also want to take this opportunity to take a good look at the top nine of the nine sects who asked Jian Zong and the disciples of Qingping College.

At this moment, the story of another generation of genius teenagers in Selangor set sail and set off.


Followed by the swords and disciples, behind Ding Hao and Li Lan, stood a small curved shape, five or six meters away from the disciples of Qingping College.

"Hey, I can't think of a group of cowardly ghosts in Jianzong. Actually, some people really dare to stand up." The silver-haired girl sneered, the beautiful eyes filled with disdain and contempt, and proudly hooked her fingers: "Courage Kejia, give you a chance, you can go together, I can clean up you."

Ding Hao shook his head slightly.

"Qingping College is known as the First College of Selangor. [Qingping Silent Heart Sutra] is also known as the saint martial arts. It is about calmness and stability, the heart is the body, the behavior is exemplary, the behavior is ethical, the spirit is the intention, the mind is In oneness, the evil spirits can not be invaded, the internal evils are shaped, and the internal and external evils can reach the meaning of [Qingping]. Since you are a disciple of Qingping College and a daughter, you can’t forget the women’s morality. How can I not even know the martial arts of my own martial art? I jumped up and down, and my words were not inferior. I thought that I was in the limelight. I don’t know that it’s obvious that outsiders are infighting inside and outside, such as jumping clowns and being pitiful and sad!”

"You are the jumping" The silver-haired girl was discolored, and suddenly stayed in the same place, her face became more embarrassing, and she wanted to refute, but she did not know how to start.

Ding Hao's words, there is no dirty word, but it is definitely a word, but it is based on the martial arts of Qingping College. It can be argued that the silver-haired girl and the entire Qingping Academy have been smashed into it.

This kind of speech suddenly attracted people from all walks of life.

The silver-haired girl has a pretty face and a burst of white, and her body is shaking, and she only feels that everyone is laughing at her.


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